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PARALLEL HISTORY BIBLE - 1 Corinthians 15:47 CHAPTERS: 1 Corinthians 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
ο 3588 πρωτος 4413 ανθρωπος 444 εκ 1537 γης 1093 χοικος 5517 ο 3588 δευτερος 1208 ανθρωπος 444 ο 3588 κυριος 2962 εξ 1537 ουρανου 3772
Douay Rheims Bible The first man was of the earth, earthly: the second man, from heaven, heavenly.
King James Bible - 1 Corinthians 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
World English Bible The first man is of the earth, made of dust. The second man is the Lord from heaven.
Early Church Father Links Anf-01 ix.iv.xix Pg 3, Anf-03 v.iv.vi.x Pg 36, Anf-03 v.vii.viii Pg 11, Anf-03 v.viii.xlix Pg 4, Anf-03 v.viii.liii Pg 11, Anf-04 iii.xi.v.ii Pg 317, Anf-05 iii.iv.i.ii.i Pg 88, Anf-05 iv.v.ii Pg 67, Anf-05 iv.v.x Pg 52, Anf-05 iv.v.xii.iii.xi Pg 11, Anf-05 iv.v.xii.iv.xiii Pg 15, Anf-06 iii.iv.iii.iii Pg 7, Anf-07 vi.i Pg 30, Npnf-102 iv.XVIII.11 Pg 3, Npnf-102 iv.XIII.23 Pg 13, Npnf-103 iv.i.iii.xiii Pg 11, Npnf-103 iv.i.iii.xiii Pg 11, Npnf-104 iv.ix.iv Pg 11, Npnf-104 iv.ix.vii Pg 19, Npnf-104 iv.ix.xxvi Pg 19, Npnf-104 iv.iv.xxi Pg 7, Npnf-108 ii.I_1 Pg 6, Npnf-108 ii.IX Pg 24, Npnf-108 ii.CIII Pg 58, Npnf-112 iv.xliii Pg 1, Npnf-112 iv.xliii Pg 2, Npnf-113 iv.iv.vii Pg 25, Npnf-202 iii.xi.xxvii Pg 5, Npnf-203 iv.ix.ii Pg 550, Npnf-203 iv.ix.ii Pg 593, Npnf-205 x.ii.ii.xxiii Pg 8, Npnf-205 xi.ii.xxxvii Pg 12, Npnf-205 xi.ii.xxxvii Pg 12, Npnf-206 vi.vi.I Pg 332, Npnf-207 iv.ii.ii Pg 5, Npnf-207 iv.ii.iii Pg 8, Npnf-208 vii.v Pg 10, Npnf-208 vii.xix Pg 36, Npnf-209 ii.v.ii.x Pg 44, Npnf-209 iii.iv.iii.xii Pg 10, Npnf-212 ii.v.xxxv Pg 12
World Wide Bible Resources 1Corinthians 15:47
Early Christian Commentary - (A.D. 100 - A.D. 325) Anf-01 ix.iv.xix Pg 3 So the Syriac. The Latin has, “in seipso recapitulavit,” He summed up in Himself. [As the Second Adam, 1 Cor. xv. 47.] the long line of human beings, and furnished us, in a brief, comprehensive manner, with salvation; so that what we had lost in Adam—namely, to be according to the image and likeness of God—that we might recover in Christ Jesus.
Anf-03 v.iv.vi.x Pg 36 1 Cor. xv. 47. Now, since the first was a man, how can there be a second, unless he is a man also? Or, else, if the second is “Lord,” was the first “Lord” also?5660 5660 Marcion seems to have changed man into Lord, or rather to have omitted the ἄνθρωπος of the second clause, letting the verse run thus: ὁ πρῶτος ἄνθρωπος ἐκ γῆς χοϊκὁς, ὁ δεύτερος Κύριος ἐξ οὐρανοῦ. Anything to cut off all connection with the Creator. It is, however, quite enough for me, that in his Gospel he admits the Son of man to be both Christ and Man; so that he will not be able to deny Him (in this passage), in the “Adam” and the “man” (of the apostle). What follows will also be too much for him. For when the apostle says, “As is the earthy,” that is, man, “such also are they that are earthy”—men again, of course; “therefore as is the heavenly,” meaning the Man, from heaven, “such are the men also that are heavenly.”5661 5661
Anf-03 v.vii.viii Pg 11 1 Cor. xv. 47. This passage, however, has nothing to do with any difference of substance; it only contrasts with the once7065 7065 Retro. “earthy” substance of the flesh of the first man, Adam, the “heavenly” substance of the spirit of the second man, Christ. And so entirely does the passage refer the celestial man to the spirit and not to the flesh, that those whom it compares to Him evidently become celestial—by the Spirit, of course—even in this “earthy flesh.” Now, since Christ is heavenly even in regard to the flesh, they could not be compared to Him, who are not heavenly in reference to their flesh.7066 7066 Secundum carnem. If, then, they who become heavenly, as Christ also was, carry about an “earthy” substance of flesh, the conclusion which is affirmed by this fact is, that Christ Himself also was heavenly, but in an “earthy” flesh, even as they are who are put on a level with Him.7067 7067 Ei adæquantur.
Anf-03 v.viii.xlix Pg 4 1 Cor. xv. 47. —that is, the Word of God, which is Christ, in no other way, however, man (although “from heaven”), than as being Himself flesh and soul, just as a human being is, just as Adam was. Indeed, in a previous passage He is called “the second Adam,”7640 7640
Anf-03 v.viii.liii Pg 11 Ver. 47. but although He is “of heaven” in respect of the spirit, He is yet man according to the flesh. Now since it is the flesh, and not the soul, that makes an order (or classification together) in the two Adams compatible, so that the distinction is drawn between them of “the first man becoming a living soul, and the last a quickening spirit,”7696 7696
VERSE (47) - :45 Ge 2:7; 3:19 Joh 3:13,31 2Co 5:1