SEV Biblia, Chapter 2:23
Y dijo el hombre: Esta vez, hueso de mis huesos, y carne de mi carne; ésta será llamada Varona, porque del Varón fue tomada.
Clarke's Bible Commentary - Genesis 2:23
Verse 23. Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, &c.] There is a very delicate and expressive meaning in the original which does not appear in our version. When the different genera of creatures were brought to Adam, that he might assign them their proper names, it is probable that they passed in pairs before him, and as they passed received their names. To this circumstance the words in this place seem to refer. Instead of this now is µaph taz zoth happaam, we should render more literally this turn, this creature, which now passes or appears before me, is flesh of my flesh, &c. The creatures that had passed already before him were not suitable to him, and therefore it was said, For Adam there was not a help meet found, ver. 20; but when the woman came, formed out of himself, he felt all that attraction which consanguinity could produce, and at the same time saw that she was in her person and in her mind every way suitable to be his companion. See Parkhurst, sub voce. She shall be called Woman] A literal version of the Hebrew would appear strange, and yet a literal version is the only proper one. ya ish signifies man, and the word used to express what we term woman is the same with a feminine termination, ha ishshah, and literally means she-man. Most of the ancient versions have felt the force of the term, and have endeavoured to express it as literally as possible. The intelligent reader will not regret to see some of them here. The Vulgate Latin renders the Hebrew virago, which is a feminine form of vir, a man. Symmachus uses andriv, andris, a female form of anhr, aner, a man. Our own term is equally proper when understood. Woman has been defined by many as compounded of wo and man, as if called man's wo because she tempted him to eat the forbidden fruit; but this is no meaning of the original word, nor could it be intended, as the transgression was not then committed. The truth is, our term is a proper and literal translation of the original, and we may thank the discernment of our Anglo-Saxon ancestors for giving it. [A.S.], of which woman is a contraction, means the man with the womb. A very appropriate version of the Hebrew ha ishshah, rendered by terms which signify she-man, in the versions already specified. Hence we see the propriety of Adam's observation: This creature is flesh of my flesh, and bone of my bones; therefore shall she be called WOMB-MAN, or female man, because she was taken out of man. See Verstegan. Others derive it from [A.S.] or [A.S.], man's wife or she- man. Either may be proper, the first seems the most likely.
Matthew Henry Commentary
Verses 18-25 - Power over the creatures was given to man, and as a proof of this he named them all. It also shows his insight into the works of God. But though he was lord of the creatures, yet nothing in this world was help meet for man. From God are all our helpers. If we rest in God, he will work all for good. God caused deep sleep to fall on Adam; while he knows no sin, God will take care that he shall feel no pain. God, a her Father, brought the woman to the man, as his second self, and help meet for him. That wife, who is of God's making by special grace and of God's bringing by special providence, is likely to prove a hel meet for a man. See what need there is, both of prudence and prayer in the choice of this relation, which is so near and so lasting. That ha need to be well done, which is to be done for life. Our first parent needed no clothes for covering against cold or heat, for neither coul hurt them: they needed none for ornament. Thus easy, thus happy, wa man in his state of innocency. How good was God to him! How man favours did he load him with! How easy were the laws given to him! Ye man, being in honour, understood not his own interest, but soon becam as the beasts that perish __________________________________________________________________
Original Hebrew
ויאמר 559 האדם 120 זאת 2063 הפעם 6471 עצם 6106 מעצמי 6106 ובשׂר 1320 מבשׂרי 1320 לזאת 2063 יקרא 7121 אשׁה 802 כי 3588 מאישׁ 376 לקחה 3947 זאת׃ 2063