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PARALLEL HISTORY BIBLE - Lamentations 5:4 CHAPTERS: Lamentations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
LXX- Greek Septuagint - Lamentations 5:4 εξ 1537 1803 ημερων 2250 ημων 2257 ξυλα 3586 ημων 2257 εν 1722 1520 αλλαγματι ηλθεν 2064 5627
Douay Rheims Bible We have drunk our water for money: we have bought our wood.
King James Bible - Lamentations 5:4 We have drunken our water for money; our wood is sold unto us.
World English Bible We have drunken our water for money; Our wood is sold to us.
World Wide Bible Resources Lamentations 5:4
Early Christian Commentary - (A.D. 100 - A.D. 325) Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 57 See Isa. iii. 1; 3; and comp. 1 Cor. iii. 10; Eph. ii. 20, 21; 1 Pet. ii. 4–8, and many similar passages. who builds the church, God’s temple, and the holy city, and the house of the Lord. For thenceforth God’s grace desisted (from working) among them. And “the clouds were commanded not to rain a shower upon the vineyard of Sorek,”1434 1434
Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxiii Pg 4 Architectum, Isa. iii. 1–3, abridged. that is, His Holy Spirit, who builds the church, which is indeed the temple, and household and city of God. For thenceforth God’s grace failed amongst them; and “the clouds were commanded to rain no rain upon the vineyard” of Sorech; to withhold, that is, the graces of heaven, that they shed no blessing upon “the house of Israel,” which had but produced “the thorns” wherewith it had crowned the Lord, and “instead of righteousness, the cry” wherewith it had hurried Him away to the cross.3418 3418 Anf-01 ix.vi.xviii Pg 23 Ps. xxxiv. 13, 14.
Anf-01 ix.vi.xxxvii Pg 7 Ps. xxxiv. 13, 14. In preaching these things, the prophets sought the fruits of righteousness. But last of all He sent to those unbelievers His own Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, whom the wicked husbandmen cast out of the vineyard when they had slain Him. Wherefore the Lord God did even give it up (no longer hedged around, but thrown open throughout all the world) to other husbandmen, who render the fruits in their seasons,—the beautiful elect tower being also raised everywhere. For the illustrious Church is [now] everywhere, and everywhere is the winepress digged: because those who do receive the Spirit are everywhere. For inasmuch as the former have rejected the Son of God, and cast Him out of the vineyard when they slew Him, God has justly rejected them, and given to the Gentiles outside the vineyard the fruits of its cultivation. This is in accordance with what Jeremiah says, “The Lord hath rejected and cast off the nation which does these things; for the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the Lord.”4360 4360
Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xvi Pg 18.1
Anf-03 v.iv.iii.xix Pg 12 Ps. xxxiv. 13, 14. be angry, and sin not; that is, not persevere in anger, or be enraged:2932 2932
Anf-03 v.iv.vi.xiv Pg 37 Ps. xxxiv. 14. Then again: “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love.”5872 5872 Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 27
Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 35 Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxxiii Pg 2 Isa. iii. 9–15. Again, in other words, the same prophet spake to the same effect: ‘Woe unto them that draw their iniquity as with a long cord, and their transgressions as with the harness of an heifer’s yoke: who say, Let His speed come near, and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel come, that we may know it. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil! that put light for darkness, and darkness for light! that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! Woe unto those that are mighty among you, who drink wine, who are men of strength, who mingle strong drink! who justify the wicked for a reward, and take away justice from the righteous! Therefore, as the stubble shall be burnt by the coal of fire, and utterly consumed by the burning flame, their root shall be as wool, and their flower shall go up like dust. For they would not have the law of the Lord of Sabaoth, but despised2467 2467 Literally, “provoked.” the word of the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. And the Lord of Sabaoth was very angry, and laid His hands upon them, and smote them; and He was provoked against the mountains, and their carcases were in the midst like dung on the road. And for all this they have not repented,2468 2468 Literally, “turned away.” but their hand is still high.’2469 2469
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xiv Pg 19 Isa. iii. 14, 15. And again: “Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees; for in their decrees they decree wickedness, turning aside the needy from judgment, and taking away their rights from the poor of my people.”3951 3951 Anf-01 viii.iv.cxix Pg 3 Deut. xxxii. 16–23. And after that Righteous One was put to death, we flourished as another people, and shot forth as new and prosperous corn; as the prophets said, ‘And many nations shall betake themselves to the Lord in that day for a people: and they shall dwell in the midst of all the earth.’2402 2402
Anf-02 vi.iii.i.viii Pg 22.1 Anf-01 ii.ii.li Pg 5 Ex. xiv. for no other reason than that their foolish hearts were hardened, after so many signs and wonders had been wrought in the land of Egypt by Moses the servant of God. Anf-03 vi.ii.xii Pg 10 Cod. Sin. has, “and He shall make him alive.” [to others], whom they believed to have destroyed on the cross1614 1614 Literally, “the sign.” when Israel was failing. For since transgression was committed by Eve through means of the serpent, [the Lord] brought it to pass that every [kind of] serpents bit them, and they died,1615 1615 Anf-03 iv.ix.viii Pg 10 See Dan. ix . 24–; 27. It seemed best to render with the strictest literality, without regard to anything else; as an idea will thus then be given of the condition of the text, which, as it stands, differs widely, as will be seen, from the Hebrew and also from the LXX., as it stands in the ed. Tisch. Lips. 1860, to which I always adapt my references. Anf-02 ii.ii.i Pg 23.1 Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxii Pg 42 Tertullian, by introducing this statement with an “inquit,” seems to make a quotation of it; but it is only a comment on the actual quotations. Tertullian’s invariable object in this argument is to match some event or word pertaining to the Christ of the New Testament with some declaration of the Old Testament. In this instance the approving words of God upon the mount are in Heb. i. 5 applied to the Son, while in Ps. ii. 7 the Son applies them to Himself. Compare the Adversus Praxean, chap. xix. (Fr. Junius and Oehler). It is, however, more likely that Tertullian really means to quote Isa. xliv. 26, “that confirmeth the word of His servant,” which Tertullian reads, “Sistens verba filii sui,” the Septuagint being, Καὶ ἰστῶν ῥῆμα παιδὸς αὐτοῦ. He establishes the words of His Son, when He says, “This is my beloved Son, hear ye Him.” Therefore, even if there be made a transfer of the obedient “hearing” from Moses and Elias to4359 4359 In Christo. In with an ablative is often used by our author for in with an accusative. Christ, it is still not from another God, or to another Christ; but from4360 4360 Or perhaps “by the Creator.” the Creator to His Christ, in consequence of the departure of the old covenant and the supervening of the new. “Not an ambassador, nor an angel, but He Himself,” says Isaiah, “shall save them;”4361 4361 Anf-03 v.iv.v.xv Pg 29 1 Kings iii. 5–13. But with respect to this man, since, when a choice was left to him, he preferred asking for what he knew to be well-pleasing to God—even wisdom—he further merited the attainment of the riches, which he did not prefer. The endowing of a man indeed with riches, is not an incongruity to God, for by the help of riches even rich men are comforted and assisted; moreover, by them many a work of justice and charity is carried out. But yet there are serious faults4009 4009 Vitia. which accompany riches; and it is because of these that woes are denounced on the rich, even in the Gospel. “Ye have received,” says He, “your consolation;”4010 4010 Anf-03 v.iv.vi.xi Pg 6 Dan. ii. 19, 20; iii. 28, 29; iv. 34, 37" id="v.iv.vi.xi-p6.1" parsed="|Dan|2|19|2|20;|Dan|3|28|3|29;|Dan|4|34|0|0;|Dan|4|37|0|0" osisRef="Bible:Dan.2.19-Dan.2.20 Bible:Dan.3.28-Dan.3.29 Bible:Dan.4.34 Bible:Dan.4.37">Dan. ii. 19, 20; iii. 28, 29; iv. 34, 37. Now, if the title of Father may be claimed for (Marcion’s) sterile god, how much more for the Creator? To none other than Him is it suitable, who is also “the Father of mercies,”5683 5683 Anf-01 viii.ii.li Pg 4 This prophecy occurs not in Jeremiah, but in Dan. vii. 13. His words are: “Behold, as the Son of man He cometh in the clouds of heaven, and His angels with Him.”1875 1875
Anf-01 viii.ii.li Pg 5 Dan. vii. 13.
Anf-01 ix.iv.xx Pg 17 Dan. vii. 13. —all these things did the Scriptures prophesy of Him.
Anf-01 ix.vi.xxxiv Pg 11 Dan. vii. 13. bringing on the day which burns as a furnace,4263 4263 Mal. iv. 1. and smiting the earth with the word of His mouth,4264 4264
Anf-01 ix.vi.xxxiv Pg 53 Dan. vii. 13. and those who declared regarding Him, “They shall look on Him whom they have pierced,”4294 4294
Anf-01 ix.vi.xxi Pg 48 Dan. vii. 13, 14. and as smiting all temporal kingdoms, and as blowing them away (ventilans ea), and as Himself filling all the earth. Then, too, is this same individual beheld as the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven, and drawing near to the Ancient of Days, and receiving from Him all power and glory, and a kingdom. “His dominion,” it is said, “is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom shall not perish.”4100 4100
Anf-03 v.iv.iv.vii Pg 14 Dan. vii. 13, 14. Then indeed He shall have both a glorious form, and an unsullied beauty above the sons of men. “Thou art fairer,” says (the Psalmist), “than the children of men; grace is poured into Thy lips; therefore God hath blessed Thee for ever. Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh, O most mighty, with Thy glory and Thy majesty.”3192 3192
Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxiv Pg 39 Dan. vii. 13. ) and so shall we ever be with the Lord,3472 3472
Anf-03 v.iv.v.x Pg 42 Dan. vii. 13. What I have advanced might have been sufficient concerning the designation in prophecy of the Son of man. But the Scripture offers me further information, even in the interpretation of the Lord Himself. For when the Jews, who looked at Him as merely man, and were not yet sure that He was God also, as being likewise the Son of God, rightly enough said that a man could not forgive sins, but God alone, why did He not, following up their point3801 3801 Secundum intentionem eorum. about man, answer them, that He3802 3802 Eum: that is, man. had power to remit sins; inasmuch as, when He mentioned the Son of man, He also named a human being? except it were because He wanted, by help of the very designation “Son of man” from the book of Daniel, so to induce them to reflect3803 3803 Repercutere. as to show them that He who remitted sins was God and man—that only Son of man, indeed, in the prophecy of Daniel, who had obtained the power of judging, and thereby, of course, of forgiving sins likewise (for He who judges also absolves); so that, when once that objection of theirs3804 3804 Scandalo isto. was shattered to pieces by their recollection of Scripture, they might the more easily acknowledge Him to be the Son of man Himself by His own actual forgiveness of sins. I make one more observation,3805 3805 Denique. how that He has nowhere as yet professed Himself to be the Son of God—but for the first time in this passage, in which for the first time He has remitted sins; that is, in which for the first time He has used His function of judgment, by the absolution. All that the opposite side has to allege in argument against these things, (I beg you) carefully weigh3806 3806 Dispice. what it amounts to. For it must needs strain itself to such a pitch of infatuation as, on the one hand, to maintain that (their Christ) is also Son of man, in order to save Him from the charge of falsehood; and, on the other hand, to deny that He was born of woman, lest they grant that He was the Virgin’s son. Since, however, the divine authority and the nature of the case, and common sense, do not admit this insane position of the heretics, we have here the opportunity of putting in a veto3807 3807 Interpellandi. in the briefest possible terms, on the substance of Christ’s body, against Marcion’s phantoms. Since He is born of man, being the Son of man. He is body derived from body.3808 3808 Corpus ex corpore. You may, I assure you,3809 3809 Plane: introducing the sharp irony. more easily find a man born without a heart or without brains, like Marcion himself, than without a body, like Marcion’s Christ. And let this be the limit to your examination of the heart, or, at any rate, the brains of the heretic of Pontus.3810 3810 This is perhaps the best sense of T.’s sarcasm: “Atque adeo (thus far) inspice cor Pontici aut (or else) cerebrum.”
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxxix Pg 37 Dan. vii. 13. etc. “And there was given unto Him the kingly power,”5049 5049
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xli Pg 19 Dan. vii. 13. and of David’s Psalm, that He would “sit at the right hand of God.”5111 5111
Anf-03 v.iv.vi.ix Pg 23 Tertullian, as usual, argues from the Septuagint, which in the latter clause of Ps. cx. 3 has ἐκ γαστρὸς πρὸ ἑωσφόρου ἐγέννησά σε; and so the Vulgate version has it. This Psalm has been variously applied by the Jews. Raschi (or Rabbi Sol. Jarchi) thinks it is most suitable to Abraham, and possibly to David, in which latter view D. Kimchi agrees with him. Others find in Solomon the best application; but more frequently is Hezekiah thought to be the subject of the Psalm, as Tertullian observes. Justin Martyr (in Dial. cum Tryph.) also notices this application of the Psalm. But Tertullian in the next sentence appears to recognize the sounder opinion of the older Jews, who saw in this Ps. cx. a prediction of Messiah. This opinion occurs in the Jerusalem Talmud, in the tract Berachoth, 5. Amongst the more recent Jews who also hold the sounder view, may be mentioned Rabbi Saadias Gaon, on Dan. vii. 13, and R. Moses Hadarsan [singularly enough quoted by Raschi in another part of his commentary (Gen. xxxv. 8)], with others who are mentioned by Wetstein, On the New Testament, Matt. xxii. 44. Modern Jews, such as Moses Mendelsohn, reject the Messianic sense; and they are followed by the commentators of the Rationalist school amongst ourselves and in Germany. J. Olshausen, after Hitzig, comes down in his interpretation of the Psalm as late as the Maccabees, and sees a suitable accomplishment of its words in the honours heaped upon Jonathan by Alexander son of Antiochus Epiphanes (see 1 Macc. x. 20). For the refutation of so inadequate a commentary, the reader is referred to Delitzch on Ps. cx. The variations of opinion, however, in this school, are as remarkable as the fluctuations of the Jewish writers. The latest work on the Psalms which has appeared amongst us (Psalms, chronologically arranged, by four Friends), after Ewald, places the accomplishment of Ps. cx. in what may be allowed to have been its occasion—David’s victories over the neighboring heathen. are applicable to Hezekiah, and to the birth of Hezekiah. We on our side5602 5602 Nos. have published Gospels (to the credibility of which we have to thank5603 5603 Debemus. them5604 5604 Istos: that is, the Jews (Rigalt.). for having given some confirmation, indeed, already in so great a subject5605 5605 Utique jam in tanto opere. ); and these declare that the Lord was born at night, that so it might be “before the morning star,” as is evident both from the star especially, and from the testimony of the angel, who at night announced to the shepherds that Christ had at that moment been born,5606 5606 Natum esse quum maxime. and again from the place of the birth, for it is towards night that persons arrive at the (eastern) “inn.” Perhaps, too, there was a mystic purpose in Christ’s being born at night, destined, as He was, to be the light of the truth amidst the dark shadows of ignorance. Nor, again, would God have said, “I have begotten Thee,” except to His true Son. For although He says of all the people (Israel), “I have begotten5607 5607 Generavi: Sept. ἐγέννησα. children,”5608 5608
Anf-03 v.vii.xv Pg 7 Dan. vii. 13. The Apostle Paul likewise says: “The man Christ Jesus is the one Mediator between God and man.”7154 7154
Anf-03 iv.ix.xiv Pg 11 See Dan. vii. 13, 14. Then, assuredly, is He to have an honourable mien, and a grace not “deficient more than the sons of men;” for (He will then be) “blooming in beauty in comparison with the sons of men.”1454 1454 See c. ix. med. “Grace,” says the Psalmist, “hath been outpoured in Thy lips: wherefore God hath blessed Thee unto eternity. Gird Thee Thy sword around Thy thigh, most potent in Thy bloom and beauty!”1455 1455 See c. ix. med. while the Father withal afterwards, after making Him somewhat lower than angels, “crowned Him with glory and honour and subjected all things beneath His feet.”1456 1456
Anf-03 v.viii.xxii Pg 6 Joel iii. 9–15; Dan. vii. 13, 14. ), that “there should be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring, men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth.”7416 7416
Npnf-201 iii.vi.ii Pg 57 Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 57 See Isa. iii. 1; 3; and comp. 1 Cor. iii. 10; Eph. ii. 20, 21; 1 Pet. ii. 4–8, and many similar passages. who builds the church, God’s temple, and the holy city, and the house of the Lord. For thenceforth God’s grace desisted (from working) among them. And “the clouds were commanded not to rain a shower upon the vineyard of Sorek,”1434 1434
Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxiii Pg 4 Architectum, Isa. iii. 1–3, abridged. that is, His Holy Spirit, who builds the church, which is indeed the temple, and household and city of God. For thenceforth God’s grace failed amongst them; and “the clouds were commanded to rain no rain upon the vineyard” of Sorech; to withhold, that is, the graces of heaven, that they shed no blessing upon “the house of Israel,” which had but produced “the thorns” wherewith it had crowned the Lord, and “instead of righteousness, the cry” wherewith it had hurried Him away to the cross.3418 3418 Anf-01 ii.ii.xliii Pg 4 See Num. xvii. What think ye, beloved? Did not Moses know beforehand that this would happen? Undoubtedly he knew; but he acted thus, that there might be no sedition in Israel, and that the name of the true and only God might be glorified; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Anf-01 vi.ii.ix Pg 10 Isa. i. 10. And again He saith, “Hear, ye children, the voice of one crying in the wilderness.”1557 1557 Cod. Sin. reads, “it is the voice,” corrected, however, as above. Therefore He hath circumcised our ears, that we might hear His word and believe, for the circumcision in which they trusted is abolished.1558
Anf-01 ix.vi.xlii Pg 14 Isa. i. 10. intimating that they were like the Sodomites in wickedness, and that the same description of sins was rife among them, calling them by the same name, because of the similarity of their conduct. And inasmuch as they were not by nature so created by God, but had power also to act rightly, the same person said to them, giving them good counsel, “Wash ye, make you clean; take away iniquity from your souls before mine eyes; cease from your iniquities.”4447 4447
Anf-03 iv.ix.ix Pg 22 Isa. i. 10. when those cities had already long been extinct.1268 1268
Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xiii Pg 28 Isa. i. 10. And in another passage He also says: “Thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite,”3281 3281
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxvii Pg 25 Isa. i. 10. who forbids us “to put confidence even in princes,”4598 4598
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxi Pg 36 Isa. lvii. i. When does this more frequently happen than in the persecution of His saints? This, indeed, is no ordinary matter,4291 4291 We have, by understanding res, treated these adjectives as nouns. Rigalt. applies them to the doctrina of the sentence just previous. Perhaps, however, “persecutione” is the noun. no common casualty of the law of nature; but it is that illustrious devotion, that fighting for the faith, wherein whosoever loses his life for God saves it, so that you may here again recognize the Judge who recompenses the evil gain of life with its destruction, and the good loss thereof with its salvation. It is, however, a jealous God whom He here presents to me; one who returns evil for evil. “For whosoever,” says He, “shall be ashamed of me, of him will I also be ashamed.”4292 4292 Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxxii Pg 3 Isa. i. 23. Now, if you know certain amongst us to be of this sort, do not for their sakes blaspheme the Scriptures and Christ, and do not assiduously strive to give falsified interpretations.
Anf-01 ix.vi.iii Pg 21 Isa. i. 23. And Jeremiah, in like manner: “They,” he says, “who rule my people did not know me; they are senseless and imprudent children; they are wise to do evil, but to do well they have no knowledge.”3822 3822
Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 49.1 Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 20 Isa. xxxi. 9, Isa. xxxii. 1. And with regard to the foundation on which it shall be rebuilt, he says: “Behold, I will lay in order for thee a carbuncle stone, and sapphire for thy foundations; and I will lay thy ramparts with jasper, and thy gates with crystal, and thy wall with choice stones: and all thy children shall be taught of God, and great shall be the peace of thy children; and in righteousness shalt thou be built up.”4763 4763 Anf-01 ii.ii.xlii Pg 9 Isa. lx. 17, Sept.; but the text is here altered by Clement. The LXX. have “I will give thy rulers in peace, and thy overseers in righteousness.”
Anf-01 ix.vi.xxvii Pg 27 Isa. lx. 17. Of whom also did the Lord declare, “Who then shall be a faithful steward (actor), good and wise, whom the Lord sets over His household, to give them their meat in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when He cometh, shall find so doing.”4171 4171 Anf-01 viii.ii.lii Pg 2 Ezek. xxxvii. 7, 8; Isa. xlv. 24. And in what kind of sensation and punishment the wicked are to be, hear from what was said in like manner with reference to this; it is as follows: “Their worm shall not rest, and their fire shall not be quenched;”1877 1877 Isa. lxvi. 24. and then shall they repent, when it profits them not. And what the people of the Jews shall say and do, when they see Him coming in glory, has been thus predicted by Zechariah the prophet: “I will command the four winds to gather the scattered children; I will command the north wind to bring them, and the south wind, that it keep not back. And then in Jerusalem there shall be great lamentation, not the lamentation of mouths or of lips, but the lamentation of the heart; and they shall rend not their garments, but their hearts. Tribe by tribe they shall mourn, and then they shall look on Him whom they have pierced; and they shall say, Why, O Lord, hast Thou made us to err from Thy way? The glory which our fathers blessed, has for us been turned into shame.”1878 1878 Anf-01 ii.ii.xviii Pg 3 Ps. lxxxix. 21. Yet this very man saith to God, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, according to Thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of Thy compassions, blot out my transgression. Wash me still more from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my iniquity, and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only have I sinned, and done that which was evil in Thy sight; that Thou mayest be justified in Thy sayings, and mayest overcome when Thou82 82 Or, “when Thou judgest.” art judged. For, behold, I was conceived in transgressions, and in my sins did my mother conceive me. For, behold, Thou hast loved truth; the secret and hidden things of wisdom hast Thou shown me. Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed; Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me to hear joy and gladness; my bones, which have been humbled, shall exult. Turn away Thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.83 83 Literally, “in my inwards.” Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation, and establish me by Thy governing Spirit. I will teach transgressors Thy ways, and the ungodly shall be converted unto Thee. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness,84 84 Literally, “bloods.” O God, the God of my salvation: my tongue shall exult in Thy righteousness. O Lord, Thou shalt open my mouth, and my lips shall show forth Thy praise. For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I would have given it; Thou wilt not delight in burnt-offerings. The sacrifice [acceptable] to God is a bruised spirit; a broken and a contrite heart God will not despise.”85 85
Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xvi Pg 11.1 Anf-03 iv.ii Pg 171 Catal. Scrippt. Eccles. c. 18. and on Ezek. xxxvi.;55 55 P. 952, tom. iii. Opp. ed. Bened. and by Gennadius of Marseilles.56 56 De Ecclesiæ dogmatibus, c. 55. Anf-03 vi.iii.ix Pg 4 “Libere expeditus,” set free, and that without any conditions, such as Pharaoh had from time to time tried to impose. See Ex. viii. 25, 28; x. 10, 11, 24. escaped the violence of the Egyptian king by crossing over through water, it was water that extinguished8619 8619 “Extinxit,” as it does fire. the king himself, with his entire forces.8620 8620 Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.xviii Pg 4.1 Anf-01 ix.vi.xviii Pg 7 Ps. l. 9. Then, lest it might be supposed that He refused these things in His anger, He continues, giving him (man) counsel: “Offer unto God the sacrifice of praise, and pay thy vows to the Most High; and call upon Me in the day of thy trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me;”4013 4013
Anf-01 viii.iv.xxii Pg 4 Ps. l. (in E. V.). Accordingly He neither takes sacrifices from you nor commanded them at first to be offered because they are needful to Him, but because of your sins. For indeed the temple, which is called the temple in Jerusalem, He admitted to be His house or court, not as though He needed it, but in order that you, in this view of it, giving yourselves to Him, might not worship idols. And that this is so, Isaiah says: ‘What house have ye built Me? saith the Lord. Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool.’2004 2004 Anf-01 ix.vi.xviii Pg 9 Isa. i. 11. And when He had repudiated holocausts, and sacrifices, and oblations, as likewise the new moons, and the sabbaths, and the festivals, and all the rest of the services accompanying these, He continues, exhorting them to what pertained to salvation: “Wash you, make you clean, take away wickedness from your hearts from before mine eyes: cease from your evil ways, learn to do well, seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow; and come, let us reason together, saith the Lord.”
Anf-01 vi.ii.ii Pg 4 Isa. i. 11–14, from the Sept., as is the case throughout. We have given the quotation as it stands in Cod. Sin. He has therefore abolished these things, that the new law of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is without the yoke of necessity, might have a human oblation.1459 1459 Thus in the Latin. The Greek reads, “might not have a man-made oblation.” The Latin text seems preferable, implying that, instead of the outward sacrifices of the law, there is now required a dedication of man himself. Hilgenfeld follows the Greek. And again He says to them, “Did I command your fathers, when they went out from the land of Egypt, to offer unto Me burnt-offerings and sacrifices? But this rather I commanded them, Let no one of you cherish any evil in his heart against his neighbour, and love not an oath of falsehood.”1460 1460
Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.xviii Pg 5.1
Anf-02 vi.iv.v.xiv Pg 116.1
Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 27.1
Anf-03 iv.ix.v Pg 14 Comp. Isa. i. 11–14, especially in the LXX. for “from the rising sun unto the setting, my Name hath been made famous among all the nations, saith the Lord.”1209 1209
Anf-03 v.iv.iii.xxii Pg 12 Isa. i. 11. —He meant nothing else than this to be understood, that He had never really required such homage for Himself. For He says, “I will not eat the flesh of bulls;”2973 2973
Anf-03 iv.ix.v Pg 12 Isa. i. 11. —so spiritual sacrifices are predicted1207 1207 Or, “foretold.” as accepted, as the prophets announce. For, “even if ye shall have brought me,” He says, “the finest wheat flour, it is a vain supplicatory gift: a thing execrable to me;” and again He says, “Your holocausts and sacrifices, and the fat of goats, and blood of bulls, I will not, not even if ye come to be seen by me: for who hath required these things from your hands?”1208 1208
Anf-03 vi.iv.xxviii Pg 4 Isa. i. 11. See the LXX. What, then, God has required the Gospel teaches. “An hour will come,” saith He, “when the true adorers shall adore the Father in spirit and truth. For God is a Spirit, and accordingly requires His adorers to be such.”8938 8938
Anf-03 v.iv.iii.xviii Pg 11 Isa. i. 11, 12. But he should see herein a careful provision2921 2921 Industriam. on God’s part, which showed His wish to bind to His own religion a people who were prone to idolatry and transgression by that kind of services wherein consisted the superstition of that period; that He might call them away therefrom, while requesting it to be performed to Himself, as if He desired that no sin should be committed in making idols.
Anf-03 v.iv.iii.xxii Pg 18 See Isa. i. 11–14. By calling them yours, as having been performed2979 2979 Fecerat seems the better reading: q.d. “which he had performed,” etc. Oehler reads fecerant. after the giver’s own will, and not according to the religion of God (since he displayed them as his own, and not as God’s), the Almighty in this passage, demonstrated how suitable to the conditions of the case, and how reasonable, was His rejection of those very offerings which He had commanded to be made to Him. Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 9 Isa. i. 15. and again, “Woe! sinful nation; a people full of sins; wicked sons; ye have quite forsaken God, and have provoked unto indignation the Holy One of Israel.”1169 1169
Anf-03 vi.iv.xiv Pg 5 Isa. i. 15. for fear Christ should utterly shudder. We, however, not only raise, but even expand them; and, taking our model from the Lord’s passion8849 8849 i.e. from the expansion of the hands on the cross. even in prayer we confess8850 8850 Or, “give praise.” to Christ. Anf-01 viii.iv.xxii Pg 3 Jer. vii. 21 f. And again by David, in the forty-ninth Psalm, He thus said: ‘The God of gods, the Lord hath spoken, and called the earth, from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof. Out of Zion is the perfection of His beauty. God, even our God, shall come openly, and shall not keep silence. Fire shall burn before Him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about Him. He shall call to the heavens above, and to the earth, that He may judge His people. Assemble to Him His saints; those that have made a covenant with Him by sacrifices. And the heavens shall declare His righteousness, for God is judge. Hear, O My people, and I will speak to thee; O Israel, and I will testify to thee, I am God, even thy God. I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices; thy burnt-offerings are continually before me. I will take no bullocks out of thy house, nor he-goats out of thy folds: for all the beasts of the field are Mine, the herds and the oxen on the mountains. I know all the fowls of the heavens, and the beauty of the field is Mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell thee; for the world is Mine, and the fulness thereof. Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? Offer unto God the sacrifice of praise, and pay thy vows unto the Most High, and call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me. But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare My statutes, and to take My covenant into thy mouth? But thou hast hated instruction, and cast My words behind thee. When thou sawest a thief, thou consentedst with him; and hast been partaker with the adulterer. Thy mouth has framed evil, and thy tongue has enfolded deceit. Thou sittest and speakest against thy brother; thou slanderest thine own mother’s son. These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I would be like thyself in wickedness. I will reprove thee, and set thy sins in order before thine eyes. Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest He tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver. The sacrifice of praise shall glorify Me; and there is the way in which I shall show him My salvation.’2003 2003
Anf-01 ix.vi.xviii Pg 15 Jer. vii. 21. And again, when He declares by the same man, “But let him that glorieth, glory in this, to understand and know that I am the Lord, who doth exercise loving-kindness, and righteousness, and judgment in the earth;”4019 4019 Anf-01 vi.ii.ii Pg 6 Jer. vii. 22; Zech. viii. 17. We ought therefore, being possessed of understanding, to perceive the gracious intention of our Father; for He speaks to us, desirous that we, not1461 1461
Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 39.1 Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 45.1 Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 16 Jer. xxxi. 10, etc. Now, in the preceding book4760 4760 See. iv. 8, 3. I have shown that all the disciples of the Lord are Levites and priests, they who used in the temple to profane the Sabbath, but are blameless.4761 4761 Anf-01 ix.vi.xxxiv Pg 9 Isa. xi. 12. and remembered His own dead ones who had formerly fallen asleep,4261 4261 Comp. book iii. 20, 4. and came down to them that He might deliver them: but the second in which He will come on the clouds,4262 4262 Anf-02 vi.iv.v.xiv Pg 203.1 ecf24Oz31z9, 33:15-26) Anf-03 vi.iii.ix Pg 4 “Libere expeditus,” set free, and that without any conditions, such as Pharaoh had from time to time tried to impose. See Ex. viii. 25, 28; x. 10, 11, 24. escaped the violence of the Egyptian king by crossing over through water, it was water that extinguished8619 8619 “Extinxit,” as it does fire. the king himself, with his entire forces.8620 8620 Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.xviii Pg 4.1 Anf-01 ix.vi.xviii Pg 7 Ps. l. 9. Then, lest it might be supposed that He refused these things in His anger, He continues, giving him (man) counsel: “Offer unto God the sacrifice of praise, and pay thy vows to the Most High; and call upon Me in the day of thy trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me;”4013 4013
Anf-01 viii.iv.xxii Pg 4 Ps. l. (in E. V.). Accordingly He neither takes sacrifices from you nor commanded them at first to be offered because they are needful to Him, but because of your sins. For indeed the temple, which is called the temple in Jerusalem, He admitted to be His house or court, not as though He needed it, but in order that you, in this view of it, giving yourselves to Him, might not worship idols. And that this is so, Isaiah says: ‘What house have ye built Me? saith the Lord. Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool.’2004 2004 Anf-01 ix.vi.xviii Pg 9 Isa. i. 11. And when He had repudiated holocausts, and sacrifices, and oblations, as likewise the new moons, and the sabbaths, and the festivals, and all the rest of the services accompanying these, He continues, exhorting them to what pertained to salvation: “Wash you, make you clean, take away wickedness from your hearts from before mine eyes: cease from your evil ways, learn to do well, seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow; and come, let us reason together, saith the Lord.”
Anf-01 vi.ii.ii Pg 4 Isa. i. 11–14, from the Sept., as is the case throughout. We have given the quotation as it stands in Cod. Sin. He has therefore abolished these things, that the new law of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is without the yoke of necessity, might have a human oblation.1459 1459 Thus in the Latin. The Greek reads, “might not have a man-made oblation.” The Latin text seems preferable, implying that, instead of the outward sacrifices of the law, there is now required a dedication of man himself. Hilgenfeld follows the Greek. And again He says to them, “Did I command your fathers, when they went out from the land of Egypt, to offer unto Me burnt-offerings and sacrifices? But this rather I commanded them, Let no one of you cherish any evil in his heart against his neighbour, and love not an oath of falsehood.”1460 1460
Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.xviii Pg 5.1
Anf-02 vi.iv.v.xiv Pg 116.1
Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 27.1
Anf-03 iv.ix.v Pg 14 Comp. Isa. i. 11–14, especially in the LXX. for “from the rising sun unto the setting, my Name hath been made famous among all the nations, saith the Lord.”1209 1209
Anf-03 v.iv.iii.xxii Pg 12 Isa. i. 11. —He meant nothing else than this to be understood, that He had never really required such homage for Himself. For He says, “I will not eat the flesh of bulls;”2973 2973
Anf-03 iv.ix.v Pg 12 Isa. i. 11. —so spiritual sacrifices are predicted1207 1207 Or, “foretold.” as accepted, as the prophets announce. For, “even if ye shall have brought me,” He says, “the finest wheat flour, it is a vain supplicatory gift: a thing execrable to me;” and again He says, “Your holocausts and sacrifices, and the fat of goats, and blood of bulls, I will not, not even if ye come to be seen by me: for who hath required these things from your hands?”1208 1208
Anf-03 vi.iv.xxviii Pg 4 Isa. i. 11. See the LXX. What, then, God has required the Gospel teaches. “An hour will come,” saith He, “when the true adorers shall adore the Father in spirit and truth. For God is a Spirit, and accordingly requires His adorers to be such.”8938 8938
Anf-03 v.iv.iii.xviii Pg 11 Isa. i. 11, 12. But he should see herein a careful provision2921 2921 Industriam. on God’s part, which showed His wish to bind to His own religion a people who were prone to idolatry and transgression by that kind of services wherein consisted the superstition of that period; that He might call them away therefrom, while requesting it to be performed to Himself, as if He desired that no sin should be committed in making idols.
Anf-03 v.iv.iii.xxii Pg 18 See Isa. i. 11–14. By calling them yours, as having been performed2979 2979 Fecerat seems the better reading: q.d. “which he had performed,” etc. Oehler reads fecerant. after the giver’s own will, and not according to the religion of God (since he displayed them as his own, and not as God’s), the Almighty in this passage, demonstrated how suitable to the conditions of the case, and how reasonable, was His rejection of those very offerings which He had commanded to be made to Him. Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 9 Isa. i. 15. and again, “Woe! sinful nation; a people full of sins; wicked sons; ye have quite forsaken God, and have provoked unto indignation the Holy One of Israel.”1169 1169
Anf-03 vi.iv.xiv Pg 5 Isa. i. 15. for fear Christ should utterly shudder. We, however, not only raise, but even expand them; and, taking our model from the Lord’s passion8849 8849 i.e. from the expansion of the hands on the cross. even in prayer we confess8850 8850 Or, “give praise.” to Christ. Anf-01 viii.iv.xxii Pg 3 Jer. vii. 21 f. And again by David, in the forty-ninth Psalm, He thus said: ‘The God of gods, the Lord hath spoken, and called the earth, from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof. Out of Zion is the perfection of His beauty. God, even our God, shall come openly, and shall not keep silence. Fire shall burn before Him, and it shall be very tempestuous round about Him. He shall call to the heavens above, and to the earth, that He may judge His people. Assemble to Him His saints; those that have made a covenant with Him by sacrifices. And the heavens shall declare His righteousness, for God is judge. Hear, O My people, and I will speak to thee; O Israel, and I will testify to thee, I am God, even thy God. I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices; thy burnt-offerings are continually before me. I will take no bullocks out of thy house, nor he-goats out of thy folds: for all the beasts of the field are Mine, the herds and the oxen on the mountains. I know all the fowls of the heavens, and the beauty of the field is Mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell thee; for the world is Mine, and the fulness thereof. Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? Offer unto God the sacrifice of praise, and pay thy vows unto the Most High, and call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me. But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare My statutes, and to take My covenant into thy mouth? But thou hast hated instruction, and cast My words behind thee. When thou sawest a thief, thou consentedst with him; and hast been partaker with the adulterer. Thy mouth has framed evil, and thy tongue has enfolded deceit. Thou sittest and speakest against thy brother; thou slanderest thine own mother’s son. These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I would be like thyself in wickedness. I will reprove thee, and set thy sins in order before thine eyes. Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest He tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver. The sacrifice of praise shall glorify Me; and there is the way in which I shall show him My salvation.’2003 2003
Anf-01 ix.vi.xviii Pg 15 Jer. vii. 21. And again, when He declares by the same man, “But let him that glorieth, glory in this, to understand and know that I am the Lord, who doth exercise loving-kindness, and righteousness, and judgment in the earth;”4019 4019 Anf-01 vi.ii.ii Pg 6 Jer. vii. 22; Zech. viii. 17. We ought therefore, being possessed of understanding, to perceive the gracious intention of our Father; for He speaks to us, desirous that we, not1461 1461
Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 39.1 Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 45.1 Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 16 Jer. xxxi. 10, etc. Now, in the preceding book4760 4760 See. iv. 8, 3. I have shown that all the disciples of the Lord are Levites and priests, they who used in the temple to profane the Sabbath, but are blameless.4761 4761 Anf-01 ix.vi.xxxiv Pg 9 Isa. xi. 12. and remembered His own dead ones who had formerly fallen asleep,4261 4261 Comp. book iii. 20, 4. and came down to them that He might deliver them: but the second in which He will come on the clouds,4262 4262 Anf-02 vi.iv.v.xiv Pg 203.1 ecf24Oz31z9, 33:15-26) Anf-01 ix.viii.x Pg 2 Ps. cxxx. 7.
Anf-03 vi.vii.iii Pg 3 So Mr. Dodgson; and La Cerda, as quoted by Oehler. See Ps. cxxxi. 1 in LXX., where it is Ps. cxxx. but what is that which, in a certain way, has been grasped by hand9027 9027
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 5VERSE (4) - De 28:48 Isa 3:1 Eze 4:9-17