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PARALLEL BIBLE - 1 Corinthians 15:24

CHAPTERS: 1 Corinthians 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16     

VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58




King James Bible - 1 Corinthians 15:24

Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

World English Bible

Then the end comes, when he will deliver up the Kingdom to God, even the Father; when he will have abolished all rule and all authority and power.

Douay-Rheims - 1 Corinthians 15:24

Afterwards the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God and the Father, when he shall have brought to nought all principality, and power, and virtue.

Webster's Bible Translation

Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule, and all authority, and power.

Greek Textus Receptus

1534 ADV το 3588 T-NSN τελος 5056 N-NSN οταν 3752 CONJ παραδω 3860 5632 V-2AAS-3S την 3588 T-ASF βασιλειαν 932 N-ASF τω 3588 T-DSM θεω 2316 N-DSM και 2532 CONJ πατρι 3962 N-DSM οταν 3752 CONJ καταργηση 2673 5661 V-AAS-3S πασαν 3956 A-ASF αρχην 746 N-ASF και 2532 CONJ πασαν 3956 A-ASF εξουσιαν 1849 N-ASF και 2532 CONJ δυναμιν 1411 N-ASF

Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge

VERSE (24) -
Da 12:4,9,13 Mt 10:22; 13:39,40; 24:13 1Pe 4:7

SEV Biblia, Chapter 15:24

Luego el fin; cuando entregar� el Reino al Dios y al Padre, cuando quitar� todo imperio, y toda potencia y potestad.

Clarke's Bible Commentary - 1 Corinthians 15:24

Verse 24. When he shall have
delivered up the kingdom] The mediatorial kingdom, which comprehends all the displays of his grace in saving sinners, and all his spiritual influence in governing the Church.

All rule, and all authority and power.] archn exousian--kai dunamin. As the apostle is here speaking of the end of the present system of the world, the rule, authority, and power, may refer to all earthly governments, emperors, kings, princes, &c.; though angels, principalities, and powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world, and all spiritual wickedness in high places, may be also intended. Our Lord Jesus is represented here as administering the concerns of the kingdom of grace in this lower world during the time that this Divine economy lasts; and when the end-the time determined by the wisdom of God, comes, then, as there is no longer any need of this administration, the kingdom is delivered up unto the Father: an allusion to the case of Roman viceroys or governors of provinces, who, when their administration was ended, delivered up their kingdom or government into the hands of the emperor.

The apostle may refer, also, to an opinion of the ancient Jews, that there should be ten kings who should have the supreme government of the whole world: the first and last of which should be GOD himself; but the ninth should be the Messiah; after whose empire the kingdom should be delivered up into the hands of God for ever. See the place in Schoettgen on this verse, and on Luke i. 33.

John Gill's Bible Commentary

Ver. 24. Then cometh the end , etc.] Or �after that the end�, the end of all things; either at the close of the thousand years, when the wicked dead will be raised last, and the final state of all men will openly take place; the end of the righteous will be peace and everlasting joy, and an uninterrupted communion with Christ, and enjoyment of life eternal, of the ultimate glory, and consummate happiness in soul and body; and the end of the wicked will be destruction and death, everlasting punishment in hell, where will be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth for evermore: or at the beginning of the thousand years; immediately upon Christ�s second and personal coming, will be the end of the world; the heavens shall pass away, the elements shall melt, and the earth and all its works be burnt up; though these shall not be annihilated or destroyed, as to their being and substance, but only as to their present form and qualities; they shall be renewed, out of them shall arise new heavens, and a new earth, whereon righteous persons, and only righteous persons, will dwell, even all the righteous that will be raised at Christ�s coming, or shall then be bound alive, where they shall reign with him during the thousand years; and then there wilt be an end of preaching the Gospel, and of administering ordinances, there being no more elect souls to be gathered in; nor will saints stand in need of edification and comfort from such means; then will also be the end, the accomplishment of all the purposes, promises, and prophecies of God, relating to the state and condition of his church and people in all the periods of time, and to their complete glory and happiness; the number of God�s elect in regeneration, sanctification, and glorification will now be complete, the saints will be all perfected, and the church be as a bride prepared and adorned for her husband; and their salvation in soul and body consummate, there wilt be nothing wanting; then that which is perfect will be come, their bodies being raised and reunited to their souls, and both with the Lord: so the word �end� denotes the accomplishment, completion, and perfection of things; (see Luke 22:37) ( Romans 10:4).

Moreover, there will now be an end of all sin and sorrow of the saints; of all troubles and afflictions, inward or outward, and of death itself; and also of the kingdom of Christ, in its present form and manner of administration: the kingdom or church of Christ will not consist then of nominal and real Christians, of foolish and wise virgins, hypocrites and saints, but only of the latter; nor will it be governed by such laws and ordinances as now; nor will these be in the hands of such officers, as pastors and teachers, as at present, who are appointed to explain, enforce, and execute them: and this end of all things at the coming of Christ, will be when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father ; not the kingdom of nature, which he has as the Son of God, as God equal with the Father, in right of nature, and upon the foot of creation, all being made by him; and which kingdom reaches to all creatures, angels, and men; this he did not receive from his Father, nor is he in it subordinate to him, but rules and works conjunctly with him in it; nor is he accountable to him in the administration of it; nor will he ever deliver it up to him: nor the kingdom of glory, which was prepared for the saints from the foundation of the world, is freely given to them by their Father, which they are called unto, and have a meetness for it, and a right unto it; this Christ has in his hands for them, and will not deliver it up to his Father, but introduce the heirs of it into it, quickly upon his coming; but the mediatorial kingdom is here meant, the kingdom of saints, over which Christ is appointed and set as King; even the whole church and general assembly of the firstborn, written in heaven. These were all given to Christ, put into his hands, and made his care and charge by his Father; and he undertook to preserve, protect, and save them; and had, as Mediator, all power in heaven and in earth, and everything subservient to support his kingdom and interest as such, given him; and he has been from the beginning of the world ruling in the midst of his enemies, subduing the people under him, and causing his people in the day of his power to be willing to serve him; writing his laws in their hearts, putting his Spirit within them, to cause them to walk in his statutes and keep his judgments; saving them out of the hands of their enemies, protecting and keeping them in safety, and providing every good thing for them; and continually delivering one or another of them from the power of darkness, and translating them into his own kingdom; and now having completed the number of them, in whose hearts he has reigned by his Spirit and grace, he will deliver them up to the Father from whom he received them; even everyone of them; all the children he gave unto him, and all of them; their bodies as well as their souls being now raised from the dead, as it was his Father�s declared will they should be, when he gave them to him; and they will be delivered up and presented by him to his Father, perfectly holy, entirely faultless, and without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing: and now this does not suppose that he will then cease to reign over his church and people; for, as the Father is the everlasting King, and reigned in and over the church, whilst this kingdom was in the hands of Christ, so Christ will continue to reign over it, when he shall have delivered it to the Father; he will no more cease to reign then, than the Father does, during the present administration of the government of the church; Christ will then be so far from ceasing to reign, that he will reign more visibly and gloriously than ever, though in a different manner to what he does now; now he rules over his people in the midst of his enemies, but then he will rule in the midst of his saints; now he reigns in their hearts by his Spirit, and through the use of the word and ordinances, but then he will reign in person among them, displaying the glory of his majesty, without the use of such means, signs, and symbols. Nor does this imply any inferiority in Christ, as God, to the Father; since this is to be understood of him as Mediator, who as such is the Father�s servant, and a righteous and faithful one he is, who will give a good account of the persons committed to his care and government, and of his administration; and in which sense it will be allowed the Father is greater than he; but this no way militates against his proper deity, and equality with the Father. The Ethiopic version, contrary to all copies and other versions, reads, �when God the Father shall have delivered up his own kingdom�. The Jews speak of �ten kings that have ruled, from one end of the world to another; the first King is the holy and blessed God, the second Nimrod, the third Joseph, the fourth Solomon, the fifth Ahab, the sixth Nebuchadnezzar, the seventh Cyrus, the eighth Alexander the Macedonian, the ninth will be the King Messiah, according to ( Daniel 2:35) and of the tenth King they say, �then shall the kingdom return to its author�; or to him that was the first King, and he shall be the last; as is said, ( Isaiah 44:6, Zechariah 14:9).� and this will be, when he shall have put down all rule, and all authority and power ; which since it is expressed in such universal terms, may very well be thought to reach to, and include all sort of rule, authority, and power whatever; when this time and state of things take place, all civil rule, authority, and power, will cease; even that which is now of God, and to which we are to be subject for the Lord�s sake, and for conscience sake; and which is now encouraged and supported by Christ, by whom kings reign, and princes decree justice; this will be pulled down and utterly destroyed by him, the stone cast out of the mountain without hands; when the kingdom and the greatness of it will be given to him and to his saints; when the kings and princes of the earth will be no more, have no more rule and authority among men, but be upon a level with the meanest peasants, and shall be brought to the tribunal of Christ, and be judged by him: then also will all ecclesiastical rule, authority, and power be laid aside; there will be no more apostles, prophets, evangelists, nor bishops, elders, pastors, and teachers; who are now set over the churches in the Lord, to rule them according to the laws of Christ, by ministering the word faithfully, and administering the ordinances truly; and to whom when they rule well, subjection and honour are due; but all this will be no more, when the end comes, and the kingdom is delivered to the Father: nor will there be any more domestic, or family rule and government, as of the husband over the wife, the parent over the child, or the master over the servant; all will be upon an equal foot: nor any angelical authority and power, which angels may now exercise under God, over kingdoms, provinces, states, or particular persons: and especially all diabolical rule, authority, and power will be abolished, which Satan has usurped, or has been given him by men, as the god of this world; he, the prince of the world, was cast out through Christ�s death, and by the preaching of the Gospel in the Gentile world; his principalities and powers were then spoiled and triumphed over; though he has still retained some sort and show of government, but then there will not be the least appearance of any; during the thousand years he will be cast into and shut up in the bottomless pit, and not suffered to go out and deceive the nations any more; and at the end thereof, though he will make one and his last onset, on the city of the saints, it will be fruitless, and he and all his shall be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, and there lie in torment for ever and ever: not the persons of these several powers shall be destroyed, but they shall be divested of the power and authority which they now have, either by right or usurpation.

Matthew Henry Commentary

Verses 20-34 - All that are by faith united to Christ, are by his resurrection assure of their own. As through the sin of the first Adam, all men becam mortal, because all had from him the same sinful nature, so, throug the resurrection of Christ, shall all who are made to partake of the Spirit, and the spiritual nature, revive, and live for ever. There wil be an order in the resurrection. Christ himself has been the first-fruits; at his coming, his redeemed people will be raised befor others; at the last the wicked will rise also. Then will be the end of this present state of things. Would we triumph in that solemn an important season, we must now submit to his rule, accept his salvation and live to his glory. Then shall we rejoice in the completion of his undertaking, that God may receive the whole glory of our salvation that we may for ever serve him, and enjoy his favour. What shall thos do, who are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Perhap baptism is used here in a figure, for afflictions, sufferings, an martyrdom, as Mt 20:22, 23. What is, or will become of those who have suffered many and great injuries, and have even lost their lives, for this doctrine of the resurrection, if the dead rise not at all Whatever the meaning may be, doubtless the apostle's argument wa understood by the Corinthians. And it is as plain to us tha Christianity would be a foolish profession, if it proposed advantage to themselves by their faithfulness to God; and to have our fruit to holiness, that our end may be everlasting life. But we must not liv like beasts, as we do not die like them. It must be ignorance of God that leads any to disbelieve the resurrection and future life. Thos who own a God and a providence, and observe how unequal things are in the present life, how frequently the best men fare worst, cannot doub as to an after-state, where every thing will be set to rights. Let u not be joined with ungodly men; but warn all around us, especiall children and young persons, to shun them as a pestilence. Let us awak to righteousness, and not sin.

Greek Textus Receptus

1534 ADV το 3588 T-NSN τελος 5056 N-NSN οταν 3752 CONJ παραδω 3860 5632 V-2AAS-3S την 3588 T-ASF βασιλειαν 932 N-ASF τω 3588 T-DSM θεω 2316 N-DSM και 2532 CONJ πατρι 3962 N-DSM οταν 3752 CONJ καταργηση 2673 5661 V-AAS-3S πασαν 3956 A-ASF αρχην 746 N-ASF και 2532 CONJ πασαν 3956 A-ASF εξουσιαν 1849 N-ASF και 2532 CONJ δυναμιν 1411 N-ASF

Vincent's NT Word Studies

24. Rule -
authority - power (ajrchn, ejxousian, dunamin). Abstract terms for different orders of spiritual and angelic powers; as Ephesians i. 21; iii. 10; vi. 12; Col. i. 16.

Robertson's NT Word Studies

15:24 {qen cometh the end} (eita to telos). No verb ginetai in the
Greek. Supply "at his coming," the end or consummation of the age or world (#Mt 13:39,49; 1Pe 4:7), {When he shall deliver up} (hotan paradidwi). Present active subjunctive (not optative) of paradidwmi with hotan, whenever, and so quite indefinite and uncertain as to time. Present subjunctive rather than aorist paradwi because it pictures a future proceeding. {To God, even the Father} (twi qewi kai patri). Better, "to the God and Father" or to "His God and Father." The Kingdom belongs to the Father. {When he shall have abolished} (hotan katargesei). First aorist active subjunctive with hotan, indefinite future time. Simply, "whenever he shall abolish," no use in making it future perfect, merely aorist subjunctive. On katargew see #1Co 6:13; 13:8,10,11. {Rule} (arcen), {authority} (exousian), {power} (dunamin). All forms of power opposing the will of God. Constative aorist tense covering the whole period of conflict with final victory as climax.

CHAPTERS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58


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