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CHAPTERS: Genesis 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50     

VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16




LXX- Greek Septuagint - Genesis 16:11

και 2532 ειπεν 2036 5627 αυτη 846 3778 ο 3588 3739 αγγελος 32 κυριου 2962 ιδου 2400 5628 συ 4771 εν 1722 1520 γαστρι 1064 εχεις 2192 5719 και 2532 τεξη 5088 5695 υιον 5207 και 2532 καλεσεις 2564 5692 το 3588 ονομα 3686 αυτου 847 ισμαηλ οτι 3754 επηκουσεν κυριος 2962 τη 3588 ταπεινωσει 5013 5692 σου 4675

Douay Rheims Bible

And again: Behold, said he, thou art with child, and thou shalt bring forth a son: and thou shalt call his name Ismael, because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

King James Bible - Genesis 16:11

And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.

World English Bible

The angel of Yahweh said to her, "Behold, you are with child, and will bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because Yahweh has heard your affliction.

World Wide Bible Resources

Genesis 16:11

Early Christian Commentary - (A.D. 100 - A.D. 325)

Anf-01 v.iii.iii Pg 15
1 Sam. viii. 7.

And Moses declares, “For their murmuring is not against us, but against the Lord God.”656


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-02 vi.iii.i.vii Pg 17.1

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Npnf-201 iii.vii.xix Pg 17

Anf-01 Pg 15
Gen. xviii. 1.

and again to Moses, saying, “I have surely seen the affliction of My people in Egypt, and I have come down to deliver them.”3878


Anf-01 viii.iv.lvi Pg 2
Gen. xviii. 1, 2.

(and so on;)2126


Anf-03 v.vii.iii Pg 13
Or, “mark.”

of an animal possessed of shape, because their nature is in itself simple.
guard you beforehand from those beasts in the shape of men, whom you must not only not receive, but, if it be possible, not even meet with; only you must pray to God for them, if by any means they may be brought to repentance, which, however, will be very difficult. Yet Jesus Christ, who is our true life, has the power of [effecting] this. But if these things were done by our Lord only in appearance, then am I also only in appearance bound. And why have I also surrendered myself to death, to fire, to the sword, to the wild beasts? But, [in fact,] he who is near to the sword is near to God; he that is among the wild beasts is in company with God; provided only he be so in the name of Jesus Christ. I undergo all these things that I may suffer together with Him,1001


Anf-03 vi.iv.xxvi Pg 3
I have ventured to turn the first part of the sentence into a question. What “scripture” this may be, no one knows. [It seems to me a clear reference to Matt. xxv. 38, amplified by the 45th verse, in a way not unusual with our author.] Perhaps, in addition to the passages in Gen. xviii. and Heb. xiii. 2, to which the editors naturally refer, Tertullian may allude to such passages as Mark. ix. 37; Matt. xxv. 40, 45. [Christo in pauperibus.]

—especially “a stranger,” lest perhaps he be “an angel.”  But again, when received yourself by brethren, you will not make8932

8932 I have followed Routh’s conjecture, “feceris” for “fecerit,” which Oehler does not even notice.

earthly refreshments prior to heavenly, for your faith will forthwith be judged. Or else how will you—according to the precept8933


Npnf-201 Pg 17

Npnf-201 Pg 4

Anf-01 viii.iv.lvi Pg 12
Gen. xviii. 10.

appear to have returned when Sarah had begotten a son, and to be there declared, by the prophetic word, God? But that you may clearly discern what I say, listen to the words expressly employed by Moses; they are these: ‘And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian bond-woman, whom she bore to Abraham, sporting with Isaac her son, and said to Abraham, Cast out this bond-woman and her son; for the son of this bond-woman shall not share the inheritance of my son Isaac. And the matter seemed very grievous in Abraham’s sight, because of his son. But God said to Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the son, and because of the bond-woman. In all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken to her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.’2130


Anf-03 v.vii.iii Pg 13
Or, “mark.”

of an animal possessed of shape, because their nature is in itself simple.
guard you beforehand from those beasts in the shape of men, whom you must not only not receive, but, if it be possible, not even meet with; only you must pray to God for them, if by any means they may be brought to repentance, which, however, will be very difficult. Yet Jesus Christ, who is our true life, has the power of [effecting] this. But if these things were done by our Lord only in appearance, then am I also only in appearance bound. And why have I also surrendered myself to death, to fire, to the sword, to the wild beasts? But, [in fact,] he who is near to the sword is near to God; he that is among the wild beasts is in company with God; provided only he be so in the name of Jesus Christ. I undergo all these things that I may suffer together with Him,1001


Anf-03 vi.iv.xxvi Pg 3
I have ventured to turn the first part of the sentence into a question. What “scripture” this may be, no one knows. [It seems to me a clear reference to Matt. xxv. 38, amplified by the 45th verse, in a way not unusual with our author.] Perhaps, in addition to the passages in Gen. xviii. and Heb. xiii. 2, to which the editors naturally refer, Tertullian may allude to such passages as Mark. ix. 37; Matt. xxv. 40, 45. [Christo in pauperibus.]

—especially “a stranger,” lest perhaps he be “an angel.”  But again, when received yourself by brethren, you will not make8932

8932 I have followed Routh’s conjecture, “feceris” for “fecerit,” which Oehler does not even notice.

earthly refreshments prior to heavenly, for your faith will forthwith be judged. Or else how will you—according to the precept8933


Anf-01 viii.iv.lvi Pg 34
Gen. xviii. 20–23.

(and so on,2143

2143 Comp. Note 2, p. 223.

for I do not think fit to write over again the same words, having written them all before, but shall of necessity give those by which I established the proof to Trypho and his companions. Then I proceeded to what follows, in which these words are recorded:) “ ‘And the Lord went His way as soon as He had left communing with Abraham; and [Abraham] went to his place. And there came two angels to Sodom at even. And Lot sat in the gate of Sodom;’2144


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.i Pg 11
See Gen. xxii. 18; and comp. Gal. iii. 16, and the reference in both places.

and that1130


Anf-01 viii.iv.lviii Pg 17
Gen. xxviii. 10–19. [Οὐλαμλοὺζ. Sept. Luz Eng.]

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.vii Pg 18.1

Anf-01 Pg 4
See Gen. xviii. 13 and Gen. xxxi. 11, etc. There is an allusion here to a favourite notion among the Fathers, derived from Philo the Jew, that the name Israel was compounded from the three Hebrew words אִישׁ רָאָה אֵל, i.e., “the man seeing God.”

and directs Jacob on his journey, and speaks with Moses from the bush.3919


Npnf-201 iii.vii.xix Pg 24

Npnf-201 iii.vii.xix Pg 24

Anf-01 viii.iv.lviii Pg 9
Gen. xxxi. 10–13.

And again, in other words, speaking of the same Jacob, it thus says: ‘And having risen up that night, he took the two wives, and the two women-servants, and his eleven children, and passed over the ford Jabbok; and he took them and went over the brook, and sent over all his belongings. But Jacob was left behind alone, and an Angel2153

2153 Some read, “a man.”

wrestled with him until morning. And He saw that He is not prevailing against him, and He touched the broad part of his thigh; and the broad part of Jacob’s thigh grew stiff while he wrestled with Him. And He said, Let Me go, for the day breaketh. But he said, I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me. And He said to him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And He said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name; for thou hast prevailed with God, and with men shalt be powerful. And Jacob asked Him, and said, Tell me Thy name. But he said, Why dost thou ask after My name? And He blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of that place Peniel,2154

2154 Literally, “the face of God.”

for I saw God face to face, and my soul rejoiced.’2155


Anf-01 v.xv.iii Pg 3
Isa. xliv. 6.

concerning the Father of the universe, do also speak of our Lord Jesus Christ. “A Son,” they say, has been given to us, on whose shoulder the government is from above; and His name is called the Angel of great counsel, Wonderful, Counsellor, the strong and mighty God.”1226


Anf-01 Pg 2
Isa. xliv. 6.

On this account, then, as I before said, God did not, when He sent Moses to the Hebrews, mention any name, but by a participle He mystically teaches them that He is the one and only God. “For,” says He; “I am the Being;” manifestly contrasting Himself, “the Being,” with those who are not,2549

2549 Literally, “with the not-beings.”

that those who had hitherto been deceived might see that they were attaching themselves, not to beings, but to those who had no being. Since, therefore, God knew that the first men remembered the old delusion of their forefathers, whereby the misanthropic demon contrived to deceive them when he said to them, “If ye obey me in transgressing the commandment of God, ye shall be as gods,” calling those gods which had no being, in order that men, supposing that there were other gods in existence, might believe that they themselves could become gods. On this account He said to Moses, “I am the Being,” that by the participle “being” He might teach the difference between God who is and those who are not.2550

2550 Literally, “between the God being and not-beings.”

Men, therefore, having been duped by the deceiving demon, and having dared to disobey God, were cast out of Paradise, remembering the name of gods, but no longer being taught by God that there are no other gods. For it was not just that they who did not keep the first commandment, which it was easy to keep, should any longer be taught, but should rather be driven to just punishment. Being therefore banished from Paradise, and thinking that they were expelled on account of their disobedience only, not knowing that it was also because they had believed in the existence of gods which did not exist, they gave the name of gods even to the men who were afterwards born of themselves. This first false fancy, therefore, concerning gods, had its origin with the father of lies. God, therefore, knowing that the false opinion about the plurality of gods was burdening the soul of man like some disease, and wishing to remove and eradicate it, appeared first to Moses, and said to him, “I am He who is.” For it was necessary, I think, that he who was to be the ruler and leader of the Hebrew people should first of all know the living God. Wherefore, having appeared to him first, as it was possible for God to appear to a man, He said to him, “I am He who is;” then, being about to send him to the Hebrews, He further orders him to say, “He who is hath sent me to you.”

Anf-02 v.ii.ix Pg 4.1

Anf-03 Pg 4
Matt. xvi. 26. Some omit this quotation.

Him I seek, who died for us: Him I desire, who rose again for our sake. This is the gain which is laid up for me. Pardon me, brethren: do not hinder me from living, do not wish to keep me in a state of death;863

863 Literally, “to die.”

and while I desire to belong to God, do not ye give me over to the world. Suffer me to obtain pure light: when I have gone thither, I shall indeed be a man of God. Permit me to be an imitator of the passion of my God. If any one has Him within himself, let him consider what I desire, and let him have sympathy with me, as knowing how I am straitened.

Anf-03 v.ix.xviii Pg 5
Isa. xlv. 5, 18; xliv. 6.

who shows us that He is the only God, but in company with His Son, with whom “He stretcheth out the heavens alone.”7988


Anf-01 viii.ii.lxiii Pg 9
Ex. iii. 6.

this signified that they, even though dead, are yet in existence, and are men belonging to Christ Himself. For they were the first of all men to busy themselves in the search after God; Abraham being the father of Isaac, and Isaac of Jacob, as Moses wrote.

Anf-01 viii.ii.lxiii Pg 5
Ex. iii. 6.

And if you wish to learn what follows, you can do so from the same writings; for it is impossible to relate the whole here. But so much is written for the sake of proving that Jesus the Christ is the Son of God and His Apostle, being of old the Word, and appearing sometimes in the form of fire, and sometimes in the likeness of angels; but now, by the will of God, having become man for the human race, He endured all the sufferings which the devils instigated the senseless Jews to inflict upon Him; who, though they have it expressly affirmed in the writings of Moses, “And the angel of God spake to Moses in a flame of fire in a bush, and said, I am that I am, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,” yet maintain that He who said this was the Father and Creator of the universe. Whence also the Spirit of prophecy rebukes them, and says, “Israel doth not know Me, my people have not understood Me.”1902


Anf-01 Pg 7
Matt. xxii. 29, etc.; Ex. iii. 6.

And He added, “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living; for all live to Him.” By these arguments He unquestionably made it clear, that He who spake to Moses out of the bush, and declared Himself to be the God of the fathers, He is the God of the living. For who is the God of the living unless He who is God, and above whom there is no other God? Whom also Daniel the prophet, when Cyrus king of the Persians said to him, “Why dost thou not worship Bel?”3848

3848 In the Septuagint and Vulgate versions, this story constitutes the fourteenth chapter of the book of Daniel. It is not extant in Hebrew, and has therefore been removed to the Apocrypha, in the Anglican canon [the Greek and St. Jerome’s] of Scripture, under the title of “Bel and the Dragon.”

did proclaim, saying, “Because I do not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who established the heaven and the earth and has dominion over all flesh.” Again did he say, “I will adore the Lord my God, because He is the living God.” He, then, who was adored by the prophets as the living God, He is the God of the living; and His Word is He who also spake to Moses, who also put the Sadducees to silence, who also bestowed the gift of resurrection, thus revealing [both] truths to those who are blind, that is, the resurrection and God [in His true character]. For if He be not the God of the dead, but of the living, yet was called the God of the fathers who were sleeping, they do indubitably live to God, and have not passed out of existence, since they are children of the resurrection. But our Lord is Himself the resurrection, as He does Himself declare, “I am the resurrection and the life.”3849


Npnf-201 Pg 35

Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 17

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 4
Ex. iv. 2–9.

denoted the threefold power of God: when it shall, first, in the appointed order, subdue to man the old serpent, the devil,7483


Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 7
Comp. ver. 9.

On this subject we read in the writings of the same prophet, (how that) God says:  “For your blood of your lives will I require of all wild beasts; and I will require it of the hand of man, and of his brother’s hand.”7486


Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 20.2

Anf-01 viii.iv.lx Pg 5
Ex. iii. 2–4.

In the same manner, therefore, in which the Scripture calls Him who appeared to Jacob in the dream an Angel, then [says] that the same Angel who appeared in the dream spoke to him,2165


Anf-03 v.x.i Pg 12
Ex. iii. 2.

then the Gnostics break out, then the Valentinians creep forth, then all the opponents of martyrdom bubble up, being themselves also hot to strike, penetrate, kill. For, because they know that many are artless and also inexperienced, and weak moreover, that a very great number in truth are Christians who veer about with the wind and conform to its moods, they perceive that they are never to be approached more than when fear has opened the entrances to the soul, especially when some display of ferocity has already arrayed with a crown the faith of martyrs.  Therefore, drawing along the tail hitherto, they first of all apply it to the feelings, or whip with it as if on empty space. Innocent persons undergo such suffering. So that you may suppose the speaker to be a brother or a heathen of the better sort. A sect troublesome to nobody so dealt with! Then they pierce. Men are perishing without a reason. For that they are perishing, and without a reason, is the first insertion. Then they now strike mortally. But the unsophisticated souls8220

8220 The opponents of martyrdoms are meant.—Tr.

know not what is written, and what meaning it bears, where and when and before whom we must confess, or ought, save that this, to die for God, is, since He preserves me, not even artlessness, but folly, nay madness. If He kills me, how will it be His duty to preserve me? Once for all Christ died for us, once for all He was slain that we might not be slain. If He demands the like from me in return, does He also look for salvation from my death by violence? Or does God importune for the blood of men, especially if He refuses that of bulls and he-goats?8221


Anf-01 Pg 33
Deut. iv. 24.

(igneum) to the people that transgressed the law, and threatened that God would bring upon them a day of fire; but to those who had the fear of God he said, “The Lord God is merciful and gracious, and long-suffering, and of great commiseration, and true, and keeps justice and mercy for thousands, forgiving unrighteousness, and transgressions, and sins.”4088


Anf-02 vi.iv.ix Pg 241.1

Anf-02 ii.ii.iii Pg 4.1
αὐτοῦ to God, in opposition to the translation given by Abp. Wake and others.

neither walks in the ordinances of His appointment, nor acts a part becoming a Christian,16


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xx Pg 14.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.i.i Pg 23.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.ii Pg 13.1

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xx Pg 38
Isa. vii. 9.

When Christ approved of the faith of this woman, which simply rested in the Creator, He declared by His answer to her,4252


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxv Pg 12
Isa. vii. 9.

); and He had offenders in those wise and prudent ones who would not seek after God, although He was to be discovered in His so many and mighty works,4475


Anf-03 Pg 35
Isa. vii. 9, Sept.

and again, “I will take away the wisdom of their wise men, and bring to nought5712

5712 Sept. κρὐψω, “will hide.”

the understanding of their prudent ones.”  But these words, of course, He did not pronounce against them for concealing the gospel of the unknown God.  At any rate, if there is a God of this world,5713

5713 Said concessively, in reference to M.’s position above mentioned.

He blinds the heart of the unbelievers of this world, because they have not of their own accord recognised His Christ, who ought to be understood from His Scriptures.5714

5714 Marcion’s “God of this world” being the God of the Old Testament.

Content with my advantage, I can willingly refrain from noticing to any greater length5715

5715 Hactenus: pro non amplius (Oehler) tractasse.

this point of ambiguous punctuation, so as not to give my adversary any advantage,5716

5716 “A fuller criticism on this slight matter might give his opponent the advantage, as apparently betraying a penury of weightier and more certain arguments” (Oehler).

indeed, I might have wholly omitted the discussion. A simpler answer I shall find ready to hand in interpreting “the god of this world” of the devil, who once said, as the prophet describes him: “I will be like the Most High; I will exalt my throne in the clouds.”5717


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-01 vi.ii.x Pg 3
Deut. iv. 1.

Is there then not a command of God they should not eat [these things]? There is, but Moses spoke with a spiritual reference.1577

1577 Literally, “in spirit.”

For this reason he named the swine, as much as to say, “Thou shalt not join thyself to men who resemble swine.” For when they live in pleasure, they forget their Lord; but when they come to want, they acknowledge the Lord. And [in like manner] the swine, when it has eaten, does not recognize its master; but when hungry it cries out, and on receiving food is quiet again. “Neither shalt thou eat,” says he “the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the kite, nor the raven.” “Thou shalt not join thyself,” he means, “to such men as know not how to procure food for themselves by labour and sweat, but seize on that of others in their iniquity, and although wearing an aspect of simplicity, are on the watch to plunder others.”1578

1578 Cod. Sin. inserts, “and gaze about for some way of escape on account of their greediness, even as these birds alone do not procure food for themselves (by labour), but sitting idle, seek to devour the flesh of others.” The text as above seems preferable: Hilgenfeld, however, follows the Greek.

So these birds, while they sit idle, inquire how they may devour the flesh of others, proving themselves pests [to all] by their wickedness. “And thou shalt not eat,” he says, “the lamprey, or the polypus, or the cuttlefish.” He means, “Thou shalt not join thyself or be like to such men as are ungodly to the end, and are condemned1579

1579 Cod. Sin. has, “condemned already.”

to death.” In like manner as those fishes, above accursed, float in the deep, not swimming [on the surface] like the rest, but make their abode in the mud which lies at the bottom. Moreover, “Thou shall not,” he says, “eat the hare.” Wherefore? “Thou shall not be a corrupter of boys, nor like unto such.”1580

Npnf-201 iii.xiii.xiii Pg 9

Npnf-201 iv.vii.xviii Pg 37

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 4
Ex. iv. 2–9.

denoted the threefold power of God: when it shall, first, in the appointed order, subdue to man the old serpent, the devil,7483


Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 7
Comp. ver. 9.

On this subject we read in the writings of the same prophet, (how that) God says:  “For your blood of your lives will I require of all wild beasts; and I will require it of the hand of man, and of his brother’s hand.”7486


Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 20.2

Anf-01 viii.iv.lx Pg 5
Ex. iii. 2–4.

In the same manner, therefore, in which the Scripture calls Him who appeared to Jacob in the dream an Angel, then [says] that the same Angel who appeared in the dream spoke to him,2165


Anf-03 v.x.i Pg 12
Ex. iii. 2.

then the Gnostics break out, then the Valentinians creep forth, then all the opponents of martyrdom bubble up, being themselves also hot to strike, penetrate, kill. For, because they know that many are artless and also inexperienced, and weak moreover, that a very great number in truth are Christians who veer about with the wind and conform to its moods, they perceive that they are never to be approached more than when fear has opened the entrances to the soul, especially when some display of ferocity has already arrayed with a crown the faith of martyrs.  Therefore, drawing along the tail hitherto, they first of all apply it to the feelings, or whip with it as if on empty space. Innocent persons undergo such suffering. So that you may suppose the speaker to be a brother or a heathen of the better sort. A sect troublesome to nobody so dealt with! Then they pierce. Men are perishing without a reason. For that they are perishing, and without a reason, is the first insertion. Then they now strike mortally. But the unsophisticated souls8220

8220 The opponents of martyrdoms are meant.—Tr.

know not what is written, and what meaning it bears, where and when and before whom we must confess, or ought, save that this, to die for God, is, since He preserves me, not even artlessness, but folly, nay madness. If He kills me, how will it be His duty to preserve me? Once for all Christ died for us, once for all He was slain that we might not be slain. If He demands the like from me in return, does He also look for salvation from my death by violence? Or does God importune for the blood of men, especially if He refuses that of bulls and he-goats?8221


Anf-01 Pg 33
Deut. iv. 24.

(igneum) to the people that transgressed the law, and threatened that God would bring upon them a day of fire; but to those who had the fear of God he said, “The Lord God is merciful and gracious, and long-suffering, and of great commiseration, and true, and keeps justice and mercy for thousands, forgiving unrighteousness, and transgressions, and sins.”4088


Anf-02 vi.iv.ix Pg 241.1

Anf-02 ii.ii.iii Pg 4.1
αὐτοῦ to God, in opposition to the translation given by Abp. Wake and others.

neither walks in the ordinances of His appointment, nor acts a part becoming a Christian,16


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xx Pg 14.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.i.i Pg 23.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.ii Pg 13.1

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xx Pg 38
Isa. vii. 9.

When Christ approved of the faith of this woman, which simply rested in the Creator, He declared by His answer to her,4252


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxv Pg 12
Isa. vii. 9.

); and He had offenders in those wise and prudent ones who would not seek after God, although He was to be discovered in His so many and mighty works,4475


Anf-03 Pg 35
Isa. vii. 9, Sept.

and again, “I will take away the wisdom of their wise men, and bring to nought5712

5712 Sept. κρὐψω, “will hide.”

the understanding of their prudent ones.”  But these words, of course, He did not pronounce against them for concealing the gospel of the unknown God.  At any rate, if there is a God of this world,5713

5713 Said concessively, in reference to M.’s position above mentioned.

He blinds the heart of the unbelievers of this world, because they have not of their own accord recognised His Christ, who ought to be understood from His Scriptures.5714

5714 Marcion’s “God of this world” being the God of the Old Testament.

Content with my advantage, I can willingly refrain from noticing to any greater length5715

5715 Hactenus: pro non amplius (Oehler) tractasse.

this point of ambiguous punctuation, so as not to give my adversary any advantage,5716

5716 “A fuller criticism on this slight matter might give his opponent the advantage, as apparently betraying a penury of weightier and more certain arguments” (Oehler).

indeed, I might have wholly omitted the discussion. A simpler answer I shall find ready to hand in interpreting “the god of this world” of the devil, who once said, as the prophet describes him: “I will be like the Most High; I will exalt my throne in the clouds.”5717


Anf-01 Pg 2
Ex. xxv.

And again: “And thou shalt erect the tabernacle according to the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shalt thou make it.”2575


Anf-01 ix.viii.xxvi Pg 3
Lev. xxvi. 12.

such an one is not empty, but full.

Anf-02 vi.iv.iii.i Pg 32.3

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 70.2

Anf-01 ix.iii.xxi Pg 8
Ps. lxviii. 18; Eph. iv. 8.

and conferred on those that believe in Him the power “to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy,”3103


Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxxvii Pg 6
Literally, “He said accordingly.” Ps. lxviii. 18.

‘He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, He gave gifts unto the sons of men.’ And again, in another prophecy it is said: ‘And it shall come to pass after this, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, and on My servants, and on My handmaids, and they shall prophesy.’2296


Anf-03 Pg 23
1 Cor. xii. 4–11; Eph. iv. 8, and Ps. lxviii. 18.

that is, the gratuities, which we call charismata. He says specifically “sons of men,”5550

5550 He argues from his own reading, filiis hominum.

and not men promiscuously; thus exhibiting to us those who were the children of men truly so called, choice men, apostles.  “For,” says he, “I have begotten you through the gospel;”5551


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxv Pg 3
Zech. ii. 10–13, Zech. iii. 1, 2.

Anf-01 ii.ii.x Pg 3
Gen. xii. 1–3.

And again, on his departing from Lot, God said to him. “Lift up thine eyes, and look from the place where thou now art, northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward; for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth, [so that] if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.”47


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Npnf-201 iii.vii.xix Pg 21

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-03 v.vii.iii Pg 15
Gen. xxxii.

Has it, then, been permitted to angels, which are inferior to God, after they have been changed into human bodily form,6983

6983 See below in chap. vi. and in the Anti-Marcion, iii. 9.

nevertheless to remain angels? and will you deprive God, their superior, of this faculty, as if Christ could not continue to be God, after His real assumption of the nature of man? Or else, did those angels appear as phantoms of flesh? You will not, however, have the courage to say this; for if it be so held in your belief, that the Creator’s angels are in the same condition as Christ, then Christ will belong to the same God as those angels do, who are like Christ in their condition. If you had not purposely rejected in some instances, and corrupted in others, the Scriptures which are opposed to your opinion, you would have been confuted in this matter by the Gospel of John, when it declares that the Spirit descended in the body6984

6984 Corpore.

of a dove, and sat upon the Lord.6985


Anf-01 ix.iv.xxi Pg 22
Isa. lxiii. 9.

And that He should Himself become very man, visible, when He should be the Word giving salvation, Isaiah again says: “Behold, city of Zion: thine eyes shall see our salvation.”3701


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxii Pg 45
Isa. lxiii. 9, according to the Septuagint; only he reads faciet for aorist ἔσωσεν.

for it is He Himself who is now declaring and fulfilling the law and the prophets. The Father gave to the Son new disciples,4362

4362 A Marcionite position.

after that Moses and Elias had been exhibited along with Him in the honour of His glory, and had then been dismissed as having fully discharged their duty and office, for the express purpose of affirming for Marcion’s information the fact that Moses and Elias had a share in even the glory of Christ. But we have the entire structure4363

4363 Habitum.

of this same vision in Habakkuk also, where the Spirit in the person of some4364

4364 Interdum.

of the apostles says, “O Lord, I have heard Thy speech, and was afraid.” What speech was this, other than the words of the voice from heaven, This is my beloved Son, hear ye Him? “I considered thy works, and was astonished.” When could this have better happened than when Peter, on seeing His glory, knew not what he was saying? “In the midst of the two Thou shalt be known”—even Moses and Elias.4365


Anf-03 v.vii.xiv Pg 13
Isa. lxiii. 9.

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxxix Pg 54
Hosea xii. 4. One reading of the LXX. is, ἐν τῳ οἴκῳ μου εὕρεσάν με.

“But at night He went out to the Mount of Olives.” For thus had Zechariah pointed out: “And His feet shall stand in that day on the Mount of Olives.”5066


Anf-01 v.xv.iii Pg 3
Isa. xliv. 6.

concerning the Father of the universe, do also speak of our Lord Jesus Christ. “A Son,” they say, has been given to us, on whose shoulder the government is from above; and His name is called the Angel of great counsel, Wonderful, Counsellor, the strong and mighty God.”1226


Anf-01 Pg 2
Isa. xliv. 6.

On this account, then, as I before said, God did not, when He sent Moses to the Hebrews, mention any name, but by a participle He mystically teaches them that He is the one and only God. “For,” says He; “I am the Being;” manifestly contrasting Himself, “the Being,” with those who are not,2549

2549 Literally, “with the not-beings.”

that those who had hitherto been deceived might see that they were attaching themselves, not to beings, but to those who had no being. Since, therefore, God knew that the first men remembered the old delusion of their forefathers, whereby the misanthropic demon contrived to deceive them when he said to them, “If ye obey me in transgressing the commandment of God, ye shall be as gods,” calling those gods which had no being, in order that men, supposing that there were other gods in existence, might believe that they themselves could become gods. On this account He said to Moses, “I am the Being,” that by the participle “being” He might teach the difference between God who is and those who are not.2550

2550 Literally, “between the God being and not-beings.”

Men, therefore, having been duped by the deceiving demon, and having dared to disobey God, were cast out of Paradise, remembering the name of gods, but no longer being taught by God that there are no other gods. For it was not just that they who did not keep the first commandment, which it was easy to keep, should any longer be taught, but should rather be driven to just punishment. Being therefore banished from Paradise, and thinking that they were expelled on account of their disobedience only, not knowing that it was also because they had believed in the existence of gods which did not exist, they gave the name of gods even to the men who were afterwards born of themselves. This first false fancy, therefore, concerning gods, had its origin with the father of lies. God, therefore, knowing that the false opinion about the plurality of gods was burdening the soul of man like some disease, and wishing to remove and eradicate it, appeared first to Moses, and said to him, “I am He who is.” For it was necessary, I think, that he who was to be the ruler and leader of the Hebrew people should first of all know the living God. Wherefore, having appeared to him first, as it was possible for God to appear to a man, He said to him, “I am He who is;” then, being about to send him to the Hebrews, He further orders him to say, “He who is hath sent me to you.”

Anf-02 v.ii.ix Pg 4.1

Anf-03 Pg 4
Matt. xvi. 26. Some omit this quotation.

Him I seek, who died for us: Him I desire, who rose again for our sake. This is the gain which is laid up for me. Pardon me, brethren: do not hinder me from living, do not wish to keep me in a state of death;863

863 Literally, “to die.”

and while I desire to belong to God, do not ye give me over to the world. Suffer me to obtain pure light: when I have gone thither, I shall indeed be a man of God. Permit me to be an imitator of the passion of my God. If any one has Him within himself, let him consider what I desire, and let him have sympathy with me, as knowing how I am straitened.

Anf-03 v.ix.xviii Pg 5
Isa. xlv. 5, 18; xliv. 6.

who shows us that He is the only God, but in company with His Son, with whom “He stretcheth out the heavens alone.”7988


Anf-01 viii.ii.lxiii Pg 9
Ex. iii. 6.

this signified that they, even though dead, are yet in existence, and are men belonging to Christ Himself. For they were the first of all men to busy themselves in the search after God; Abraham being the father of Isaac, and Isaac of Jacob, as Moses wrote.

Anf-01 viii.ii.lxiii Pg 5
Ex. iii. 6.

And if you wish to learn what follows, you can do so from the same writings; for it is impossible to relate the whole here. But so much is written for the sake of proving that Jesus the Christ is the Son of God and His Apostle, being of old the Word, and appearing sometimes in the form of fire, and sometimes in the likeness of angels; but now, by the will of God, having become man for the human race, He endured all the sufferings which the devils instigated the senseless Jews to inflict upon Him; who, though they have it expressly affirmed in the writings of Moses, “And the angel of God spake to Moses in a flame of fire in a bush, and said, I am that I am, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,” yet maintain that He who said this was the Father and Creator of the universe. Whence also the Spirit of prophecy rebukes them, and says, “Israel doth not know Me, my people have not understood Me.”1902


Anf-01 Pg 7
Matt. xxii. 29, etc.; Ex. iii. 6.

And He added, “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living; for all live to Him.” By these arguments He unquestionably made it clear, that He who spake to Moses out of the bush, and declared Himself to be the God of the fathers, He is the God of the living. For who is the God of the living unless He who is God, and above whom there is no other God? Whom also Daniel the prophet, when Cyrus king of the Persians said to him, “Why dost thou not worship Bel?”3848

3848 In the Septuagint and Vulgate versions, this story constitutes the fourteenth chapter of the book of Daniel. It is not extant in Hebrew, and has therefore been removed to the Apocrypha, in the Anglican canon [the Greek and St. Jerome’s] of Scripture, under the title of “Bel and the Dragon.”

did proclaim, saying, “Because I do not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who established the heaven and the earth and has dominion over all flesh.” Again did he say, “I will adore the Lord my God, because He is the living God.” He, then, who was adored by the prophets as the living God, He is the God of the living; and His Word is He who also spake to Moses, who also put the Sadducees to silence, who also bestowed the gift of resurrection, thus revealing [both] truths to those who are blind, that is, the resurrection and God [in His true character]. For if He be not the God of the dead, but of the living, yet was called the God of the fathers who were sleeping, they do indubitably live to God, and have not passed out of existence, since they are children of the resurrection. But our Lord is Himself the resurrection, as He does Himself declare, “I am the resurrection and the life.”3849


Npnf-201 Pg 35

Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 17

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 4
Ex. iv. 2–9.

denoted the threefold power of God: when it shall, first, in the appointed order, subdue to man the old serpent, the devil,7483


Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 7
Comp. ver. 9.

On this subject we read in the writings of the same prophet, (how that) God says:  “For your blood of your lives will I require of all wild beasts; and I will require it of the hand of man, and of his brother’s hand.”7486


Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 20.2

Anf-01 viii.iv.lx Pg 5
Ex. iii. 2–4.

In the same manner, therefore, in which the Scripture calls Him who appeared to Jacob in the dream an Angel, then [says] that the same Angel who appeared in the dream spoke to him,2165


Anf-03 v.x.i Pg 12
Ex. iii. 2.

then the Gnostics break out, then the Valentinians creep forth, then all the opponents of martyrdom bubble up, being themselves also hot to strike, penetrate, kill. For, because they know that many are artless and also inexperienced, and weak moreover, that a very great number in truth are Christians who veer about with the wind and conform to its moods, they perceive that they are never to be approached more than when fear has opened the entrances to the soul, especially when some display of ferocity has already arrayed with a crown the faith of martyrs.  Therefore, drawing along the tail hitherto, they first of all apply it to the feelings, or whip with it as if on empty space. Innocent persons undergo such suffering. So that you may suppose the speaker to be a brother or a heathen of the better sort. A sect troublesome to nobody so dealt with! Then they pierce. Men are perishing without a reason. For that they are perishing, and without a reason, is the first insertion. Then they now strike mortally. But the unsophisticated souls8220

8220 The opponents of martyrdoms are meant.—Tr.

know not what is written, and what meaning it bears, where and when and before whom we must confess, or ought, save that this, to die for God, is, since He preserves me, not even artlessness, but folly, nay madness. If He kills me, how will it be His duty to preserve me? Once for all Christ died for us, once for all He was slain that we might not be slain. If He demands the like from me in return, does He also look for salvation from my death by violence? Or does God importune for the blood of men, especially if He refuses that of bulls and he-goats?8221


Anf-01 Pg 33
Deut. iv. 24.

(igneum) to the people that transgressed the law, and threatened that God would bring upon them a day of fire; but to those who had the fear of God he said, “The Lord God is merciful and gracious, and long-suffering, and of great commiseration, and true, and keeps justice and mercy for thousands, forgiving unrighteousness, and transgressions, and sins.”4088


Anf-02 vi.iv.ix Pg 241.1

Anf-02 ii.ii.iii Pg 4.1
αὐτοῦ to God, in opposition to the translation given by Abp. Wake and others.

neither walks in the ordinances of His appointment, nor acts a part becoming a Christian,16


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xx Pg 14.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.i.i Pg 23.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.ii Pg 13.1

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xx Pg 38
Isa. vii. 9.

When Christ approved of the faith of this woman, which simply rested in the Creator, He declared by His answer to her,4252


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxv Pg 12
Isa. vii. 9.

); and He had offenders in those wise and prudent ones who would not seek after God, although He was to be discovered in His so many and mighty works,4475


Anf-03 Pg 35
Isa. vii. 9, Sept.

and again, “I will take away the wisdom of their wise men, and bring to nought5712

5712 Sept. κρὐψω, “will hide.”

the understanding of their prudent ones.”  But these words, of course, He did not pronounce against them for concealing the gospel of the unknown God.  At any rate, if there is a God of this world,5713

5713 Said concessively, in reference to M.’s position above mentioned.

He blinds the heart of the unbelievers of this world, because they have not of their own accord recognised His Christ, who ought to be understood from His Scriptures.5714

5714 Marcion’s “God of this world” being the God of the Old Testament.

Content with my advantage, I can willingly refrain from noticing to any greater length5715

5715 Hactenus: pro non amplius (Oehler) tractasse.

this point of ambiguous punctuation, so as not to give my adversary any advantage,5716

5716 “A fuller criticism on this slight matter might give his opponent the advantage, as apparently betraying a penury of weightier and more certain arguments” (Oehler).

indeed, I might have wholly omitted the discussion. A simpler answer I shall find ready to hand in interpreting “the god of this world” of the devil, who once said, as the prophet describes him: “I will be like the Most High; I will exalt my throne in the clouds.”5717


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-01 vi.ii.x Pg 3
Deut. iv. 1.

Is there then not a command of God they should not eat [these things]? There is, but Moses spoke with a spiritual reference.1577

1577 Literally, “in spirit.”

For this reason he named the swine, as much as to say, “Thou shalt not join thyself to men who resemble swine.” For when they live in pleasure, they forget their Lord; but when they come to want, they acknowledge the Lord. And [in like manner] the swine, when it has eaten, does not recognize its master; but when hungry it cries out, and on receiving food is quiet again. “Neither shalt thou eat,” says he “the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the kite, nor the raven.” “Thou shalt not join thyself,” he means, “to such men as know not how to procure food for themselves by labour and sweat, but seize on that of others in their iniquity, and although wearing an aspect of simplicity, are on the watch to plunder others.”1578

1578 Cod. Sin. inserts, “and gaze about for some way of escape on account of their greediness, even as these birds alone do not procure food for themselves (by labour), but sitting idle, seek to devour the flesh of others.” The text as above seems preferable: Hilgenfeld, however, follows the Greek.

So these birds, while they sit idle, inquire how they may devour the flesh of others, proving themselves pests [to all] by their wickedness. “And thou shalt not eat,” he says, “the lamprey, or the polypus, or the cuttlefish.” He means, “Thou shalt not join thyself or be like to such men as are ungodly to the end, and are condemned1579

1579 Cod. Sin. has, “condemned already.”

to death.” In like manner as those fishes, above accursed, float in the deep, not swimming [on the surface] like the rest, but make their abode in the mud which lies at the bottom. Moreover, “Thou shall not,” he says, “eat the hare.” Wherefore? “Thou shall not be a corrupter of boys, nor like unto such.”1580

Npnf-201 iii.xiii.xiii Pg 9

Npnf-201 iv.vii.xviii Pg 37

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 4
Ex. iv. 2–9.

denoted the threefold power of God: when it shall, first, in the appointed order, subdue to man the old serpent, the devil,7483


Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 7
Comp. ver. 9.

On this subject we read in the writings of the same prophet, (how that) God says:  “For your blood of your lives will I require of all wild beasts; and I will require it of the hand of man, and of his brother’s hand.”7486


Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 20.2

Anf-01 viii.iv.lx Pg 5
Ex. iii. 2–4.

In the same manner, therefore, in which the Scripture calls Him who appeared to Jacob in the dream an Angel, then [says] that the same Angel who appeared in the dream spoke to him,2165


Anf-03 v.x.i Pg 12
Ex. iii. 2.

then the Gnostics break out, then the Valentinians creep forth, then all the opponents of martyrdom bubble up, being themselves also hot to strike, penetrate, kill. For, because they know that many are artless and also inexperienced, and weak moreover, that a very great number in truth are Christians who veer about with the wind and conform to its moods, they perceive that they are never to be approached more than when fear has opened the entrances to the soul, especially when some display of ferocity has already arrayed with a crown the faith of martyrs.  Therefore, drawing along the tail hitherto, they first of all apply it to the feelings, or whip with it as if on empty space. Innocent persons undergo such suffering. So that you may suppose the speaker to be a brother or a heathen of the better sort. A sect troublesome to nobody so dealt with! Then they pierce. Men are perishing without a reason. For that they are perishing, and without a reason, is the first insertion. Then they now strike mortally. But the unsophisticated souls8220

8220 The opponents of martyrdoms are meant.—Tr.

know not what is written, and what meaning it bears, where and when and before whom we must confess, or ought, save that this, to die for God, is, since He preserves me, not even artlessness, but folly, nay madness. If He kills me, how will it be His duty to preserve me? Once for all Christ died for us, once for all He was slain that we might not be slain. If He demands the like from me in return, does He also look for salvation from my death by violence? Or does God importune for the blood of men, especially if He refuses that of bulls and he-goats?8221


Anf-01 Pg 33
Deut. iv. 24.

(igneum) to the people that transgressed the law, and threatened that God would bring upon them a day of fire; but to those who had the fear of God he said, “The Lord God is merciful and gracious, and long-suffering, and of great commiseration, and true, and keeps justice and mercy for thousands, forgiving unrighteousness, and transgressions, and sins.”4088


Anf-02 vi.iv.ix Pg 241.1

Anf-02 ii.ii.iii Pg 4.1
αὐτοῦ to God, in opposition to the translation given by Abp. Wake and others.

neither walks in the ordinances of His appointment, nor acts a part becoming a Christian,16


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xx Pg 14.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.i.i Pg 23.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.ii Pg 13.1

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xx Pg 38
Isa. vii. 9.

When Christ approved of the faith of this woman, which simply rested in the Creator, He declared by His answer to her,4252


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxv Pg 12
Isa. vii. 9.

); and He had offenders in those wise and prudent ones who would not seek after God, although He was to be discovered in His so many and mighty works,4475


Anf-03 Pg 35
Isa. vii. 9, Sept.

and again, “I will take away the wisdom of their wise men, and bring to nought5712

5712 Sept. κρὐψω, “will hide.”

the understanding of their prudent ones.”  But these words, of course, He did not pronounce against them for concealing the gospel of the unknown God.  At any rate, if there is a God of this world,5713

5713 Said concessively, in reference to M.’s position above mentioned.

He blinds the heart of the unbelievers of this world, because they have not of their own accord recognised His Christ, who ought to be understood from His Scriptures.5714

5714 Marcion’s “God of this world” being the God of the Old Testament.

Content with my advantage, I can willingly refrain from noticing to any greater length5715

5715 Hactenus: pro non amplius (Oehler) tractasse.

this point of ambiguous punctuation, so as not to give my adversary any advantage,5716

5716 “A fuller criticism on this slight matter might give his opponent the advantage, as apparently betraying a penury of weightier and more certain arguments” (Oehler).

indeed, I might have wholly omitted the discussion. A simpler answer I shall find ready to hand in interpreting “the god of this world” of the devil, who once said, as the prophet describes him: “I will be like the Most High; I will exalt my throne in the clouds.”5717


Anf-01 Pg 2
Ex. xxv.

And again: “And thou shalt erect the tabernacle according to the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shalt thou make it.”2575


Anf-01 ix.viii.xxvi Pg 3
Lev. xxvi. 12.

such an one is not empty, but full.

Anf-02 vi.iv.iii.i Pg 32.3

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 70.2

Anf-01 ix.iii.xxi Pg 8
Ps. lxviii. 18; Eph. iv. 8.

and conferred on those that believe in Him the power “to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy,”3103


Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxxvii Pg 6
Literally, “He said accordingly.” Ps. lxviii. 18.

‘He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, He gave gifts unto the sons of men.’ And again, in another prophecy it is said: ‘And it shall come to pass after this, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, and on My servants, and on My handmaids, and they shall prophesy.’2296


Anf-03 Pg 23
1 Cor. xii. 4–11; Eph. iv. 8, and Ps. lxviii. 18.

that is, the gratuities, which we call charismata. He says specifically “sons of men,”5550

5550 He argues from his own reading, filiis hominum.

and not men promiscuously; thus exhibiting to us those who were the children of men truly so called, choice men, apostles.  “For,” says he, “I have begotten you through the gospel;”5551


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxv Pg 3
Zech. ii. 10–13, Zech. iii. 1, 2.

Anf-01 ii.ii.x Pg 3
Gen. xii. 1–3.

And again, on his departing from Lot, God said to him. “Lift up thine eyes, and look from the place where thou now art, northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward; for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth, [so that] if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.”47


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Npnf-201 iii.vii.xix Pg 21

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-03 v.vii.iii Pg 15
Gen. xxxii.

Has it, then, been permitted to angels, which are inferior to God, after they have been changed into human bodily form,6983

6983 See below in chap. vi. and in the Anti-Marcion, iii. 9.

nevertheless to remain angels? and will you deprive God, their superior, of this faculty, as if Christ could not continue to be God, after His real assumption of the nature of man? Or else, did those angels appear as phantoms of flesh? You will not, however, have the courage to say this; for if it be so held in your belief, that the Creator’s angels are in the same condition as Christ, then Christ will belong to the same God as those angels do, who are like Christ in their condition. If you had not purposely rejected in some instances, and corrupted in others, the Scriptures which are opposed to your opinion, you would have been confuted in this matter by the Gospel of John, when it declares that the Spirit descended in the body6984

6984 Corpore.

of a dove, and sat upon the Lord.6985


Anf-01 viii.iv.lx Pg 5
Ex. iii. 2–4.

In the same manner, therefore, in which the Scripture calls Him who appeared to Jacob in the dream an Angel, then [says] that the same Angel who appeared in the dream spoke to him,2165


Anf-03 v.x.i Pg 12
Ex. iii. 2.

then the Gnostics break out, then the Valentinians creep forth, then all the opponents of martyrdom bubble up, being themselves also hot to strike, penetrate, kill. For, because they know that many are artless and also inexperienced, and weak moreover, that a very great number in truth are Christians who veer about with the wind and conform to its moods, they perceive that they are never to be approached more than when fear has opened the entrances to the soul, especially when some display of ferocity has already arrayed with a crown the faith of martyrs.  Therefore, drawing along the tail hitherto, they first of all apply it to the feelings, or whip with it as if on empty space. Innocent persons undergo such suffering. So that you may suppose the speaker to be a brother or a heathen of the better sort. A sect troublesome to nobody so dealt with! Then they pierce. Men are perishing without a reason. For that they are perishing, and without a reason, is the first insertion. Then they now strike mortally. But the unsophisticated souls8220

8220 The opponents of martyrdoms are meant.—Tr.

know not what is written, and what meaning it bears, where and when and before whom we must confess, or ought, save that this, to die for God, is, since He preserves me, not even artlessness, but folly, nay madness. If He kills me, how will it be His duty to preserve me? Once for all Christ died for us, once for all He was slain that we might not be slain. If He demands the like from me in return, does He also look for salvation from my death by violence? Or does God importune for the blood of men, especially if He refuses that of bulls and he-goats?8221


Anf-01 viii.ii.lxiii Pg 9
Ex. iii. 6.

this signified that they, even though dead, are yet in existence, and are men belonging to Christ Himself. For they were the first of all men to busy themselves in the search after God; Abraham being the father of Isaac, and Isaac of Jacob, as Moses wrote.

Anf-01 viii.ii.lxiii Pg 5
Ex. iii. 6.

And if you wish to learn what follows, you can do so from the same writings; for it is impossible to relate the whole here. But so much is written for the sake of proving that Jesus the Christ is the Son of God and His Apostle, being of old the Word, and appearing sometimes in the form of fire, and sometimes in the likeness of angels; but now, by the will of God, having become man for the human race, He endured all the sufferings which the devils instigated the senseless Jews to inflict upon Him; who, though they have it expressly affirmed in the writings of Moses, “And the angel of God spake to Moses in a flame of fire in a bush, and said, I am that I am, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,” yet maintain that He who said this was the Father and Creator of the universe. Whence also the Spirit of prophecy rebukes them, and says, “Israel doth not know Me, my people have not understood Me.”1902


Anf-01 Pg 7
Matt. xxii. 29, etc.; Ex. iii. 6.

And He added, “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living; for all live to Him.” By these arguments He unquestionably made it clear, that He who spake to Moses out of the bush, and declared Himself to be the God of the fathers, He is the God of the living. For who is the God of the living unless He who is God, and above whom there is no other God? Whom also Daniel the prophet, when Cyrus king of the Persians said to him, “Why dost thou not worship Bel?”3848

3848 In the Septuagint and Vulgate versions, this story constitutes the fourteenth chapter of the book of Daniel. It is not extant in Hebrew, and has therefore been removed to the Apocrypha, in the Anglican canon [the Greek and St. Jerome’s] of Scripture, under the title of “Bel and the Dragon.”

did proclaim, saying, “Because I do not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who established the heaven and the earth and has dominion over all flesh.” Again did he say, “I will adore the Lord my God, because He is the living God.” He, then, who was adored by the prophets as the living God, He is the God of the living; and His Word is He who also spake to Moses, who also put the Sadducees to silence, who also bestowed the gift of resurrection, thus revealing [both] truths to those who are blind, that is, the resurrection and God [in His true character]. For if He be not the God of the dead, but of the living, yet was called the God of the fathers who were sleeping, they do indubitably live to God, and have not passed out of existence, since they are children of the resurrection. But our Lord is Himself the resurrection, as He does Himself declare, “I am the resurrection and the life.”3849


Npnf-201 Pg 35

Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 17

Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxv Pg 2
Ex. xxiii. 20, 21.

Now understand that He who led your fathers into the land is called by this name Jesus, and first called Auses2231


Anf-03 iv.ix.ix Pg 54
Ex. xxiii. 20, 21.

For Joshua was to introduce the people into the land of promise, not Moses. Now He called him an “angel,” on account of the magnitude of the mighty deeds which he was to achieve (which mighty deeds Joshua the son of Nun did, and you yourselves read), and on account of his office of prophet announcing (to wit) the divine will; just as withal the Spirit, speaking in the person of the Father, calls the forerunner of Christ, John, a future “angel,” through the prophet: “Behold, I send mine angel before Thy”—that is, Christ’s—“face, who shall prepare Thy way before Thee.”1298


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xvi Pg 10
Ex. xxiii. 20, 21.

He called him an angel indeed, because of the greatness of the powers which he was to exercise, and because of his prophetic office,3321

3321 Officium prophetæ.

while announcing the will of God; but Joshua also (Jesus), because it was a type3322

3322 Sacramentum.

of His own future name. Often3323

3323 Identidem.

did He confirm that name of His which He had thus conferred upon (His servant); because it was not the name of angel, nor Oshea, but Joshua (Jesus), which He had commanded him to bear as his usual appellation for the time to come. Since, therefore, both these names are suitable to the Christ of the Creator, they are proportionately unsuitable to the non-Creator’s Christ; and so indeed is all the rest of (our Christ’s) destined course.3324

3324 Reliquus ordo.

In short, there must now for the future be made between us that certain and equitable rule, necessary to both sides, which shall determine that there ought to be absolutely nothing at all in common between the Christ of the other god and the Creator’s Christ. For you will have as great a necessity to maintain their diversity as we have to resist it, inasmuch as you will be as unable to show that the Christ of the other god has come, until you have proved him to be a far different being from the Creator’s Christ, as we, to claim Him (who has come) as the Creator’s, until we have shown Him to be such a one as the Creator has appointed. Now respecting their names, such is our conclusion against (Marcion).3325

3325 Obduximus.

I claim for myself Christ; I maintain for myself Jesus.

Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxv Pg 2
Ex. xxiii. 20, 21.

Now understand that He who led your fathers into the land is called by this name Jesus, and first called Auses2231


Anf-03 iv.ix.ix Pg 54
Ex. xxiii. 20, 21.

For Joshua was to introduce the people into the land of promise, not Moses. Now He called him an “angel,” on account of the magnitude of the mighty deeds which he was to achieve (which mighty deeds Joshua the son of Nun did, and you yourselves read), and on account of his office of prophet announcing (to wit) the divine will; just as withal the Spirit, speaking in the person of the Father, calls the forerunner of Christ, John, a future “angel,” through the prophet: “Behold, I send mine angel before Thy”—that is, Christ’s—“face, who shall prepare Thy way before Thee.”1298


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xvi Pg 10
Ex. xxiii. 20, 21.

He called him an angel indeed, because of the greatness of the powers which he was to exercise, and because of his prophetic office,3321

3321 Officium prophetæ.

while announcing the will of God; but Joshua also (Jesus), because it was a type3322

3322 Sacramentum.

of His own future name. Often3323

3323 Identidem.

did He confirm that name of His which He had thus conferred upon (His servant); because it was not the name of angel, nor Oshea, but Joshua (Jesus), which He had commanded him to bear as his usual appellation for the time to come. Since, therefore, both these names are suitable to the Christ of the Creator, they are proportionately unsuitable to the non-Creator’s Christ; and so indeed is all the rest of (our Christ’s) destined course.3324

3324 Reliquus ordo.

In short, there must now for the future be made between us that certain and equitable rule, necessary to both sides, which shall determine that there ought to be absolutely nothing at all in common between the Christ of the other god and the Creator’s Christ. For you will have as great a necessity to maintain their diversity as we have to resist it, inasmuch as you will be as unable to show that the Christ of the other god has come, until you have proved him to be a far different being from the Creator’s Christ, as we, to claim Him (who has come) as the Creator’s, until we have shown Him to be such a one as the Creator has appointed. Now respecting their names, such is our conclusion against (Marcion).3325

3325 Obduximus.

I claim for myself Christ; I maintain for myself Jesus.

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.vii Pg 24.1

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.vii Pg 25.1

Anf-01 vi.ii.x Pg 3
Deut. iv. 1.

Is there then not a command of God they should not eat [these things]? There is, but Moses spoke with a spiritual reference.1577

1577 Literally, “in spirit.”

For this reason he named the swine, as much as to say, “Thou shalt not join thyself to men who resemble swine.” For when they live in pleasure, they forget their Lord; but when they come to want, they acknowledge the Lord. And [in like manner] the swine, when it has eaten, does not recognize its master; but when hungry it cries out, and on receiving food is quiet again. “Neither shalt thou eat,” says he “the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the kite, nor the raven.” “Thou shalt not join thyself,” he means, “to such men as know not how to procure food for themselves by labour and sweat, but seize on that of others in their iniquity, and although wearing an aspect of simplicity, are on the watch to plunder others.”1578

1578 Cod. Sin. inserts, “and gaze about for some way of escape on account of their greediness, even as these birds alone do not procure food for themselves (by labour), but sitting idle, seek to devour the flesh of others.” The text as above seems preferable: Hilgenfeld, however, follows the Greek.

So these birds, while they sit idle, inquire how they may devour the flesh of others, proving themselves pests [to all] by their wickedness. “And thou shalt not eat,” he says, “the lamprey, or the polypus, or the cuttlefish.” He means, “Thou shalt not join thyself or be like to such men as are ungodly to the end, and are condemned1579

1579 Cod. Sin. has, “condemned already.”

to death.” In like manner as those fishes, above accursed, float in the deep, not swimming [on the surface] like the rest, but make their abode in the mud which lies at the bottom. Moreover, “Thou shall not,” he says, “eat the hare.” Wherefore? “Thou shall not be a corrupter of boys, nor like unto such.”1580

Npnf-201 iii.xiii.xiii Pg 9

Npnf-201 iv.vii.xviii Pg 37

Npnf-201 iii.xiii.xiii Pg 9

Npnf-201 iv.vii.xviii Pg 37

Anf-01 ix.iv.xxi Pg 22
Isa. lxiii. 9.

And that He should Himself become very man, visible, when He should be the Word giving salvation, Isaiah again says: “Behold, city of Zion: thine eyes shall see our salvation.”3701


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxii Pg 45
Isa. lxiii. 9, according to the Septuagint; only he reads faciet for aorist ἔσωσεν.

for it is He Himself who is now declaring and fulfilling the law and the prophets. The Father gave to the Son new disciples,4362

4362 A Marcionite position.

after that Moses and Elias had been exhibited along with Him in the honour of His glory, and had then been dismissed as having fully discharged their duty and office, for the express purpose of affirming for Marcion’s information the fact that Moses and Elias had a share in even the glory of Christ. But we have the entire structure4363

4363 Habitum.

of this same vision in Habakkuk also, where the Spirit in the person of some4364

4364 Interdum.

of the apostles says, “O Lord, I have heard Thy speech, and was afraid.” What speech was this, other than the words of the voice from heaven, This is my beloved Son, hear ye Him? “I considered thy works, and was astonished.” When could this have better happened than when Peter, on seeing His glory, knew not what he was saying? “In the midst of the two Thou shalt be known”—even Moses and Elias.4365


Anf-03 v.vii.xiv Pg 13
Isa. lxiii. 9.

Anf-03 v.ix.xiv Pg 3
Ex. xxxiii. 13.

God said, “Thou canst not see my face; for there shall no man see me, and live:”7921


Anf-03 v.ix.xiv Pg 14
Comp. ver. 13 with ver. 11 of Ex. xxxiii.

which he ought not to have desired, because he had already seen it? And how, in like manner, does the Lord also say that His face cannot be seen, because He had shown it, if indeed He really had, (as our opponents suppose). Or what is that face of God, the sight of which is refused, if there was one which was visible to man? “I have seen God,” says Jacob, “face to face, and my life is preserved.”7932

7932 Gen. xxii. 30.

There ought to be some other face which kills if it be only seen. Well, then, was the Son visible? (Certainly not,7933

7933 Involved in the nunquid.

) although He was the face of God, except only in vision and dream, and in a glass and enigma, because the Word and Spirit (of God) cannot be seen except in an imaginary form. But, (they say,) He calls the invisible Father His face. For who is the Father? Must He not be the face of the Son, by reason of that authority which He obtains as the begotten of the Father? For is there not a natural propriety in saying of some personage greater (than yourself), That man is my face; he gives me his countenance?  “My Father,” says Christ, “is greater than I.”7934


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxii Pg 53
See Ex. xxxiii. 13–23.

Not loins, or calves of the legs, did he want to behold, but the glory which was to be revealed in the latter days.4370


Anf-02 Pg 21.1

Anf-01 ix.iv.xxi Pg 22
Isa. lxiii. 9.

And that He should Himself become very man, visible, when He should be the Word giving salvation, Isaiah again says: “Behold, city of Zion: thine eyes shall see our salvation.”3701


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxii Pg 45
Isa. lxiii. 9, according to the Septuagint; only he reads faciet for aorist ἔσωσεν.

for it is He Himself who is now declaring and fulfilling the law and the prophets. The Father gave to the Son new disciples,4362

4362 A Marcionite position.

after that Moses and Elias had been exhibited along with Him in the honour of His glory, and had then been dismissed as having fully discharged their duty and office, for the express purpose of affirming for Marcion’s information the fact that Moses and Elias had a share in even the glory of Christ. But we have the entire structure4363

4363 Habitum.

of this same vision in Habakkuk also, where the Spirit in the person of some4364

4364 Interdum.

of the apostles says, “O Lord, I have heard Thy speech, and was afraid.” What speech was this, other than the words of the voice from heaven, This is my beloved Son, hear ye Him? “I considered thy works, and was astonished.” When could this have better happened than when Peter, on seeing His glory, knew not what he was saying? “In the midst of the two Thou shalt be known”—even Moses and Elias.4365


Anf-03 v.vii.xiv Pg 13
Isa. lxiii. 9.

Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxv Pg 2
Ex. xxiii. 20, 21.

Now understand that He who led your fathers into the land is called by this name Jesus, and first called Auses2231


Anf-03 iv.ix.ix Pg 54
Ex. xxiii. 20, 21.

For Joshua was to introduce the people into the land of promise, not Moses. Now He called him an “angel,” on account of the magnitude of the mighty deeds which he was to achieve (which mighty deeds Joshua the son of Nun did, and you yourselves read), and on account of his office of prophet announcing (to wit) the divine will; just as withal the Spirit, speaking in the person of the Father, calls the forerunner of Christ, John, a future “angel,” through the prophet: “Behold, I send mine angel before Thy”—that is, Christ’s—“face, who shall prepare Thy way before Thee.”1298


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xvi Pg 10
Ex. xxiii. 20, 21.

He called him an angel indeed, because of the greatness of the powers which he was to exercise, and because of his prophetic office,3321

3321 Officium prophetæ.

while announcing the will of God; but Joshua also (Jesus), because it was a type3322

3322 Sacramentum.

of His own future name. Often3323

3323 Identidem.

did He confirm that name of His which He had thus conferred upon (His servant); because it was not the name of angel, nor Oshea, but Joshua (Jesus), which He had commanded him to bear as his usual appellation for the time to come. Since, therefore, both these names are suitable to the Christ of the Creator, they are proportionately unsuitable to the non-Creator’s Christ; and so indeed is all the rest of (our Christ’s) destined course.3324

3324 Reliquus ordo.

In short, there must now for the future be made between us that certain and equitable rule, necessary to both sides, which shall determine that there ought to be absolutely nothing at all in common between the Christ of the other god and the Creator’s Christ. For you will have as great a necessity to maintain their diversity as we have to resist it, inasmuch as you will be as unable to show that the Christ of the other god has come, until you have proved him to be a far different being from the Creator’s Christ, as we, to claim Him (who has come) as the Creator’s, until we have shown Him to be such a one as the Creator has appointed. Now respecting their names, such is our conclusion against (Marcion).3325

3325 Obduximus.

I claim for myself Christ; I maintain for myself Jesus.

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.vii Pg 24.1

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.vii Pg 25.1

Anf-01 vi.ii.x Pg 3
Deut. iv. 1.

Is there then not a command of God they should not eat [these things]? There is, but Moses spoke with a spiritual reference.1577

1577 Literally, “in spirit.”

For this reason he named the swine, as much as to say, “Thou shalt not join thyself to men who resemble swine.” For when they live in pleasure, they forget their Lord; but when they come to want, they acknowledge the Lord. And [in like manner] the swine, when it has eaten, does not recognize its master; but when hungry it cries out, and on receiving food is quiet again. “Neither shalt thou eat,” says he “the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the kite, nor the raven.” “Thou shalt not join thyself,” he means, “to such men as know not how to procure food for themselves by labour and sweat, but seize on that of others in their iniquity, and although wearing an aspect of simplicity, are on the watch to plunder others.”1578

1578 Cod. Sin. inserts, “and gaze about for some way of escape on account of their greediness, even as these birds alone do not procure food for themselves (by labour), but sitting idle, seek to devour the flesh of others.” The text as above seems preferable: Hilgenfeld, however, follows the Greek.

So these birds, while they sit idle, inquire how they may devour the flesh of others, proving themselves pests [to all] by their wickedness. “And thou shalt not eat,” he says, “the lamprey, or the polypus, or the cuttlefish.” He means, “Thou shalt not join thyself or be like to such men as are ungodly to the end, and are condemned1579

1579 Cod. Sin. has, “condemned already.”

to death.” In like manner as those fishes, above accursed, float in the deep, not swimming [on the surface] like the rest, but make their abode in the mud which lies at the bottom. Moreover, “Thou shall not,” he says, “eat the hare.” Wherefore? “Thou shall not be a corrupter of boys, nor like unto such.”1580

Npnf-201 iii.xiii.xiii Pg 9

Npnf-201 iv.vii.xviii Pg 37

Npnf-201 iii.xiii.xiii Pg 9

Npnf-201 iv.vii.xviii Pg 37

Anf-01 ix.iv.xxi Pg 22
Isa. lxiii. 9.

And that He should Himself become very man, visible, when He should be the Word giving salvation, Isaiah again says: “Behold, city of Zion: thine eyes shall see our salvation.”3701


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxii Pg 45
Isa. lxiii. 9, according to the Septuagint; only he reads faciet for aorist ἔσωσεν.

for it is He Himself who is now declaring and fulfilling the law and the prophets. The Father gave to the Son new disciples,4362

4362 A Marcionite position.

after that Moses and Elias had been exhibited along with Him in the honour of His glory, and had then been dismissed as having fully discharged their duty and office, for the express purpose of affirming for Marcion’s information the fact that Moses and Elias had a share in even the glory of Christ. But we have the entire structure4363

4363 Habitum.

of this same vision in Habakkuk also, where the Spirit in the person of some4364

4364 Interdum.

of the apostles says, “O Lord, I have heard Thy speech, and was afraid.” What speech was this, other than the words of the voice from heaven, This is my beloved Son, hear ye Him? “I considered thy works, and was astonished.” When could this have better happened than when Peter, on seeing His glory, knew not what he was saying? “In the midst of the two Thou shalt be known”—even Moses and Elias.4365


Anf-03 v.vii.xiv Pg 13
Isa. lxiii. 9.

Anf-01 viii.iv.lxii Pg 7
Josh. v. 13 ad fin., and 1, 2.

Anf-02 iv.ii.ii.xxxi Pg 5.2

Anf-02 vi.ii.viii Pg 27.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.v.xiii Pg 8.1

Anf-01 Pg 16
Ex. iii. 7, 8.

For the Son, who is the Word of God, arranged these things beforehand from the beginning, the Father being in no want of angels, in order that He might call the creation into being, and form man, for whom also the creation was made; nor, again, standing in need of any instrumentality for the framing of created things, or for the ordering of those things which had reference to man; while, [at the same time,] He has a vast and unspeakable number of servants. For His offspring and His similitude3879

3879 Massuet here observes, that the fathers called the Holy Spirit the similitude of the Son.

do minister to Him in every respect; that is, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Word and Wisdom; whom all the angels serve, and to whom they are subject. Vain, therefore, are those who, because of that declaration, “No man knoweth the Father, but the Son,”3880


Anf-01 Pg 13
Ex. iii. 7, 8.

it being customary from the beginning with the Word of God to ascend and descend for the purpose of saving those who were in affliction.

Anf-01 ix.iv.xxi Pg 22
Isa. lxiii. 9.

And that He should Himself become very man, visible, when He should be the Word giving salvation, Isaiah again says: “Behold, city of Zion: thine eyes shall see our salvation.”3701


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxii Pg 45
Isa. lxiii. 9, according to the Septuagint; only he reads faciet for aorist ἔσωσεν.

for it is He Himself who is now declaring and fulfilling the law and the prophets. The Father gave to the Son new disciples,4362

4362 A Marcionite position.

after that Moses and Elias had been exhibited along with Him in the honour of His glory, and had then been dismissed as having fully discharged their duty and office, for the express purpose of affirming for Marcion’s information the fact that Moses and Elias had a share in even the glory of Christ. But we have the entire structure4363

4363 Habitum.

of this same vision in Habakkuk also, where the Spirit in the person of some4364

4364 Interdum.

of the apostles says, “O Lord, I have heard Thy speech, and was afraid.” What speech was this, other than the words of the voice from heaven, This is my beloved Son, hear ye Him? “I considered thy works, and was astonished.” When could this have better happened than when Peter, on seeing His glory, knew not what he was saying? “In the midst of the two Thou shalt be known”—even Moses and Elias.4365


Anf-03 v.vii.xiv Pg 13
Isa. lxiii. 9.

Anf-01 viii.iv.xcviii Pg 0

Anf-03 iv.ix.x Pg 48
It is Ps. xxii. in our Bibles, xxi. in LXX.

“They dug,” He says, “my hands and feet”1352


Anf-01 v.xv.iii Pg 3
Isa. xliv. 6.

concerning the Father of the universe, do also speak of our Lord Jesus Christ. “A Son,” they say, has been given to us, on whose shoulder the government is from above; and His name is called the Angel of great counsel, Wonderful, Counsellor, the strong and mighty God.”1226


Anf-01 Pg 2
Isa. xliv. 6.

On this account, then, as I before said, God did not, when He sent Moses to the Hebrews, mention any name, but by a participle He mystically teaches them that He is the one and only God. “For,” says He; “I am the Being;” manifestly contrasting Himself, “the Being,” with those who are not,2549

2549 Literally, “with the not-beings.”

that those who had hitherto been deceived might see that they were attaching themselves, not to beings, but to those who had no being. Since, therefore, God knew that the first men remembered the old delusion of their forefathers, whereby the misanthropic demon contrived to deceive them when he said to them, “If ye obey me in transgressing the commandment of God, ye shall be as gods,” calling those gods which had no being, in order that men, supposing that there were other gods in existence, might believe that they themselves could become gods. On this account He said to Moses, “I am the Being,” that by the participle “being” He might teach the difference between God who is and those who are not.2550

2550 Literally, “between the God being and not-beings.”

Men, therefore, having been duped by the deceiving demon, and having dared to disobey God, were cast out of Paradise, remembering the name of gods, but no longer being taught by God that there are no other gods. For it was not just that they who did not keep the first commandment, which it was easy to keep, should any longer be taught, but should rather be driven to just punishment. Being therefore banished from Paradise, and thinking that they were expelled on account of their disobedience only, not knowing that it was also because they had believed in the existence of gods which did not exist, they gave the name of gods even to the men who were afterwards born of themselves. This first false fancy, therefore, concerning gods, had its origin with the father of lies. God, therefore, knowing that the false opinion about the plurality of gods was burdening the soul of man like some disease, and wishing to remove and eradicate it, appeared first to Moses, and said to him, “I am He who is.” For it was necessary, I think, that he who was to be the ruler and leader of the Hebrew people should first of all know the living God. Wherefore, having appeared to him first, as it was possible for God to appear to a man, He said to him, “I am He who is;” then, being about to send him to the Hebrews, He further orders him to say, “He who is hath sent me to you.”

Anf-02 v.ii.ix Pg 4.1

Anf-03 Pg 4
Matt. xvi. 26. Some omit this quotation.

Him I seek, who died for us: Him I desire, who rose again for our sake. This is the gain which is laid up for me. Pardon me, brethren: do not hinder me from living, do not wish to keep me in a state of death;863

863 Literally, “to die.”

and while I desire to belong to God, do not ye give me over to the world. Suffer me to obtain pure light: when I have gone thither, I shall indeed be a man of God. Permit me to be an imitator of the passion of my God. If any one has Him within himself, let him consider what I desire, and let him have sympathy with me, as knowing how I am straitened.

Anf-03 v.ix.xviii Pg 5
Isa. xlv. 5, 18; xliv. 6.

who shows us that He is the only God, but in company with His Son, with whom “He stretcheth out the heavens alone.”7988


Anf-01 viii.ii.lxiii Pg 9
Ex. iii. 6.

this signified that they, even though dead, are yet in existence, and are men belonging to Christ Himself. For they were the first of all men to busy themselves in the search after God; Abraham being the father of Isaac, and Isaac of Jacob, as Moses wrote.

Anf-01 viii.ii.lxiii Pg 5
Ex. iii. 6.

And if you wish to learn what follows, you can do so from the same writings; for it is impossible to relate the whole here. But so much is written for the sake of proving that Jesus the Christ is the Son of God and His Apostle, being of old the Word, and appearing sometimes in the form of fire, and sometimes in the likeness of angels; but now, by the will of God, having become man for the human race, He endured all the sufferings which the devils instigated the senseless Jews to inflict upon Him; who, though they have it expressly affirmed in the writings of Moses, “And the angel of God spake to Moses in a flame of fire in a bush, and said, I am that I am, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,” yet maintain that He who said this was the Father and Creator of the universe. Whence also the Spirit of prophecy rebukes them, and says, “Israel doth not know Me, my people have not understood Me.”1902


Anf-01 Pg 7
Matt. xxii. 29, etc.; Ex. iii. 6.

And He added, “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living; for all live to Him.” By these arguments He unquestionably made it clear, that He who spake to Moses out of the bush, and declared Himself to be the God of the fathers, He is the God of the living. For who is the God of the living unless He who is God, and above whom there is no other God? Whom also Daniel the prophet, when Cyrus king of the Persians said to him, “Why dost thou not worship Bel?”3848

3848 In the Septuagint and Vulgate versions, this story constitutes the fourteenth chapter of the book of Daniel. It is not extant in Hebrew, and has therefore been removed to the Apocrypha, in the Anglican canon [the Greek and St. Jerome’s] of Scripture, under the title of “Bel and the Dragon.”

did proclaim, saying, “Because I do not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who established the heaven and the earth and has dominion over all flesh.” Again did he say, “I will adore the Lord my God, because He is the living God.” He, then, who was adored by the prophets as the living God, He is the God of the living; and His Word is He who also spake to Moses, who also put the Sadducees to silence, who also bestowed the gift of resurrection, thus revealing [both] truths to those who are blind, that is, the resurrection and God [in His true character]. For if He be not the God of the dead, but of the living, yet was called the God of the fathers who were sleeping, they do indubitably live to God, and have not passed out of existence, since they are children of the resurrection. But our Lord is Himself the resurrection, as He does Himself declare, “I am the resurrection and the life.”3849


Npnf-201 Pg 35

Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 17

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 4
Ex. iv. 2–9.

denoted the threefold power of God: when it shall, first, in the appointed order, subdue to man the old serpent, the devil,7483


Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 7
Comp. ver. 9.

On this subject we read in the writings of the same prophet, (how that) God says:  “For your blood of your lives will I require of all wild beasts; and I will require it of the hand of man, and of his brother’s hand.”7486


Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 20.2

Anf-01 viii.iv.lx Pg 5
Ex. iii. 2–4.

In the same manner, therefore, in which the Scripture calls Him who appeared to Jacob in the dream an Angel, then [says] that the same Angel who appeared in the dream spoke to him,2165


Anf-03 v.x.i Pg 12
Ex. iii. 2.

then the Gnostics break out, then the Valentinians creep forth, then all the opponents of martyrdom bubble up, being themselves also hot to strike, penetrate, kill. For, because they know that many are artless and also inexperienced, and weak moreover, that a very great number in truth are Christians who veer about with the wind and conform to its moods, they perceive that they are never to be approached more than when fear has opened the entrances to the soul, especially when some display of ferocity has already arrayed with a crown the faith of martyrs.  Therefore, drawing along the tail hitherto, they first of all apply it to the feelings, or whip with it as if on empty space. Innocent persons undergo such suffering. So that you may suppose the speaker to be a brother or a heathen of the better sort. A sect troublesome to nobody so dealt with! Then they pierce. Men are perishing without a reason. For that they are perishing, and without a reason, is the first insertion. Then they now strike mortally. But the unsophisticated souls8220

8220 The opponents of martyrdoms are meant.—Tr.

know not what is written, and what meaning it bears, where and when and before whom we must confess, or ought, save that this, to die for God, is, since He preserves me, not even artlessness, but folly, nay madness. If He kills me, how will it be His duty to preserve me? Once for all Christ died for us, once for all He was slain that we might not be slain. If He demands the like from me in return, does He also look for salvation from my death by violence? Or does God importune for the blood of men, especially if He refuses that of bulls and he-goats?8221


Anf-01 Pg 33
Deut. iv. 24.

(igneum) to the people that transgressed the law, and threatened that God would bring upon them a day of fire; but to those who had the fear of God he said, “The Lord God is merciful and gracious, and long-suffering, and of great commiseration, and true, and keeps justice and mercy for thousands, forgiving unrighteousness, and transgressions, and sins.”4088


Anf-02 vi.iv.ix Pg 241.1

Anf-02 ii.ii.iii Pg 4.1
αὐτοῦ to God, in opposition to the translation given by Abp. Wake and others.

neither walks in the ordinances of His appointment, nor acts a part becoming a Christian,16


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xx Pg 14.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.i.i Pg 23.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.ii Pg 13.1

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xx Pg 38
Isa. vii. 9.

When Christ approved of the faith of this woman, which simply rested in the Creator, He declared by His answer to her,4252


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxv Pg 12
Isa. vii. 9.

); and He had offenders in those wise and prudent ones who would not seek after God, although He was to be discovered in His so many and mighty works,4475


Anf-03 Pg 35
Isa. vii. 9, Sept.

and again, “I will take away the wisdom of their wise men, and bring to nought5712

5712 Sept. κρὐψω, “will hide.”

the understanding of their prudent ones.”  But these words, of course, He did not pronounce against them for concealing the gospel of the unknown God.  At any rate, if there is a God of this world,5713

5713 Said concessively, in reference to M.’s position above mentioned.

He blinds the heart of the unbelievers of this world, because they have not of their own accord recognised His Christ, who ought to be understood from His Scriptures.5714

5714 Marcion’s “God of this world” being the God of the Old Testament.

Content with my advantage, I can willingly refrain from noticing to any greater length5715

5715 Hactenus: pro non amplius (Oehler) tractasse.

this point of ambiguous punctuation, so as not to give my adversary any advantage,5716

5716 “A fuller criticism on this slight matter might give his opponent the advantage, as apparently betraying a penury of weightier and more certain arguments” (Oehler).

indeed, I might have wholly omitted the discussion. A simpler answer I shall find ready to hand in interpreting “the god of this world” of the devil, who once said, as the prophet describes him: “I will be like the Most High; I will exalt my throne in the clouds.”5717


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-01 vi.ii.x Pg 3
Deut. iv. 1.

Is there then not a command of God they should not eat [these things]? There is, but Moses spoke with a spiritual reference.1577

1577 Literally, “in spirit.”

For this reason he named the swine, as much as to say, “Thou shalt not join thyself to men who resemble swine.” For when they live in pleasure, they forget their Lord; but when they come to want, they acknowledge the Lord. And [in like manner] the swine, when it has eaten, does not recognize its master; but when hungry it cries out, and on receiving food is quiet again. “Neither shalt thou eat,” says he “the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the kite, nor the raven.” “Thou shalt not join thyself,” he means, “to such men as know not how to procure food for themselves by labour and sweat, but seize on that of others in their iniquity, and although wearing an aspect of simplicity, are on the watch to plunder others.”1578

1578 Cod. Sin. inserts, “and gaze about for some way of escape on account of their greediness, even as these birds alone do not procure food for themselves (by labour), but sitting idle, seek to devour the flesh of others.” The text as above seems preferable: Hilgenfeld, however, follows the Greek.

So these birds, while they sit idle, inquire how they may devour the flesh of others, proving themselves pests [to all] by their wickedness. “And thou shalt not eat,” he says, “the lamprey, or the polypus, or the cuttlefish.” He means, “Thou shalt not join thyself or be like to such men as are ungodly to the end, and are condemned1579

1579 Cod. Sin. has, “condemned already.”

to death.” In like manner as those fishes, above accursed, float in the deep, not swimming [on the surface] like the rest, but make their abode in the mud which lies at the bottom. Moreover, “Thou shall not,” he says, “eat the hare.” Wherefore? “Thou shall not be a corrupter of boys, nor like unto such.”1580

Npnf-201 iii.xiii.xiii Pg 9

Npnf-201 iv.vii.xviii Pg 37

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 4
Ex. iv. 2–9.

denoted the threefold power of God: when it shall, first, in the appointed order, subdue to man the old serpent, the devil,7483


Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 7
Comp. ver. 9.

On this subject we read in the writings of the same prophet, (how that) God says:  “For your blood of your lives will I require of all wild beasts; and I will require it of the hand of man, and of his brother’s hand.”7486


Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 8.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 20.2

Anf-01 viii.iv.lx Pg 5
Ex. iii. 2–4.

In the same manner, therefore, in which the Scripture calls Him who appeared to Jacob in the dream an Angel, then [says] that the same Angel who appeared in the dream spoke to him,2165


Anf-03 v.x.i Pg 12
Ex. iii. 2.

then the Gnostics break out, then the Valentinians creep forth, then all the opponents of martyrdom bubble up, being themselves also hot to strike, penetrate, kill. For, because they know that many are artless and also inexperienced, and weak moreover, that a very great number in truth are Christians who veer about with the wind and conform to its moods, they perceive that they are never to be approached more than when fear has opened the entrances to the soul, especially when some display of ferocity has already arrayed with a crown the faith of martyrs.  Therefore, drawing along the tail hitherto, they first of all apply it to the feelings, or whip with it as if on empty space. Innocent persons undergo such suffering. So that you may suppose the speaker to be a brother or a heathen of the better sort. A sect troublesome to nobody so dealt with! Then they pierce. Men are perishing without a reason. For that they are perishing, and without a reason, is the first insertion. Then they now strike mortally. But the unsophisticated souls8220

8220 The opponents of martyrdoms are meant.—Tr.

know not what is written, and what meaning it bears, where and when and before whom we must confess, or ought, save that this, to die for God, is, since He preserves me, not even artlessness, but folly, nay madness. If He kills me, how will it be His duty to preserve me? Once for all Christ died for us, once for all He was slain that we might not be slain. If He demands the like from me in return, does He also look for salvation from my death by violence? Or does God importune for the blood of men, especially if He refuses that of bulls and he-goats?8221


Anf-01 Pg 33
Deut. iv. 24.

(igneum) to the people that transgressed the law, and threatened that God would bring upon them a day of fire; but to those who had the fear of God he said, “The Lord God is merciful and gracious, and long-suffering, and of great commiseration, and true, and keeps justice and mercy for thousands, forgiving unrighteousness, and transgressions, and sins.”4088


Anf-02 vi.iv.ix Pg 241.1

Anf-02 ii.ii.iii Pg 4.1
αὐτοῦ to God, in opposition to the translation given by Abp. Wake and others.

neither walks in the ordinances of His appointment, nor acts a part becoming a Christian,16


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xx Pg 14.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.i.i Pg 23.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.ii.ii Pg 13.1

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xx Pg 38
Isa. vii. 9.

When Christ approved of the faith of this woman, which simply rested in the Creator, He declared by His answer to her,4252


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxv Pg 12
Isa. vii. 9.

); and He had offenders in those wise and prudent ones who would not seek after God, although He was to be discovered in His so many and mighty works,4475


Anf-03 Pg 35
Isa. vii. 9, Sept.

and again, “I will take away the wisdom of their wise men, and bring to nought5712

5712 Sept. κρὐψω, “will hide.”

the understanding of their prudent ones.”  But these words, of course, He did not pronounce against them for concealing the gospel of the unknown God.  At any rate, if there is a God of this world,5713

5713 Said concessively, in reference to M.’s position above mentioned.

He blinds the heart of the unbelievers of this world, because they have not of their own accord recognised His Christ, who ought to be understood from His Scriptures.5714

5714 Marcion’s “God of this world” being the God of the Old Testament.

Content with my advantage, I can willingly refrain from noticing to any greater length5715

5715 Hactenus: pro non amplius (Oehler) tractasse.

this point of ambiguous punctuation, so as not to give my adversary any advantage,5716

5716 “A fuller criticism on this slight matter might give his opponent the advantage, as apparently betraying a penury of weightier and more certain arguments” (Oehler).

indeed, I might have wholly omitted the discussion. A simpler answer I shall find ready to hand in interpreting “the god of this world” of the devil, who once said, as the prophet describes him: “I will be like the Most High; I will exalt my throne in the clouds.”5717


Anf-01 Pg 2
Ex. xxv.

And again: “And thou shalt erect the tabernacle according to the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shalt thou make it.”2575


Anf-01 ix.viii.xxvi Pg 3
Lev. xxvi. 12.

such an one is not empty, but full.

Anf-02 vi.iv.iii.i Pg 32.3

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 70.2

Anf-01 ix.iii.xxi Pg 8
Ps. lxviii. 18; Eph. iv. 8.

and conferred on those that believe in Him the power “to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy,”3103


Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxxvii Pg 6
Literally, “He said accordingly.” Ps. lxviii. 18.

‘He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, He gave gifts unto the sons of men.’ And again, in another prophecy it is said: ‘And it shall come to pass after this, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, and on My servants, and on My handmaids, and they shall prophesy.’2296


Anf-03 Pg 23
1 Cor. xii. 4–11; Eph. iv. 8, and Ps. lxviii. 18.

that is, the gratuities, which we call charismata. He says specifically “sons of men,”5550

5550 He argues from his own reading, filiis hominum.

and not men promiscuously; thus exhibiting to us those who were the children of men truly so called, choice men, apostles.  “For,” says he, “I have begotten you through the gospel;”5551


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxv Pg 3
Zech. ii. 10–13, Zech. iii. 1, 2.

Anf-01 ii.ii.x Pg 3
Gen. xii. 1–3.

And again, on his departing from Lot, God said to him. “Lift up thine eyes, and look from the place where thou now art, northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward; for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth, [so that] if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.”47


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Npnf-201 iii.vii.xix Pg 21

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 5
There is, if the text be genuine, some confusion here.  Melchizedek does not appear to have been, in any sense, “subsequent” to Abraham, for he probably was senior to him; and, moreover, Abraham does not appear to have been “already circumcised” carnally when Melchizedek met him. Comp. Gen. xiv. with Gen. xvii.

“But again,” (you say) “the son of Moses would upon one occasion have been choked by an angel, if Zipporah,1165


Anf-03 v.vii.iii Pg 15
Gen. xxxii.

Has it, then, been permitted to angels, which are inferior to God, after they have been changed into human bodily form,6983

6983 See below in chap. vi. and in the Anti-Marcion, iii. 9.

nevertheless to remain angels? and will you deprive God, their superior, of this faculty, as if Christ could not continue to be God, after His real assumption of the nature of man? Or else, did those angels appear as phantoms of flesh? You will not, however, have the courage to say this; for if it be so held in your belief, that the Creator’s angels are in the same condition as Christ, then Christ will belong to the same God as those angels do, who are like Christ in their condition. If you had not purposely rejected in some instances, and corrupted in others, the Scriptures which are opposed to your opinion, you would have been confuted in this matter by the Gospel of John, when it declares that the Spirit descended in the body6984

6984 Corpore.

of a dove, and sat upon the Lord.6985


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxvi Pg 9
Num. xi. 23.

And again, in other words, it thus says: ‘But the Lord spoke unto me, Thou shalt not go over this Jordan: the Lord thy God, who goeth before thy face, He shall cut off the nations.’2447


Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xxi Pg 51.1

Anf-03 iv.iv.xx Pg 9
Ps. xcvi. 5. The LXX. in whose version ed. Tisch. it is Ps. xcv. read δαιμόνια, like Tertullian. Our version has “idols.”

But this has been laid by me rather as a foundation for ensuing observations.  However, it is a defect of custom to say, “By Hercules, So help me the god of faith;”329

329 Mehercule. Medius Fidius. I have given the rendering of the latter, which seems preferred by Paley (Ov. Fast. vi. 213, note), who considers it = me dius (i.e., Deus) fidius juvet.  Smith (Lat. Dict. s.v.) agrees with him, and explains it, me deus fidius servet. White and Riddle (s.v.) take the me (which appears to be short) as a “demonstrative” particle or prefix, and explain, “By the God of truth!” “As true as heaven,” “Most certainly.”

while to the custom is added the ignorance of some, who are ignorant that it is an oath by Hercules. Further, what will an oath be, in the name of gods whom you have forsworn, but a collusion of faith with idolatry? For who does not honour them in whose name he swears?

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 3
See Gen. xii.–xv. compared with xvii. and Rom. iv.

nor yet did he observe the Sabbath. For he had “accepted”1163


Anf-02 vi.ii.viii Pg 16.1

Anf-03 Pg 3
Literally, “into.”

Jesus Christ, than to reign over all the ends of the earth. “For what shall a man be profited, if he gain the whole world, but lose his own soul?”862


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxvi Pg 9
Num. xi. 23.

And again, in other words, it thus says: ‘But the Lord spoke unto me, Thou shalt not go over this Jordan: the Lord thy God, who goeth before thy face, He shall cut off the nations.’2447


Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xxi Pg 51.1

Anf-03 iv.iv.xx Pg 9
Ps. xcvi. 5. The LXX. in whose version ed. Tisch. it is Ps. xcv. read δαιμόνια, like Tertullian. Our version has “idols.”

But this has been laid by me rather as a foundation for ensuing observations.  However, it is a defect of custom to say, “By Hercules, So help me the god of faith;”329

329 Mehercule. Medius Fidius. I have given the rendering of the latter, which seems preferred by Paley (Ov. Fast. vi. 213, note), who considers it = me dius (i.e., Deus) fidius juvet.  Smith (Lat. Dict. s.v.) agrees with him, and explains it, me deus fidius servet. White and Riddle (s.v.) take the me (which appears to be short) as a “demonstrative” particle or prefix, and explain, “By the God of truth!” “As true as heaven,” “Most certainly.”

while to the custom is added the ignorance of some, who are ignorant that it is an oath by Hercules. Further, what will an oath be, in the name of gods whom you have forsworn, but a collusion of faith with idolatry? For who does not honour them in whose name he swears?

Anf-01 Pg 2
Gen. xvii. 17.

Wherefore Simeon also, one of his descendants, carried fully out the rejoicing of the patriarch, and said: “Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace. For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people: a light for the revelation of the Gentiles,3868

3868 The text has oculorum, probably by mistake for populorum.

and the glory of the people Israel.”3869


Anf-02 Pg 10.1

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xiii Pg 33
Isa. xlix. 21.

Will such a Christ not be (the Christ) of the prophets? And what will be the Christ of the Marcionites? Since perversion of truth is their pleasure, he could not be (the Christ) of the prophets.

Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 143

Anf-01 v.iii.iii Pg 15
1 Sam. viii. 7.

And Moses declares, “For their murmuring is not against us, but against the Lord God.”656


Anf-01 viii.iv.lvi Pg 13
Gen. xxi. 9–12.

Have you perceived, then, that He who said under the oak that He would return, since He knew it would be necessary to advise Abraham to do what Sarah wished him, came back as it is written; and is God, as the words declare, when they so speak: ‘God said to Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the son, and because of the bond-woman?’ ” I inquired. And Trypho said, “Certainly; but you have not proved from this that there is another God besides Him who appeared to Abraham, and who also appeared to the other patriarchs and prophets. You have proved, however, that we were wrong in believing that the three who were in the tent with Abraham were all angels.”

Anf-01 Pg 2
Gen. xvii. 17.

Wherefore Simeon also, one of his descendants, carried fully out the rejoicing of the patriarch, and said: “Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace. For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people: a light for the revelation of the Gentiles,3868

3868 The text has oculorum, probably by mistake for populorum.

and the glory of the people Israel.”3869


Anf-02 Pg 10.1

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xiii Pg 33
Isa. xlix. 21.

Will such a Christ not be (the Christ) of the prophets? And what will be the Christ of the Marcionites? Since perversion of truth is their pleasure, he could not be (the Christ) of the prophets.

Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 143

Anf-03 Pg 11
Lev. xviii. 8.

the man was an offender “who had his father’s wife.”5481


Anf-01 ix.ii.xix Pg 22
Gen. xxxv. 22, Gen. xlix. 28.

from whom also sprung twelve tribes,— the breastplate of the high priest, which bore twelve precious stones and twelve little bells,2897


Anf-03 Pg 11
1 Kings xxi. 27; 29.

How prompt in pardoning David on his confession of his sin5688


Anf-01 Pg 2
1 Cor. ii. 15. [The argument of this chapter hinges on Ps. xxv. 14, and expounds a difficult text of St. Paul. A man who has the mind of God’s Spirit is the only judge of spiritual things. Worldly men are incompetent critics of Scripture and of Christian exposition.

For he judges the Gentiles, “who serve the creature more than the Creator,”4254


Npnf-201 Pg 15

Anf-02 vi.iii.ii.i Pg 20.1

Anf-01 ii.ii.xvi Pg 6
Isa. liii. The reader will observe how often the text of the Septuagint, here quoted, differs from the Hebrew as represented by our authorized English version.

And again He saith, “I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people. All that see Me have derided Me; they have spoken with their lips; they have wagged their head, [saying] He hoped in God, let Him deliver Him, let Him save Him, since He delighteth in Him.”71


Anf-01 viii.ii.l Pg 2
Isa. lii. 13–15, Isa. liii. 1–8.

Accordingly, after He was crucified, even all His acquaintances forsook Him, having denied Him; and afterwards, when He had risen from the dead and appeared to them, and had taught them to read the prophecies in which all these things were foretold as coming to pass, and when they had seen Him ascending into heaven, and had believed, and had received power sent thence by Him upon them, and went to every race of men, they taught these things, and were called apostles.
prolonged in days. And the Lord is pleased to deliver His soul from grief, to show Him light, and to form Him with knowledge, to justify the righteous who richly serveth many. And He shall bear our iniquities. Therefore He shall inherit many, and He shall divide the spoil of the strong; because His soul was delivered to death: and He was numbered with the transgressors; and He bare the sins of many, and He was delivered up for their transgressions.”1872


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxviii Pg 7
Isa. lii. 15, Isa. liii. 1.

Anf-01 viii.iv.cxiv Pg 4
Isa. liii. 1.

—the words are spoken as if announcing events which had already come to pass. For I have shown that Christ is oftentimes called a Stone in parable, and in figurative speech Jacob and Israel. And again, when He says, ‘I shall behold the heavens, the works of Thy fingers,’2379


Anf-01 viii.iv.xlii Pg 4
Isa. liii. 1, 2.

(And what follows in order of the prophecy already quoted.2065

2065 Chap. xiii.

) But when the passage speaks as from the lips of many, ‘We have preached before Him,’ and adds, ‘as if a child,’ it signifies that the wicked shall become subject to Him, and shall obey His command, and that all shall become as one child. Such a thing as you may witness in the body: although the members are enumerated as many, all are called one, and are a body. For, indeed, a commonwealth and a church,2066

2066 ἐκκλησία Lat. vers. has conventus.

though many individuals in number, are in fact as one, called and addressed by one appellation. And in short, sirs,” said I, “by enumerating all the other appointments of Moses I can demonstrate that they were types, and symbols, and declarations of those things which would happen to Christ, of those who it was foreknown were to believe in Him, and of those things which would also be done by Christ Himself. But since what I have now enumerated appears to me to be sufficient, I revert again to the order of the discourse.2067

2067 Literally, “to the discourse in order.”

Anf-02 Pg 2.1

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xiv Pg 48
Famulis et magistratibus. It is uncertain what passage this quotation represents. It sounds like some of the clauses of Isa. liii.

Now, since hatred was predicted against that Son of man who has His mission from the Creator, whilst the Gospel testifies that the name of Christians, as derived from Christ, was to be hated for the Son of man’s sake, because He is Christ, it determines the point that that was the Son of man in the matter of hatred who came according to the Creator’s purpose, and against whom the hatred was predicted. And even if He had not yet come, the hatred of His name which exists at the present day could not in any case have possibly preceded Him who was to bear the name.3980

3980 Personam nominis.

But He has both suffered the penalty3981

3981 Sancitur.

in our presence, and surrendered His life, laying it down for our sakes, and is held in contempt by the Gentiles. And He who was born (into the world) will be that very Son of man on whose account our name also is rejected.

Anf-03 v.ix.xiii Pg 7
Isa. liii. 1.

Now he would most certainly have said Thine Arm, if he had not wished us to understand that the Father is Lord, and the Son also is Lord. A much more ancient testimony we have also in Genesis: “Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.”7911


Anf-03 v.ix.xi Pg 19
Isa. liii. 1, 2.

These are a few testimonies out of many; for we do not pretend to bring up all the passages of Scripture, because we have a tolerably large accumulation of them in the various heads of our subject, as we in our several chapters call them in as our witnesses in the fulness of their dignity and authority.7892

7892 [See Elucidation III., and also cap. xxv. infra.]

Still, in these few quotations the distinction of Persons in the Trinity is clearly set forth. For there is the Spirit Himself who speaks, and the Father to whom He speaks, and the Son of whom He speaks.7893

7893 [See De Baptismo, cap. v. p. 344, Ed. Oehler, and note how often our author cites an important text, by half quotation, leaving the residue to the reader’s memory, owing to the impetuosity of his genius and his style:  “Monte decurrens velut amnis, imbres quem super notas aluere ripas fervet, etc.”]

In the same manner, the other passages also establish each one of several Persons in His special character—addressed as they in some cases are to the Father or to the Son respecting the Son, in other cases to the Son or to the Father concerning the Father, and again in other instances to the (Holy) Spirit.

Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2
[Bible:Gen.49.11 Bible:Gen.49.18 Bible:Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]

that there would be two advents of Christ, and that in the first He would suffer, and that after He came there would be neither prophet nor king in your nation (I proceeded), and that the nations who believed in the suffering Christ would look for His future appearance. And for this reason the Holy Spirit had uttered these truths in a parable, and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘Judah, thy brethren have praised thee: thy hands [shall be] on the neck of thine enemies; the sons of thy father shall worship thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a lion, and like [a lion’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A ruler shall not depart from Judah, or a leader from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of nations, binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the vine. He shall wash his garments in wine, and his vesture in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be bright with2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.”

wine, and his teeth white like milk.’2114


Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxxvi Pg 2
[Myrrh. Christ the (Anointed) Rock is also referred to by Jacob (Gen. xlix. 24).]

or of any other compounded sweet balsams, had reference to Him, we have also proved,2287

2287 In chap. lxiii. probably, where the same Psalm is quoted.

inasmuch as the word says: ‘Therefore God, even Thy God, hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows.’2288

2288 *marg:

Npnf-201 iii.vii.xxiv Pg 44

Anf-01 vi.ii.xiii Pg 8
Gen. xlviii. 18.

And Jacob said, “I know it, my son, I know it; but the elder shall serve the younger: yet he also shall be blessed.”1637


Anf-02 vi.iv.i.xxi Pg 20.3

Anf-01 ii.ii.xi Pg 2
Gen. xix.; comp. 2 Pet. ii. 6–9.

For Lot’s wife, who went forth with him, being of a different mind from himself and not continuing in agreement with him [as to the command which had been given them], was made an example of, so as to be a pillar of salt unto this day.51

51 So Joseph., Antiq., i. 11, 4; Irenæus, Adv. Hær., iv. 31.

This was done that all might know that those who are of a double mind, and who distrust the power of God, bring down judgment on themselves52

52 Literally, “become a judgment and sign.”

and become a sign to all succeeding generations.

Anf-03 v.vii.iii Pg 14
Gen. xix.

an angel, moreover, wrestled with a man so strenuously with his body, that the latter desired to be let loose, so tightly was he held.6982


Anf-01 ii.ii.xi Pg 2
Gen. xix.; comp. 2 Pet. ii. 6–9.

For Lot’s wife, who went forth with him, being of a different mind from himself and not continuing in agreement with him [as to the command which had been given them], was made an example of, so as to be a pillar of salt unto this day.51

51 So Joseph., Antiq., i. 11, 4; Irenæus, Adv. Hær., iv. 31.

This was done that all might know that those who are of a double mind, and who distrust the power of God, bring down judgment on themselves52

52 Literally, “become a judgment and sign.”

and become a sign to all succeeding generations.

Anf-03 v.vii.iii Pg 14
Gen. xix.

an angel, moreover, wrestled with a man so strenuously with his body, that the latter desired to be let loose, so tightly was he held.6982


Anf-01 ix.iv.x Pg 11
Ps. lxxvi. 1.

Therefore there is one and the same God, who was proclaimed by the prophets and announced by the Gospel; and His Son, who was of the fruit of David’s body, that is, of the virgin of [the house of] David, and Emmanuel; whose star also Balaam thus prophesied: “There shall come a star out of Jacob, and a leader shall rise in Israel.”3382


Anf-01 ix.iv.x Pg 15
Ps. lxxvi. 1.

and was “declared to those who sought Him not.”3386


Anf-01 Pg 66
Ps. lxxvi. 1.

— these indicated His advent which took place in Judea. Those, again, who declare that “God comes from the south, and from a mountain thick with foliage,”4307


Anf-02 vi.iii.ii.ii Pg 34.1

Anf-01 ix.iv.x Pg 11
Ps. lxxvi. 1.

Therefore there is one and the same God, who was proclaimed by the prophets and announced by the Gospel; and His Son, who was of the fruit of David’s body, that is, of the virgin of [the house of] David, and Emmanuel; whose star also Balaam thus prophesied: “There shall come a star out of Jacob, and a leader shall rise in Israel.”3382


Anf-01 ix.iv.x Pg 15
Ps. lxxvi. 1.

and was “declared to those who sought Him not.”3386


Anf-01 Pg 66
Ps. lxxvi. 1.

— these indicated His advent which took place in Judea. Those, again, who declare that “God comes from the south, and from a mountain thick with foliage,”4307


Anf-02 vi.iii.ii.ii Pg 34.1

Anf-01 v.ii.xviii Pg 9
Isa. vii. 14; Matt. i. 23.

He was born and was baptized by John, that He might ratify the institution committed to that prophet.

Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxiii Pg 2
Isa. vii. 14.

For things which were incredible and seemed impossible with men, these God predicted by the Spirit of prophecy as about to come to pass, in order that, when they came to pass, there might be no unbelief, but faith, because of their prediction. But lest some, not understanding the prophecy now cited, should charge us with the very things we have been laying to the charge of the poets who say that Jupiter went in to women through lust, let us try to explain the words. This, then, “Behold, a virgin shall conceive,” signifies that a virgin should conceive without intercourse. For if she had had intercourse with any one whatever, she was no longer a virgin; but the power of God having come upon the virgin, overshadowed her, and caused her while yet a virgin to conceive. And the angel of God who was sent to the same virgin at that time brought her good news, saying, “Behold, thou shalt conceive of the Holy Ghost, and shalt bear a Son, and He shall be called the Son of the Highest, and thou shalt call His name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sins,”1831


Anf-01 v.xv.iii Pg 5
Isa. vii. 14; Matt. i. 23.

And concerning the passion, “He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and as a lamb before her shearers is dumb, I also was an innocent lamb led to be sacrificed.”1228


Anf-01 v.xvii.iii Pg 4
Isa. vii. 14.

He was then truly born, truly grew up, truly ate and drank, was truly crucified, and died, and rose again. He who believes these things, as they really were, and as they really took place, is blessed. He who believeth them not is no less accursed than those who crucified the Lord. For the prince of this world rejoiceth when any one denies the cross, since he knows that the confession of the cross is his own destruction. For that is the trophy which has been raised up against his power, which when he sees, he shudders, and when he hears of, is afraid.

Anf-01 ix.iv.xx Pg 12
Isa. vii. 14.

the divine Scriptures do in both respects testify of Him: also, that He was a man without comeliness, and liable to suffering;3675


Anf-01 ix.iv.xxii Pg 0

Anf-01 ix.iv.xxii Pg 2
Isa. vii. 14.

as Theodotion the Ephesian has interpreted, and Aquila of Pontus,3709

3709 Epiphanius, in his De Mensuris, gives an account of these two men. The former published his version of the Old Testament in the year 181. The latter put forth his translation half a century earlier, about 129 a.d. This reference to the version of Theodotion furnishes a note of date as to the time when Irenæus published his work: it must have been subsequently to a.d. 181.

both Jewish proselytes. The Ebionites, following these, assert that He was begotten by Joseph; thus destroying, as far as in them lies, such a marvellous dispensation of God, and setting aside the testimony of the prophets which proceeded from God. For truly this prediction was uttered before the removal of the people to Babylon; that is, anterior to the supremacy acquired by the Medes and Persians. But it was interpreted into Greek by the Jews themselves, much before the period of our Lord’s advent, that there might remain no suspicion that perchance the Jews, complying with our humour, did put this interpretation upon these words. They indeed, had they been cognizant of our future existence, and that we should use these proofs from the Scriptures, would themselves never have hesitated to burn their own Scriptures, which do declare that all other nations partake of [eternal] life, and show that they who boast themselves as being the house of Jacob and the people of Israel, are disinherited from the grace of God.

Anf-01 Pg 64
Isa. viii. 3, Isa. ix. 6, Isa. vii. 14. [A confusion of texts.]

and those [of them] who proclaimed Him as Immanuel, [born] of the Virgin, exhibited the union of the Word of God with His own workmanship, [declaring] that the Word should become flesh, and the Son of God the Son of man (the pure One opening purely that pure womb which regenerates men unto God, and which He Himself made pure); and having become this which we also are, He [nevertheless] is the Mighty God, and possesses a generation which cannot be declared. And there are also some of them who say, “The Lord hath spoken in Zion, and uttered His voice from Jerusalem;”4305


Anf-03 iv.ix.ix Pg 4
See Isa. vii. 13, 14.

(which is, interpreted, “God with us”1252


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xii Pg 3
Isa. vii. 14.

then, that He takes the riches of Damascus and the spoils of Samaria against the king of Assyria.3252


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xiii Pg 10
Isa. vii. 14.

Now a sign from God would not have been a sign,3264

3264 The tam dignum of this place is “jam signum” in adv. Judæos.

unless it had been some novel and prodigious thing. Then, again, Jewish cavillers, in order to disconcert us, boldly pretend that Scripture does not hold3265

3265 Contineat.

that a virgin, but only a young woman,3266


Anf-03 v.iv.v.x Pg 26
Isa. vii. 14.

on what principle you, Marcion, can admit Him Son of man, I cannot possibly see. If through a human father, then you deny him to be Son of God; if through a divine one also,3785

3785 Si et Dei.

then you make Christ the Hercules of fable; if through a human mother only, then you concede my point; if not through a human father also,3786

3786 Si neque patris.

then He is not the son of any man,3787

3787 On Marcion’s principles, it must be remembered.

and He must have been guilty of a lie for having declared Himself to be what He was not. One thing alone can help you in your difficulty: boldness on your part either to surname your God as actually the human father of Christ, as Valentinus did3788

3788 Compare T.’s treatise, Adversus Valentinianos, chap. xii.

with his Æon; or else to deny that the Virgin was human, which even Valentinus did not do. What now, if Christ be described3789

3789 Censentur.

in Daniel by this very title of “Son of man?”  Is not this enough to prove that He is the Christ of prophecy? For if He gives Himself that appellation which was provided in the prophecy for the Christ of the Creator, He undoubtedly offers Himself to be understood as Him to whom (the appellation) was assigned by the prophet. But perhaps3790

3790 Si forte.

it can be regarded as a simple identity of names;3791

3791 Nominum communio simplex.

and yet we have maintained3792

3792 Defendimus. See above, book iii. chap. xv. xvi.

that neither Christ nor Jesus ought to have been called by these names, if they possessed any condition of diversity.  But as regards the appellation “Son of man,” in as far as it occurs by accident,3793

3793 Ex accidenti obvenit.

in so far there is a difficulty in its occurrence along with3794

3794 Super.

a casual identity of names. For it is of pure3795

3795 Proprio.

accident, especially when the same cause does not appear3796

3796 Non convenit.

whereby the identity may be occasioned.  And therefore, if Marcion’s Christ be also said to be born of man, then he too would receive an identical appellation, and there would be two Sons of man, as also two Christs and two Jesuses.  Therefore, since the appellation is the sole right of Him in whom it has a suitable reason,3797

3797 Causam.

if it be claimed for another in whom there is an identity of name, but not of appellation,3798

3798 The context explains the difference between nomen and appellatio. The former refers to the name Jesus or Christ, the latter to the designation Son of man.

then the identity of name even looks suspicious in him for whom is claimed without reason the identity of appellation.  And it follows that He must be believed to be One and the Same, who is found to be the more fit to receive both the name and the appellation; while the other is excluded, who has no right to the appellation, because he has no reason to show for it. Nor will any other be better entitled to both than He who is the earlier, and has had allotted to Him the name of Christ and the appellation of Son of man, even the Jesus of the Creator. It was He who was seen by the king of Babylon in the furnace with His martyrs: “the fourth, who was like the Son of man.”3799


Anf-03 v.vii.ii Pg 5
John ii. 19.

and once more, “If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto Me.”987


Anf-03 v.vii.xvii Pg 4
Isa. vii. 14.

Accordingly, a virgin did conceive and bear “Emmanuel, God with us.”7182


Anf-03 v.vii.xxi Pg 3
Isa. vii. 14; Matt. i. 23.

Conceive what? I ask. The Word of God, of course, and not the seed of man, and in order, certainly, to bring forth a son. “For,” says he, “she shall bring forth a son.”7229

7229 See the same passages.

Therefore, as the act of conception was her own,7230

7230 Ipsius.

so also what she brought forth was her own, also, although the cause of conception7231

7231 Quod concepit: or, “what she conceived.”

was not. If, on the other hand, the Word became flesh of Himself, then He both conceived and brought forth Himself, and the prophecy is stultified. For in that case a virgin did not conceive, and did not bring forth; since whatever she brought forth from the conception of the Word, is not her own flesh. But is this the only statement of prophecy which will be frustrated?7232

7232 Evacuabitur.

Will not the angel’s announcement also be subverted, that the virgin should “conceive in her womb and bring forth a son?”7233


Anf-03 v.vii.xxiii Pg 5
Isa. vii. 14.

We discover, then, what the sign is which is to be spoken against—the conception and the parturition of the Virgin Mary, concerning which these sophists7253

7253 Academici isti: “this school of theirs.”

say: “She a virgin and yet not a virgin bare, and yet did not bear;” just as if such language, if indeed it must be uttered, would not be more suitable even for ourselves to use! For “she bare,” because she produced offspring of her own flesh and “yet she did not bear,” since she produced Him not from a husband’s seed; she was “a virgin,” so far as (abstinence) from a husband went, and “yet not a virgin,” as regards her bearing a child. There is not, however, that parity of reasoning which the heretics affect: in other words it does not follow that for the reason “she did not bear,”7254

7254 i.e. “Because she produced not her son from her husband’s seed.”

she who was “not a virgin” was “yet a virgin,” even because she became a mother without any fruit of her own womb. But with us there is no equivocation, nothing twisted into a double sense.7255

7255 Defensionem.

Light is light; and darkness, darkness; yea is yea; and nay, nay; “whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.”7256


Anf-03 v.vii.xxiii Pg 21
Isa. vii. 14.

Anf-03 v.viii.xx Pg 3
Isa. vii. 14; Matt. i. 23.

Even granting that He was figuratively to take the power of Damascus and the spoils of Samaria,7396


Npnf-201 iii.x.ix Pg 44

Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 16

VERSE 	(11) - 

Ge 17:19; 29:32-35 Isa 7:14 Mt 1:21-23 Lu 1:13,31,63


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