Anf-03 v.iv.v.viii Pg 7
Descendit apud, see Luke iv. 16–30.
to escape from Archelaus the son of Herod. This fact I have not refrained from mentioning on this account, because it behoved Marcion’s Christ to have forborne all connection whatever with the domestic localities of the Creator’s Christ, when he had so many towns in Judæa which had not been by the prophets thus assigned3682 3682 Emancipata.
to the Creator’s Christ. But Christ will be (the Christ) of the prophets, wheresoever He is found in accordance with the prophets. And yet even at Nazareth He is not remarked as having preached anything new,3683 3683
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xliv Pg 7
3. He further eliminated the history of the temptation. That part of chap. iv. which narrates Christ’s going into the synagogue at Nazareth and reading out of Isaiah he also rejected, and all afterwards to the end of ver. 30.
Edersheim Bible History
Lifetimes viii.ix Pg 14.1
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 4
VERSE (30) - Joh 8:59; 10:39; 18:6,7 Ac 12:18