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PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP ![]() INDEX OF SUBJECTS.Abraham, his history a reproof to Jewish pride, 97; a pattern of hospitality, 276; his faith, 349, 385, 391, 395; his justification, 388; why circumcised, 389; his true children, 389, 391; his hospitality, 504; zeal for truth, 504; prayer for Sodom, 546. Abuse, the best answer to, 242; disgraceful, 244; its reaction, 510; see Reviling. Acts of the Apostles, little known in Chrysostom's time, 1; how profitable as sequel to the Gospels, 1; an inspired book, 2; important for doctrine, 3; written by St. Luke, 2; hence gives most fully the acts of St. Paul, ib.; may be called, "Demonstration of the Resurrection," 3, 5; "Polity of Holy Spirit," 18; Gospels, history of Christ, Acts of the Holy Ghost, 7. Adam, fell by means of the Tempter, 322; a type of Christ, 402; his sin, 464; not equally punished with Eve, 557. Adoption, spirit of, 442; incomplete until the redemption of the body, 446. Advent, first, why delayed, 379; second, 451. Affliction, uses of, 104; our schoolmaster, 262; see Tribulation. Allegory, examples and use of, 480, 497. Almsgiving, efficacy of, 147, 382; twice blessed to giver and receiver, 165, 485; a means of putting away sin, 166, 495; may be done without money, 166; a ministry, 89; needs much wisdom 91, 549; encouragement to, 137. Analogies, between things visible and invisible, 367, 372, 379, 382, sq., 393, 403, 465. Angels, ever attendant on Christ's, acts, 14; their joy, 393; their glory, 399; how employed for the Gospel, 121; Angel, the, in the burning bush, the Son of God, 103. Anger, the passion of, 300; like a sword, to be kept for its right use, 98; against resentment of insults, 98, 198, 204; to conquer, is true greatness, 300; implanted in us as a safeguard to virtue, 111; virtuous anger how shown, ib.; a blind, reckless, passion, 43, 243; its ill effects on the body, 43. Apostles, how changed after the Resurrection, 1; their discourses, 2; dwell most on Christ as man, ib.; above all on the Resurrection, ib.; rest assertions on testimony, 3; taught by deeds, 4; why they did not receive the Holy Ghost while Christ was with them, nor until ten days after the Ascension, 6; why ordered to tarry in Jerusalem, ib.; why they did not ask Christ to appoint one in place of Judas, 18; the new apostle must be an eye-witness, 21; they overcame the world, 29; their forbearance and gentleness, 183; their suffering, 455; accusations against, 512; severe to their own, gentle to those without, 78; not always under preternatural direction, 133; Christ's Code of Laws, written on Twelve Souls, 37; their miracles greater even than Christ's, 77; their holiness not caused by miracles, 83; their prerogative to impart the Spirit, 115; their proper work, preaching and prayer, 90; why they continued to resort to the temple, 50; and the synagogues, 179. Applause in Church, reproved, 190, 458. Arian arguments refuted, 12, note 2; 137, note 3; 72, 112, note 4. Arrogance, source of, 204. Asceticism, examples of, 381, 437. Baptism, grace of, 152; in it we receive the substance of all good, 248; its more essential part the Spirit, 7; makes men dead to sin, 405; represents the cross, 409; relation to Christ's resurrection, 409; not to be repeated, 410; with us, the baptism with water and with the Spirit is one act; with the Apostles two, ib.; why not administered at Pentecost (in preference to Easter Eve), ib., and note 3; sins after, doubly heinous, 8; but there are means of remission, 9; and recovery, 158; delay of, excuses for, 8, 152, sq.; many delay it till their last moments, 9; Traditio Symboli in, 45, note 1; teaching after, 46; form of renunciation in, 9; followed by Holy Communion, 10; baptized, evil lives of the, a reproach to God, 152; the case of Apollos and the twelve disciples of John considered, 246, sq. and notes. Bible, neglect of, 553; order of its books, 336. Bishop, his proper work, preaching and prayer, 90; ought not to have his time taken up with secular matters, ib.; the office coveted for dignity and honor, 22 sq.; its arduousness, ib.; simony of preferment-seeking, 24 sq.; bond of unity in the church, 393. Body, all the members need each other, 231; not in itself evil, 411; why called "of death," 431; duties toward, 440; may become spiritual, 435, 440. Boldness for the truth, with gentleness, 111; not forwardness, 290. Calling, not compulsory, 453. Celibacy, optional, 420; its frequency, 434. Charity, the perfection of, 41; necessity of, 380; nature of, 382; rarity of, 393. Christ, equality with the Father, 2; the Apostles insist chiefly on his Resurrection, ib.; His deeds exemplify His words, 4; meaning of the name, 338; His twofold generation, 340; power of His name, 341; His humble birth, and estate, 348; His Cross a stumbling-block, 343, 348; begs in His members, 384 sq., 452, 457, 485; the Victim on His Table, 394; His Resurrection a proof of His sinlessness, 395; the love shown in His Death, 398; its effects, 410 sq.; atoned for actual sins since the fall, 402; partaking in His Death and Burial a guarantee for partaking in His Life, 405; His power shown by men's helplessness, 430; His acts between the Resurrection and Ascension, 4; came and went during forty days, 5; why He showed Himself not to all, ib.; His parting charge to the Apostles, 4; why He bade them tarry at Jerusalem, 6; Christ's Resurrection, evidenced by the Acts of the Apostles, 5, 28; His Resurrection, a pledge of judgment, 237; His Godhead, 13; is "taken up," 14; "Standing at God's right hand," 113; His mercy to the Jews, proves Him to be God, 34; other proofs, 286; His long suffering and beneficence, 92; His intercession, 454; instances of His foreknowledge, 466 sq.; the end of the Law, 472; why He fulfilled it, 539; His kindness to Judas, 394, 460; sundry images applied to Him, 518, 538; values men's souls as His purchase, 524; makes God's wisdom apparent, 535; His example of patient endurance, 536; He executes punishment, 34; His passion foretold, 55; and the punishment denounced, 58; "the Prophet like unto Moses," 55; and more than Moses, 59; "The Prince of Life," 57; works "by the Spirit of God," 72; "sent from God," 37 sq.; in what sense He "knew not that day and hour," 12; the Angel in the burning bush, 103; Giver of the Law, 107; unwritten sayings of, 214. Christians, to fight the good fight, 154; and so win more glory, 158; one body, 248 sq.; should show sympathy and not rejoice in the punishment of sinners, 266; should despise money, and be ready to toil for others, 273, 274; bound to labor for conversion of others, 133 sq.; cannot be hurt, because cannot hurt, 306; herein like God, ib.; plots against, 511. Christianity, above Judaism, 68. Chrysostom, St. John, an incident of his youth, deliverance from a great danger, 238 sq.; a story of a deacon, perhaps C. himself, 281; his earnestness for his flock, 24, 75, 271 sq.; threatens to excommunicate swearers, 55 sq.; the reform commenced, 74; his doctrine of free-will, 365, 446; of repentance, 527; fondness for St. Paul, 561, 562; succeeded Nectarius as Archbishop of Constantinople, 26th Feb. A.D. 398, (page) 270. Church, the, bought with blood, 269; its true prosperity, 186; its excellence not numbers but goodness, 149; her true peace within, 138. Churches, why built, 186; duty of proprietors of estates to build and endow, 118, 120. Church-going, not itself religion, 185. Church-property, how administered in Christ's time, 90, and note 2. Church-services, for spiritual improvement, 186 sq.; irreverent behavior in, 160 sq. Circumcision, the Jews' opinion of its virtues, 369, note; two kinds of, 370; the outward useless without the inward, 388; aimed at specially, because even the Sabbath gave way to it, 371: behind the faith, 388: does not make men Abraham's children, ib., sq.; necessary for carnal men, ib.; yet proclaims its own unavailingness, 389. Communion with others, its sweetness, 346. Of saints, the basis of duties to our neighbor, 381, 393 sq., 414. Conceit, described and rebuked, 500. Confession, God acquits upon, 46. Conscience, a clear one the true source of joy, 342; in the Law's stead, 365; its cheering power, 397, 423. Converts, condition of the early, 226. Covetousness, snare of the devil, 49; evils of, 414, 425, 495; compared to drunkenness, 438; care for, 439. Creation, a witness of God to the heathen, 352; a great system of teaching, 354, 356, 361; serving it, Grecian, 354. Cross, sign of the, 69; its power, 348; forgiveness through, 351; a spiritual charm, 392. Daniel, in the lion's den, allegorized, 355. David, why coupled with Abraham, 377; his sin, 466; his psalms, 540; his love, 546. Deacons, use of the term, 350, 512; the seven, 90, 91; on the number of, in different Churches, note 3, p. 90. Dead, the souls of deceased, aided by prayers and alms, 140 sq. Death, of the righteous, 139; the soul escorted by Angels, ib.; those who die in their sins, ib.; "Pangs of death," 39; a proof of Adam's sin, 402, 404, 420. Demons, forced to take Christ's part, 251, 253; connected with idolatry and unchastity, 510. Demoniacs, their appearance described, 254. Desire, not in itself sin, 227. Devil, the, brought in the doctrine of Fate, etc., 286; see Satan, Temptation; why the devil was made, 49; wiles of, 392; how to guard against them, 407. Doctrine, meaning of term, 412. Dreams, terrify the wicked, 424; sins committed in, 519. Dress, sumptuousness of female, reproved, 166; simplicity in, 552. Drunkenness, is disgusting, 438; leads to other sins, 520. Ease, more perilous than persecution, 59. Easter, great resort to Church at, 186. "Economy," doctrine of, 12, 214, 280. Ecstasy, ὲκστασις, meaning of, 143. Election, what it implies, 483. Endurance, a Godlike quality, 354. Envy, nature and result of, 380, 381. Epistles, reading of in Church, 335; order and date of, 336. Eunuch, conversion of the, 226. Evil, Manichæan conception of, 16 sq.; not physical, 130. Evils, natural, a benefit, 323. Evil designs, overruled for good, 295, 322; and to the furtherance of the Gospel, 305. Evil passions, the worst of bonds, 318. Eyes, to see the things unseen, Christ's gift, 313. Excess makes ugly, moderation beautiful, 177. Excommunication, 465. Exorcism, practised by Jews for gain, 252. Faith, an act of free-will, 181; able to grasp what reason cannot, 341; unreasoning, 347, 391; little compared with its reward, 349; men saved by it under the O.T., ib.; the mother of all blessing, 350; scorned as easy, 363; not a new thing because foretold, 377; and typified, ib.; takes away boasting, 379; establishes the Law, 380, 389; its seeming opposition thereto a perplexity to the Jews, 380; a life of charity necessary after it, ib.; not to be ashamed of, 386; its power, ib.; lies in a belief of God's power, ib.; and of the promise, 389; its excellence above words, 391; Contemplated by the Fathers as fides formata, 407; that whereby men come to salvation, 470; comes by hearing, 479; gives relationship to saints, 494; a special sense of the term, 531. False-Christs and false prophets, why permitted, 280. Fasting, religious efficacy of, 176. Fate, belief in, 31. Fear, power for conversion of evil men, 252; a safeguard against Satan, 358. Feastings and spectacles, evil of, 35. Forgiveness of injuries, 92; how to be shown, 60; duty and necessity of, 394. Free-will, relation to grace, 245, 355; proof of, 365, 428; its power, 492. Friendship, worldly inducements to; not comparable with the Christian, 248 sq. Gainas, revolt of, 204, note. Gentiles, progress of the Gospel among, 201; equally accepted with Jews, 364, 379, 490; have not the law, 364; how saved, 372; their call, 469; their salvation, how related to the Jews, 489. Gentleness, compared with passionate temper, 42; more powerful than vehemence, 44; distinguished from cowardice, 290. Glory, the true and the false, 181. Gluttony, penalties of, against nature, 105, 176. God, source of all good, 192; universal presence and universal providence of, 321; near to all, 235; cannot be imaged by human thought, 237; His benefits, 238 sq.; danger of abusing this gift, 354; gratitude and trust in, 239 sq.; Divine perfections, 306, 362, 383; more ready to hear than we to pray, 227; is merciful, but is afflicting also, 154, 361, 400; His patience and forbearance, 243; does not take instant vengeance, 199; His help, 294, 355; how said to "tempt," 144; delivers His people, 316 sq.; His word not to be trifled with, 302. Gospel, its success, 260, 343; its adaptation to all, 347. Grace, power of, 84; supernatural, 132, 230; went before the Apostles, 340; destroys earthly distinction, 341, 7; does not supersede will, 245, 412; to work miracles, given for holy deeds, 355; time of grace, contrasted with earlier times, 363; needed before and much more after the Fall, 365; given to Jews, 372; better than a reward for works, 387; implies remission, so fulfilling the promise, 389; past, a guarantee for future, 396-398; superabundance of, 402; ground of higher rules, 420; fruits of, ibid., 434: needful for the lightest good deeds, 446; and from first to last, 361; its universality, 474; how increased, 537. Heathen, religion of, 211, 352; objection from mean condition of first [... (unreadable in hardcopy)...] 226; why not all amiable and virtuous heathen are converted, 150, 151; heathen gods demons, 31, 221. Hell, does not militate against God's goodness, 35; why threatened, 366, 420; made known by the Gospel, 348; proofs of its reality, and why men deny it, 526; specially for wicked Christians, 538. Heresies, to be expected, 210; take their names from men, Marcion, Arius, etc., 212; why permitted, 280 sq.; often prevail by the personal virtues of their authors, 286. Heretics, their aim always to draw disciples after them, 270; reason when they should believe, 349. Hope, a gift of the Spirit, 539; implies love and faith, 446. Hospitality, shown to poor and strangers is shown to Christ, 275 sq.; Abraham a pattern of, 276; a Christian duty, 277 (see Xenon.) House of mourning better than house of feasting, 261. Household, religious care for, 146 sq. Humility, the greater the gifts, the greater the, 192; the mother of good deeds, 499. Human Nature, capability of, 204. Hurt, the worst suffered, is from that we do, 306. Idols, worship of, 352, 353, 374. Ignorance, of the heathen, 359; no excuse for sin, 427, 428. Inaction, and activity in evil ways, alike baneful, 223. Injuries, patience under, 198. Injustice, an evil to doer, rather than to the sufferer, 307. Insults, how to be borne, 300. Intermediate State, nature of, 396. Isaac, sacrifice of, 339; why Abraham's true seed, 464. Jacob, lessons from his history, 295 sq. James, St., Bishop of Jerusalem, 20, 205. Jews, their precedence in receiving the Gospel, 348; their advantages and responsibility, 363, 374; bondage under the law, 363; in practice no better than Gentiles, 364; their pride, 369; judgment upon, 487; final salvation of, 490; offended by the doctrine of Christ's equality with the Father, 2; necessity of forbearance in dealing with them, ib.; their dreadful punishment, 34 sq.; the famine (Claudius) a warning to them, 164; how they sent the Gospel to the Gentiles, 188; enraged by the faith of the Gentiles, ib.; their unbelief foretold, 325; no cause to be proud of their sacrifices, 108; or of their Temple, 109. Job, his example of patience, 348, 363; his sufferings, 454. Joseph, the patriarch, a pattern of simplicity, 48; type of Christ, 100; lessons from his history, 295 sq. Joseph, husband of the Virgin Mary, probably died before Christ's Resurrection, 20; does not look upon Christ as man merely, ib. Joy in the Lord, and in the world, compared, 104. Judaizers, assert necessity of Law to salvation, disparage the power of God, 202; why they abstained from flesh, 521; their weakness, ib.; gained nothing from the law, 524. Judas, election of an Apostle in place of, 18; his history a topic of cavilling, ib.; his end a prophecy of the punishment of the Jews, 21; Satan entered into him, but he was himself the cause, 322. Judgment, the final, 351, 366, 367; the power of the anticipation of, 525; its reality attested by heathen and devils, 528. Judgments, temporal, use of, 351; fires had on the final, 358, 526; furnish analogies to it, 527. Justification, (vid. Faith, Righteousness). Kings, worshipped by heathen, 348; why called ministers, 512. Landlords, their responsibilities, 116 sq.; especially to build and endow Churches, 118, 120. Laws, a blessing, 36; their object, 423; an aid to God's law, 512. Law of Moses, declared to be a burden, 207; abrogated even for the Jews, 209. Lessons in Church, 127; profane inattention to, ib.; complaint of sameness reproved, 128. Life, a voyage: our ship the Church, 318; an evil life a bane to the best creed; and wrong life leads to wrong doctrines, 286. Love, heavenly, compared with earthly, 312; love of God overcomes all other feelings, 400; love a natural tie in all creatures, 358; want of it, the cause of sin, ib.; should be ungrudging, 366; and passionate, 367; duties and effects of, 503; ever paying, ever due, 514; love to man sanctified by its union with love to God, ib.; see Charity. Luke, St., wrote the Acts, 2; commended by St. Paul, ib., 3; was partaker of the Spirit, 3; why he does not relate St. Paul's history after the first imprisonment at Rome, 326. Lusts, blind and enfeeble the soul, 180; unnatural, 355, sq.; source and consequences of, 520. Luxury ruins body and mind, 222; defeats its own object, enjoyment, 223; the true, 177, 314. Magic: true miracles contrasted with, 116; magical practices, 238. Manichæans, deny Resurrection and Creation, 15; assail the law, 419, 421; condemned by the Church, 430; reject the O.T. and parts of the N.T. [... (unreadable in hardcopy)...] make matter the essence of evil, ib., 410, 423, 429, 433; and coeternal with God, 16; their impious absurdities exposed, ib.; therefore denied incarnation, ib.; see Evil. Marcionites, attitude toward the Old Testament, 35. Marriage, a rich wife not to be sought, but a godly, 140; a rich wife not to be desired, 296; no bar to holiness, 550; no excuse for worldliness, 384; second marriage, excuses of rich widows for, ib. Matthew, his genealogy of Christ, 421; his call, 466. Ministers, in the Primitive Church, 90. Miracles, not always desirable, 229; argument from Scriptures more powerful, ib.; success of the Apostles, itself a miracle, 230; uses of, 136; not to compel belief, but teach, 125; not all wrought with same ease, 138; the true, in contrast with magic, 116; not the cause of the Apostles' holiness, 83; nor of the noble devotion of the converts, 73; too much ascribed to them, ib.; holy words and deeds are more potent, 84, 85; to suffer for Christ, better than miracles, 196; to cast out sin, greater than to expel a demon, 254; in excess, overpower, not convince, 169, 170; of St. Paul, 544, 562. Moderation, essential to enjoyment, 105; and to beauty, 177. Money, love of, at the root of all idolatry, 258. Moses, a type of Christ, 101, 107; a servant of the Lord, 338, 9; his love, 538. Night, not for sleep only, but for devout meditation and prayer, 227. Oaths, see Swearing. Offence, our care must be to give no just, 281; if taken unjustly, when are we to forbear or to persist? 281, 282. Old Testament: grace was given by means of sensible signs, 26. Olympic games, illustrate Christian life, 510. Oppression really hurts the doer; to the sufferer it is a benefit, 306. Ordinations, fasting before, 197. Original sin, transmissions of, 464. Passions, the, each has its age; all to be attacked in turn, 87; πάθη, perturbationes, 98. Pastor, the faithful, inconsolable for the loss of souls, 271, 272. Patience under revilings, 92; under wrongs, 256. Paul, St., The Acts relate most to him, 2; by birth a Pharisee, 292; how a Roman citizen, 288 and note; the three days between his conversion and baptism, 7; his honest, consistent zeal as a persecutor, 123; his conversion compared with the Eunuch's, 126; circumstances of his conversion, the accounts reconciled, 123; the manifold witnesses to, 284; why his conversion was delayed, 124; a mighty evidence of the Resurrection, 124; the persecutor Saul did not lightly become Paul the Apostle, 283; no worldly motive for the change, 284; his fitness to be an apostle, 131; an unexceptionable witness, 287, 311; his movements, after his conversion, 134 sq.; preaches "not where Christ was named," 180; his first recorded discourse, 182; compared with St. Stephen's, 184; labored with his own hands for his support, 274; his care that the ministry be not blamed, 265; his forbear and love for Christ, ib.; his readiness to suffer and to die for Christ, 267; kept back nothing profitable, 267; a pattern of gentleness with magnanimity, 300; his charity, 41; was willing even to perish for the salvation of others, 125; much forgiven, he loved much, 132; a pattern of Christian love and zeal, 133; contention with Barnabas, an "economy," 214; why he circumcised Timothy, ib.; practised "economy" in the "purifying" at Jerusalem, 280; his magnanimity, 216; his prison-vigil, and St. Peter's, 224; among the Philosophers at Athens, 233; overthrows heathen philosophy, 235; unbelief grieved him more than persecution, 242; his night discourse at Troas, 265; why he reproves the high-priest, 288; wist not that Ananias was the high-priest, 289; the Jews' malignity against him, 303; because he believed God, therefore he would not tempt Providence, ib.; as the Pilot of the ship, i.e. of the Church, still with us, 318; did not prophecy nor work miracles for display, 319; affected as man by the sight of the brethren, 320; twice prisoner at Rome--his history after the first imprisonment, why not related in the Acts, 326; refutes his enemies by the Law and the Prophets, 326; his desire to see Rome, 327; said to have converted Nero's concubine, 281; came to Rome again a prisoner, 327; eulogy of, ib.; his purity and depth, ib.; to understand him and his writings, a pure life is necessary, ib.; puts his own name to his Epistles, 6; his preaching contrasted with that of the Prophets, 338; his mode of leading men from lower to higher things, 340; extent of his travels, 341, 347; always begins with grace and peace, 342; and ends with the same, 561; glories in the Cross, 348; does not vilify the Law, 364; his mode of transition, 385; his hortatory digressions, 405; especially in this Epistle, 408; his use of doxologies, 462, 494; His marvellous love to Christ, 459; his judgment in dealing with the Jews, 365, 368, 370; desires to excuse them, 472, 493; his conformity to the Law no compromise with Judaism, 459; takes the attitude of a suppliant, 496; difference in his treatment of doctrinal and practical questions, 524; his fellow-prisoners, 555; tact and discrimination in his encomia, ib.; lodged with the worthy only, 561; his glory in life, in the grave, and in the Resurrection, 562. Peasantry, neglect of by Christian proprietors, 118; hence heathenism lingered long in the country places (pagans), ib. Pelagian controversy, 365, 427. Persians, Eastern nations generally, 95. Persecution, 159; the Church's gain, 171; sufferings of women during the, 159. Peter, St., how changed after the Resurrection, 33; foremost on every emergency, 136; why he takes the lead, 18; acts in nothing imperiously, ib.; the true Philosopher, 30; his first and second Sermon compared, 52; not ignorant of God's purpose for the Gentiles, nor averse to it: the vision (Cornelius) not for his instruction but for the Jewish brethren who were less enlightened, 143 sq. and notes; his night in the prison, and St. Paul's, 172, 224; at Antioch, practised "economy," 280; what he gave to Christ, 384; preaching at Rome, 344; his title among the Fathers, 547; his eminence, 557. Pharisees, their zeal for the resurrection, 311. Philosophy, put to shame by the Gospel, 29; cannot convert men, 347; relation to idolatry, 353; Christian meaning of, 386, 393, 404, 406. Piety, decay of in Chrysostom's time, 160. Plato, compared with Apostles, 29, 235, his absurd and mischievous doctrines, 30; unable to persuade men to virtue, himself inconsistent, 226; contrasted with St. Paul, 437, 353; quoted or referred to, 357, 359, 397, 400, 420, 450. Πλεονεξία, defined and illustrated, 307. Πονηρος, well named for πονεἵν, 48. Poor, and strangers, in them Christ comes to us, 275. Poverty and riches, 307, voluntary, 274. Praise of man, love of, a senseless passion, 181; refused by the saints, 191. Prayer, prevailing, 72; perseverance in, 20; efficacy of, 231; set times for, 149; gift of, 447; how answered, 448; to be accompanied by works, 561. Preaching, studied eloquence in, a snare, and applause during mischievous, 193. Predestination, does not lessen responsibility, 38. Priesthood, of all Christians, 497. Prodigality, not generosity, 291; the prodigal a slave to his own lusts, ib. Prophecy, more potent than miracles, 33; its fulfilment, 469; its obscurity, 480. Prophets, the: witnesses to Christ's death and resurrection, 311; their condemnation of the Jews, 375; their sufferings, 448; foretell the call of the Gentiles, 469, 474; the saving of a remnant, 470. Proverbs, "evil do, evil fare," 84; "sweet is war to the inexperienced," 23. Providence, some denied that it extended to things below the moon, 321. Public worship, shocking levity of the young in, 160; then elders to blame, ib. Punishment, present impunity more to be dreaded, 79; brought on man by himself, 362; proportioned to advantages, 422; a less evil than sin, 400; eternal, proved by temporal, 525, 557. Reasoning, relation to faith, 349, 352; to duty, 510. Reconciliation, the first advances toward, 301. Reproof, must not be in anger, 99. Resurrection of the body, 311; of Christ, 395; universal, 436. Reviling, abusive language disgraces only the utterer, 199, 244; some glory in, 200; patience under, 92, 98. Riches and poverty, 306, 307; danger of, 358, 393. Righteousness, declaration of God's, 378; identical with blessedness, 387; the root of life, 402, 405; a greater gift than pardon, 403; conditions of, 474. Rome, pride of, 339, 341, 343; true glory of, consists in the possession of the relics of Peter and Paul, 562. Ruler, the true, he that rules himself first, 313; physicians of souls, ib. Rule, offices of, not to be coveted, 313. Rural clergy, description of, 118. Sacrilege, a dreadful crime, 77. Sacrifice, instituted in consequence of the provocation in Horeb, 108; expiatory, 377; of the eucharist, 394, 506; of self, 496; of the Gentiles, 543; blessedness of making, 407. Sailors, their recklessness, 317. Saints, their life interwoven of prosperous and adverse, 315, 448; their presence a safeguard and benefit, 318; the benediction of, a great good, 319; local memorials of, 552. Satan, his service harder than God's, 42; his wages, 43; wars against the soul, 198; his tempting does not excuse the tempted, 77; bodily diseases, his work, 150; his designs overruled for good, 322; even in the case of Adam, and there especially, ib.; he serves to rouse us and keep us on the alert, 323. Scriptures, sufficient to produce faith, 126: to slight them is to insult God, 127; The Lessons in Church, ib.; inexhaustible riches of, 127; a storehouse of spiritual medicines, 187; use of, as a charm against devils, 540; ignorance of, a great evil, 217, 335. Self-praise, how consistent with humility, 266. Servants, Christian care for, 277. "Signa," ἐν τοῖς σίγνοις αὐτὸν ἔμβαλε, 279. Signs, useless without the reality, 388. Sin, called to remembrance, 80; engenders a habit of, 255; remission of by Christ, 185; punishes itself, 361; a worse evil than punishment, 400; how Adam's affected all, 402; caused death of Christ, 410; wrought the death of the body, 411; after baptism, 412; ascertained by the law, 422; how checked, 425. Slaves, set at liberty in the Primitive Church, 73. Slavery, recognized as lawful, 511. Socrates, a story of, 93; vainglorious and insincere, 226; his last words, 353. Soul, neglect of, 217; its beauty, 218. Spirit, the Holy, the Acts may be called a History of, 7; his operation in the Gospels, and in the Acts, ib.; not an impersonal energy or operation, ib.; descended on the hundred and twenty, 25, equal with the Father and the Son, 26, 144, 175; He is not a created Angel, 326; gift of, 436; our need of His aid, 446; His intercession, 447. Stationes, Wednesday and Friday Fast, 149, note 1. Suffering for Christ, blessedness of, 84. Swearing, exhortation against, 53, 60, 68, 74, 79, 86; prevalence of, 434; Chrys. threatens to excommunicate offenders for, 53, sq.; oaths the food of wrath, 60; origin of oaths in corruption of manners, 61; honesty needs no oaths, 63; to impose an oath, as evil as to take it, 61; oathtaking at the Altar prohibited, 62; by touching the Sacred Volume on the Holy Table, 62; those who swear most are least believed, 63; Christ forbids all oaths, ib.; swearing a mere habit, 69; how to call upon God aright, ib.; why the ancients were allowed to take oaths, 70; not a thing indifferent, 75; God's judgment against false-swearers, 79; oaths, Satan's snare, 86. Symeon, not taken by Chrys. to be Simon Peter, 206. Teaching, the best is by deeds, 192. Temper, diversities of, are gifts for the Church's service, 213. Temptation, see Satan, Adam. When we are tempted, the fault is our own, 322, sq.; not to be sought, 171. Testament, Old and New, confirm each other, 183. Theatres, mischief of, 68, 262, 270; promote irreverent behavior in Church, 161. Thekla, Acts of Paul and, 167. Timothy, circumcision of, 506; relics of, 553. Tree of Knowledge, a type of the cross, 402. Tribulations benefit the soul, 221, 321; sent to rouse the faithful, 260. Types, a mode of prophecy, 339. Uncircumcision, received the Gospel before the circumcision, 388. See Gentiles. Unction, with the Spirit, not with oil, 338. Union is strength, especially in prayer, 231; how to secure, 232. Vanity, its pernicious fruits, 475; in spiritual matters, 476; its cure, 477. Vices, how they counterfeit virtues, 290. Vigils, celebration of, 24, 186. Virginity, not to be matter of pride, 192. Watchfulness, need of, 7. Wealth, contempt of, in the Primitive Church, 73; Christian use of, 45. Widows, rich, excuses of, for second marriage, 296. Will, power of, 181, 218. See Free-will. Witnesses (Martyrs), all Christians are called to be, 285; by a holy life, 286. Women, extravagance of, 166, 176; sufferings of the faithful, in persecution, 159. Word, the, precious in affliction, 262. Worship, true spirit of, 344; development of, 447. Wrath, accursed, 110; fit of a maniac, ib.; a man in a passion a hideous spectacle, 199; passionate men like demoniacs, 255. Writers, the Sacred, address themselves to matters of immediate importance, 2. Xenon, Ξενοδοχείον, the Church's hospital for poor strangers, 277. Young, irreverent behavior of in Church, 161. Zeal, Christian, 134.
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