SEV Biblia, Chapter 65:11
Tú coronas el año de tus bienes; y tus nubes destilan grosura.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Psalms 64:11
Verse 11. Thou crownest the year ] A full and plentiful harvest is the crown of the year; and this springs from the unmerited goodness of God. This is the diadem of the earth; trf[ ittarta, Thou encirclest, as with a diadem. A most elegant expression, to show the progress of the sun through the twelve signs of the zodiac, producing the seasons, and giving a sufficiency of light and heat alternately to all places on the surface of the globe, by its north and south declination (amounting to 23ø 28' at the solstices) on each side of the equator. A more beautiful image could not have been chosen; and the very appearance of the space termed the zodiac on a celestial globe, shows with what propriety the idea of a circle or diadem was conceived by this inimitable poet.
Thy paths drop fatness. ] ûylg[m magaleycha, "thy orbits." The various planets, which all have their revolutions within the zodiacal space, are represented as contributing their part to the general fructification of the year. Or perhaps the solar revolution through the twelve signs, dividing the year into twelve parts or months, may be here intended; the rains of November and February, the frosts and snows of December and January, being as necessary for the fructification of the soil, as the gentle showers of spring, the warmth of summer, and the heat and drought of autumn. The earth's diurnal rotation on its axis, its annual revolution in its orbit, and the moon's course in aecompanying the earth, are all wheels or orbits of God, which drop fatness, or produce fertility in the earth.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 6-13 - That Almighty strength which sets fast the mountains, upholds the believer. That word which stills the stormy ocean, and speaks it into calm, can silence our enemies. How contrary soever light and darknes are to each other, it is hard to say which is most welcome. Does the watchman wait for the morning? so does the labourer earnestly desir the shades of evening. Some understand it of the morning and evenin sacrifices. We are to look upon daily worship, both alone and with ou families, to be the most needful of our daily occupations, the mos delightful of our daily comforts. How much the fruitfulness of thi lower part of the creation depends upon the influence of the upper, is easy to observe; every good and perfect gift is from above. He wh enriches the earth, which is filled with man's sins, by his abundan and varied bounty, can neither want power nor will to feed the souls of his people. Temporal mercies to us unworthy creatures, shadow fort more important blessings. The rising of the Sun of righteousness, an the pouring forth of the influences of the Holy Spirit, that river of God, full of the waters of life and salvation, render the hard, barren worthless hearts of sinners fruitful in every good work, and change the face of nations more than the sun and rain change the face of nature Wherever the Lord passes, by his preached gospel, attended by his Holy Spirit, his paths drop fatness, and numbers are taught to rejoice in and praise him. They will descend upon the pastures of the wilderness all the earth shall hear and embrace the gospel, and bring fort abundantly the fruits of righteousness which are, through Jesus Christ to the glory of the Father. Manifold and marvellous, O Lord, are the works, whether of nature or of grace; surely in loving-kindness has thou made them all __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
עטרת 5849 שׁנת 8141 טובתך 2896 ומעגליך 4570 ירעפון 7491 דשׁן׃ 1880