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| Homily XXXII on Rom. xvi. 17, 18. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Homily XXXII.
Rom. XVI. 17, 18
“Now I beseech you,
brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the
doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them. For they that are such
serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words
and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”
Again an exhortation, and prayer after the exhortation. For after
telling them to “mark them which cause1697
1697 Field with most mss. omits ποιοῦντας; of course it is to be supplied from the
context. | divisions,” and not to listen to
them, he proceeds, “And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under
your feet shortly:” and, “The grace of our Lord be with
you.” And notice how gently too he exhorts them: doing it not in
the character of a counsellor, but that of a servant, and with much
respect. For he calls them brethren, and supplicates them likewise.
For, “I beseech you, brethren,” (he says). Then he also
puts them on the defensive by showing the deceitfulness of those who
abused them. For as though they were not at once to be discerned, he
says, “I beseech you to mark,” that is, to be exceedingly
particular about, and to get acquainted with, and to search out
thoroughly—whom, pray? why, “those that cause divisions and
offences, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned.”1698
1698 At Rome also there were, as in so many other places, those who,
either within or in contact with the church, made divisions and
perverted the true Christian teaching. The Epistle to the Romans deals
but to a small extent directly with these persons. It is, in the main,
constructive. Galatians is a letter on similar lines of teaching but
more polemic in character. In the case of how few of the churches to
which the apostle wrote could he spare himself the unpleasant task of
warning them against heretics or immoral tendencies of life. In Corinth
the abuses were chiefly of a moral and practical character. In
Colossæ and perhaps in Ephesus, there was a Judeo-Gnostic
theosophy which threatened the Christian faith of the people. The Roman
church was, probably, predominantly Gentile and was a Pauline church,
in the sense, that, though not founded by Paul, it had been trained in
the Pauline “gospel,” the type of doctrine more or less
peculiar to that apostle. The extended refutation of Jewish claims to
special divine favor in chaps. ii.
and iii. as well as the consideration of the problem offered by the lapse
of the Jews in chaps.
ix., x., and xi., shows that there was an reportant Jewish element in the
church, while these concluding warnings (17, 18) intimate the presence of Judaizing heretics who sought to
conceal their real wickedness by smooth and plausible language and thus
to lead innocent and unsuspecting Christians
astray.—G.B.S. | For this is, if anything the subversion
of the Church, the being in divisions. This is the devil’s
weapon, this turneth all things upside-down. For so long as the body is
joined into one, he has no power to get an entrance, but it is from
division that the offence cometh. And whence is division? From opinions
contrary to the teaching of the Apostles. And whence come opinions of
this sort? From men’s being slaves to the belly, and the other
passions. For “such,” he says, “serve not the Lord,
but their own belly.” And so there would be no offence, there
would be no division, unless some opinion were thought of contrary to
the doctrine of the Apostles. And this he here points out by saying,
“contrary to the doctrine.” And he does not say which we
have taught, but “which ye have learned,” so anticipating
them, and showing that they were persuaded of and had heard them and
received them. And what are we to do to those who make mischief in this
way? He does not say have a meeting and come to blows, but “avoid
them.” For if it was from ignorance or error that they did this,
one ought to set them right. But if they sin willingly, spring away
from them. And in another place too he says this. For he says,
“Withdraw from every brother that walketh disorderly”
(2 Thess. iii. 6): and in speaking to Timothy about the coppersmith, he
gives him the like advice, and says, “Of whom be thou ware
also.” (2 Tim. iv. 15.) Then also to lash
(κωμῳδὥν) those who dare to do such things, he mentions also the reason of
their devising this division. “For they that are such,” he
says, “serve not our Lord Christ, but their own belly.” And
this he said too when he wrote to the Philippians, “Whose god is
their belly.” (Phil. iii. 19.) But here he
appears to me to intimate those of the Jews, whom he ever uses
particularly to find fault with as gluttonous. For in writing to Titus
too, he said of them, “Evil beasts, slow bellies.”
(Tit. i. 12, see v.
And Christ also blames them on this head: “Ye devour
widows’ houses” (Matt. xxiii.
He says. And the Prophets accuse them of things of the kind. For,
“My beloved,” He says, “hath waxen fat and gross, and
hath kicked” (Deut. xxxii. 15).
Wherefore also Moses exhorted them, and said, “When thou hast
eaten and drunken and art full, remember the Lord thy God.”
(ib. vi. 11, 12.) And in the
Gospels, they who say to Christ, “What sign showest thou unto
us?” (John vi. 30) pass over everything
else, and remember the manna. So do they everywhere appear to be
possessed with this affection. How then comest thou not to be ashamed
at having slaves of the belly for thy teachers, when thou art a brother
of Christ? Now the ground of the error is this, but the mode of attack
is again a different disorder, viz. flattery. For it is by “fair
speeches,” he says, “that they deceive the hearts of the
simple.” For their attention reaches only to words; but their
meaning is not such, for it is full of fraud. And he does not say that
they deceive you, but “the hearts of the simple.” And even
with this he was not satisfied, but with a view to making this
statement less grating, he says,
“For your obedience is come abroad unto all
This he does, not to leave them
free to be shameless, but to win them beforehand with encomiums, and
the number of his witnesses, to arrest their attention. For neither is
it I alone that am the witness, but the whole world. And he does not
say for your understanding, but, “your obedience:” that is,
their compliance, which was evidence of much meekness in them. “I
am glad therefore on your behalf.” And this is no small encomium
too. Then, after the praise, admonition. For lest, after liberating
them from any charges against them, he should make them the more
listless, as not being observed; he gives them another hint in the
“I would have you wise
unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.”
You see then how he attacks them
again, and that without their suspecting it. For this looks like
intimating that some of them were apt to be led astray.
“And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet
For since he had spoken of those
who “caused divisions and offences among them,” he has
mentioned “the God of peace” also, that they might feel
hopeful about the riddance of these evils. For he that rejoiceth in
this (i.e., peace) will put an end to that which makes havoc of it. And
he does not say, will subject, but “will bruise”
(Gen. iii. 19), which is a stronger expression. And not those people only, but
also him who was the general over them herein, Satan. And not
“will bruise” merely, but “under your feet,” so
that they may obtain the victory themselves, and become noble by the
trophy. And the time again is made a ground of comfort. For he adds,
“shortly.” And this was prayer and prophecy as well at
once. “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
That greatest weapon; that
impregnable wall; that tower unshaken! For he reminds them of the
grace, that he may give them the more alacrity. Because if ye have been
freed from the ills more grievous by far, and freed by grace only, much
more will ye be freed from the lesser, now ye have become friends too,
and contribute your own share likewise. You see how he neither puts
prayer without works, nor works without prayer. For after giving them
credit for their obedience, than he prays; to show that we need both,
our own part as well as God’s part, if we are to be duly saved.
For it was not before only, but now too, even though we be great and in
high esteem, we need grace from Him.
“Timotheus my work-fellow saluteth you.”
Observe the customary encomiums
again. “And Lucius, and Jason, and Sosipater my
This Jason Luke also mentions,
and sets before us his manliness also, when he says, that “they
drew” him “to the rulers of the city, crying,” etc.
(Acts xvii. 5.) And it is likely that the others too were men of note. For he
does not mention relations barely, unless they were also like him in
“I Tertius, who wrote this Epistle, salute you.”
This too is no small encomium,
to be Paul’s amanuensis. Still it is not to pass encomiums on
himself that he says this, but that he might attach a warm love to him
on their part, for this ministration.
“Gaius mine host (ξένος), and of
the whole Church, saluteth you.”
See what a crown he has framed
for him by bearing witness to such great hospitality in him, and
brought in the entire Church into this man’s house! For by the
word ξένον, used
here, he means a host, not a guest. But when you hear that he was
Paul’s host, do not admire him for his munificence only, but also
for his strictness of life. For except he were worthy of Paul’s
excellency, he would never have lodged there, since he, who took pains
to go beyond1699
1699 ὑπερβαίνειν, see p. 441. | many of Christ’s commands,
would never have trespassed against that law, which bids us be very
particular about who receive us, and about lodging with
“worthy” persons. (Matt. x. 11.) “Erastus,
the chamberlain of the city, salutes you, and Quartus a brother.”
There is a purpose in his adding “the chamberlain of the
city,” for as he wrote to the Philippians, “They of
Cæsar’s household salute you” (Phil. iv. 22), that he might
show that the Gospel had taken a hold upon great folk, so here too he
mentions the title with a view to the same object, and to show that, to
the man who gives heed, neither riches are a hindrance, nor the cares
of government, nor anything else of the kind.
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
1700 The
mss. authorities and vss. strongly favor the
omission of v. 24 (as, A, B, C,
א, Copt., Eth., Vulg.) It appears to be a repetition of the
benediction in v. 20 and is omitted by most
critics.—G.B.S. |
See what we ought to begin and
to end with everywhere! For in this he laid the foundation of the
Epistle, and in this he putteth on the roof, at once praying for the
mother of all good things for them, and calling the whole of his
loving-kindness to their mind. For this is the best proof of a generous
teacher, to benefit his learners not by word only, but likewise by
prayer, for which cause also one said, “But let us give ourselves
continually to prayers, and to the ministry of the word.”
(Acts vi. 4.)
Who is there then to pray over us,
since Paul hath departed? These who1701
1701 Field thinks he points to the Bishop and clergy
present. | are the
imitators of Paul. Only let us yield ourselves worthy of such
intercession (συνηγορίας), that it may not be that we hear Paul’s voice here
only, but that hereafter, when we are departed, we may be counted
worthy to see the wrestler of Christ.1702
1702 The
following passage strongly illustrates what St. Chrysostom says, in the
first page of the Introduction, of his affectionate intimacy with the
Apostle, through meditation on his writings. |
Or rather, if we hear him here, we shall certainly see him hereafter,
if not as standing near him, yet see him we certainly shall, glistening
near the Throne of the king.1703
1703 The Martyrs were thought to be admitted to the Beatific Vision at
once. See Tertullian de Anima, 55, but this is a subject on
which the Fathers speak with caution. | Where the
Cherubim sing the glory, where the Seraphim are flying, there shall we
see Paul, with Peter, and as a chief1704
1704 κορυφαῖον, not of the Apostles, but of the Saints in general. The
manner in which St. Paul is coupled with St. Peter, is remarkable, as
in the Roman Breviary, Vesp. et Laud. Commem. Com. de Apost.
“Peter the Apostle, and Paul the Teacher of the Gentiles, these
taught us Thy Law, O Lord. R. Thou shalt make them princes over all the
earth.” In the York Breviary, F. SS. App. Petr. et Paul, ad
Vesp. Hymn, St. 2. “These are the two olive trees before the
Lord (Zech. iv. 3), and the candlesticks beaming with light, the two
bright luminaries of Heaven.” And again, non impar Paulus
huic. St. Augustin observes, ad Bonif. cont. du. Ep. Pelag.
1, 3, c. 3, Ben. t. 10. “When one says, ‘The
Apostle,’ without saying what Apostle, no one understands any but
Paul, because he is best known from the number of his Epistles, and
because he labored most.” St. Maximus, Hom. 5, de Nat. Petr.
et Paul, “Therefore the blessed Peter and Paul are eminent
among all, and have a kind of peculiar precedency, but between
themselves, which is to be preferred to the other, is uncertain. For I
think they are equal in merits because they are equal in
suffering.” He also says in the same Homily, “To Peter, as
to a good Steward, He gave the key of the Kingdom of Heaven. On Paul,
as on an able Teacher, He enjoined the mastership in the teaching of
the Church; that is, that whom the one has instructed unto salvation,
the other may receive into rest; that whose hearts Paul hath opened by
the teaching of his words, to their souls Peter may open the Kingdom of
Heaven. For Paul too did also in a manner receive the key of knowledge
from Christ.” And St. Gregory, 1, 1 Dial. c. 12.
“The Apostle Paul is brother in Apostolical preëminence
(principatu) to Peter, the first of the Apostles.” See
also St. Chrys. on Gal. i. 18, p. 25 O.T. where he says, “equal
in dignity with him, for at present I will say no more,” and Gal.
ii. 8, p. 34 O.T.; Tertull. adv. Marcion. 1, 5, and others,
consider him especially intended in Jacob’s blessing of Benjamin.
St. Cyr. Hier. Cat. vi. p. 68, O.T. speaks of “That goodly
pair, Peter and Paul, the Rulers of the Church.” Many more
passages might be cited, but these may suffice to show in what esteem
St. Paul was held among the Fathers, and at the same time that this did
not interfere with their view of the prerogatives of St.
Peter. | and leader
of the choir of the Saints, and shall enjoy his generous love. For if
when here he loved men so, that when he had the choice of departing and
being with Christ, he chose to be here, much more will he there display
a warmer affection. I love Rome even for this, although indeed one has
other grounds for praising it, both for its greatness, and its
antiquity, and its beauty, and its populousness, and for its power, and
its wealth, and for its successes in war. But I let all this pass, and
esteem it blessed on this account, that both in his lifetime he wrote
to them, and loved them so, and talked with them whiles he was with us,
and brought his life to a close there.1705
1705 Some
mss. add, “and they still possess his
sacred body.” |
Wherefore the city is more notable upon this ground, than upon all
others together. And as a body great and strong, it hath as two
glistening eyes the bodies of these Saints. Not so bright is the
heaven, when the sun sends forth his rays, as is the city of Rome,
sending out these two lights into all parts of the world. From thence
will Paul be caught up, from thence Peter. Just bethink you, and
shudder (φρίξατε) at the thought of what a sight Rome will see, when Paul ariseth
suddenly from that deposit, together with Peter, and is lifted up to
meet the Lord. (1 Thess. iv. 17.) What a rose will Rome
send up to Christ! (Is. xxxv. 1) what two crowns
will the city have about it! what golden chains will she be girded
with! what fountains possess! Therefore I admire the city, not for the
much gold, not for the columns, not for the other display there, but
for these pillars of the Church. (1 Cor. xv. 38.) Would that it
were now given me to throw myself round (περιχυθἥναι) the body of Paul, and be riveted to the tomb, and to see
the dust of that body that “filled up that which was
lacking” after “Christ” (Col. i. 24), that bore
“the marks” (στίγματα,) (Gal. vi. 17) that sowed the Gospel
everywhere yea, the dust of that body through which he ran to and fro
everywhere! the dust of that body through which Christ spoke, and the
Light shone forth more brilliant than any lightning, and the voice
started out, more awful than any thunder to the devils! through which
he uttered that blessed voice, saying, “I could wish that myself
were accursed, for my brethren” (Rom. ix. 3), through which
he spake “before kings, and was not ashamed!” (Ps. cxix. 46)
through which we come to know Paul through which also Paul’s
Master! Not so awful to us is the thunder, as was that voice to the
demons! For if they shuddered at his clothes (Acts xix. 12), much more did
they at his voice. This led them away captive, this cleansed out the
world, this put a stop to diseases, cast out vice, lifted the truth on
high, had Christ riding1706
1706 See
Macarius, Hom. 1. and 7, also Schaare Orah. ap. Knorrium, Kabbala
Denudata, t. l. p. 507, where this interpretation is carried
farther. | upon it, and
everywhere went about with Him; and what the Cherubim were, this was
Paul’s voice, for as He was seated upon those Powers, so was He
upon Paul’s tongue. For it had become worthy of receiving Christ,
by speaking those things only which were acceptable to Christ, and
flying as the Seraphim to height unspeakable! for what more lofty than
that voice which says, “For I am persuaded that neither Angels,
nor Principalities, nor Powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to
separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus?”
(Rom. viii. 38, 39.) What pinions doth not this discourse seem to thee to
have? what eyes? (Ez. x. 12.) It was owing to this
that he said, “for we are not ignorant of his devices.”
(2 Cor. ii. 11.) Owing to this did the devils flee not only at hearing him
speak, but even at seeing his garments. This is the mouth, the dust
whereof I would fain see, through which Christ spake the great and
secret things, and greater than in His own person, (for as He wrought,
so He also spake greater things by the disciples,1707 ) through which the Spirit gave those
wondrous oracles to the world! For what good thing did not that mouth
effect? Devils it drave out, sins it loosed, tyrants it muzzled,
philosophers’ mouths it stopped, the world it brought over to
God, savages it persuaded to learn wisdom, all the whole order of the
earth it altered. Things in Heaven too it disposed what way it listed
(1 Cor. v. 3, 4), binding whom it would, and loosing in the other world,
“according unto the power given unto it.” (2 Cor. xiii. 10.)
Nor is it that mouth only, but the heart too would fain see the dust
of, which a man would not do wrong to call the heart of the world, and
a fountain of countless blessings, and a beginning, and element of our
life. For the spirit of life was furnished out of it all, and was
distributed through the members of Christ, not as being sent forth by
arteries, but by a free choice of good deeds. This heart was so large,
as to take in entire cities, and peoples, and nations. “For my
heart” he says, “is enlarged.” (ib. vi. 11.) Yet even a heart thus
large, did this very charity that enlarged it many a time straiten and
oppress. For he says, “Out of much affliction (θλίψεως) and anguish (συνοχἥς) of heart I wrote unto you.” (ib. ii. 4.) I were desirous to
see that heart even after its dissolution, which burned at each one
that was lost, which travailed a second time with the children that had
proved abortions (Gal. iv. 19), which saw God,1708
1708 St. Augustin de Gen. ad Lit. xii. 35. He has many passages
on “seeing God.” | (“for the pure in heart,” He
says, “shall see God,”) (Matt. v. 8) which became a
Sacrifice, (“for a sacrifice to God is a contrite heart,”)
(Ps. li. 17) which was loftier than the heavens, which was wider than the
world, which was brighter than the sun’s beam, which was warmer
than fire, which was stronger than adamant, which sent forth rivers,
(“for rivers,” it says, “of living water shall flow
out of his belly,”) (John vii. 38) wherein was a
fountain springing up, and watering, not the face of the earth, but the
souls of men, whence not rivers only, but even fountains of1709 tears, issued day and night, which lived
the new life, not this of ours, (for “I live,” he says,
“yet not I, but Christ liveth in me,” (Gal. ii. 20) so Paul’s
heart was His heart, and a tablet of the Holy Spirit, and a book of
grace); which trembled for the sins of others, (for I fear, he says,
lest by any means “I have bestowed labor upon you in vain;
(ib. iv. 11) lest as the serpent
beguiled Eve; (2 Cor. xi. 3) lest when I come I
should find you not such as I would;”) (ib. xii. 20) which both feared for
itself, and was confiding too, (for I fear, he says, “lest by any
means after having preached to others I myself should be a
castaway,” (1 Cor. ix. 27) And, “I am
persuaded that neither angels nor powers shall be able to separate
us;”) (alluding to Rom. ix. 3) which was
counted worthy to love Christ as no other man loved Him: which despised
death and hell, yet was broken down by brothers’ tears, (for he
says, “what mean ye to weep and to break mine heart?”)
(Acts xxi. 13) which was most enduring, and yet could not bear to be absent
from the Thessalonians by the space of an hour! (1 Thess. ii. 17; iii.
Fain would I see the dust of hands that were in a chain, through the
imposition of which the Spirit was furnished, through which the divine
writings were written, (for “behold how large a letter I have
written unto you with mine own hand:” (Gal. vi. 11) and again,
“The salutation of me Paul with mine own hand,”)
(1 Cor. xvi. 21) of those hands at the sight of which the serpent
“fell off into the fire.” (Acts xxviii. 5.)
Fain would I see the dust of those eyes which were blinded gloriously,
which recovered their sight again for the salvation of the world; which
even in the body were counted worthy to see Christ, which saw earthly
things, yet saw them not, which saw the things which are not seen,
which saw not sleep, which were watchful at midnight, which were not
effected as eyes are.1710
1710 So
all mss. Sav. τῶν
ὀφθαλμιώντων, and so Ben. translating it “as the envious,”
which must be the meaning if it is the true reading. | I would also see
the dust of those feet, which ran through the world and were not weary;
which were bound in the stocks when the prison shook, which went
through parts habitable or uninhabited, which walked on so many
journeys. And why need I speak of single parts? Fain would I see the
tomb, where the armor of righteousness is laid up, the armor of light,
the limbs which now live, but which in life were made dead; and in all
whereof Christ lived, which were crucified to the world, which were
Christ’s members, which were clad in Christ, were a temple of the
Spirit, an holy building, “bound in the Spirit,”
(Acts xx. 22) riveted to the fear of God, which had the marks of Christ. This
body is a wall to that City, which is safer than all towers, and than
thousands of battlements. And with it is that of Peter. For he honored
him while alive. For he “went up to see Peter,”
(Gal. i. 18) and therefore even when departed grace deigned to give him the
same abode with him. Fain would I see the spiritual Lion. For as a lion
breathing (Gr. sending,) (Cant. ii. 15) forth fire (πὕρ
ἀφιεὶς) upon
the herds of foxes, so rushed he upon the clan of demons and
philosophers, and as the burst of some thunderbolt, was borne down into
the host of the devil. (Luke xiii. 32.) For he did not
even come to set the battle in array against him, since he feared so
and trembled at him, as that if he saw his shadow, and heard his voice,
he fled even at a distance. And so did he deliver over to him the
fornicator, though at a distance, and again snatched him out of his
hands (1 Cor. v. 5; 2 Cor. ii. 7, 11); and so others also,
that they might be taught “not to blaspheme.” (1 Tim. i. 20.)
And consider how he sent forth his own liegemen against him, rousing
them, suppling them. And at one time he says to the Ephesians,
“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities and powers.” (Eph. vi. 12.) Then too he
puts our prize in heavenly places. For we struggle not for things of
the earth, he says, but for Heaven, and the things in the Heavens. And
to others, he says, “Know ye not that we shall judge Angels? how
much more the things of this life?” (1 Cor. vi. 3.) Let us then,
laying all this to heart, stand nobly; for Paul was a man, partaking of
the same nature with us, and having everything else in common with us.
But because he showed such great love toward Christ, he went up above
the Heavens, and stood with the Angels. And so if we too would rouse
ourselves up some little, and kindle in ourselves that fire, we shall
be able to emulate that holy man. For were this impossible, he would
never have cried aloud, and said, “Be ye imitators of me, as I am
of Christ.” (1 Cor. xi. 1.) Let us not then
admire him only, or be struck with him only, but imitate him, that we
too may, when we depart hence, be counted worthy to see him, and to
share the glory unutterable, which God grant that we may all attain to
by the grace and love toward man of our Lord Jesus Christ, through
Whom, and with Whom, be glory to the Father, with the Holy Ghost, now
and evermore. Amen.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH