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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() GENERAL INDEX TO SOCRATES' ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY.Abgarus, unknown person, excommunicated, 70. Ablabius, an eminent orator, ordained a Novatian presbyter, 159. Abramius of Urimi, 95. Abundantius, a military commander, 156. Acacians, a sect, explanation of their views, 70; meet at Constantinople, 71; meet at Antioch and assent to the Nicene Creed, 94. Acacius, bishop of Amida, 164. Acacius, bishop of Berœa, 150. Acacius, bishop of Cæsarea, 37; helps eject Maximus, 65; composes a creed, 68, 69; deposed, 70; becomes head of sect (see Acacians), 72; with Eudoxius deposes Macedonius, Eleusius, Basil of Ancyra, Dracontius, Neonas, Sophronius, Elpidius, and Cyril, 72, 84. Acacius, martyr, 153. Acesius, a Novatian bishop; his conversation with Constantine, 17. Achab (called John), a false accuser of Athanasius, escapes, 31. Achæa, singular custom among the clergy of, 132. Achillas, bishop of Alexandria, succeeds Peter, 3. Achillas, companion of Arius, 5. Acts of the Apostles, quoted, 133. Adamantius, a bishop in the reign of Constantine, 33. Adamantius, Jewish physician of Alexandria, 159. Adelphius, a bishop, exiled under Constantius, 55. Adultery, peculiar punishment of, in Rome, 127. Adytum of the Mithreum cleared, 79. Aëtius (called Atheus), a heresiarch, 60; character of his heresy, 61, 98, 103, 134. Africanus, an early writer, 60. Agapetus, a Macedonian bishop, accepts the homoousion and supplants Theodosius at Synada, 155. Agapius, an Arian bishop of Ephesus, 134. Agatho, a bishop, exiled under Constantius, 55. Agelius, Novatian bishop, 66; expelled by Valens, 99; absent from the Synod of Pazum, 113; advises Nectarius, 122, 123; his death, 124; was bishop for forty years, 129. Agilo, a general under the rebel Procopius, killed, 97. Alamundarus, a Saracen chief, 162. Alaric, a barbarian chieftain, makes war against Rome, 157; takes and sacks Rome, 158; proclaims one Attalus mock emperor, 158. Alemanni, a northern race, 120, 124. Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, succeeds Achillas, 3; writes circulars on Arian heresy, 3; collects opinions favorable to himself, 6; commended by the Nicene Council, 13; present at the Nicene Council, 19; his death, 20; had deposed Euzoïus, 28. Alexander, bishop of Antioch, 157, 173. Alexander, bishop of Constantinople, opposes Arius, 34; his death, 38. Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem, 173. Alexander, bishop of Helenopolis, 173. Alexander, the Macedonian (the Great), date from, 19; Julian compares himself to him, 90; oracle uttered to him, 93; Jews dwelt in Alexandria since his day, 159. Alexander, the Paphlagonian, a Novatian presbyter, 66. Alexandrians, an irritable people, 105. Altar, alleged desecration of, by Macarius, 29; desecration of, by slaves, 171; usually set toward the east, 132; the holy table so called, 132, 140. Alypius, a presbyter of the Alexandrian church, 29. Amachius, governor of Phrygia, persecutes the Christians, 86. Ambrose, a consul, proclaimed bishop of Milan, 113, 114; persecuted by Justina, 124. Ammonius, three bishops of the name exiled under Constantius, 55. Ammonius, a companion of Athanasius and unworldly monk, 108, 109. Ammonius, a Nitrian monk, 160. Ammonius, a pagan grammarian, 126. Ammonius, one of the "Tall Brothers," 143. Ammonius, bishop of Laodicea, 150. Ammoun, a monk, history of, 106. Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium, 122. Amphion, bishop of Nicomedia, displaced by Eusebius, 20. Amphitheatre, sports of the, 165. Anagamphus, a bishop, exiled under Constantius, 55. Anastasia, daughter of the emperor Valens, 99. Anastasia, church of the Novatians so called, 66. Anastasia, church of Gregory of Nazianzus, 120. Anastasian baths, 99. Anastasius, bishop of Rome, 157. Anastasius, a presbyter, friend of Nestorius, 170. Anatolius, Semi-Arian bishop of Berœa, 95. Ancoratus, book so called, 135. Andragathius, a philosopher, instructor of John Chrysostom, 138. Andragathius, a general under Maximus, slays Gratian, 124. Angarum, Novatian Council of, 129. Angels, visions of, 142, 162, 166. Anianus, Semi-Arian bishop of Antioch, exiled, 71. Anicetus, bishop of Rome, 130. Anomoion, term first used at Sardica, 47; again, 69, 84. Anthusa, mother of John Chrysostom, 138. Anthemius, prætorian prefect during the minority of Theodosius the Younger, 154. Anthony, a monk of the Egyptian desert, 25; study of nature, by, 107; congratulates Didymus, 110. Anthony, bishop of Germa, persecutes the Macedonians, 170. 'Anthropomorphitæ,' 144. Antichrist, 3. Antioch, Synods of, 27, 38, 73, 94; a canon of, 150, 173; creed of, 39, 40, 70, 84, 97; the Emperor Constantius resides in, 41; divisions at, 73, 80, 83, 119, 121, 122, 125, 126. Antiochenes, irritable temper of, 88. Antiochicus and Misopōgōn, book so called, 88. Antiochus, bishop of Ptolemais in Phœnicia, 146. Antipater, Semi-Arian bishop of Rhosus, 95. Antirrheticus, treatise of Evagrius, 107. Anubion, a bishop in the reign of Constantine, 33. Aphaca, 22. Apollinaris, bishop of Hierapolis, 81. Apollinaris, the elder, a learned man, 74. Apollinaris of Laodicea (son of the former), 74, 75; peculiar views of, 86. Apollinarians, a sect, 74, 75. Apostles, church so called, 21, 35, 148, 177. Apostles, mission-fields of, 23; council of, 133. Arabian, Semi-Arian bishop of Andros, 95. Aratus, the Astronomer, 88. Arbathion, a bishop in the reign of Constantine, 33. Arbogastes, a commander under Valentinian the Younger with Eugenius murders his master, 135; commits suicide, 136. Arcadius, emperor, son of Theodosius the Great, 114; proclaimed Augustus, 122; left with imperial authority at Constantinople, 124; assumes the government of the East, 137; summons John Chrysostom to Constantinople to become bishop, 138; commits the charge of affairs among the Goths to Gaïnas, 141; makes terms with him after he had rebelled, 141; proclaims him a public enemy, defeats and slays him, 142; his son Theodosius, the good, is born, 142; banishes John Chrysostom, 149; refuses to attend church on account of John, 151; banishes him again, 151; his death, 153. Archelaus, governor of Syria, 30. Archelaus, opponent of Manichæism, 26. Ardaburius, Roman general, wages war with the Persians, 162, 163; sent against the usurper John, 165. Areobindus, a Roman general, 162. Arian controversy, beginning of, 3; occasion of, the misunderstanding of the word homoousios, 27; revival of, 36. Arians, dissensions among, 72- 74, 123, 134; inconsistency of, 74; persecutions by, 57, 66, 103, 105; expelled from the churches by Theodosius, 129; excite a tumult in Constantinople, 125; set on fire the bishop's residence, 125; their meetings and nocturnal singing, 144. Ariminum, 56; council of, 61, 67, 84, 101, 102; creed of, 61, 62; epistle of, to the Emperor Constantius, 63. Aristotle, the ancient philosopher, 60, 93. Arius, a presbyter in Alexandria, incited to controvert the unity of the Trinity, 3; relations to Melitianism, 6; anathematized by the Nicene Council, 10; exiled, 10; writes a book Thalia which is condemned, 13; procures his recall by feigning repentance, 20; goes to Constantinople, obtains interview with the emperor, feigns assent to the Nicene Creed, 28; recantation, 28, 29; returns to Alexandria, 29; Athanasius refuses to receive him, 29, 33; renews his efforts to spread his views, 29; is reinstated, 34; excites commotion in the church of Alexandria, 34; is summoned by the emperor to Constantinople, 34; his death, 34, 35; his dissimulation, 60. Arius, partisans of, denounced by Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, 3. Arrenius, bishop of Jerusalem, succeeds Cyril, 74. Arsacius, bishop of Constantinople, succeeds John Chrysostom, 151. Arsenius, Melitian bishop, alleged victim of Anthanasius' witchcraft, 30; appears before the council of Tyre, 31. Arsenius, Egyptian monk, 106. Ascholius, bishop of Thessalonica, attends the Synod of Constantinople, 121. Asclepas, bishop of Gaza, expelled, 42; restored to his see, 51. Asclepiades, Novatian bishop, his defense of their views, 167. Aspar, son of Ardaburius, delivers his father and seizes the usurper John, 166. Asterius, an Arian rhetorician, 33; excommunicated, 70. Athanaric, king of the Goths, 115; submits to Theodosius, 122; his death, 122. Athanasius, Semi-Arian bishop of Ancyra, 95. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, opposes Arianism in the Council of Nicæa while yet a deacon, 9; quoted, 19; succeeds to the see of Alexandria, 20; incident in his childhood, 20; Life of Anthony by, 25, 106; his ordination objected to, 26; refuses to receive Arius, 29; is therefore threatened by Constantine and conspired against, 29; accused of treason, declared innocent by the emperor, course taken by his opponents, 29, 30; hesitates to appear before the Council of Tyre, but does so when menaced by the emperor, 30; confounds his enemies, 31; protests against the participation of his personal enemies in the council which was trying him and withdraws from their jurisdiction, 31; appeals to the emperor, 32; the Synod deposes him, 32; banished by Constantine, 33; recalled and reinstated by Constantine the Younger, 37; returns to Alexandria and is joyfully welcomed, but is again banished, 37; escapes, 40; is accused of peculation, threatened with death, and flies to Rome, 42; appeals to the emperor and returns to Rome, 43; demands that a Synod should be convened to take cognizance of his deposition, 46; reinstated by the Council of Sardica, 47; recalled by Constantius, 49; repairs to Rome, 50; returns to the East, is admitted to an interview by Constantius, and restored by him to his see, 51; proceeds to Jerusalem, proposes a council of bishops, which is convened there by Maximus, 52; arouses hostility among the Arians by this course, 53; passes to Alexandria and on the way performs ordinations, thus occasioning fresh accusations against himself, 53; convenes a council of bishops in Egypt, 53; the emperor withdraws the immunities granted him and commands that he be put to death, 54; escapes by flight, 54; his account of the atrocities inflicted on Christians by George, 54, 55; a council of bishops assembles at Milan to condemn him, 60; their object is thwarted, 60; his attack on the creed of Ariminum, 62, 63; restored to the see of Alexandria, 80; with Eusebius of Vercellæ calls a council together, 81; his Apology for his Flight, 82, 83; Julian issues an edict for his arrest, but he escapes by flight and secretly returns to Alexandria, 86; after the death of Julian he is restored to the see of Alexandria, 94, 96; hides himself in his father's tomb for four months, 103; the emperor reinstates him, 103; his influence over Valens, 105; his death, 105; quoted, 106, 108. Athenaïs, the pagan name of the empress Eudocia, 164. Athenodorus, a bishop, exiled under Constantius, 55. Attalus, made mock-emperor by Alaric, 158. Atticus, bishop of Constantinople, ordained, 151; friendship of, with Sisinnus the Novatian, 153; his character and learning, 154; progress of Christianity during his administration, 155; receives Persian suppliants, 162; his Christian benevolence, 166; labors to abolish superstitions, 167; changes the names of certain places, 167; his death, 167; succeeded by Sisinnius, 168. Atys, a pagan priest, the founder of certain Phrygian rites, deified, 93. Aurelian, a consular, delivered up to Gaïnas, 141. Auxanon, a Novatian presbyter, 19; cruelly treated, 66. Auxentius, Arian bishop of Milan, refuses to anathematize Arius, 62; deposed by the Synod of Ariminum, 63; death of, 113. Azazene, captives from, ransomed by Acacius of Amida, 164. Babylas, martyr, the relics of, 88. Bacurius, a prince among the Iberians, 25. Bacurius, an officer under Theodosius, 135. Baptism, of Constantine the Great, 35; of Constantius, 75; of Theodosius the Great, 120; of Eudocia, 164; customs respecting, 132, 155, 161, 170; form of, changed by some Arians, 135; name given at, 164; great sins after, treatment of, 17, 112, 128, 132, 152, 167. Barbas, Arian bishop, succeeds Dorotheus, 156; his death, 170. Barlamenus, Semi-Arian bishop of Pergamus, 95. Bartholomew, the apostle, goes to India, 23. Basil, bishop of Ancyra, sent to Ancyra, 34, 51, 55, 56; opposes Photinus, 58; fails to appear at the Synod of Seleucia, 68; deposed by Acacius, 72; petitions Jovian, 94. Basil, bishop of Cappadocia, quoted, 108. Basil, bishop of Cæsarea, labors against the Arian heresy, 110; a pupil of Himerius and Prohæresius, 110; also of Libanius, III; studies Origen, 111; ordained a deacon, 111; becomes bishop, 111; is threatened with martyrdom, but escapes, 111; companion of John Chrysostom, 139. Basilicus, excommunicated, 70. Beryllus, bishop of Philadelphia, heresy of, 81. Berytus, 3, 27; school of, 74. Bethlehem, church built in, 21. Bishops, contentiousness of many, 26, 27, 118; dress of, 72, 152; thrones used by, 73, 149, 155; translations irregular, 73; not forbidden, 173; strife at election of, 113, 138, 169, 172, 177; not to interfere with one another, 121, 148; respect shown to, 146; benediction given by, 149; only one in a city, 152; departed, mention of, in church service, 166. Boniface, bishop of Rome, succeeds Zosimus, 158. Briso, bishop of Philippi, 150. Briso, eunuch in the service of Eudoxia, 149. Britain, Christians of, 15; a Novatian bishop lord-lieutenant of, 158. Buddas (previously called Terebinthus), his death, 25. Burgundians, conversion of, 169, 170. Byzantium, enlarged by Constantine the Great and called Constantinople, 19-21. Cæsarea in Palestine, Eusebius Pamphilus writes to, 11, 39. Cæsareum, church called so in Alexandria, 160. Cæsars, the, Julian's work entitled, 92. Caius, bishop, exiled under Constantius, 55. Callicrates, bishop of Claudiopolis, 94. Callinicus, a Melitian, used as tool against Athanasius, 29. Calliopius, a presbyter, 166. Callistus, one of Julian's body-guards, writes poetry, 90. Calvary, a temple of Venus erected on its summit by Hadrian, 21. Candles, lighted, used at prayers in the churches of Achæa, 132; of Thessaly, and among the Novatians of Constantinople, 132. Canons, passed by the Nicene Council, 19; Athanasius charged of violating, 38; Macedonius installed contrary to, 43. Carosa, daughter of the Emperor Valens, 99. Carterius, an ascetic, 139. Carterius, a Macedonian, 135. 'Cataphrygians,' the, a sect, 63. Catechising, 10. Catechumens, in the ancient church, 114, 132. Celestinus, bishop of Rome, succeeds Boniface, 158. Ceras, bay of Constantinople, 66. Ceremonial law abrogated, 130. Chalcedon, walls of, destroyed, 99. Chalice, story of the broken, 30. Chanters in the ancient church, how chosen, 132. Chrestus, bishop of Nicæa, displaced by Theognis, 20. Christianity, ridiculed on account of the Arian controversy, 5; its dissemination among the 'Indians' (Ethiopians), 23; the Iberians, 24; the Goths, 115; the Persians, 157; the Burgundians, 170. Christians, their dissensions characterized by outrages, 40; exposed to persecution and torture, 55; real and spurious made manifest by Julian's treatment, 85; persecuted under Julian, 85, 86, 89; a philosopher's opinion on differences between them, 115; slaughtered by the Jews at Alexandria, 159; those in Persia persecuted, 162. Chrysanthus, Novatian bishop of Constantinople, succeeds Sisinnius, 156, 158; his character and virtues, 158; his death, 161. Chrysopolis, 2. Church, history of, written by Eusebius, 1; relations to State, 118. Churches, at Nicæa, 8; at Constantinople, 21, 38, 43, 66, 67, 73, 96, 99, 120, 140, 141, 146, 147, 148, 150, 171, 175, 177; at Bethlehem, 21; at Jerusalem, 21; at Heliopolis, 22; near the Oak of Mamre, 22; in 'India' (Ethiopia), 23; in Iberia, 24; at Antioch, 38, 97, 119, 120, 126; at Alexandria, 40, 51, 55, 78, 80, 156, 159, 160; at Seleucia, 67, 68; at Cyzicus, 85; at Edessa, 104; at Rome, 109, 158; at Milan, 113; at Chalcedon, 141, 150; at Ancyra, 152. Cinaron, place where Hypatia's limbs were burnt, 160. Clearchus, governor of Constantinople under Valens, 99. Clemens of Alexandria, an early writer, 60, 81. Cleomedes, a pugilist, deified, 94. Coeternity of the Son of God, 4, 48, 60, 123. Co-inoriginacy of the Son, 45. Colossians, Epistle to the, 130. Comana, death of Chrysostom at, 151. Comet of a prodigious magnitude, 141. Conflict between the Constantinopolitans and the Alexandrians, 149; between the Jews and Christians at Alexandria, 159. Constans, the youngest son of Constantine the Great, 35; favors Athanasius and Paul, 42, 44; threatens war against his brother Constantius, 49; treacherously slain by Magnentius, 53; is presented a creed, 72. Constantia, wife of Licinius and sister of Constantine the Great, 2; interests herself in behalf of Arius, 28; death of, 28. Constantia, a town in Palestine, 22. Constantianæ, bath so named, 99. Constantine, the Great, his life written by Eusebius, 1; proclaimed emperor, 1; conversion of, 2; conflict with Licinius, 2; proclaimed Autocrat, 3; sends Hosius to Alexander and Arius, 6; convokes the Synod of Nicæa, 8; his letters against Arius, Eusebius of Nicomedia, and Theognis, 13-15; his letter to Eusebius Pamphilus on copying the Scriptures, 16; to Macarius on building a church, 16; exhorts the Nicomedians to choose another bishop, 17; summons Acesius the Novatian to the Synod, 17; his devout character, 18; transfers the government of the empire to Constantinople and names the city New Rome, 20; builds churches in it, 20; adorns it, 21; appropriates the nails of the Saviour's cross, 21; abolishes gladiatorial combats, 22; effects various reforms, 22; progress of Christianity under him, 25; receives an Arian presbyter and invites Arius to his presence, 26; orders Athanasius to receive Arius, 29; summons the Council of Tyre to the New Jerusalem, 32; banishes Athanasius, 33; receives Arius, 34; baptism, happy death, and obsequies, 35; tomb and ashes removed by Macedonius, 67. Constantine II., eldest son of Constantine the Great, 35; recalls and reinstates Athanasius, 37; writes to the church of Alexandria, 37; again banishes Athanasius, 37; invades the dominions of Constans, and is slain, 37, 53. Constantine's Forum, 35. Constantinople, named New Rome, 21; embellished, 21; disturbance at, about the choice of a bishop, 38, 41; councils held at, 71, 73, 121, 122, 129, 150; populousness of, 104, 174; patriarchial dignity of its see, 121, 168. Constantius I., father of Constantine the Great, his death, 1. Constantius II., second son of Constantine the Great, 35; succeeds his father and favors an Arian presbyter, 36; transfers Eusebius of Nicomedia to Constantinople, 38; expels Paul, 38; deprives the inhabitants of Constantinople of aid granted by his father, 41; orders Paul to be expelled by force, 42; summons the Eastern bishops to a conference, 49; sustains a check in the war with Persia, 53; proclaimed sole emperor of the East, 53; persecutes opponents of Arianism, 54; makes Gallus Cæsar, 55; resides at Sirmium, 59; goes to Rome, 59; convokes a synod, 59; puts Gallus to death and raises his brother to the dignity of Cæsar, 59; favors the Arian heresy and writes a letter to the Synod of Ariminum, 64; is baptized by Euzoïus and dies of apoplexy, 75, 77. Constantius, brother of Constantine the Great, and father of Julian, 76. Corinth, metropolitan see subject to Rome, 173. Corinthians, First Epistle to, 106. Cornelius, bishop of Rome, 112. Council, an ecumenical first summoned, 8; appeal to, 149. Councils, the largest, convoked by emperors, 118; provincial, 122. Creed, original form of, propounded at the Nicene Council, 10, 11; propounded by Narcissus, Theodore, Maris and Mark, 44; the 'Lengthy,' 45, 46; the 'Dated,' 61; form of, drawn up by Acacius, 69; revised form of the 'Dated,' 70, 71; are approved by Ulfilas, 72. Creeds, of Antioch, 39, 40; of Sirmium, 56, 57, 61; list of, 72. Cross, appearance of, in the sky, to Constantine, 2; to Gallus, 55; discovery of the true, 21; sign of, appears on Jews' cloaks, 89; discovered among the hieroglyphics of the Serapeum, 126, 127; used in processions, 144. Crucifixion, of a boy, 161; of Christians at Alexandria, 79. Cubricus, also called Manes, 25. Cucusus, Paul, bishop of Constantinople strangled at, 54, 122. Cyprus, Council of bishops of, 145. Cyril, bishop of Alexandria, succeeds Theophilus, 156; persecutes and plunders the Novatians, 156; expels the Jews, 159; seeks the approval of Orestes, the prefect, 159; guilt of, for the murder of Hypatia, 160; deposed by John of Antioch, 172. Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem, installed, 65; appeals to the emperor against the decision of a synod, 70; ejected by Acacius, 72; reinstated, 74; recognizes fulfillment of prophecy, 89, 96; still bishop at the accession of Theodosius the Great, 119; attends the Synod of Constantinople, 121; his death, 126. Cyrinus, bishop of Chalcedon, 148, 151. Cyrus, bishop of Berœa, 27, 39. Dalmatius, brother of Constantine the Great, 76. Dalmatius, nephew of Constantine the Great, appointed to investigate charges against Athanasius, 30; slain, 53. Dalmatius, an ascetic, ordained bishop of Cyzicus, 168. Damasus, bishop of Rome, receives the deposed bishop of Alexandria, 106; occasions commotion at Rome, 113; furnishes Peter with letters, 117; still occupies his see at the accession of Theodosius, 119; reconciled to Flavian, 126; his death, 157. Deacon, a, announces a prayer in church, 40; a messenger of Lucifer, 80; a, brings scandal upon the Constantinople church, 128. Decentius, brother of Magnentius, hangs himself, 59. Decius, persecutes the church, 17, 112, 128. Demophilus, Arian bishop, vacillation of, 61; refuses to anathematize Arius, 62; deposed, 63; installed bishop of Constantinople, 103; retains his see at the time of Theodosius, 119; prefers to leave Constantinople rather than accept the homoousion, 120; his death, 124. Desecration of the altar of the Great Church, 171. Deserter, a Persian, his false report, and the burning of the provision-ships, 91. Didymus, a celebrated blind scholar, quoted, 108; account of, 110. Didymus, a monk, lived to be ninety years old, 106. Digamists, 132. Dio-Cæsarea, Jews revolt at, and occasion the destruction of, by Gallus, 59. Diocletian, persecution under, 1, 85, 87; goes into retirement, 2; death of, 2. Diodorus, bishop of Tarsus, invested with the administration of the churches in the East, 122, 139. Diogenes, the cynic philosopher, condemns Apollo, 94. Dionysius, the consul, summons the Council of Tyre, 30. Dionysius, bishop of Alba, exiled by Constantius, 60. Dionysius, author of Corona, 93. Dioscorus, bishop of Hermopolis, one of the 'Tall Monks,' 143; accepts Origen's views, 143; comes to Constantinople, 144; incurs the anger of Theophilus, 145; excommunicated by Epiphanius, 148; his death, 150. Dioscorus, a presbyter, exiled under Constantius, 55. Discipline, among Novatians, 17, 112; among Macedonians and Quartodecimans, 132, 133. Discussion, religious, bad effect of, 22, 26, 123; general, proposed by Theodosius, 122; between Theophilus of Alexandria and the monks, 142, 143. Ditheism, disclaimed, 46; condemned, 56. Divination, pagan, infamous rite at, 86; incites Valens to slay many, 105. Dominica, wife of Valens, impressed with visions respecting the bishop Basil intercedes with the emperor on his behalf, 111; distributes pay to volunteers, 118. Domitian, prætorian prefect, 59. Dorotheus, Arian bishop of Antioch, 119; transferred to Constantinople, 124; his views, 134. Dorotheus, a presbyter, 70. Dositheus, bishop of Seleucia, 173. Dracilian, charged to embellish the church at Jerusalem, 17. Dracontius, Semi-Arian bishop of Pergamus deposed by Acacius, 72, 73. Drepanum, called Helenopolis by Constantius the Great, 21, 22. Drownings in the Orontes, 97, 104. Earthquakes, at Antioch, 40; in Bithynia, 67; at Jerusalem preventing the rebuilding of the temple of the Jews, 89; at Constantinople and other cities, doing great damage, 97; in Bithynia and elsewhere taken as an omen, 100. Easter, discussions as to right time of observance of, 8, 15, 131; week of, 55; observance among Novatians, 112, 129, 130; among other peoples in various places, 131; time not changed by the Nicene Council, 133. Eastern bishops disclaim the interference of the see of Rome, 42. Eastern and Western churches, separation of, 49. Ecclesiastical History, the author's reasons for revising this work on, 36; fit style for, 76; bound up with civil affairs, 118. Ecebolius, the sophist, 76; his hypocrisy, 85. 'Economy,' the, of incarnation, 46, 48, 75. Edesius, visits 'India' (Ethiopia), aids in the dissemination of Christianity, and is appointed bishop of Tyre, 23. Edessa, study of Greek at, 39; Athanasius' presbyters at, 50; persecutions at, 104. Eleusius, Semi-Arian bishop of Cyzicus, 66; his cruel persecution of the orthodox, 67-69; deposed by Acacius, 72; associated with Macedonius, 72, 73; professes the Arian creed, repents and advises his people to choose another bishop, but is persuaded by them to remain among them, 97, 98; his flock erect an edifice without the city, 98; superseded by Eunomius at Cyzicus, 98; attends Synod of Constantinople, 121; draws up views for Theodosius I., 123. Elpidius, bishop of Satala, deposed by Acacius, 72. Empedocles, a heathen philosopher, 25. Ephesus, school of, 76; visited by Chrysostom, 146; Council of, 172. Epicureans, a sect of philosophers, 87. Epimenides, a philosopher of Crete, 88. Epiphanius, a sophist, 74. Epiphanius, bishop of Cyprus, author of Ancoratus, 135; instigated by Theophilus of Alexandria, condemns Origen and calls on John to do so, 145; goes to Constantinople and performs uncanonical ordinations, 147; is warned by John, departs from Constantinople, and dies on the return voyage, 148. Epistle, of Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, denouncing the Arian heresy, 3-5; of Constantine to Arius and Alexander, 6, 7; of the Nicene Council, announcing its decisions, 12, 13; of Constantine, to the bishops and people against the impiety of Porphyry and Arius, 13, 14; of the same, to the churches relative to Easter, 14-16; of the same, to Eusebius Pamphilus and bishops elsewhere relative to the erection and maintenance of church edifices, 16; of the same, to Eusebius Pamphilus relative to the preparation of copies of the Scriptures, 16; of the same, to Macarius, relative to the site of the holy sepulchre, 16, 17; of the same, to the Synod of Tyre, 32; of the Synod of Antioch to bishops, 39; another, 40; of Constantius to Athanasius, 49, 50; of Julius, bishop of Rome, to Alexandria on behalf of Athanasius, 50, 51; of Constantius, announcing the restoration of Athanasius, 51, 52; of the same, to the laity, 52; of the same, rescinding the enactments against Athanasius, 52; of the Council of Ariminum to Constantius, 63; of Constantius to the Council of Ariminum, 64; second, of the Council of Ariminum to Constantius, 65; of Julian to the citizens of Alexandria, on the murder of George, 79, 80; of the Synod of Macedonians and Acacians convened at Antioch to Jovian, 94, 95; of the Arians to Liberius, bishop of Rome, 101; of Liberius to the Arians, 101, 102; of the apostles and elders at Jerusalem to the church at Antioch, 134; of Atticus to Calliopius, 166. 'Eternal Fatherhood,' denied by Arius, 4; admitted verbally by later Arians, 134. Ethiopica, book under that title, 132. Eucharist, celebrated on Saturday and Sunday, 131, 158; received fasting, 131; not administered to heretics, 143; nor to those under censure, 144; variously celebrated, 131. Eudæmon, a Melitian, used as a tool against Athanasius, 29. Eudæmon, a presbyter of the Constantinopolitan church, counsels the abolition of the penitentiary presbyterate, 128; remarks by the author, 128. Eudocia, wife of the Emperor Theodosius II., writes poem, 164; goes to Jerusalem, 178. Eudoxia, wife of the Emperor Arcadius, provides silver crosses for the Homoousians, 144; incites Epiphanius against John, 148; her silver statue, 150; her death, 151. Eudoxia, daughter of Theodosius II., 177. Eudoxius, bishop of Germanicia, 44; installs himself in the see of Antioch, 61; deposed, 68, 70; gives place to Anianus, 71; promoted to the see of Constantinople, 73, 96; his impious jesting, 73; disturbs the church of Alexandria, 103; his death, 103. Eugenius, a usurper, appointed chief secretary to Valentinian II., causes his master to be strangled and assumes supreme authority, 135; is defeated and beheaded by Theodosius I., 136. Eulalius, bishop of Cæsarea, 72. Eunomians, a sect, 6; formerly called Aëtians, 60. Eunomieutychians, followers of Eutychius, 135. Eunomiotheophronians, followers of Theophronius, 135. Eunomius, Anomœan bishop of Cyzicus, head of the sect of Eunomians, 60; appointed to supersede Eleusius in Cyzicus, 98; his heretical views, 98; seeks refuge in Constantinople, 98; specimens of his impiety, 98; separates from Eudoxius, 103; leader of Arians, 111; draws up statement of the faith for Theodosius I., 123; holds meetings privately, 128, 129; his followers divided, 134. Eunuchs, influence of, at court, 36. Euphemia, a martyr, 141. Euphronius, bishop of Antioch, 27; succeeded by Placitus, 38. Euripides, ancient tragic poet, 88. Eusebia, wife of Constantius, 77. Eusebius, bishop of Cæsarea, surnamed Pamphilus, writes a history of the Church, 1; quoted, 6, 8, 9; retracts his dissent from the Nicene Creed, 10; his views of the Creed, 10- 12; written to by Constantine, 16; undertakes to record Constantine's deeds, 21; censured by some, 22; treated of Manes, 25; quoted, 26; denies accusation by Eustathius and makes a countercharge, 27; refuses the vacant see of Antioch and is commended therefor by Constantine, 27; refutes the heresy of Marcellus, 34; his death, 37; review and defense of his writings, and quotations from the same, 47, 48; refuted Julian's writings, 93; quoted, 131, 171, 173. Eusebius, bishop of Emisa, early career, 39; made bishop of Alexandria, 39. Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia, previously of Berytus, 3; indorses Arius, 3, 5, 6, 8; refuses his assent to the Nicene Creed, 10; exiled, 10; recalled from exile, 20; copy of his recantation, 20; returns to his heretical course, 26; conspires against Athanasius, 29, 33; renews efforts to introduce Arianism, 36; is transferred to the see of Constantinople, 38; sends a deputation to Rome, 40; his death, 41. Eusebius, bishop of Vercellæ, exiled by Constantius, 60; recalled from exile, 80; goes to Alexandria, 80; travels through the East to bring unity in the Church, 83, 84. Eusebius, eunuch, Arian, introduces Arianism into the palace, 36; put to death by the Emperor Julian, 78. Eusebius, 'Scholasticus,' author of the Gaïnea, 142. Eusebius, one of the 'Tall Monks,' 143. Eusebius, unknown person, excommunicated, 70. Eusebius, a consul, 68. Eustathius, bishop of Antioch, 17; accuses Eusebius Pamphilus, 27; deposed, 27, 39; various reasons for this, 27; a follower of Macedonius, 84; ordains Evagrius to the see of Constantinople, 103; is banished by Valens, 103; a reviler of Origen, 147. Eustathius, bishop of Sebastia in Armenia, present at the Synod of Seleucia, 68; deposed for impious practices, 72; joins the Marathonians, 74; heads a deputation to the Emperor Valentinian, 100-102; proceeds to Sicily, 102. Eustathius, an unknown person, deposed, 70. Eustolium, an immoral woman, 54. Euthymius, one of the 'Tall Monks,' 143. Eutropius, a Macedonian presbyter, 135. Eutropius, chief eunuch of the imperial bed-chamber under Arcadius, opposes Chrysostom, 138; provokes him to write an oration against himself, 140; incurs the emperor's displeasure and is beheaded, 140. Eutychian, a Novatian presbyter, 19; miraculous effects attributed to his sanctity, 19. Eutychius, unknown person excommunicated, 70. Eutychius, Semi-Arian bishop of Eleutheropolis, 95. Eutychius, leader among the Eunomians, founds the faction of the 'Eunomiœutychians,' 135. Euzoïus, Arian bishop of Antioch, as deacon associates with Arius and is exiled, 28; returns from exile, 28; recants, 29; received by the Synod of Tyre, 32; promoted to the see of Antioch, 73; baptizes Constantine, 75; holds the churches at Antioch, 84; attempts to depose Peter and install Lucius, 105; his death, 116; succeeded by Dorotheus, 119. Evagrius, bishop of Mitylene, deposed, 70; elected bishop of Constantinople by the orthodox, but banished by the emperor, 103. Evagrius, a Christian writer, disciple of two Egyptian monks, both named Macarius, 107; deacon in the church of Constantinople, 107; titles of his books, 81, 107; quotations from, 107, 108, 161; avoids bishopric, his excuse, 109. Evagrius, bishop of Antioch, succeeds Paulinus, 125, 138, 139. Evagrius, Semi-Arian bishop of Sicily, 95. Excommunication, 74, 130, 158. Exemption of clerics from civil office, 52, 71. Exorcism, 109. 'Expansion,' Marcellus' theory of, 57. Famine, in Phrygia, 104; among the Persian prisoners, 164. Fasting, in distress, 34; prescribed by Eustathius, 72; forbidden on Sundays, 72, 131; imposed as penance, 128; various customs relative to, 131; required before baptism, 161. Fatalism, taught by Manes, 26. Felix, Arian bishop of Rome, appointed, 65; expelled, 65. Festivals, Christian, origin of, 130. Fidelis, a person of the name, excommunicated, 70. Fire, causes destruction at Constantinople, 17; from heaven consumes the iron tools of the Jews, 89; Persians worship, 157. Firmus, bishop of Cæsarea, 178. Flaccilla, first wife of Theodosius the Great, 114; bears him a son, 124. Flavian, bishop of Antioch, a candidate for the episcopacy, 119; made bishop, 122; other bishops combine against him, 123; uses all means to counteract their influence, 125; his death, 157. Franks, a northern race, invade the Roman territories, 40; subdued by the consul Constans, 41. Fravitus, a Goth, honored with the office of consul, 142. Fritigernes, chief of a division of the Goths, 115. Frumentius, missionary bishop in 'India' (Ethiopia), 23; appointed bishop, 23. Funeral rites, of Constantine the Great, 35; of Paul, bishop of Constantinople, 122; of Theodosius the Great, 137; of the 'Tall Monk' Dioscorus, 150; of Maximian, bishop of Constantinople, 175; of John Chrysostom, 177; of Paul the Novatian, 177. Gaïnas, a Goth, commander-in-chief of the Roman army, 140; rebels against the Romans, 141; approaches Constantinople with an army, 141; is proclaimed a public enemy, 142; defeated, flees to Thrace, and is slain, 142. Gaïnea, a book written by Eusebius Scholasticus, 142. Gaïus, Arian bishop, refuses to anathematize Arius, 62; deposed by the Synod of Ariminum, 63. Galates, son of Valens, 111. Galatians, Epistle of the, 130. Galerius, surname of Maximus, 1. 'Galilæans,' Christians called by Julian, 85. Galla, wife of Theodosius the Great, and daughter of Valentinian I., 114. Gallus, Cæsar, nephew of Constantine the Great, invested with the sovereignty of Syria, 55; destroys Dio-Cæsarea, 59; attempts innovations, and is slain therefor by order of Constantius, 59, 77. Gangra, Synod of, 72. 'Generation, the Eternal,' 33. George, a learned Arian presbyter, 156. George, Arian bishop of Laodicea, 27; gives an account of Eusebius of Emisa, 39; leads the purely Arian faction at the Council of Seleucia, 68; author of the 'Exucontian sophism,' 74. George, Arian bishop of Alexandria, installed, 41; raises tumult at the arrival of Athanasius at Alexandria, 42, 54; commits horrible atrocities, 54-56; one of the Semi-Arian leaders at the Council of Seleucia, 68; persecutes his opponents, 74; burnt by pagans, 79; his death resented by the Emperor Julian, 79, 80. Germinius, Arian bishop, 57; vacillates, 61; refuses to anathematize Arius, 62; deposed by the Synod of Ariminum, 63. Gladiatorial games, caused to cease by Constantine, 22. Gnostic, the, a book written by Evagrius, 107. Gold, used for churches, 17; for sacred vessels, 164. Gomarius, a rebel general put to death by order of Valens, 97. Gospels, book of the, 159. Goths, invade the Roman territories, and being defeated embrace Christianity, 22; many accept Christianity under Valens, 115; renew their attack against Constantinople and are repulsed. Grammarians, 74, 76, 87, 126, 135. Grata, daughter of Valentinian I., 114. Gratian, proclaimed Augustus, 100; recalls the orthodox bishops, 118; excludes Eunomians, Photinians, and Manichæans from the churches, 119; takes Theodosius as a colleague, 119; obtains a victory over barbarians, 120; slain by Maximus, 124. Greek literature, studied, 39, 156; defense of, 86, 87. Gregory, Arian bishop of Alexandria, designated as such, 39; his installation resisted and resented by the people, 40; ejected from the see of Alexandria, and succeeded by George, 41, 112. Gregory, bishop of Neo-Cæsarea, called Thaumaturgus, 111, 112. Gregory, the Just, recognizes three virtues, 108. Gregory, bishop of Nazianzus, his sketch of the Emperor Julian, 92; associated with Basil, 100, 110; ordains Evagrius, 107; pupil of Himerius and Prohæresius, 110; also of Libanius, 111; studies Origen, 111; made bishop of Nazianzus, 111; transferred to Constantinople, 120; abdicates, 12O; transference of, 173. Gregory, bishop of Nyssa, brother of Basil, 111, 112; becomes patriarch of the diocese of Pontus, 122; pronounces a funeral oration on Melitius of Antioch, 122. Hades, descent of Christ into, 61. Hail of prodigious size falls and is considered ominous, 100. Harpocration, bishop of Cynopolis, 19. Heathen temples in Alexandria demolished, 126. Hebrew, study of, 156. Hebrews, Epistle to the, ascribed to St. Paul, 109, 130. Helena, mother to Constantine the Great, erects a magnificent church on the site of the Holy Sepulchre, 21, 22; also at Bethlehem and on the Mount of Ascension, 21; her death, 21. Helenopolis, previously Drepanum, 21, 35. Heliodorus, bishop of Tricca in Thessaly, reputed author of the Ethiopica, 132. Helion, a Roman of distinction, negotiates with the Persians, 163; conveys the crown to Valentinian, 166. Heliopolis, corrupt practices at, 22. Helladius, bishop of Pontus, 121, 122. Helladius, a pagan grammarian, having slain nine Christians, flies from Alexandria to Constantinople and becomes the teacher of the author, 126. Hellespont, the stronghold of Macedonianism, 74, 97. Heraclides, bishop of Ephesus, a Cypriot by birth, ordained by Chrysostom, 146; his case investigated by a council, 149, 150. Heraclius, bishop of Jerusalem, 74. Heraclius, a priest of Hercules at Tyre, ordained a deacon, 72. Herculius, the surname of Maximian, 1. Heresy, why allowed to arise, 26. Heretics, hostility towards, 169. Hermes, a bishop exiled under Constantius, 55. Hermogenes, a general under Constantius, slain, 41. Hermogenes, a Novatian bishop, 158. Hierax, presbyter, exiled under Constantius, 55. Hierax, a teacher of letters at Alexandria, 159. Hieroglyphics, found in the Serapeum, 126. Hierophilus, bishop of Trapezopolis, 173. Hilary, bishop of Jerusalem, 74. Hilary, bishop of Poictiers, confutes Arianism, 84. Himerius, a sophist of Athens, 110. Hippodrome, place in Constantinople, 21; sports of the, 117, 136, 165, 166. Holy Spirit, divinity of, 74, 81. Homoion, first used at the Council of Ariminum, 61; again by Acacius, 69, 70, 74. Homoiousion, first used by Acacius, 69; again as a counterfeit of homoousion, by Macedonius, 73. Homoousion, first used in the Nicene Council, 10, 94, 101; discussion of the meaning of, 10, 11, 12, 27; accepted, 94, 101-103; rejected by Arians, 68, 84, 119. Honoratus, first prefect of Constantinople, 71. Honorius, emperor, son of Theodosius the Great, 124; his birth, 124; assumes the government of the Western Empire, 137; his death, 165. Hosius, bishop of Cordova in Spain, takes letter from Constantine to Arius and Athanasius, 6; present at the Nicene Council, 19; refuses to put out Athanasius from the Council of Sardica, 47; attends the Council of Sirmium, 56; compelled to assent to its decisions, 58, 59; originated the controversy concerning theological terms, 81. Huns, the, vanquish the Goths, 115; ravage Armenia, 138; invade and devastate the territories of the Burgundians, 170. Hymns, processional, sung nightly by the orthodox, origin of, 144. Hypatia, a female philosopher of Alexandria, murdered by the monks, 150. Hypatian, bishop of Heraclea, 56. Hypostasis, used with the meaning of 'essence' or 'subsistence,' 3, 10, 44, 45, 56, 81; with the meaning of 'personality,' 27, 40; various meanings in various authors, 81; rejected by the Acacians, 71; used in the Nicene Council, 10, 102. Hypselopolis, 32. Iberians, converted to Christianity, 24. Ignatius, called 'Theophorus,' third bishop of Antioch, introduces nocturnal hymn-singing into the church, 144. Image of the Father, Christ the, 40 'Immortals, the,' Persian troops called so, 163. Impostor, miraculous detection of a Jewish, 161; a Jewish, causes great sacrifice of life under the name of Moses, 175. Incomprehensibility of God, denied by Anomœans, 98. 'Indians' (Ethiopians) converted to Christianity, 23. 'Indifferent Canon,' the, of the Novatians, 129. Inferiority of the Son, asserted by the Arians, 58. Inmestar, sports of the Jews at, 161. Innocent, bishop of Rome, 157, 158. Innovation, in doctrine, to be avoided, 81. Interment, magnificent, of Constantine the Great, 35; of Theodosius the Great, 137; of Atticus, bishop of Constantinople, 167. Irenæus, grammarian, 81. Irenæus, bishop of Lyons, 81, 130. Irene, virgin daughter of Spyridon of Cyprus, 18. Irene, church so called, 21, 34, 38, 43. Irenion, Semi-Arian bishop of Gaza, 95. Isacocis, Semi-Arian bishop of Armenia Major, 95. Ischyras, pretended presbyter, maligns Athanasius, 30; exposed, 31; made a bishop, 47. Isdigerdes, king of Persia, converted to Christianity, 157; his death, 157, 161. Isidore, an Egyptian monk, professes perfection, 107. Isidore, a presbyter of Alexandria, opposes the ordination of John, 138. Ision, a Melitian used as a tool against Athanasius, 29. Jerusalem, visited by Helena, 21; church erected in, 21, 30, 32; synod held in, 32, 52, 54; visited by Eudocia, 178. Jews, of Dio-Cæsarea, revolt, 59; attempt to rebuild the temple of Solomon, 89, 90; irregular observance of Passover by, 15, 130, 131, 133; not converted by the healing of a paralytic, 155; expelled from Alexandria, 159; outrageous conduct of, at Jerusalem, 161; many converted in Crete in consequence of the doings of the Pseudo-Moses, 175. Johannites, the, adherists of John Chrysostom, so called, 151; conciliated by Atticus, 166. John, called also Achab, Melitian, 31. John, bishop of Jerusalem, succeeds to the see, 126. John, bishop of Constantinople, called Chrysostom, ordained bishop, 138; his birth and previous education, 138, 139; his works, 139; ordained presbyter by Paulinus, 139; draws on himself the displeasure of many, 140; his treatment of Eutropius, 140; becomes increasingly celebrated, 144; institutes processional singing, 144; ordains Heraclides bishop of Ephesus, 146; warns Epiphanius, 148; expelled by the Synod 'at the Oak,' 148, 149; banished, 149; returns on account of sedition among the people, 149; preaches against Eudoxia, the empress, 150; exiled a second time, 150; dies in exile at Comana, 151; his name registered in the diptychs, 166; his remains removed to Constantinople, 177. John, secretary of Theodosius II., usurps the sovereign power, 165; put to death, 166. John, bishop of Antioch, deposes Cyril, but is reconciled to him, 172. John, the Apostle, First Catholic Epistle of, 171. Josephus, author of Jewish Antiquities, 131. Jovian, Emperor, prefers, while still an officer in the army, to resign his office rather than renounce Christianity, 85; proclaimed emperor, 90; closes the Persian war, 91; publicly accepts the 'homoousian' creed, and shuts up the pagan temples, 94; proclaims general tolerance, 95; is declared consul at Antioch, but dies suddenly, 95. Judaizing not consistent with Christianity, 133. Judgments of God mysterious, 26. Julian, Emperor, made Cæsar, 59; rebuilds a Novatian church, 66; proclaimed emperor, 75; his early education, 76, 77; is married to the emperor's sister, 77; a civic crown falls upon his head, 77; takes the barbarian king prisoner, acts independently of Constantius, throws off Christianity, and excites a civil war against Constantius, 77; makes a public entry into Constantinople, 77; recalls the exiled bishops, 78; commands the pagan temples to be opened, enforces economy in the household, reforms modes of travelling, patronizes literature and philosophy, and writes against the Christians, 78; resents the murder of George of Alexandria, and writes to the citizens of Alexandria on the subject, 79; recalls bishops Lucifer and Eusebius from exile, 80; becomes hostile to Christians, favors pagan superstitions, and is rebuked by Maris, the blind bishop of Chalcedon, 85; excludes Christians from the study of Greek literature to disable them for argument, and interdicts their holding official positions, 85; endeavors to bribe their compliance, goes to war with the Persians, and extorts money from the Christians, 85; seeks to apprehend Athanasius, and mocks the Christians, 86; accelerates his movements against the Persians, 88; oppresses the trade of Antioch, opens the pagan temples of that city, and endeavors to obtain an oracle from Apollo of Daphne, but fails, 88; commands the prefect to persecute Christians, and cruelly tortures Theodore, 89; receives and abruptly dismisses the Persian envoys, orders the Jews to rebuild the temple of Solomon at the expense of the public treasury, 89; thwarted in this by earthquakes, fire, etc., 90; invades Persia, believes he is second Alexander, and refuses to wear armor, and is mortally wounded, 90; the pagans lament his death, 90; Libanius composes funeral oration, 91; estimate of his character, 92; his obsequies, 95, 96. Julius, bishop of Rome, declines to appear at the Synod of Antioch, 38; affords Athanasius a refuge, 42; vindicates the privileges of the see of Rome, 42, 43; defends Athanasius, 43; censured by some, 47; writes to Alexandria, 50; his death, 59. Justa, daughter of Valentinian, 114. Justina, wife of Valentinian I., 114; persecutes and banishes Ambrose of Milan, 124. Justus, father of Justina, his remarkable dream for which he is assassinated, 114. Juvenal, bishop of Jerusalem, 172. Kingdom of Christ, everlasting, 44, 45, 56. Knowledge, complete, of God, Arius denies the Son to have, 4; Eunomius asserts men to have, 98. Laity, right of, in episcopal elections, 38, 129, 138. Lamps, prayers at lighting of, 132. Lauricius, a military commander under Constantius, 68; at the Council of Seleucia, 70; exiles Anianus, 71. Layman, a, made arbitrator, 174. Lent, 54; varieties of usage as to, 131. Leonas, an official under Constantius, 68, 69; summarily dissolves the Council of Seleucia, 70; exiles Anianus, 71. Leontius, bishop of Antioch, 54, 60; his death, 61. Leontius, bishop of Tripolis in Lydia, deposed, 70. Leontius, bishop of Comana, 94. Leontius, Novatian bishop at Rome, 125. Leontius, bishop of Ancyra, 150, 152. Leontius, a sophist, father of the Empress Eudocia, 164. Libanius, the Syrian rhetorician, surreptitiously instructs Julian, 76; address orations to the emperor and to the Antiochenes, 88; composes a funeral oration on Julian, 91; refutation of it, 91-94; instructs Basil and Gregory, 111; instructs John Chrysostom and others, 138, 139. Liberius, bishop of Rome, elevated to the see, 59, 96; exiled and reinstated, 65; receives a deputation of bishops and dismisses them, 100-103, 119. Licinius, a Dacian, is appointed successor to Maximian Galerius, 1; persecutes the Christians, 2; deceives Constantine by his craft, but is defeated by him, 2; compelled to live at Thessalonica, rebels, 3; his death, 3, 16. Linen vestments, 29. Logos, eternal and uncreated, 4; personal, 45. Lucian of Arca, Semi-Arian bishop, 95, 109. Lucifer, bishop of Carala, appointed to the see of Antioch, 80; constitutes Paulinus their bishop and departs to Antioch, 80, 83; his adherents become a sect, he leaves them and returns to Sardinia, 84. Lucius, bishop of Adrianople, expelled and restored, 42, 51; dies in prison, 54. Lucius, Arian bishop at Alexandria, 80, 96; installed in the episcopal chair of Alexandria, 105; attacks the Egyptian monasteries, 109; attempts to ordain the Saracen Moses, 116; expelled, 117; retains authority although absent, 119. Lyons, city in Gaul, 59. Macarius, bishop of Jerusalem, written to by Constantine, 16; present at the Nicene Council, 19; aids Helena in recovering the cross, 21; dies, 38. Macarius, a presbyter, conducted in chains to the Council of Tyre, 30. Macarius, monk, 'the Egyptian,' 107; gives lesson in contentment, 108; exiled, 109. Macarius, monk, 'the Alexandrian,' 107; exiled, 109. Macarius, Novatian, 129. Macedonians, the, sect of, 9, 14, 73, 81, 96, 161; correspond with Liberius of Rome, 100-103; accept the Nicene Creed, 101; relapse and reject it again, 119, 121. Macedonius, bishop of Constantinople, a deacon, 38; elected bishop, 41; installed as bishop, 43; massacre on this occasion, 43; holds meetings separately, 51; persecutes those who differ from him, 54; excites tumults and desolates the churches, 65, 66; becomes odious, 67, 68; deposed by Acacius, 72; conspires to excite commotions, 73. Macedonius, bishop of Mopsuestia, 31, 44. Macedonius, a Christian who endured cruel martyrdom, 86. 'Macrostich,' creed so called, 44-46. Magi, attempt to deceive Isdigerdes, 157. Magic, 30, 39, 72, 76, 78, 105. Magnentius, slays Constans, 53, 56; becomes master of Rome, 59, 77; is defeated and commits suicide, 59. Magnus, a quæstor, 59. Magnus, an unknown individual, excommunicated, 70. Magnus, Arian bishop of Chalcedon, 95. Magnus, treasurer, 105. Mamre, pagan altar at, a church built instead of, 22. Manes (Manichæus), born a slave, enfranchised and educated, 25; put to cruel death, 26. Manichæans, 55, 119, 144, 171. Mantinium, inhabitants of, defeat the troops of Macedonius, 67. Marathonius, bishop of Nicomedia, 66, 74. Marcellus, bishop of Ancyra, deposed, 33, 44, 45; is restored, 34; expelled and restored, 42; reinstated by the Council of Sardica, 47; refuted by Eusebius Pamphilus, 48; restored to his see by Constantius, 51; again ejected, 54; succeeded by Basil, 72. Marcian, a Novatian presbyter, 99. Marcian, Semi-Arian bishop of Lampsacus, 121. Marcian, Novatian bishop of Constantinople, 129; his death, 138. Marcian, Novatian bishop in Scythia, succeeds Paul at Constantinople, 178. Mareotes, a district of Alexandria, so called, 29, 31, 43. Marinus, Arian bishop of Constantinople, succeeds Demophilus, 124; his views, 134. Maris, Arian bishop of Chalcedon, defends Arianism, 9; refuses to assent to the Nicene Creed, 10; conspires against Athanasius, 29, 33, 41, 44; joins the Acacians, 71; reproves Julian, 85. Mark, a Syrian bishop under Constantius, 44; exiled, 55. Mark, another bishop exiled under Constantius, 55. Marriage, not allowed after ordination, 18; condemnation of, heretical, 72. Martyrdom, eagerness for, 105. Martyrius, one of the authors of the 'Lengthy Creed,' 44. Maruthas, bishop of Mesopotamia, treads on Cyrinus' foot, 148, 151; sent on a mission to the king of Persia, 156; cures the king by his prayers, 157. Mary, the Blessed Virgin, 56, 170. Massacre at the installation of Macedonius, 43. Matthew, the Apostle, preaches to the Ethiopians, 23. Mavia, queen of Saracens, heads a revolt against the Romans and offers to lay down arms on certain conditions, 116; the Roman generals consent, 116; gives her daughter in marriage to Victor, the commander-in-chief of the Roman army, 116; enables the inhabitants, of Constantinople to repulse the Goths, 118. Maxentius, made emperor by the Prætorians, his atrocious acts, 1; drowned, 2. Maximian, surnamed Herculius, lays aside the imperial dignity, 1; attempts to regain it, 1; dies at Tarsus, 1. Maximian, bishop of Constantinople, succeeds Nestorius, 173; his death and funeral obsequies, 175. Maximin, Cæsar (Maximian Galerius) appointed by Maximian, 1. Maximin, a governor of Rome, 113. Maximin, assessor in the Roman armies, accompanies Helion to Persia, is imprisoned, released, and concludes a treaty of peace, 163. Maximus, bishop of Jerusalem, 38, 52; ejected, 65. Maximus, of Ephesus, a philosopher, put to death as practicer of magic, 76; deludes Julian, 90; taught Sisinnius, 129. Maximus, of Byzantium, distinguished from preceding, 76. Maximus, bishop of Seleucia, 139. Maximus, usurper, 25; causes Gratian to be assassinated, 124; is admitted by Valentinian II. as his colleague, 124; Theodosius puts him to death, 125. Maximus, Novatian bishop of Nicæa, 113. Meletius (or Melitius), bishop of Sebastia, transferred to Berœa and thence to Antioch, exiled by Constantius, 72, 73; holds assemblies at Antioch, 83, 84; recalled by Jovian, 94, 95; expelled by Valens, 97; his death, 111, 122; funeral oration of, by Gregory of Nyssa, 111, 122; retained his see at the accession of Theodosius, 119, 120. Meletius (Melitius), bishop of Alexandria, deposed, becomes the head of the sect called Melitians, 5, 6; restored to communion by the Nicene Council, 12, 13. Melitians, their origin and union with the Arians, 5; separated from the church, 13; accuse Athanasius of crimes, 29. Memnon, bishop of Ephesus, 172. Menedemus, suffers martyrdom, 104. Meropius, a Tyrian philosopher, murdered, 23. Merum, martyrs at, 86. Methodius, bishop of Olympus in Lycia, author of Xenōn, 147. Metrodorus, a philosopher, 23. Metrophanes, bishop of Constantinople, succeeded by Alexander, 35. Milan, Synod of, 60; tumult at, and ordination of Ambrose, 113, 114. Miracles, 18, 23, 25, 109, 111, 112, 161, 174, 175. Misopōgōn, book so called written by Julian, 88. Mithra, murderous rites in the temple of, unveiled, 78, 79. Mithreum, cleansed, 79; demolished, 126. Modestus, the prefect, burns eighty pious men in a ship, 104. Monasticism, extension of, 66, 109, 161; harassed by Arians, 106. Monk, the, treatise by Evagrius, 107. Monks, of Egypt, their remarkable lives, 106, 107; their sufferings and Christian endurance, 108, 109; the 'Tall,' of Alexandria, 143. Monks, to the, living in communities, treatise by Evagrius, 107. Montanus and Montanism, 27, 63, 171. Mopsucrene, Constantius dies at, 75. Mopsuestia, 44. Moses, bishop of the Saracens, at the instance of Queen Mavia he is ordained, 116. Mysteries, name applied to the Eucharist, 17, 112, 128, 145. Mythology, the pagan, impure, 93, 94. Names, many persons change their, to avoid death from suspicion, 105; Atticus, changes ill-omened, 167. Narcissus, bishop of Neronias, under Constantius, 44, 54, 72. Narcissus, bishop of Jerusalem, 173. Narsæus, Persian general, 162. Nectarius, bishop of Constantinople, elected, 121; consulted by Theodosius the Great as to points of difference between the Christian sects, 122, 123; abolishes the office of penitentiary presbyter, 128; his death, 138. Neonas, bishop of Seleucia, ejected, 72. Nepotian, a usurper, assumes the sovereignty of Rome and is slain, 53. Nestorius, a governor of Alexandria, 52. Nestorius, bishop of Constantinople, native of Germania, invited to Constantinople, 169; persecutes the Macedonians, 170; his heresy, 171; deposed by the Synod of Ephesus, 172; banished to the Great Oasis, 172. New Jerusalem, church called by the name, 21, 32. 'New Rome,' Constantinople called, 21, 22. Nicæa, Council of, summoned by Constantine, 8; Eusebius Pamphilus' account of it, 10-12; names of bishops present, 19; period of the assembly of, 19; did not alter the time of celebrating Easter, 131. Nice, town in Thrace, Arians hold a council at, 65. Nicene Creed, 10; Arians scheme to subvert, 39, 47; not to be changed, 62, 70, 102. Nicocles, a grammarian, 76. Nicolaus Damascenus, a Greek writer, 167. Nilammon, a bishop exiled under Constantius, 55. Nile, superstitious views of its inundations, 22; Athanasius on the, 86. Nocturnal services, 144. Novatianism, principle of, 17; origin of, 112. Novatians, orthodox as to faith, 18, 66, 100, 123, 125, 128, 167; persecuted by the Arians, 66, 100; alter their Easter, 113; divided among themselves respecting it, 129, 134. Novatus, presbyter of the Roman church, 42, 112; secedes from it, 112; suffers martyrdom, 112. Oak of Mamre, 22. Oaths, 35, 99, 112, 130, 141, 146. Œnomaus, philosopher, condemns Apollo, 94. Olympius, a Thracian bishop proscribed by Constantius, 54. Optatus, pagan prefect of Constantinople under Arcadius, 151. Optimus, bishop of Antioch in Pisidia, 122, 173. 'Oracles, the Christian,' the New Testament, so called, 60. Oracles, pagan, 22, 88, 93, 94, 99, 105. Ordination, necessity of, 30; refused to the lapsed, 33; the Holy Spirit conveyed at, 70. Orestes, prefect of Alexandria under Theodosius II., 159; opposes Cyril, bishop of that city, 159; is attacked by the monks, 160. Origen, views of, 49, 60, 74, 81, 132, 143, 171; works of, 110; pupils of, 112, 156; condemned by Theophilus, 144, 147; defense of, 147, 148; contrast between treatment of, and treatment of Chrysostom, 177. Origenists, a party in the church so called, opposed to the Anthropomorphitæ, 145. Origen's principles, on, treatise by Didymus, 110. Otreius, bishop of Melitena, 122. Ousia, used by the Nicene Council, 10; various meanings of, 81; rejected by Acacians, 58, 62, 71; accepted later by the same, 95. Palladius, governor of Egypt under Valens, 105. Palladius, bishop of Helenopolis, 173. Palladius, a monk, disciple of Evagrius, 109. Palladius, a celebrated courier, 163. Pallium (philosopher's cloak), 78, 94. Pambos, an Egyptian monk, 107. Pancratius, bishop of Pelusium, 56. Paphlagonia, Arian violence in, 67; temperament of people of, 112. Paphnutius, bishop of Upper Thebes, 8; honored by the emperor for the truth's sake, 18; opposes an austere view of marriage, 18. Parembole, a gnostic monk from, 108. Pasinicus, bishop of Zelæ (Zena), 94. Patricius, Arian bishop of Paltus, 95. Patripassians, a heretical sect, 46, 101, 102. Patrophilus, Arian bishop, conspires against Athanasius, 33; ejects Maximus, 65; not present at the Synod of Seleucia, 68; deposed, 70; Acacius favors him, 73, 101. Paul of Samosata ('The Samosatan'), 33, 45, 47, 56, 57, 171. Paul, bishop of Constantinople, elected, 38; ejected by Constantius, 38; reinstated, 41; again expelled, 42; returns to Rome, 44; again reinstated by the Council of Sardica, 47, 49, 51; strangled, 54; his body honorably interred by Theodosius the Great, 122. Paul, the Apostle, at Athens, 127; his opposition to Judaism, 130. Paul, reader, associated with John Chrysostom, 149. Paul, Novatian bishop at Constantinople, 161; exposes a Jewish impostor, 161; his piety, 169; preserves a church from burning, through his prayers, 175; his death, 178. Paulinus, bishop of Treves, exiled by Constantius, 60. Paulinus, bishop of Antioch, ordained by Lucifer, 80, 93, 96; left unmolested by Valens, 97; retains a portion of the church, 119; protests against the association with him of Meletius, 119. Pazum, Novatian Council of, 113, 129. Pelagius, Semi-Arian bishop of Laodicæa, accepts the Nicene Creed, 95; invested with the administration of the churches in the East, 122. Pelusium, 53. Penitentiary presbyter, office of, abolished, 128. Perigenes, bishop of Patræ, 173. Persia, bishop of, at Nicæa, 8; wars with, 53, 85, 88, 162; spread of Christianity in, 156, 157; persecution of Christians in, 162. Peter, bishop of Alexandria, suffers martyrdom, 3; deposed by Meletius, 5; celebration of martyrdom of, 20. Peter, another bishop of Alexandria, succeeds Athanasius, 105; is deposed and imprisoned, 105; exposes the falsehoods of Sabinus the Macedonian, 106; returns from Rome, 117; his death, 117. Peter, implicated in accusations against Athanasius, 33. Peter, Semi-Arian bishop of Sippi, 95. Peter, a monk, brother of Basil, 111. Peter, archpresbyter of the church of Alexandria, 144. Peter, a reader, ringleader in the murder of Hypatia, 160. Pharmaceus, a port in the Euxine, name of, changed, 167. Philadelphia, Synod of, 81. Philip, prætorian prefect under Constantius, entraps the bishop Paul, 42, 43. Philip, a learned presbyter of Side, author of Christian History, 168; a candidate for the see of Constantinople, 172. Philippopolis, Arian Council of, 47, 49. Philo, bishop, exiled under Constantius, 55. Philosophers, Julian claims to be one of them, 78, 164; many resort to him, 78; disagreement among, 7, 115. Philosophy, studied among Christians, 87, 88, 110, 129, 154; applied to ascetic life, 24, 107. Philumenus, 29. Phœbus, excommunicated, 70. Photinus, bishop of Sirmium, heresy of, 44, 45; deposed, 56, 58; exiled, 58; Nestorius accused of following, 171. Phrygians, temperament of, 112. Pilate, tablet of, recovered, 21. Pior, an Egyptian monk, 106. Piso, Semi-Arian bishop of Adana, 95. Piso, Semi-Arian bishop of Augusta, 95. Piterus, a learned Egyptian monk, gave scientific lectures, opening with prayer, 107. Placidia, mother of Valentinian III., and daughter of Theodosius the Great, 114, 166. 'Placidian,' an imperial palace so called, 149. Placitus (Flaccillus), bishop of Antioch, 38, 54, 97. Plato, ancient philosopher, 60, 87, 90, 92, 156, 160. Plintha, commander-in-chief under Theodosius II., 134. Pliny, a bishop exiled under Constantius, 55. Plotinus, 160. Pneumatomachi, party among the Arians, 74. Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, suffered martyrdom under Gordian, 130. Polycarp, bishop of Sextantaprista, 173. Polytheism, Arians charged with, 27; pagan philosophy teaches, 87. Porphyry, an author, attacks Christianity, 14; surnamed the 'Tyrian old man,' 91; his History of Philosophers, 91. Porphyry, bishop of Antioch, 157. 'Porphyry Column,' the, 21, 35. Prayer, efficacy of, in divers cases, 135, 144, 157, 165, 174, 175. Prayers, variously performed in different churches, 133. Preaching, Chrysostom's, 140; as a means of amassing wealth, 146; Atticus', 154; Proclus', 168, 176. Presbyter, an (unnamed) Arian, influence of, 28. Presbyters, priestly functions of, 30; benediction given by, 72; represent bishops, 8, 95; not allowed to preach at Alexandria, 132. Probus, a consul, committed with the chief administration of affairs in Italy during the minority of Valentinian II., 124; leaves Italy and retires to Thessalonica, 124. Proclus, bishop of Cyzicus, a presbyter, 168; ordained to the bishopric, 168; transferred to Constantinople, 175; his virtues, 175, 176; preaches on Ezekiel's prophecy, 176; conciliates those who had seceded from the church, 176; makes an unprecedented ecclesiastical appointment, 178. Procopius, usurper, seizes the imperial throne, 97; marches with an army against Valens, is defeated and put to a horrible death, 97. Procopius, a Roman general, holds a command in the war with the Persians, 163. Prohæresius, celebrated rhetorician of Athens, 110. Protogenes, bishop of Sardica, 47. Protopresbyter, office of the, 144. Providence, mysterious counsels of, 26; denied by Epicureans, 87. Psamathia, 29. Psathyrians, a party among the Arians, 134. Psenosiris, a bishop exiled under Constantius, 55. Psilanthropism, 33, 34, 44, 47, 171. Pythagoras, ancient philosopher, 25, 90. Quartodecimans, excommunicated by Victor, bishop of Rome, 130; claim to have received their custom as to Easter from the Apostle John, 131; discipline among the, 132; deprived of their churches by John, 146, 151; persecuted by Nestorius, 169. Queen, the, of Iberia, converted to Christianity through a captive maid, spreads the gospel, 24. Quibbles, of Arians, 73. Readers, sign the creed of Seleucia, 68; Julian made one, 77; Sisinnius as one, 123; at Alexandria, 132; one carries message, 138; John appointed one, 139; Paul associated with John Chrysostom, 149; Proclus begins as one, 175. Reverentius, bishop of Arca, 173. Rheginus, author of the work called Polymnemon, 93. Rhetoric, study of, 76, 110, 111, 161, 173, 175. Rings, made use of by the Jews of Alexandria in a conspiracy against the Christians, 159. Romans, Epistle to the, 87, 98, 171. Rome, church of, has authority, 38, 42; Athanasius visits, 42; Cathedral of Peter and Paul at, 109; abuses in, suppressed by Theodosius, 127; taken and sacked by the barbarians, 157, 158. Rougas, chief of the barbarians who invaded Rome under Theodosius II., 176. Rufinus, presbyter, author of Ecclesiastical History, 20, 25, 36, 89, 109. Rufinus, prætorian prefect, slain, 138. Rufus, bishop of Thessalonica, 175. Rusticula, Novatian bishop at Rome, 158. Sabbatius, a converted Jew, promoted by Marcian the Novatian, to the office of presbyter, 129; occasions division in the church, 129; separates from the Novatians, 155, 156; procures ordination as bishop, 158; his death, 167. Sabbatius, Arian bishop, succeeds Barbas, 170. Sabellius (and Sabellianism), heretic, leader of a heretical sect, 3, 27, 46, 47, 56, 81, 101, 102, 115. Sabinian, Semi-Arian bishop of Zeugma, 95. Sabinus, Macedonian bishop at Heraclea and author of the Collection of Synodical Canons, speaks slightingly of the Nicene Council, 9; praises Constantine, 14; gross partiality of his work, 42, 44, 47, 68, 95, 103, 105. Sallust, prætorian prefect under Julian, 89. Samaritans, offshoots from the Jews, 133. Sanctuary, privilege of, 125, 140, 171, 172. Saracens, revolt against the Romans, 116; peace established, 116; join with the Persians, 162. Sardica, Council of, 34, 46, 49, 54. Sarmatians, invade the Roman territory, are defeated and Christianized, 22; war with, 114. Saturday, called 'the Sabbath,' usually a holiday, 131, 144, 178. Saturninus, a consular, delivered up to Gaïnas, 141. Scitis, 106. Scriptures, copies of, to be made, 16; study of, 39, 110, 139, 165; (by the Apollinares), 87, 88; literal sense of, 92, 93, 139; mystical sense of, 108, 120, 121, 132; difficulties in, 92; quoted on both sides in the Novatian controversy, 112; read and explained in the churches, 132; comments on, 165; translated by Ulfilas into the language of the Goths, 115. Scythian, a Saracen so named, corrupted the truth, 25. Scythians, a bishop of, present at the Nicene Council, 8; a Novatian bishop among the, 178; temperament of, 112. Scythopolis, 39. Sebastian, a Manichæan officer, 55. Sects, tendency of, to subdivide, 134. Secundus, Arian bishop of Ptolemais, refuses to receive the Nicene Creed, 10; denounced by the Nicene Council, 12. Secundus, father of Chrysostom, 138. Seditious movements at Antioch occasioned by the deposition of Eustathius, 27. Selenas, bishop of the Goths, 134. Seleucia, Council of, 61, 67, 75; creed of, 69. Sepulchre, the Holy, recovered, 21. Serapion, bishop of Antioch, 81. Serapion, bishop of Thmuis, 108. Serapion, deacon in the Constantinopolitan church, 139; his arrogance, 146; is ordained bishop of Heraclea in Thrace, 150. Serapis, 22; temple of (called Serapeum), destroyed, 126; singular hieroglyphics found in it, 126; invoked by Julian, 79. Severa, wife of Valentinian I., 114. Severian, bishop of Gabala, 146, 148. Severus, appointed Cæsar by Maximian, sent to Rome to seize the Emperor Maxentius, 1. Side, birthplace of Troïlus the Sophist and of Philip the presbyter, 168. Silvanus, usurper, defeated by Constantius, 59. Silvanus, Semi-Arian bishop of Tarsus, takes part in the Council of Seleucia, 68; petitions Jovian, 94; sent to Rome on a deputation, 100; subscribes a confession of faith, 101; answered by Liberius, 102. Silvanus, bishop of Philippopolis, 173; transferred to Troas, 174; his praiseworthy administration, 174. Silver statue of Eudoxia, 150. Siricius, bishop of Rome, 157. Sirmium, 55; Council of, 56; creeds of, 56, 57, 58. Sisinnius, Novatian bishop of Constantinople, reader to Agelius, 123; ordained bishop, 129; succeeds Marcian, 129; his learning, eloquence, grace of person, and some examples of his wit, 152; his death, 156; succeeded by Chrysanthus, 156. Sisinnius, bishop of Constantinople, succeeds Atticus, 168; ordains Proclus to the see of Cyzicus, 168; his death, 169. Sistra, places of penal prostitution, 127. Six Hundred Problems, treatise by Evagrius, 107. Smyrna, Macedonian Synod of, 102. Socrates, author of the Ecclesiastical History, personal reminiscences, 19, 67, 126, 128, 132, 156; birth of, 135; views of, regarding the abolition of penitentiary presbyter's office, 128; celebration of Easter, baptism, fasting, marriage, the Eucharist, and other ordinances, 130-133; on Origen and his merits, 147, 148; on Philip of Side's Christian History, 168; on transference of bishops from one church to another, 173. Socrates, Athenian philosopher, 87, 91. Sophia, church so called, 38, 43, 73. Sophistry of Arians, 60, 74, 110. Sophronius, Semi-Arian bishop of Pompeiopolis, declaration of, before the Synod of Seleucia, 69; deposed by Acacius, 72; sides with Macedonius, 73, 84; petitions Jovian, 94. Sotades, obscene poet, songs of, 13. Soucis, a mountain, made the boundary between the Eastern and Western churches, 49. Spyridon, bishop of Cyprus, 8; two remarkable incidents in his life, 18, 19. Stenography, used to record the sermons and speeches of orators, 58, 68, 140. Stephen, bishop of Antioch, 54. Strategium, public building in Constantinople, 21. Sycæ, a church removed to, 66. Symmachus, a Roman senator, clemency of Theodosius toward, 125. Synod (Council), at Nicæa, 8, 10-12, 19; at Antioch, 28, 73, 94; at Tyre, 30-32; of the Eastern bishops, 44; at Sardica, 34, 46, 49, 54; at Sirmium, 56, 57, 58; appointed to meet at Rome, 59; at Milan, 60; attempted at Nicomedia, 61; at Ariminum, 61, 67, 84, 101, 102; of the Ursacian faction at Nice, 65; at Seleucia in Isauria, 61, 67, 75; at Constantinople, 71- 73; at Alexandria, summoned by Athanasius and Eusebius, 81, 82; at Antioch (of bishops), of the Acacian faction, 94, 95; Lampsacus, 97; at Sicily, of Sicilian bishops, 102; at Pazum, of the Novatian bishops, 113; Ecumenical, at Constantinople, 121, 122; of Novatians, at Constantinople, 129; at Chalcedon in Bithynia, 149; at Ephesus, 172. Synods, provincial, the assembling of, authorized by the Ecumenical Synod of Constantinople; 122. Syrian, a military commander, 40. Tabernacle, of embroidered linen, made by Constantius, 22. Tarsus, in Cilicia, Synod of Seleucia transferred to, 67; but prevented from meeting there, 102, 103. Tatian, a Christian martyr, 86. Temples, pagan, closed, 2, 78, 86, 94; cleansed, 79; destroyed, 2, 22, 126. Terebinthus, also called Buddas, 25. Thalassius, bishop of Cæsarea, 178. Thalia, work composed by Arius, condemned, 13. Theatrical entertainments, 112, 159. Themistius, a philosopher, 95; records Jovian's religious tolerance and pronounces a consular oration before him at Antioch, 95; induces Valens to relax the severity of his persecution, 115. Theoctistus, leader of the Psathyrians, 134. Theodore, bishop of Heraclea, 31, 41, 44. Theodore, to whom the History is dedicated, 36, 137, 178. Theodore, a young Christian, cruelly tortured by Julian, 89, 165. Theodore, a martyr, 104. Theodore, of Mopsuestia, 139. Theodosiolus, put to death by Valens on account of his name, 105. Theodosius, bishop of Philadelphia, deposed, 70. Theodosius (the Great), emperor, 25; a Spaniard of noble ancestry, made colleague on the throne by Gratian, 119; obtains a victory over the barbarians, taken ill and baptized by the bishop of Thessalonica, 120; summons a synod at Constantinople, 121; the Goths submit to him, 122; proclaims Arcadius his son Augustus, 122; secures to the Novatians privileges enjoyed by other sects, 123; makes war on the usurper Maximus, 124; overcomes and puts him to death, 125; his clemency towards Symmachus, 125; destroys pagan temples, 126; reforms two infamous abuses in Rome, 127; returns to Constantinople, 128; tolerates all sects except the Eunomians, 129; favors the Novatians, 129; defeats the usurper Eugenius, 135; falls ill and sends for his son Honorius, 139; dies, 136; succeeded by his two sons, 137; funeral ceremonies, 137. Theodosius II., birth of, 142; accession to the throne, 153, 154; receives intelligence of the news from Persia in a remarkably short time, 163; his pre-eminent virtues, 164, 165; becomes sole ruler, 165; proclaims Valentinian III. emperor of the West, 166; calls a synod to meet at Ephesus, 172; appoints Proclus to the see of Constantinople, 175; his excellent qualities, 176; offers thanksgiving, 178. Theodosius, bishop of Synada, 154, 155. Theodosius' Forum, 99. Theodotus, bishop of Laodicea, 74. Theodulus, Thracian bishop, proscribed by Constantius, 54. Theodulus, bishop of Chæretapa, deposed, 70. Theodulus, a martyr, 86. Theognis, Arian bishop of Nicæa, defends Arianism, 9; refuses to receive the Nicene Creed, 10; exiled, 10; recalled, 20; copy of his recantation, 20; abuses the emperor's clemency, 26; conspires against Athanasius, 29, 33; renews efforts to introduce Arianism, 36. Theon, father of Hypatia, philosopher in Alexandria, 160. Theonas, Arian bishop of Marmarica, 4, 12. Theopemptus, Novatian bishop of Alexandria, 156. Theophilus, bishop of the Goths, 72. Theophilus, Semi-Arian bishop of Castabala, 94, 100, 101, 102. Theophilus, bishop of Alexandria, desires to make Evagrius bishop, 109; succeeds Timothy in the see of Alexandria, 124; reconciled to Flavian, 126; effects the destruction of the Mithreum and Serapeum, 126; opposes John, 138; plots against him, 140, 145; enters into controversy with the monks but dissimulates before danger, 142; condemns Origen, 143; quarrels with Isidore, 144, 145; continues operations against John, 148; counter-charges are made against him, 149; his death, 156. Theophilus, bishop of Apamea, 173. Theophronius, leader of the 'Eunomiotheophronians,' 135. Theotimus, Semi-Arian bishop of the Arabs, 95. Theotimus, bishop of Scythia, defends Origen, 147. Theotocos, discussions concerning the title, 170-172. Therapeia, a port in the Euxine, previously called Pharmaceus, 167. Thessalonica, Licinius compelled to live in, 3; Paul exiled to, 43. Thessaly, ecclesiastical customs in, 132. Thmuis, a bishop exiled under Constantius, 55. Thomas, apostle, goes to the Parthians, 23; church of, at Edessa, 104. Thracians, temperament of, 112. Tigris, a presbyter, 149. Timothy, bishop of Alexandria, succeeds his brother Peter, 117, 119; attends the Synod of Constantinople, 121; becomes patriarch of Egypt, 122; his death, 124. Timothy, Arian presbyter, proficient in the Scripture, 156. Timothy, archdeacon in Alexandria, candidate for the episcopacy, 156. Titles given to bishops and emperors, 137. Titus, of Bostra, 95. Toleration, practiced, 95, 96, 128, 176; plea for, 115. Tortures inflicted on Homoousians, 55; on Christian women, 66; on the martyrs of Merum, 86; on Theodore, 89. Transference of bishops, question of, 173. Transmigration of souls, theory of, 90. Treves, a city in Gaul, Athanasius exiled to, 37. Tribigildus, a kinsman of Gaïnas, rebels, 141. Trinity, on the, treatise by Didymus, 110. Troïlus, a sophist, 142, 154, 168, 173. Truth, historical, hard to ascertain, 137. Ulfilas, bishop of the Goths, 72; translates the Scriptures into the Gothic, 115. Unity in the Trinity, 3; in the Church between Novatians and Orthodox, 66. Uptar, King of the Burgundians, 170. Uranius, bishop of Tyre, 68; deposed, 70. Uranius, Semi-Arian bishop of Apamea, 95. Uranius, Semi-Arian bishop of Melitina, 95. Urbanus, martyr under Valens, 104. Ursacius, Arian bishop of Singidnum, conspires against Athanasius, 29, 33; recants, 41, 53, 57; refuses to anathematize Arius, 61; deposed by the Council of Ariminum, 63; favored by Constantius, 64. Ursinus, a deacon of Rome, 113. Valens, Arian bishop of Mursa, conspires against Athanasius, 29, 33; recants, 41, 53, 57; refuses to anathematize Arius, 61; deposed by the Council of Ariminum, 63; favored by Constantius, 64. Valens, emperor, as a military officer, prefers retirement to hypocrisy, 85, 96; raised to share the imperial throne, 96; resides at Constantinople, 96; is intolerant and cruel, 97; orders the walls of Chalcedon to be razed, and uses the stones for public baths, 99; persecutes the Novatians, 99; leaves Constantinople for Antioch, 103; banishes Eustathius and Evagrius, 103; dooms an entire congregation to death, 104; slaughters many on account of their names, 105; persecutes the Christians, 109; permits the Goths to become his subjects, 115, 116; desists from persecuting, 116; departs from Antioch and arrives at Constantinople, 117; his subjects murmur, he routs the Goths and is slain, 117, 118. Valentinian I., emperor, as a military officer, prefers retirement to hypocrisy, 85, 96; declared emperor, 96; makes Valens his colleague, 96; favors the Homoousians, 96; goes to the West, 114; abstains from interfering with any sect, 114; his territories invaded, ruptures a bloodvessel and dies, 114. Valentinian II., emperor, born, 100; proclaimed emperor, 114; Probus, consul during his minority, 124; compelled to admit Maximus the usurper as a colleague, Theodosius helps him against the usurper, 124; triumphal entry into Rome, 125; strangled, 135. Valentinian III., proclaimed emperor, 166; marries Eudoxia, daughter of Theodosius II., 177. Vararanes, king of Persia, 157; persecutes the Christians and provokes the Romans, 162; imprisons the Roman envoys, is routed and compelled to make peace, 162, 163. Various reading, a case of, 171. Venus, temple of, removed, 21; at Aphaca, demolished, 22. Vetranio, usurper, 53; proclaimed emperor, 55; deposed, lives happily in retirement, 55. Vicentius, presbyter of Rome, 19. Virgin, to the, treatise by Evagrius, 107. Wednesday and Friday, observed as fast-days, 132, 164. White garments, worn by candidates for baptism, 161. Will of Constantine, 35. Xenōn, a dialogue by Methodius, bishop of Olympus, 147. Xenophon, ancient Greek writer, 92, 167. Zealots, 137. Zeno, bishop of Jerusalem, 139. 'Zeuxippus,' bath called so, 43. Zoïlus, Semi-Arian bishop of Larissa, 95. Zosimus, bishop of Rome, 158. ![]() |