SEV Biblia, Chapter 1:12
Y la reina Vasti no quiso venir a la orden del rey, enviada por mano de los eunucos; y se enojó el rey mucho, y se encendió en él su ira.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Esther 1:12
Verse 12. Vashti refused to come] And much should she be commended for it. What woman, possessing even a common share of prudence and modesty, could consent to expose herself to the view of such a group of drunken Bacchanalians? Her courage was equal to her modesty: she would resist the royal mandate, rather than violate the rules of chaste decorum. Her contempt of worldly grandeur, when brought in competition with what every modest woman holds dear and sacred, is worthy of observation. She well knew that this act of disobedience would cost her her crown, if not her life also: but she was regardless of both, as she conceived her virtue and honour were at stake.
Her humility was greatly evidenced in this refusal. She was beautiful; and might have shown herself to great advantage, and have had a fine opportunity of gratifying her vanity, if she had any: but she refused to come.
Hail, noble woman! be thou a pattern to all thy sex on every similar occasion! Surely, every thing considered, we have few women like Vashti; for some of the highest of the land will dress and deck themselves with the utmost splendour, even to the selvedge of their fortunes, to exhibit themselves at balls, plays, galas, operas, and public assemblies of all kinds, (nearly half naked,) that they may be seen and admired of men, and even, to the endless reproach and broad suspicion of their honour and chastity, figure away in masquerades! Vashti must be considered at the top of her sex:- Rara avis in terris, nigroque simillima cygno. A black swan is not half so rare a bird.
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 12. But the queen refused to came at the king’s commandment by his chamberlains , etc.] Even though he sent by them again, as the Targum; and so says Josephus f62 ; which might not purely arise from pride in her, and contempt of him, but because she might conclude he was drunk, and knew not well what he did; and therefore had she come at his command, when he was himself and sober, he might blame her for coming, nay, use her ill for it, and especially if she was to come naked, as say the Jews f63 ; and besides, it was contrary to the law of the Persians, as not only Josephus f64 , but Plutarch observes, which suffered not women to be seen in public; and particularly did not allow their wives to be with them at feasts, only their concubines and harlots, with whom they could behave with more indecency; as for their wives, they were kept out of sight, at home f66 ; and therefore Vashti might think it an indignity to be treated as an harlot or concubine: therefore was the king very wroth, and his anger burned in him ; which was the more fierce, as he was inflamed with wine.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 10-22 - Ahasuerus's feast ended in heaviness, by his own folly. Seasons of peculiar festivity often end in vexation. Superiors should be carefu not to command what may reasonably be disobeyed. But when wine is in men's reason departs from them. He that had rule over 127 provinces had no rule over his own spirit. But whether the passion or the polic of the king was served by this decree, God's providence made way for Esther to the crown, and defeated Haman's wicked project, even befor it had entered into his heart, and he arrived at his power. Let u rejoice that the Lord reigns, and will overrule the madness or folly of mankind to promote his own glory, and the safety and happiness of his people __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
ותמאן 3985 המלכה 4436 ושׁתי 2060 לבוא 935 בדבר 1697 המלך 4428 אשׁר 834 ביד 3027 הסריסים 5631 ויקצף 7107 המלך 4428 מאד 3966 וחמתו 2534 בערה׃ 1197