Anf-03 v.iii.viii Pg 22
John xvi. 13.
And this, too, makes towards the same conclusion. If the apostles, who were ordained1949 1949 Destinati.
to be teachers to the Gentiles, were themselves to have the Comforter for their teacher, far more needless1950 1950 Multo magis vacabat.
was it to say to us, “Seek, and ye shall find,” to whom was to come, without research,1951 1951 Ultro.
our instruction1952 1952 Doctrina.
by the apostles, and to the apostles themselves by the Holy Ghost. All the Lord’s sayings, indeed, are set forth for all men; through the ears of the Jews have they passed on to us. Still most of them were addressed to Jewish persons;1953 1953 In personas, i.e., Judæorum (Oehler).
they therefore did not constitute instruction properly designed1954 1954 Proprietatem admonitionis.
for ourselves, but rather an example.1955 1955 “That is, not a specific command” primarily meant for us, but a principle “to be applied by us” (Dodgson).
Anf-03 Pg 16
John xvi. 13.
such as is in the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, according to the mystery of the doctrine of Christ.
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 14
VERSE (17) - Joh 15:26; 16:13 1Jo 2:27; 4:6