SEV Biblia, Chapter 2:33
Y no te cortaré del todo varón de mi altar, para hacerte marchitar tus ojos, y llenar tu ánimo de dolor; mas toda la cría de tu casa morirá en la edad varonil.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - 1 Samuel 2:33
Verse 33. And the man of thine] Of this passage Calmet observes: "The posterity of Eli possessed the high priesthood to the time of Solomon; and even when that dynasty was transferred to another family, God preserved that of Eli, not to render it more happy, but to punish it by seeing the prosperity of its enemies, to the end that it might see itself destitute and despised. This shows the depth of the judgments of God and the grandeur of his justice, which extends even to distant generations, and manifests itself to sinners both in life and death; both in their own disgrace, and in the prosperity of their enemies."
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 33. And the man of thine , etc.]. Of his family, which should spring from him: whom I shall not cut off from mine altar: from serving there: who though he shall not be an high priest, but a common priest, as all the descendants of Aaron were, shall be to consume thine eyes, and to grieve thine heart ; that is, the eyes and heart of his posterity; who though they should see of their family ministering in the priest’s office, yet should make so poor a figure on account of their outward meanness and poverty, or because of their want of wisdom, and intellectual endowments, or because of their scandalous lives, that it would fill their hearts with grief and sorrow, and their eyes with tears, so that their eyes would fail, and be consumed, and their hearts be broken: and all the increase of thine house shall die in the flower of their age ; or “die men” f63 ; grown men, not children, when it would not be so great an affliction to part with them; but when at man’s estate, in the prime of their days, perhaps about thirty years of age, the time when the priests entered upon their office to do all the work of it; the Targum is, ``shall be killed young men:” it is more than once said in the Talmud f64 , that there was a family in Jerusalem, the men of which died at eighteen years of age; they came and informed Juchanan ben Zaccai of it; he said to them, perhaps of the family of Eli are ye, as it is said, ( 1 Samuel 2:33).
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 27-36 - Those who allow their children in any evil way, and do not use their authority to restrain and punish them, in effect honour them more tha God. Let Eli's example excite parents earnestly to strive against the beginnings of wickedness, and to train up their children in the nurtur and admonition of the Lord. In the midst of the sentence against the house of Eli, mercy is promised to Israel. God's work shall never fal to the ground for want of hands to carry it on. Christ is that mercifu and faithful High Priest, whom God raised up when the Levitica priesthood was thrown off, who in all things did his Father's mind, and for whom God will build a sure house, build it on a rock, so that hel cannot prevail against it __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
ואישׁ 376 לא 3808 אכרית 3772 לך מעם 5973 מזבחי 4196 לכלות 3615 את 853 עיניך 5869 ולאדיב 109 את 853 נפשׁך 5315 וכל 3605 מרבית 4768 ביתך 1004 ימותו 4191 אנשׁים׃ 376