SEV Biblia, Chapter 1:3
en el tercer año de su reinado hizo banquete a todos sus príncipes y siervos, teniendo delante de él la fuerza de Persia y de Media, gobernadores y príncipes de provincias,
John Gill's Bible Commentary
Ver. 3. In the third year of his reign he made a feast unto all his princes, and his servants , etc.] The nobles and officers in his court; on what account this was cannot be said with certainty, whether the first day of it was his birthday, or the day of his coming to the throne, on which day Xerxes used to make a feast annually, as Herodotus relates f30 : the power of Persia and Media ; the mighty men therein, the potentates thereof; or the “army”, the principal officers of it: the nobles and princes of the provinces being with him . The first word Aben Ezra declares his ignorance of, whether it is Hebrew or Persian; Jarchi interprets it governors; and the persons intended by both seem to be the deputy governors of the one hundred and twenty seven provinces who were present at this feast. Xerxes, having reduced Egypt, meditated a war with Greece, to which he was pressed by Mardonius, a relation of his; upon which he summoned the chief men of his kingdom, to have their advice about it f31 , which perhaps was taken at this time; for it was in the third year of his reign he resolved upon the war, and began to make preparations for it; and it was usual, at banquets and feasts, that the Persians debated their most important affairs f32 .
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 1-9 - The pride of Ahasuerus's heart rising with the grandeur of his kingdom he made an extravagant feast. This was vain glory. Better is a dinne of herbs with quietness, than this banquet of wine, with all the nois and tumult that must have attended it. But except grace prevails in the heart, self-exaltation and self-indulgence, in one form or another will be the ruling principle. Yet none did compel; so that if any dran to excess, it was their own fault. This caution of a heathen prince even when he would show his generosity, may shame many calle Christians, who, under pretence of sending the health round, send sin round, and death with it. There is a woe to them that do so; let the read it, and tremble, Hab 2:15, 16.
Original Hebrew
בשׁנת 8141 שׁלושׁ 7969 למלכו 4427 עשׂה 6213 משׁתה 4960 לכל 3605 שׂריו 8269 ועבדיו 5650 חיל 2426 פרס 6539 ומדי 4074 הפרתמים 6579 ושׂרי 8269 המדינות 4082 לפניו׃ 6440