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CHAPTERS: Isaiah 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66     

VERSES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6




LXX- Greek Septuagint - Isaiah 12:1

και 2532 ερεις 2046 5692 2054 εν 1722 1520 τη 3588 ημερα 2250 εκεινη 1565 ευλογησω 2127 5692 σε 4571 κυριε 2962 διοτι 1360 ωργισθης μοι 3427 και 2532 απεστρεψας τον 3588 θυμον 2372 σου 4675 και 2532 ηλεησας με 3165

Douay Rheims Bible

AND thou shalt say in that day: I will give thanks to thee, O Lord, for thou wast angry with me: thy wrath is turned away, and thou hast comforted me.

King James Bible - Isaiah 12:1

And in that day thou shalt say, O LORD, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me.

World English Bible

In that day you will say, "I will give thanks to you, Yahweh; for though you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you comfort me.

Early Church Father Links

Npnf-211 iv.iv.vii.xi Pg 12

World Wide Bible Resources

Isaiah 12:1

Early Christian Commentary - (A.D. 100 - A.D. 325)

Anf-02 Pg 12.3

Anf-02 vi.iv.iv.xxi Pg 55.1

Npnf-201 Pg 18

Anf-01 viii.iv.xxii Pg 4
Ps. l. (in E. V.).

Accordingly He neither takes sacrifices from you nor commanded them at first to be offered because they are needful to Him, but because of your sins. For indeed the temple, which is called the temple in Jerusalem, He admitted to be His house or court, not as though He needed it, but in order that you, in this view of it, giving yourselves to Him, might not worship idols. And that this is so, Isaiah says: ‘What house have ye built Me? saith the Lord. Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool.’2004


Anf-01 vii.ii.iv Pg 3
[See Grabe, apud Routh, 1. 29.]

[Testimony is borne to these things in writing by Papias, an ancient man, who was a hearer of John and a friend of Polycarp, in the fourth of his books; for five books were composed by him. And he added, saying, “Now these things are credible to believers. And Judas the traitor,” says he, “not believing, and asking, ‘How shall such growths be accomplished by the Lord?’ the Lord said, ‘They shall see who shall come to them.’ These, then, are the times mentioned by the prophet Isaiah: ‘And the wolf shall lie down with the lamb,’ etc. (Isa. xi. 6 ff.).”]

Anf-03 v.v.xi Pg 20
Isa. xi. 6.

when the Father shall have put beneath the feet of His Son His enemies,6245


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxiv Pg 45
Isa. xi. 8, 9.

And, indeed, we are aware (without doing violence to the literal sense of the passage, since even these noxious animals have actually been unable to do hurt where there has been faith) that under the figure of scorpions and serpents are portended evil spirits, whose very prince is described4457

4457 Deputetur.

by the name of serpent, dragon, and every other most conspicuous beast in the power of the Creator.4458

4458 Penes Creatorem.

This power the Creator conferred first of all upon His Christ, even as the ninetieth Psalm says to Him: “Upon the asp and the basilisk shalt Thou tread; the lion and the dragon shalt Thou trample under foot.”4459


Anf-01 vii.ii.iv Pg 3
[See Grabe, apud Routh, 1. 29.]

[Testimony is borne to these things in writing by Papias, an ancient man, who was a hearer of John and a friend of Polycarp, in the fourth of his books; for five books were composed by him. And he added, saying, “Now these things are credible to believers. And Judas the traitor,” says he, “not believing, and asking, ‘How shall such growths be accomplished by the Lord?’ the Lord said, ‘They shall see who shall come to them.’ These, then, are the times mentioned by the prophet Isaiah: ‘And the wolf shall lie down with the lamb,’ etc. (Isa. xi. 6 ff.).”]

Anf-03 v.v.xi Pg 20
Isa. xi. 6.

when the Father shall have put beneath the feet of His Son His enemies,6245


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxiv Pg 45
Isa. xi. 8, 9.

And, indeed, we are aware (without doing violence to the literal sense of the passage, since even these noxious animals have actually been unable to do hurt where there has been faith) that under the figure of scorpions and serpents are portended evil spirits, whose very prince is described4457

4457 Deputetur.

by the name of serpent, dragon, and every other most conspicuous beast in the power of the Creator.4458

4458 Penes Creatorem.

This power the Creator conferred first of all upon His Christ, even as the ninetieth Psalm says to Him: “Upon the asp and the basilisk shalt Thou tread; the lion and the dragon shalt Thou trample under foot.”4459


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxiv Pg 50
Isa. xxxv. 8, 9, Sept.

he points out the way of faith, by which we shall reach to God; and then to this way of faith he promises this utter crippling4462

4462 Evacuationem.

and subjugation of all noxious animals.  Lastly, you may discover the suitable times of the promise, if you read what precedes the passage: “Be strong, ye weak hands and ye feeble knees: then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall hear; then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall be articulate.”4463


Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 70.2

Anf-03 v.v.xxxiv Pg 13
Isa. xlii. 15.

and “they shall seek water, and they shall find none.”6500


Anf-01 viii.iv.xvi Pg 3
Lev. xxvi. 40, 41.

For the circumcision according to the flesh, which is from Abraham, was given for a sign; that you may be separated from other nations, and from us; and that you alone may suffer that which you now justly suffer; and that your land may be desolate, and your cities burned with fire; and that strangers may eat your fruit in your presence, and not one of you may go up to Jerusalem.’1984

1984 See Apol., i. 47. The Jews [By Hadrian’s recent edict] were prohibited by law from entering Jerusalem on pain of death. And so Justin sees in circumcision their own punishment.

For you are not recognised among the rest of men by any other mark than your fleshly circumcision. For none of you, I suppose, will venture to say that God neither did nor does foresee the events, which are future, nor foreordained his deserts for each one. Accordingly, these things have happened to you in fairness and justice, for you have slain the Just One, and His prophets before Him; and now you reject those who hope in Him, and in Him who sent Him—God the Almighty and Maker of all things —cursing in your synagogues those that believe on Christ. For you have not the power to lay hands upon us, on account of those who now have the mastery. But as often as you could, you did so. Wherefore God, by Isaiah, calls to you, saying, ‘Behold how the righteous man perished, and no one regards it. For the righteous man is taken away from before iniquity. His grave shall be in peace, he is taken away from the midst. Draw near hither, ye lawless children, seed of the adulterers, and children of the whore. Against whom have you sported yourselves, and against whom have you opened the mouth, and against whom have you loosened the tongue?’1985


Anf-01 ix.iv.xii Pg 31
Ps. lxxx. 1.

For the cherubim, too, were four-faced, and their faces were images of the dispensation of the Son of God. For, [as the Scripture] says, “The first living creature was like a lion,”3452


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 3
Isa. xxxv. 10.

Well, there is nothing eternal until after the resurrection. “And sorrow and sighing,” continues he, “shall flee away.”7729


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 4
Ver. 10.

The angel echoes the same to John: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;”7730


Anf-01 Pg 3
[Jer. vii. 4. One of the most powerful arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it rebukes an inveterate superstition of the human heart. Comp. Rev. ii. 5, and the message to Rome, Rom. xi. 21.]

This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a creation of God, it would never part company with the wheat; and that the vine twigs, if made by God, never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [vine twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] Jerusalem, which had in herself borne the yoke of bondage (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to God when death was reigning, and being subdued, became a fit subject for liberty), when the fruit of liberty had come, and reached maturity, and been reaped and stored in the barn, and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from Jerusalem], and scattered throughout all the world. Even as Esaias saith, “The children of Jacob shall strike root, and Israel shall flourish, and the whole world shall be filled with his fruit.”3835


Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Comp. Isa. v., Jer. xxv.; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

And it so happened as the Lord had spoken. Let us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of God shall be built in glory in the name of the Lord.”1678


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxx Pg 4
Gen. xlix. 10.

And it is plain that this was spoken not of Judah, but of Christ. For all we out of all nations do expect not Judah, but Jesus, who led your fathers out of Egypt. For the prophecy referred even to the advent of Christ: ‘Till He come for whom this is laid up, and He shall be the expectation of nations.’ Jesus came, therefore, as we have shown at length, and is expected again to appear above the clouds; whose name you profane, and labour hard to get it profaned over all the earth. It were possible for me, sirs,” I continued, “to contend against you about the reading which you so interpret, saying it is written, ‘Till the things laid up for Him come;’ though the Seventy have not so explained it, but thus, ‘Till He comes for whom this is laid up.’ But since what follows indicates that the reference is to Christ (for it is, ‘and He shall be the expectation of nations’), I do not proceed to have a mere verbal controversy with you, as I have not attempted to establish proof about Christ from the passages of Scripture which are not admitted by you2409

2409 [Note this important point. He forbears to cite the New Testament.]

which I quoted from the words of Jeremiah the prophet, and Esdras, and David; but from those which are even now admitted by you, which had your teachers comprehended, be well assured they would have deleted them, as they did those about the death of Isaiah, whom you sawed asunder with a wooden saw. And this was a mysterious type of Christ being about to cut your nation in two, and to raise those worthy of the honour to the everlasting kingdom along with the holy patriarchs and prophets; but He has said that He will send others to the condemnation of the unquenchable fire along with similar disobedient and impenitent men from all the nations. ‘For they shall come,’ He said, ‘from the west and from the east, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness.’2410


Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

It is yours to make accurate inquiry, and ascertain up to whose time the Jews had a lawgiver and king of their own. Up to the time of Jesus Christ, who taught us, and interpreted the prophecies which were not yet understood, [they had a lawgiver] as was foretold by the holy and divine Spirit of prophecy through Moses, “that a ruler would not fail the Jews until He should come for whom the kingdom was reserved” (for Judah was the forefather of the Jews, from whom also they have their name of Jews); and after He (i.e., Christ) appeared, you began to rule the Jews, and gained possession of all their territory. And the prophecy, “He shall be the expectation of the nations,” signified that there would be some of all nations who should look for Him to come again. And this indeed you can see for yourselves, and be convinced of by fact. For of all races of men there are some who look for Him who was crucified in Judæa, and after whose crucifixion the land was straightway surrendered to you as spoil of war. And the prophecy, “binding His foal to the vine, and washing His robe in the blood of the grape,” was a significant symbol of the things that were to happen to Christ, and of what He was to do. For the foal of an ass stood bound to a vine at the entrance of a village, and He ordered His acquaintances to bring it to Him then; and when it was brought, He mounted and sat upon it, and entered Jerusalem, where was the vast temple of the Jews which was afterwards destroyed by you. And after this He was crucified, that the rest of the prophecy might be fulfilled. For this “washing His robe in the blood of the grape” was predictive of the passion He was to endure, cleansing by His blood those who believe on Him. For what is called by the Divine Spirit through the prophet “His robe,” are those men who believe in Him in whom abideth the seed1828

1828 Grabe would here read, not σπέρμα, but πνεῦμα, the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Trollope all think that no change should be made.

of God, the Word. And what is spoken of as “the blood of the grape,” signifies that He who should appear would have blood, though not of the seed of man, but of the power of God. And the first power after God the Father and Lord of all is the Word, who is also the Son; and of Him we will, in what follows, relate how He took flesh and became man. For as man did not make the blood of the vine, but God, so it was hereby intimated that the blood should not be of human seed, but of divine power, as we have said above. And Isaiah, another prophet, foretelling the same things in other words, spoke thus: “A star shall rise out of Jacob, and a flower shall spring from the root of Jesse; and His arm shall the nations trust.1829


Anf-01 Pg 12
Gen. xlix. 10.

have been fulfilled in the Gospel, [our Lord saying,] “Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”964


Anf-01 viii.ii.liv Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

The devils, accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of Jupiter, and gave out that he was the discoverer of the vine, and they number wine1883

1883 In the ms. the reading is οἶνον (wine); but as Justin’s argument seems to require ὄνον (an ass), Sylburg inserted this latter word in his edition; and this reading is approved by Grabe and Thirlby, and adopted by Otto and Trollope. It may be added, that ἀναγράφουσι is much more suitable to ὄνον than to οἶνον.

[or, the ass] among his mysteries; and they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into heaven. And because in the prophecy of Moses it had not been expressly intimated whether He who was to come was the Son of God, and whether He would, riding on the foal, remain on earth or ascend into heaven, and because the name of “foal” could mean either the foal of an ass or the foal of a horse, they, not knowing whether He who was foretold would bring the foal of an ass or of a horse as the sign of His coming, nor whether He was the Son of God, as we said above, or of man, gave out that Bellerophon, a man born of man, himself ascended to heaven on his horse Pegasus. And when they heard it said by the other prophet Isaiah, that He should be born of a virgin, and by His own means ascend into heaven, they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the prophecies written aforetime, “Strong as a giant to run his course,”1884


Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2
[Bible:Gen.49.11 Bible:Gen.49.18 Bible:Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]

that there would be two advents of Christ, and that in the first He would suffer, and that after He came there would be neither prophet nor king in your nation (I proceeded), and that the nations who believed in the suffering Christ would look for His future appearance. And for this reason the Holy Spirit had uttered these truths in a parable, and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘Judah, thy brethren have praised thee: thy hands [shall be] on the neck of thine enemies; the sons of thy father shall worship thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a lion, and like [a lion’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A ruler shall not depart from Judah, or a leader from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of nations, binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the vine. He shall wash his garments in wine, and his vesture in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be bright with2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.”

wine, and his teeth white like milk.’2114


Anf-01 Pg 11
Gen. xlix. 10–12, LXX.

For, let those who have the reputation of investigating everything, inquire at what time a prince and leader failed out of Judah, and who is the hope of the nations, who also is the vine, what was the ass’s colt [referred to as] His, what the clothing, and what the eyes, what the teeth, and what the wine, and thus let them investigate every one of the points mentioned; and they shall find that there was none other announced than our Lord, Christ Jesus. Wherefore Moses, when chiding the ingratitude of the people, said, “Ye infatuated people, and unwise, do ye thus requite the Lord?”3925


Anf-01 Pg 3
[Jer. vii. 4. One of the most powerful arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it rebukes an inveterate superstition of the human heart. Comp. Rev. ii. 5, and the message to Rome, Rom. xi. 21.]

This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a creation of God, it would never part company with the wheat; and that the vine twigs, if made by God, never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [vine twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] Jerusalem, which had in herself borne the yoke of bondage (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to God when death was reigning, and being subdued, became a fit subject for liberty), when the fruit of liberty had come, and reached maturity, and been reaped and stored in the barn, and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from Jerusalem], and scattered throughout all the world. Even as Esaias saith, “The children of Jacob shall strike root, and Israel shall flourish, and the whole world shall be filled with his fruit.”3835


Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Comp. Isa. v., Jer. xxv.; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

And it so happened as the Lord had spoken. Let us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of God shall be built in glory in the name of the Lord.”1678


Anf-01 Pg 5
Isa. xliii. 5.

Inasmuch as then, “wheresoever the carcase is, there shall also the eagles be gathered together,”3964


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxi Pg 8
Isa. ii. 2, 3.

The gospel will be this “way,” of the new law and the new word in Christ, no longer in Moses.  “And He shall judge among the nations,” even concerning their error. “And these shall rebuke a large nation,” that of the Jews themselves and their proselytes.  “And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears3396

3396 Sibynas, Σιβύνη· ὅπλον δόρατι παραπλήσιον. Hesychius, “Sibynam appellant Illyrii telum venabuli simile.” Paulus, ex Festo, p. 336, Müll. (Oehler.)

into pruning-hooks;” in other words, they shall change into pursuits of moderation and peace the dispositions of injurious minds, and hostile tongues, and all kinds of evil, and blasphemy.  “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,” shall not stir up discord. “Neither shall they learn war any more,”3397


Anf-03 Pg 12
Isa. ii. 2 (Sept).

“and in the last days I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh5332


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 14
Isa. ii. 2, 3.

—not of Esau, the former son, but of Jacob, the second; that is, of our “people,” whose “mount” is Christ, “præcised without concisors’ hands,1174


Anf-02 vi.iv.i.iv Pg 4.1

Anf-01 viii.iv.cix Pg 4
Mic. iv. 1 ff.

Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxi Pg 8
Isa. ii. 2, 3.

The gospel will be this “way,” of the new law and the new word in Christ, no longer in Moses.  “And He shall judge among the nations,” even concerning their error. “And these shall rebuke a large nation,” that of the Jews themselves and their proselytes.  “And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears3396

3396 Sibynas, Σιβύνη· ὅπλον δόρατι παραπλήσιον. Hesychius, “Sibynam appellant Illyrii telum venabuli simile.” Paulus, ex Festo, p. 336, Müll. (Oehler.)

into pruning-hooks;” in other words, they shall change into pursuits of moderation and peace the dispositions of injurious minds, and hostile tongues, and all kinds of evil, and blasphemy.  “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,” shall not stir up discord. “Neither shall they learn war any more,”3397


Anf-03 Pg 12
Isa. ii. 2 (Sept).

“and in the last days I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh5332


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 14
Isa. ii. 2, 3.

—not of Esau, the former son, but of Jacob, the second; that is, of our “people,” whose “mount” is Christ, “præcised without concisors’ hands,1174


Anf-02 vi.iv.i.iv Pg 4.1

Anf-01 viii.iv.cix Pg 4
Mic. iv. 1 ff.

Anf-01 Pg 3
[Jer. vii. 4. One of the most powerful arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it rebukes an inveterate superstition of the human heart. Comp. Rev. ii. 5, and the message to Rome, Rom. xi. 21.]

This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a creation of God, it would never part company with the wheat; and that the vine twigs, if made by God, never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [vine twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] Jerusalem, which had in herself borne the yoke of bondage (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to God when death was reigning, and being subdued, became a fit subject for liberty), when the fruit of liberty had come, and reached maturity, and been reaped and stored in the barn, and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from Jerusalem], and scattered throughout all the world. Even as Esaias saith, “The children of Jacob shall strike root, and Israel shall flourish, and the whole world shall be filled with his fruit.”3835


Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Comp. Isa. v., Jer. xxv.; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

And it so happened as the Lord had spoken. Let us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of God shall be built in glory in the name of the Lord.”1678


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxx Pg 4
Gen. xlix. 10.

And it is plain that this was spoken not of Judah, but of Christ. For all we out of all nations do expect not Judah, but Jesus, who led your fathers out of Egypt. For the prophecy referred even to the advent of Christ: ‘Till He come for whom this is laid up, and He shall be the expectation of nations.’ Jesus came, therefore, as we have shown at length, and is expected again to appear above the clouds; whose name you profane, and labour hard to get it profaned over all the earth. It were possible for me, sirs,” I continued, “to contend against you about the reading which you so interpret, saying it is written, ‘Till the things laid up for Him come;’ though the Seventy have not so explained it, but thus, ‘Till He comes for whom this is laid up.’ But since what follows indicates that the reference is to Christ (for it is, ‘and He shall be the expectation of nations’), I do not proceed to have a mere verbal controversy with you, as I have not attempted to establish proof about Christ from the passages of Scripture which are not admitted by you2409

2409 [Note this important point. He forbears to cite the New Testament.]

which I quoted from the words of Jeremiah the prophet, and Esdras, and David; but from those which are even now admitted by you, which had your teachers comprehended, be well assured they would have deleted them, as they did those about the death of Isaiah, whom you sawed asunder with a wooden saw. And this was a mysterious type of Christ being about to cut your nation in two, and to raise those worthy of the honour to the everlasting kingdom along with the holy patriarchs and prophets; but He has said that He will send others to the condemnation of the unquenchable fire along with similar disobedient and impenitent men from all the nations. ‘For they shall come,’ He said, ‘from the west and from the east, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness.’2410


Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

It is yours to make accurate inquiry, and ascertain up to whose time the Jews had a lawgiver and king of their own. Up to the time of Jesus Christ, who taught us, and interpreted the prophecies which were not yet understood, [they had a lawgiver] as was foretold by the holy and divine Spirit of prophecy through Moses, “that a ruler would not fail the Jews until He should come for whom the kingdom was reserved” (for Judah was the forefather of the Jews, from whom also they have their name of Jews); and after He (i.e., Christ) appeared, you began to rule the Jews, and gained possession of all their territory. And the prophecy, “He shall be the expectation of the nations,” signified that there would be some of all nations who should look for Him to come again. And this indeed you can see for yourselves, and be convinced of by fact. For of all races of men there are some who look for Him who was crucified in Judæa, and after whose crucifixion the land was straightway surrendered to you as spoil of war. And the prophecy, “binding His foal to the vine, and washing His robe in the blood of the grape,” was a significant symbol of the things that were to happen to Christ, and of what He was to do. For the foal of an ass stood bound to a vine at the entrance of a village, and He ordered His acquaintances to bring it to Him then; and when it was brought, He mounted and sat upon it, and entered Jerusalem, where was the vast temple of the Jews which was afterwards destroyed by you. And after this He was crucified, that the rest of the prophecy might be fulfilled. For this “washing His robe in the blood of the grape” was predictive of the passion He was to endure, cleansing by His blood those who believe on Him. For what is called by the Divine Spirit through the prophet “His robe,” are those men who believe in Him in whom abideth the seed1828

1828 Grabe would here read, not σπέρμα, but πνεῦμα, the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Trollope all think that no change should be made.

of God, the Word. And what is spoken of as “the blood of the grape,” signifies that He who should appear would have blood, though not of the seed of man, but of the power of God. And the first power after God the Father and Lord of all is the Word, who is also the Son; and of Him we will, in what follows, relate how He took flesh and became man. For as man did not make the blood of the vine, but God, so it was hereby intimated that the blood should not be of human seed, but of divine power, as we have said above. And Isaiah, another prophet, foretelling the same things in other words, spoke thus: “A star shall rise out of Jacob, and a flower shall spring from the root of Jesse; and His arm shall the nations trust.1829


Anf-01 Pg 12
Gen. xlix. 10.

have been fulfilled in the Gospel, [our Lord saying,] “Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”964


Anf-01 viii.ii.liv Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

The devils, accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of Jupiter, and gave out that he was the discoverer of the vine, and they number wine1883

1883 In the ms. the reading is οἶνον (wine); but as Justin’s argument seems to require ὄνον (an ass), Sylburg inserted this latter word in his edition; and this reading is approved by Grabe and Thirlby, and adopted by Otto and Trollope. It may be added, that ἀναγράφουσι is much more suitable to ὄνον than to οἶνον.

[or, the ass] among his mysteries; and they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into heaven. And because in the prophecy of Moses it had not been expressly intimated whether He who was to come was the Son of God, and whether He would, riding on the foal, remain on earth or ascend into heaven, and because the name of “foal” could mean either the foal of an ass or the foal of a horse, they, not knowing whether He who was foretold would bring the foal of an ass or of a horse as the sign of His coming, nor whether He was the Son of God, as we said above, or of man, gave out that Bellerophon, a man born of man, himself ascended to heaven on his horse Pegasus. And when they heard it said by the other prophet Isaiah, that He should be born of a virgin, and by His own means ascend into heaven, they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the prophecies written aforetime, “Strong as a giant to run his course,”1884


Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2
[Bible:Gen.49.11 Bible:Gen.49.18 Bible:Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]

that there would be two advents of Christ, and that in the first He would suffer, and that after He came there would be neither prophet nor king in your nation (I proceeded), and that the nations who believed in the suffering Christ would look for His future appearance. And for this reason the Holy Spirit had uttered these truths in a parable, and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘Judah, thy brethren have praised thee: thy hands [shall be] on the neck of thine enemies; the sons of thy father shall worship thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a lion, and like [a lion’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A ruler shall not depart from Judah, or a leader from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of nations, binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the vine. He shall wash his garments in wine, and his vesture in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be bright with2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.”

wine, and his teeth white like milk.’2114


Anf-01 Pg 11
Gen. xlix. 10–12, LXX.

For, let those who have the reputation of investigating everything, inquire at what time a prince and leader failed out of Judah, and who is the hope of the nations, who also is the vine, what was the ass’s colt [referred to as] His, what the clothing, and what the eyes, what the teeth, and what the wine, and thus let them investigate every one of the points mentioned; and they shall find that there was none other announced than our Lord, Christ Jesus. Wherefore Moses, when chiding the ingratitude of the people, said, “Ye infatuated people, and unwise, do ye thus requite the Lord?”3925


Anf-01 v.iii.x Pg 7
Isa. lxii. 2; 12.

This was first fulfilled in Syria; for “the disciples were called Christians at Antioch,”700


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxix Pg 6
Isa. lxii. 12.

Therefore we are not a people to be despised, nor a barbarous race, nor such as the Carian and Phrygian nations; but God has even chosen us and He has become manifest to those who asked not after Him. ‘Behold, I am God,’ He says, ‘to the nation which called not on My name.’2405


Anf-01 Pg 3
[Jer. vii. 4. One of the most powerful arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it rebukes an inveterate superstition of the human heart. Comp. Rev. ii. 5, and the message to Rome, Rom. xi. 21.]

This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a creation of God, it would never part company with the wheat; and that the vine twigs, if made by God, never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [vine twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] Jerusalem, which had in herself borne the yoke of bondage (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to God when death was reigning, and being subdued, became a fit subject for liberty), when the fruit of liberty had come, and reached maturity, and been reaped and stored in the barn, and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from Jerusalem], and scattered throughout all the world. Even as Esaias saith, “The children of Jacob shall strike root, and Israel shall flourish, and the whole world shall be filled with his fruit.”3835


Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Comp. Isa. v., Jer. xxv.; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

And it so happened as the Lord had spoken. Let us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of God shall be built in glory in the name of the Lord.”1678


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 3
Isa. xxxv. 10.

Well, there is nothing eternal until after the resurrection. “And sorrow and sighing,” continues he, “shall flee away.”7729


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 4
Ver. 10.

The angel echoes the same to John: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;”7730


Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 39.2

Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 39.2

Anf-01 Pg 3
[Jer. vii. 4. One of the most powerful arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it rebukes an inveterate superstition of the human heart. Comp. Rev. ii. 5, and the message to Rome, Rom. xi. 21.]

This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a creation of God, it would never part company with the wheat; and that the vine twigs, if made by God, never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [vine twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] Jerusalem, which had in herself borne the yoke of bondage (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to God when death was reigning, and being subdued, became a fit subject for liberty), when the fruit of liberty had come, and reached maturity, and been reaped and stored in the barn, and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from Jerusalem], and scattered throughout all the world. Even as Esaias saith, “The children of Jacob shall strike root, and Israel shall flourish, and the whole world shall be filled with his fruit.”3835


Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Comp. Isa. v., Jer. xxv.; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

And it so happened as the Lord had spoken. Let us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of God shall be built in glory in the name of the Lord.”1678


Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 43.1

Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 139

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xiii Pg 8
Isa. lii. 6.

For it was He who used to speak in the prophets—the Word, the Creator’s Son. “I am present, while it is the hour, upon the mountains, as one that bringeth glad tidings of peace, as one that publisheth good tidings of good.”3910


Anf-03 Pg 54
Isa. xxv. 8 and (especially) Hos. xiii. 14.

—to Him will belong the gift, that is, the kingdom, who proclaimed the word which is to be accomplished in the kingdom.  And to none other God does he tell us that “thanks” are due, for having enabled us to achieve “the victory” even over death, than to Him from whom he received the very expression5678


Anf-01 v.iii.x Pg 7
Isa. lxii. 2; 12.

This was first fulfilled in Syria; for “the disciples were called Christians at Antioch,”700


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxix Pg 6
Isa. lxii. 12.

Therefore we are not a people to be despised, nor a barbarous race, nor such as the Carian and Phrygian nations; but God has even chosen us and He has become manifest to those who asked not after Him. ‘Behold, I am God,’ He says, ‘to the nation which called not on My name.’2405


Anf-01 Pg 3
[Jer. vii. 4. One of the most powerful arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it rebukes an inveterate superstition of the human heart. Comp. Rev. ii. 5, and the message to Rome, Rom. xi. 21.]

This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a creation of God, it would never part company with the wheat; and that the vine twigs, if made by God, never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [vine twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] Jerusalem, which had in herself borne the yoke of bondage (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to God when death was reigning, and being subdued, became a fit subject for liberty), when the fruit of liberty had come, and reached maturity, and been reaped and stored in the barn, and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from Jerusalem], and scattered throughout all the world. Even as Esaias saith, “The children of Jacob shall strike root, and Israel shall flourish, and the whole world shall be filled with his fruit.”3835


Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Comp. Isa. v., Jer. xxv.; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

And it so happened as the Lord had spoken. Let us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of God shall be built in glory in the name of the Lord.”1678


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 3
Isa. xxxv. 10.

Well, there is nothing eternal until after the resurrection. “And sorrow and sighing,” continues he, “shall flee away.”7729


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 4
Ver. 10.

The angel echoes the same to John: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;”7730


Anf-01 Pg 3
[Jer. vii. 4. One of the most powerful arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it rebukes an inveterate superstition of the human heart. Comp. Rev. ii. 5, and the message to Rome, Rom. xi. 21.]

This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a creation of God, it would never part company with the wheat; and that the vine twigs, if made by God, never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [vine twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] Jerusalem, which had in herself borne the yoke of bondage (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to God when death was reigning, and being subdued, became a fit subject for liberty), when the fruit of liberty had come, and reached maturity, and been reaped and stored in the barn, and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from Jerusalem], and scattered throughout all the world. Even as Esaias saith, “The children of Jacob shall strike root, and Israel shall flourish, and the whole world shall be filled with his fruit.”3835


Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Comp. Isa. v., Jer. xxv.; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

And it so happened as the Lord had spoken. Let us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of God shall be built in glory in the name of the Lord.”1678


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 8
Isa. xxx. 25, 26.

Now “the pain of the stroke” means that inflicted at the beginning upon disobedient man in Adam, that is, death; which [stroke] the Lord will heal when He raises us from the dead, and restores the inheritance of the fathers, as Isaiah again says: “And thou shall be confident in the Lord, and He will cause thee to pass over the whole earth, and feed thee with the inheritance of Jacob thy father.”4753


Anf-01 Pg 10
Isa. ii. 3, 4; Mic. iv. 2, 3.

If therefore another law and word, going forth from Jerusalem, brought in such a [reign of] peace among the Gentiles which received it (the word), and convinced, through them, many a nation of its folly, then [only] it appears that the prophets spake of some other person. But if the law of liberty, that is, the word of God, preached by the apostles (who went forth from Jerusalem) throughout all the earth, caused such a change in the state of things, that these [nations] did form the swords and war-lances into ploughshares, and changed them into pruning-hooks for reaping the corn, [that is], into instruments used for peaceful purposes, and that they are now unaccustomed to fighting, but when smitten, offer also the other cheek,4347


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 17
Isa. ii. 3, 4.

Who else, therefore, are understood but we, who, fully taught by the new law, observe these practices,—the old law being obliterated, the coming of whose abolition the action itself1177

1177 i.e., of beating swords into ploughs, etc.

demonstrates? For the wont of the old law was to avenge itself by the vengeance of the glaive, and to pluck out “eye for eye,” and to inflict retaliatory revenge for injury.1178


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxi Pg 10
Isa. ii. 4.

that is, the provocation of hostilities; so that you here learn that Christ is promised not as powerful in war, but pursuing peace. Now you must deny either that these things were predicted, although they are plainly seen, or that they have been accomplished, although you read of them; else, if you cannot deny either one fact or the other, they must have been accomplished in Him of whom they were predicted. For look at the entire course of His call up to the present time from its beginning, how it is addressed to the nations (Gentiles) who are in these last days approaching to God the Creator, and not to proselytes, whose election3398

3398 Allectio.

was rather an event of the earliest days.  Verily the apostles have annulled3399

3399 Junius explains the author’s induxerunt by deleverunt; i.e., “they annulled your opinion about proselytes being the sole called, by their promulgation of the gospel.”

that belief of yours.

Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 18
Isa. ii. 4.

meaning not those of the Jewish people only, but of the nations which are judged by the new law of the gospel and the new word of the apostles, and are amongst themselves rebuked of their old error as soon as they have believed. And as the result of this, “they beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears (which are a kind of hunting instruments) into pruning-hooks;”3493


Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 19
Isa. ii. 4.

that is to say, minds, which once were fierce and cruel, are changed by them into good dispositions productive of good fruit. And again:  “Hearken unto me, hearken unto me, my people, and ye kings, give ear unto me; for a law shall proceed from me, and my judgment for a light to the nations;”3494


Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 20
Isa. ii. 4, according to the Sept.

wherefore He had determined and decreed that the nations also were to be enlightened by the law and the word of the gospel. This will be that law which (according to David also) is unblameable, because “perfect, converting the soul3495


Npnf-201 iv.viii.xvii Pg 11

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxiv Pg 45
Isa. xi. 8, 9.

And, indeed, we are aware (without doing violence to the literal sense of the passage, since even these noxious animals have actually been unable to do hurt where there has been faith) that under the figure of scorpions and serpents are portended evil spirits, whose very prince is described4457

4457 Deputetur.

by the name of serpent, dragon, and every other most conspicuous beast in the power of the Creator.4458

4458 Penes Creatorem.

This power the Creator conferred first of all upon His Christ, even as the ninetieth Psalm says to Him: “Upon the asp and the basilisk shalt Thou tread; the lion and the dragon shalt Thou trample under foot.”4459


Anf-01 viii.iv.xxxiv Pg 0

Anf-01 viii.iv.xxxiv Pg 2
Ps. lxxii.

And at the close of this Psalm which I have quoted, it is written, ‘The hymns of David the son of Jesse are ended.’2034

2034 [A striking passage in De Maistre (Œuvres, vol. vi. p. 275) is worthy of comparison.]

Moreover, that Solomon was a renowned and great king, by whom the temple called that at Jerusalem was built, I know; but that none of those things mentioned in the Psalm happened to him, is evident. For neither did all kings worship him; nor did he reign to the ends of the earth; nor did his enemies, falling before him, lick the dust. Nay, also, I venture to repeat what is written in the book of Kings as committed by him, how through a woman’s influence he worshipped the idols of Sidon, which those of the Gentiles who know God, the Maker of all things through Jesus the crucified, do not venture to do, but abide every torture and vengeance even to the extremity of death, rather than worship idols, or eat meat offered to idols.”

Npnf-201 iv.viii.xvii Pg 11

Anf-01 viii.iv.xxxiv Pg 0

Anf-01 viii.iv.xxxiv Pg 2
Ps. lxxii.

And at the close of this Psalm which I have quoted, it is written, ‘The hymns of David the son of Jesse are ended.’2034

2034 [A striking passage in De Maistre (Œuvres, vol. vi. p. 275) is worthy of comparison.]

Moreover, that Solomon was a renowned and great king, by whom the temple called that at Jerusalem was built, I know; but that none of those things mentioned in the Psalm happened to him, is evident. For neither did all kings worship him; nor did he reign to the ends of the earth; nor did his enemies, falling before him, lick the dust. Nay, also, I venture to repeat what is written in the book of Kings as committed by him, how through a woman’s influence he worshipped the idols of Sidon, which those of the Gentiles who know God, the Maker of all things through Jesus the crucified, do not venture to do, but abide every torture and vengeance even to the extremity of death, rather than worship idols, or eat meat offered to idols.”

Npnf-201 iv.viii.xvii Pg 11

Anf-01 Pg 10
Isa. ii. 3, 4; Mic. iv. 2, 3.

If therefore another law and word, going forth from Jerusalem, brought in such a [reign of] peace among the Gentiles which received it (the word), and convinced, through them, many a nation of its folly, then [only] it appears that the prophets spake of some other person. But if the law of liberty, that is, the word of God, preached by the apostles (who went forth from Jerusalem) throughout all the earth, caused such a change in the state of things, that these [nations] did form the swords and war-lances into ploughshares, and changed them into pruning-hooks for reaping the corn, [that is], into instruments used for peaceful purposes, and that they are now unaccustomed to fighting, but when smitten, offer also the other cheek,4347


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 6
Jer. xxiii. 6, 7.

Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 31.

in Mount Horeb. But one and the same householder produced both covenants, the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who spake with both Abraham and Moses, and who has restored us anew to liberty, and has multiplied that grace which is from Himself.

Anf-01 viii.iv.xi Pg 4
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

). If, therefore, God proclaimed a new covenant which was to be instituted, and this for a light of the nations, we see and are persuaded that men approach God, leaving their idols and other unrighteousness, through the name of Him who was crucified, Jesus Christ, and abide by their confession even unto death, and maintain piety. Moreover, by the works and by the attendant miracles, it is possible for all to understand that He is the new law, and the new covenant, and the expectation of those who out of every people wait for the good things of God. For the true spiritual Israel, and descendants of Judah, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham (who in uncircumcision was approved of and blessed by God on account of his faith, and called the father of many nations), are we who have been led to God through this crucified Christ, as shall be demonstrated while we proceed.

Anf-01 Pg 97
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

with men, not such as that which He made with the fathers at Mount Horeb, and would give to men a new heart and a new spirit;4335


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 13
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32 (in LXX. ibid. xxxviii. 31, 32); comp. Heb. viii. 8–13.

Whence we understand that the coming cessation of the former circumcision then given, and the coming procession of a new law (not such as He had already given to the fathers), are announced: just as Isaiah foretold, saying that in the last days the mount of the Lord and the house of God were to be manifest above the tops of the mounts: “And it shall be exalted,” he says, “above the hills; and there shall come over it all nations; and many shall walk, and say, Come, ascend we unto the mount of the Lord, and unto the house of the God of Jacob,”1173


Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 28
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32, with slight change.

He thus shows that the ancient covenant is temporary only, when He indicates its change; also when He promises that it shall be followed by an eternal one. For by Isaiah He says: “Hear me, and ye shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you,” adding “the sure mercies of David,”3503


Anf-02 vi.ii.xi Pg 15.2

Anf-03 Pg 13
Wisdom ii. 12. This apocryphal book is thus quoted as Scripture, and intertwined with it.

And Moses also says to them,1505

1505 Cod. Sin. reads, “What says the other prophet Moses unto them?”

“Behold these things, saith the Lord God: Enter into the good land which the Lord swore [to give] to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and inherit ye it, a land flowing with milk and honey.”1506


Anf-03 iv.ix.i Pg 11
See Gen. xxii. 18; and comp. Gal. iii. 16, and the reference in both places.

and that1130


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxx Pg 4
Gen. xlix. 10.

And it is plain that this was spoken not of Judah, but of Christ. For all we out of all nations do expect not Judah, but Jesus, who led your fathers out of Egypt. For the prophecy referred even to the advent of Christ: ‘Till He come for whom this is laid up, and He shall be the expectation of nations.’ Jesus came, therefore, as we have shown at length, and is expected again to appear above the clouds; whose name you profane, and labour hard to get it profaned over all the earth. It were possible for me, sirs,” I continued, “to contend against you about the reading which you so interpret, saying it is written, ‘Till the things laid up for Him come;’ though the Seventy have not so explained it, but thus, ‘Till He comes for whom this is laid up.’ But since what follows indicates that the reference is to Christ (for it is, ‘and He shall be the expectation of nations’), I do not proceed to have a mere verbal controversy with you, as I have not attempted to establish proof about Christ from the passages of Scripture which are not admitted by you2409

2409 [Note this important point. He forbears to cite the New Testament.]

which I quoted from the words of Jeremiah the prophet, and Esdras, and David; but from those which are even now admitted by you, which had your teachers comprehended, be well assured they would have deleted them, as they did those about the death of Isaiah, whom you sawed asunder with a wooden saw. And this was a mysterious type of Christ being about to cut your nation in two, and to raise those worthy of the honour to the everlasting kingdom along with the holy patriarchs and prophets; but He has said that He will send others to the condemnation of the unquenchable fire along with similar disobedient and impenitent men from all the nations. ‘For they shall come,’ He said, ‘from the west and from the east, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness.’2410


Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

It is yours to make accurate inquiry, and ascertain up to whose time the Jews had a lawgiver and king of their own. Up to the time of Jesus Christ, who taught us, and interpreted the prophecies which were not yet understood, [they had a lawgiver] as was foretold by the holy and divine Spirit of prophecy through Moses, “that a ruler would not fail the Jews until He should come for whom the kingdom was reserved” (for Judah was the forefather of the Jews, from whom also they have their name of Jews); and after He (i.e., Christ) appeared, you began to rule the Jews, and gained possession of all their territory. And the prophecy, “He shall be the expectation of the nations,” signified that there would be some of all nations who should look for Him to come again. And this indeed you can see for yourselves, and be convinced of by fact. For of all races of men there are some who look for Him who was crucified in Judæa, and after whose crucifixion the land was straightway surrendered to you as spoil of war. And the prophecy, “binding His foal to the vine, and washing His robe in the blood of the grape,” was a significant symbol of the things that were to happen to Christ, and of what He was to do. For the foal of an ass stood bound to a vine at the entrance of a village, and He ordered His acquaintances to bring it to Him then; and when it was brought, He mounted and sat upon it, and entered Jerusalem, where was the vast temple of the Jews which was afterwards destroyed by you. And after this He was crucified, that the rest of the prophecy might be fulfilled. For this “washing His robe in the blood of the grape” was predictive of the passion He was to endure, cleansing by His blood those who believe on Him. For what is called by the Divine Spirit through the prophet “His robe,” are those men who believe in Him in whom abideth the seed1828

1828 Grabe would here read, not σπέρμα, but πνεῦμα, the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Trollope all think that no change should be made.

of God, the Word. And what is spoken of as “the blood of the grape,” signifies that He who should appear would have blood, though not of the seed of man, but of the power of God. And the first power after God the Father and Lord of all is the Word, who is also the Son; and of Him we will, in what follows, relate how He took flesh and became man. For as man did not make the blood of the vine, but God, so it was hereby intimated that the blood should not be of human seed, but of divine power, as we have said above. And Isaiah, another prophet, foretelling the same things in other words, spoke thus: “A star shall rise out of Jacob, and a flower shall spring from the root of Jesse; and His arm shall the nations trust.1829


Anf-01 Pg 12
Gen. xlix. 10.

have been fulfilled in the Gospel, [our Lord saying,] “Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”964


Anf-01 viii.ii.liv Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

The devils, accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of Jupiter, and gave out that he was the discoverer of the vine, and they number wine1883

1883 In the ms. the reading is οἶνον (wine); but as Justin’s argument seems to require ὄνον (an ass), Sylburg inserted this latter word in his edition; and this reading is approved by Grabe and Thirlby, and adopted by Otto and Trollope. It may be added, that ἀναγράφουσι is much more suitable to ὄνον than to οἶνον.

[or, the ass] among his mysteries; and they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into heaven. And because in the prophecy of Moses it had not been expressly intimated whether He who was to come was the Son of God, and whether He would, riding on the foal, remain on earth or ascend into heaven, and because the name of “foal” could mean either the foal of an ass or the foal of a horse, they, not knowing whether He who was foretold would bring the foal of an ass or of a horse as the sign of His coming, nor whether He was the Son of God, as we said above, or of man, gave out that Bellerophon, a man born of man, himself ascended to heaven on his horse Pegasus. And when they heard it said by the other prophet Isaiah, that He should be born of a virgin, and by His own means ascend into heaven, they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the prophecies written aforetime, “Strong as a giant to run his course,”1884


Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2
[Bible:Gen.49.11 Bible:Gen.49.18 Bible:Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]

that there would be two advents of Christ, and that in the first He would suffer, and that after He came there would be neither prophet nor king in your nation (I proceeded), and that the nations who believed in the suffering Christ would look for His future appearance. And for this reason the Holy Spirit had uttered these truths in a parable, and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘Judah, thy brethren have praised thee: thy hands [shall be] on the neck of thine enemies; the sons of thy father shall worship thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a lion, and like [a lion’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A ruler shall not depart from Judah, or a leader from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of nations, binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the vine. He shall wash his garments in wine, and his vesture in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be bright with2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.”

wine, and his teeth white like milk.’2114


Anf-01 Pg 11
Gen. xlix. 10–12, LXX.

For, let those who have the reputation of investigating everything, inquire at what time a prince and leader failed out of Judah, and who is the hope of the nations, who also is the vine, what was the ass’s colt [referred to as] His, what the clothing, and what the eyes, what the teeth, and what the wine, and thus let them investigate every one of the points mentioned; and they shall find that there was none other announced than our Lord, Christ Jesus. Wherefore Moses, when chiding the ingratitude of the people, said, “Ye infatuated people, and unwise, do ye thus requite the Lord?”3925


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 6
Jer. xxiii. 6, 7.

Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 31.

in Mount Horeb. But one and the same householder produced both covenants, the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who spake with both Abraham and Moses, and who has restored us anew to liberty, and has multiplied that grace which is from Himself.

Anf-01 viii.iv.xi Pg 4
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

). If, therefore, God proclaimed a new covenant which was to be instituted, and this for a light of the nations, we see and are persuaded that men approach God, leaving their idols and other unrighteousness, through the name of Him who was crucified, Jesus Christ, and abide by their confession even unto death, and maintain piety. Moreover, by the works and by the attendant miracles, it is possible for all to understand that He is the new law, and the new covenant, and the expectation of those who out of every people wait for the good things of God. For the true spiritual Israel, and descendants of Judah, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham (who in uncircumcision was approved of and blessed by God on account of his faith, and called the father of many nations), are we who have been led to God through this crucified Christ, as shall be demonstrated while we proceed.

Anf-01 Pg 97
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

with men, not such as that which He made with the fathers at Mount Horeb, and would give to men a new heart and a new spirit;4335


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 13
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32 (in LXX. ibid. xxxviii. 31, 32); comp. Heb. viii. 8–13.

Whence we understand that the coming cessation of the former circumcision then given, and the coming procession of a new law (not such as He had already given to the fathers), are announced: just as Isaiah foretold, saying that in the last days the mount of the Lord and the house of God were to be manifest above the tops of the mounts: “And it shall be exalted,” he says, “above the hills; and there shall come over it all nations; and many shall walk, and say, Come, ascend we unto the mount of the Lord, and unto the house of the God of Jacob,”1173


Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 28
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32, with slight change.

He thus shows that the ancient covenant is temporary only, when He indicates its change; also when He promises that it shall be followed by an eternal one. For by Isaiah He says: “Hear me, and ye shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you,” adding “the sure mercies of David,”3503


Anf-02 vi.ii.xi Pg 15.2

Anf-03 Pg 13
Wisdom ii. 12. This apocryphal book is thus quoted as Scripture, and intertwined with it.

And Moses also says to them,1505

1505 Cod. Sin. reads, “What says the other prophet Moses unto them?”

“Behold these things, saith the Lord God: Enter into the good land which the Lord swore [to give] to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and inherit ye it, a land flowing with milk and honey.”1506


Anf-03 iv.ix.i Pg 11
See Gen. xxii. 18; and comp. Gal. iii. 16, and the reference in both places.

and that1130


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxx Pg 4
Gen. xlix. 10.

And it is plain that this was spoken not of Judah, but of Christ. For all we out of all nations do expect not Judah, but Jesus, who led your fathers out of Egypt. For the prophecy referred even to the advent of Christ: ‘Till He come for whom this is laid up, and He shall be the expectation of nations.’ Jesus came, therefore, as we have shown at length, and is expected again to appear above the clouds; whose name you profane, and labour hard to get it profaned over all the earth. It were possible for me, sirs,” I continued, “to contend against you about the reading which you so interpret, saying it is written, ‘Till the things laid up for Him come;’ though the Seventy have not so explained it, but thus, ‘Till He comes for whom this is laid up.’ But since what follows indicates that the reference is to Christ (for it is, ‘and He shall be the expectation of nations’), I do not proceed to have a mere verbal controversy with you, as I have not attempted to establish proof about Christ from the passages of Scripture which are not admitted by you2409

2409 [Note this important point. He forbears to cite the New Testament.]

which I quoted from the words of Jeremiah the prophet, and Esdras, and David; but from those which are even now admitted by you, which had your teachers comprehended, be well assured they would have deleted them, as they did those about the death of Isaiah, whom you sawed asunder with a wooden saw. And this was a mysterious type of Christ being about to cut your nation in two, and to raise those worthy of the honour to the everlasting kingdom along with the holy patriarchs and prophets; but He has said that He will send others to the condemnation of the unquenchable fire along with similar disobedient and impenitent men from all the nations. ‘For they shall come,’ He said, ‘from the west and from the east, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness.’2410


Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

It is yours to make accurate inquiry, and ascertain up to whose time the Jews had a lawgiver and king of their own. Up to the time of Jesus Christ, who taught us, and interpreted the prophecies which were not yet understood, [they had a lawgiver] as was foretold by the holy and divine Spirit of prophecy through Moses, “that a ruler would not fail the Jews until He should come for whom the kingdom was reserved” (for Judah was the forefather of the Jews, from whom also they have their name of Jews); and after He (i.e., Christ) appeared, you began to rule the Jews, and gained possession of all their territory. And the prophecy, “He shall be the expectation of the nations,” signified that there would be some of all nations who should look for Him to come again. And this indeed you can see for yourselves, and be convinced of by fact. For of all races of men there are some who look for Him who was crucified in Judæa, and after whose crucifixion the land was straightway surrendered to you as spoil of war. And the prophecy, “binding His foal to the vine, and washing His robe in the blood of the grape,” was a significant symbol of the things that were to happen to Christ, and of what He was to do. For the foal of an ass stood bound to a vine at the entrance of a village, and He ordered His acquaintances to bring it to Him then; and when it was brought, He mounted and sat upon it, and entered Jerusalem, where was the vast temple of the Jews which was afterwards destroyed by you. And after this He was crucified, that the rest of the prophecy might be fulfilled. For this “washing His robe in the blood of the grape” was predictive of the passion He was to endure, cleansing by His blood those who believe on Him. For what is called by the Divine Spirit through the prophet “His robe,” are those men who believe in Him in whom abideth the seed1828

1828 Grabe would here read, not σπέρμα, but πνεῦμα, the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Trollope all think that no change should be made.

of God, the Word. And what is spoken of as “the blood of the grape,” signifies that He who should appear would have blood, though not of the seed of man, but of the power of God. And the first power after God the Father and Lord of all is the Word, who is also the Son; and of Him we will, in what follows, relate how He took flesh and became man. For as man did not make the blood of the vine, but God, so it was hereby intimated that the blood should not be of human seed, but of divine power, as we have said above. And Isaiah, another prophet, foretelling the same things in other words, spoke thus: “A star shall rise out of Jacob, and a flower shall spring from the root of Jesse; and His arm shall the nations trust.1829


Anf-01 Pg 12
Gen. xlix. 10.

have been fulfilled in the Gospel, [our Lord saying,] “Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”964


Anf-01 viii.ii.liv Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

The devils, accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of Jupiter, and gave out that he was the discoverer of the vine, and they number wine1883

1883 In the ms. the reading is οἶνον (wine); but as Justin’s argument seems to require ὄνον (an ass), Sylburg inserted this latter word in his edition; and this reading is approved by Grabe and Thirlby, and adopted by Otto and Trollope. It may be added, that ἀναγράφουσι is much more suitable to ὄνον than to οἶνον.

[or, the ass] among his mysteries; and they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into heaven. And because in the prophecy of Moses it had not been expressly intimated whether He who was to come was the Son of God, and whether He would, riding on the foal, remain on earth or ascend into heaven, and because the name of “foal” could mean either the foal of an ass or the foal of a horse, they, not knowing whether He who was foretold would bring the foal of an ass or of a horse as the sign of His coming, nor whether He was the Son of God, as we said above, or of man, gave out that Bellerophon, a man born of man, himself ascended to heaven on his horse Pegasus. And when they heard it said by the other prophet Isaiah, that He should be born of a virgin, and by His own means ascend into heaven, they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the prophecies written aforetime, “Strong as a giant to run his course,”1884


Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2
[Bible:Gen.49.11 Bible:Gen.49.18 Bible:Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]

that there would be two advents of Christ, and that in the first He would suffer, and that after He came there would be neither prophet nor king in your nation (I proceeded), and that the nations who believed in the suffering Christ would look for His future appearance. And for this reason the Holy Spirit had uttered these truths in a parable, and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘Judah, thy brethren have praised thee: thy hands [shall be] on the neck of thine enemies; the sons of thy father shall worship thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a lion, and like [a lion’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A ruler shall not depart from Judah, or a leader from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of nations, binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the vine. He shall wash his garments in wine, and his vesture in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be bright with2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.”

wine, and his teeth white like milk.’2114


Anf-01 Pg 11
Gen. xlix. 10–12, LXX.

For, let those who have the reputation of investigating everything, inquire at what time a prince and leader failed out of Judah, and who is the hope of the nations, who also is the vine, what was the ass’s colt [referred to as] His, what the clothing, and what the eyes, what the teeth, and what the wine, and thus let them investigate every one of the points mentioned; and they shall find that there was none other announced than our Lord, Christ Jesus. Wherefore Moses, when chiding the ingratitude of the people, said, “Ye infatuated people, and unwise, do ye thus requite the Lord?”3925


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 6
Jer. xxiii. 6, 7.

Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 31.

in Mount Horeb. But one and the same householder produced both covenants, the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who spake with both Abraham and Moses, and who has restored us anew to liberty, and has multiplied that grace which is from Himself.

Anf-01 viii.iv.xi Pg 4
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

). If, therefore, God proclaimed a new covenant which was to be instituted, and this for a light of the nations, we see and are persuaded that men approach God, leaving their idols and other unrighteousness, through the name of Him who was crucified, Jesus Christ, and abide by their confession even unto death, and maintain piety. Moreover, by the works and by the attendant miracles, it is possible for all to understand that He is the new law, and the new covenant, and the expectation of those who out of every people wait for the good things of God. For the true spiritual Israel, and descendants of Judah, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham (who in uncircumcision was approved of and blessed by God on account of his faith, and called the father of many nations), are we who have been led to God through this crucified Christ, as shall be demonstrated while we proceed.

Anf-01 Pg 97
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

with men, not such as that which He made with the fathers at Mount Horeb, and would give to men a new heart and a new spirit;4335


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 13
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32 (in LXX. ibid. xxxviii. 31, 32); comp. Heb. viii. 8–13.

Whence we understand that the coming cessation of the former circumcision then given, and the coming procession of a new law (not such as He had already given to the fathers), are announced: just as Isaiah foretold, saying that in the last days the mount of the Lord and the house of God were to be manifest above the tops of the mounts: “And it shall be exalted,” he says, “above the hills; and there shall come over it all nations; and many shall walk, and say, Come, ascend we unto the mount of the Lord, and unto the house of the God of Jacob,”1173


Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 28
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32, with slight change.

He thus shows that the ancient covenant is temporary only, when He indicates its change; also when He promises that it shall be followed by an eternal one. For by Isaiah He says: “Hear me, and ye shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you,” adding “the sure mercies of David,”3503


Anf-02 vi.ii.xi Pg 15.2

Anf-03 Pg 13
Wisdom ii. 12. This apocryphal book is thus quoted as Scripture, and intertwined with it.

And Moses also says to them,1505

1505 Cod. Sin. reads, “What says the other prophet Moses unto them?”

“Behold these things, saith the Lord God: Enter into the good land which the Lord swore [to give] to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and inherit ye it, a land flowing with milk and honey.”1506


Anf-03 iv.ix.i Pg 11
See Gen. xxii. 18; and comp. Gal. iii. 16, and the reference in both places.

and that1130


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxx Pg 4
Gen. xlix. 10.

And it is plain that this was spoken not of Judah, but of Christ. For all we out of all nations do expect not Judah, but Jesus, who led your fathers out of Egypt. For the prophecy referred even to the advent of Christ: ‘Till He come for whom this is laid up, and He shall be the expectation of nations.’ Jesus came, therefore, as we have shown at length, and is expected again to appear above the clouds; whose name you profane, and labour hard to get it profaned over all the earth. It were possible for me, sirs,” I continued, “to contend against you about the reading which you so interpret, saying it is written, ‘Till the things laid up for Him come;’ though the Seventy have not so explained it, but thus, ‘Till He comes for whom this is laid up.’ But since what follows indicates that the reference is to Christ (for it is, ‘and He shall be the expectation of nations’), I do not proceed to have a mere verbal controversy with you, as I have not attempted to establish proof about Christ from the passages of Scripture which are not admitted by you2409

2409 [Note this important point. He forbears to cite the New Testament.]

which I quoted from the words of Jeremiah the prophet, and Esdras, and David; but from those which are even now admitted by you, which had your teachers comprehended, be well assured they would have deleted them, as they did those about the death of Isaiah, whom you sawed asunder with a wooden saw. And this was a mysterious type of Christ being about to cut your nation in two, and to raise those worthy of the honour to the everlasting kingdom along with the holy patriarchs and prophets; but He has said that He will send others to the condemnation of the unquenchable fire along with similar disobedient and impenitent men from all the nations. ‘For they shall come,’ He said, ‘from the west and from the east, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness.’2410


Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

It is yours to make accurate inquiry, and ascertain up to whose time the Jews had a lawgiver and king of their own. Up to the time of Jesus Christ, who taught us, and interpreted the prophecies which were not yet understood, [they had a lawgiver] as was foretold by the holy and divine Spirit of prophecy through Moses, “that a ruler would not fail the Jews until He should come for whom the kingdom was reserved” (for Judah was the forefather of the Jews, from whom also they have their name of Jews); and after He (i.e., Christ) appeared, you began to rule the Jews, and gained possession of all their territory. And the prophecy, “He shall be the expectation of the nations,” signified that there would be some of all nations who should look for Him to come again. And this indeed you can see for yourselves, and be convinced of by fact. For of all races of men there are some who look for Him who was crucified in Judæa, and after whose crucifixion the land was straightway surrendered to you as spoil of war. And the prophecy, “binding His foal to the vine, and washing His robe in the blood of the grape,” was a significant symbol of the things that were to happen to Christ, and of what He was to do. For the foal of an ass stood bound to a vine at the entrance of a village, and He ordered His acquaintances to bring it to Him then; and when it was brought, He mounted and sat upon it, and entered Jerusalem, where was the vast temple of the Jews which was afterwards destroyed by you. And after this He was crucified, that the rest of the prophecy might be fulfilled. For this “washing His robe in the blood of the grape” was predictive of the passion He was to endure, cleansing by His blood those who believe on Him. For what is called by the Divine Spirit through the prophet “His robe,” are those men who believe in Him in whom abideth the seed1828

1828 Grabe would here read, not σπέρμα, but πνεῦμα, the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Trollope all think that no change should be made.

of God, the Word. And what is spoken of as “the blood of the grape,” signifies that He who should appear would have blood, though not of the seed of man, but of the power of God. And the first power after God the Father and Lord of all is the Word, who is also the Son; and of Him we will, in what follows, relate how He took flesh and became man. For as man did not make the blood of the vine, but God, so it was hereby intimated that the blood should not be of human seed, but of divine power, as we have said above. And Isaiah, another prophet, foretelling the same things in other words, spoke thus: “A star shall rise out of Jacob, and a flower shall spring from the root of Jesse; and His arm shall the nations trust.1829


Anf-01 Pg 12
Gen. xlix. 10.

have been fulfilled in the Gospel, [our Lord saying,] “Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”964


Anf-01 viii.ii.liv Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

The devils, accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of Jupiter, and gave out that he was the discoverer of the vine, and they number wine1883

1883 In the ms. the reading is οἶνον (wine); but as Justin’s argument seems to require ὄνον (an ass), Sylburg inserted this latter word in his edition; and this reading is approved by Grabe and Thirlby, and adopted by Otto and Trollope. It may be added, that ἀναγράφουσι is much more suitable to ὄνον than to οἶνον.

[or, the ass] among his mysteries; and they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into heaven. And because in the prophecy of Moses it had not been expressly intimated whether He who was to come was the Son of God, and whether He would, riding on the foal, remain on earth or ascend into heaven, and because the name of “foal” could mean either the foal of an ass or the foal of a horse, they, not knowing whether He who was foretold would bring the foal of an ass or of a horse as the sign of His coming, nor whether He was the Son of God, as we said above, or of man, gave out that Bellerophon, a man born of man, himself ascended to heaven on his horse Pegasus. And when they heard it said by the other prophet Isaiah, that He should be born of a virgin, and by His own means ascend into heaven, they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the prophecies written aforetime, “Strong as a giant to run his course,”1884


Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2
[Bible:Gen.49.11 Bible:Gen.49.18 Bible:Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]

that there would be two advents of Christ, and that in the first He would suffer, and that after He came there would be neither prophet nor king in your nation (I proceeded), and that the nations who believed in the suffering Christ would look for His future appearance. And for this reason the Holy Spirit had uttered these truths in a parable, and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘Judah, thy brethren have praised thee: thy hands [shall be] on the neck of thine enemies; the sons of thy father shall worship thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a lion, and like [a lion’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A ruler shall not depart from Judah, or a leader from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of nations, binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the vine. He shall wash his garments in wine, and his vesture in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be bright with2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.”

wine, and his teeth white like milk.’2114


Anf-01 Pg 11
Gen. xlix. 10–12, LXX.

For, let those who have the reputation of investigating everything, inquire at what time a prince and leader failed out of Judah, and who is the hope of the nations, who also is the vine, what was the ass’s colt [referred to as] His, what the clothing, and what the eyes, what the teeth, and what the wine, and thus let them investigate every one of the points mentioned; and they shall find that there was none other announced than our Lord, Christ Jesus. Wherefore Moses, when chiding the ingratitude of the people, said, “Ye infatuated people, and unwise, do ye thus requite the Lord?”3925


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 6
Jer. xxiii. 6, 7.

Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 4
Isa. xi. 1.

And a star of light has arisen, and a flower has sprung from the root of Jesse—this Christ. For by the power of God He was conceived by a virgin of the seed of Jacob, who was the father of Judah, who, as we have shown, was the father of the Jews; and Jesse was His forefather according to the oracle, and He was the son of Jacob and Judah according to lineal descent.

Anf-01 ix.iv.x Pg 20
Isa. xi. 1, etc.

And again Esaias, pointing out beforehand His unction, and the reason why he was anointed, does himself say, “The Spirit of God is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me: He hath sent Me to preach the Gospel to the lowly, to heal the broken up in heart, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and sight to the blind; to announce the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance; to comfort all that mourn.”3390


Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxxvii Pg 2
Isa. xi. 1 ff.

(now you admitted to me,” continued he, “that this referred to Christ, and you maintain Him to be pre-existent God, and having become incarnate by God’s will, to be born man by the Virgin:) how He can be demonstrated to have been pre-existent, who is filled with the powers of the Holy Ghost, which the Scripture by Isaiah enumerates, as if He were in lack of them?”

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.vii Pg 37.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.v.xv Pg 11.2

Anf-03 Pg 5
Isa. xi. 1.

Never mind the state horses with their crown. Your Lord, when, according to the Scripture, He would enter Jerusalem in triumph, had not even an ass of His own. These (put their trust) in chariots, and these in horses; but we will seek our help in the name of the Lord our God.431


Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 31
Isa. xi. 1.

Forasmuch then as he said, that from the Creator there would come other laws, and other words, and new dispensations of covenants, indicating also that the very sacrifices were to receive higher offices, and that amongst all nations, by Malachi when he says: “I have no pleasure in you, saith the Lord, neither will I accept your sacrifices at your hands. For from the rising of the sun, even unto the going down of the same, my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place a sacrifice is offered unto my name, even a pure offering”3506


Anf-03 iv.ix.ix Pg 63
See Isa. xi. 1, 2, especially in LXX.

For to none of men was the universal aggregation of spiritual credentials appropriate, except to Christ; paralleled as He is to a “flower” by reason of glory, by reason of grace; but accounted “of the root of Jesse,” whence His origin is to be deduced,—to wit, through Mary.1306


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xvii Pg 11
Isa. xi. 1, 2.

Now to no man, except Christ, would the diversity of spiritual proofs suitably apply.  He is indeed like a flower for the Spirit’s grace, reckoned indeed of the stem of Jesse, but thence to derive His descent through Mary. Now I purposely demand of you, whether you grant to Him the destination3335

3335 Intentionem.

of all this humiliation, and suffering, and tranquillity, from which He will be the Christ of Isaiah,—a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief, who was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and who, like a lamb before the shearer, opened not His mouth;3336


Anf-03 Pg 18
Isa. xi. 1–3.

In this figure of a flower he shows that Christ was to arise out of the rod which sprang from the stem of Jesse; in other words, from the virgin of the race of David, the son of Jesse. In this Christ the whole substantia of the Spirit would have to rest, not meaning that it would be as it were some subsequent acquisition accruing to Him who was always, even before His incarnation, the Spirit of God;5545

5545 We have more than once shown that by Tertullian and other ancient fathers, the divine nature of Christ was frequently designated “Spirit.”

so that you cannot argue from this that the prophecy has reference to that Christ who (as mere man of the race only of David) was to obtain the Spirit of his God. (The prophet says,) on the contrary, that from the time when (the true Christ) should appear in the flesh as the flower predicted,5546

5546 Floruisset in carne.

rising from the root of Jesse, there would have to rest upon Him the entire operation of the Spirit of grace, which, so far as the Jews were concerned, would cease and come to an end. This result the case itself shows; for after this time the Spirit of the Creator never breathed amongst them. From Judah were taken away “the wise man, and the cunning artificer, and the counsellor, and the prophet;”5547


Anf-03 Pg 30
Comp. 1 Cor. xii. 8–11 and Isa. xi. 1–; 3.

See how the apostle agrees with the prophet both in making the distribution of the one Spirit, and in interpreting His special graces. This, too, I may confidently say: he who has likened the unity of our body throughout its manifold and divers members to the compacting together of the various gifts of the Spirit,5557


Anf-01 viii.iv.c Pg 6
It is not easy, says Maranus, to say in what Scripture Christ is so called. [Clearly he refers to the Dayspring (St. Luke i. 78) as the LXX. render many texts of the O.T. See Zech. iii. 8.] Perhaps Justin had in his mind the passage, “This the day which the Lord hath made” (Ps. cxviii. 24). Clem. Alex. teaches that Christ is here referred to.

and the East, and a Sword, and a Stone, and a Rod, and Jacob, and Israel); and that He became man by the Virgin, in order that the disobedience which proceeded from the serpent might receive its destruction in the same manner in which it derived its origin. For Eve, who was a virgin and undefiled, having conceived the word of the serpent, brought forth disobedience and death. But the Virgin Mary received faith and joy, when the angel Gabriel announced the good tidings to her that the Spirit of the Lord would come upon her, and the power of the Highest would overshadow her: wherefore also the Holy Thing begotten of her is the Son of God;2333


Anf-03 iv.ix.xiv Pg 19
See Zech. iii. “The mystery of His name” refers to the meaning of “Jeshua,” for which see c. ix. above.

First, He was clad in “sordid attire,” that is, in the indignity of passible and mortal flesh, when the devil, withal, was opposing himself to Him—the instigator, to wit, of Judas the traitor1462


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.vii Pg 22
See Zech. iii.

If I may offer, moreover, an interpretation of the two goats which were presented on “the great day of atonement,”3200


Anf-03 Pg 6
Comp. Cant. ii. 15.

a destroyer of the vineyard of Christ. Have no fellowship897


Anf-01 viii.iv.cvi Pg 3
[Or, “Dayspring.”] Zech. vi. 12 (according to LXX.).

Accordingly, when a star rose in heaven at the time of His birth, as is recorded in the memoirs of His apostles, the Magi from Arabia, recognising the sign by this, came and worshipped Him.

Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxi Pg 4
Zech. vi. 12.

And speaking of the same, he says that ‘each tribe shall mourn.’2415


Anf-03 Pg 6
Comp. Cant. ii. 15.

a destroyer of the vineyard of Christ. Have no fellowship897


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 31.

in Mount Horeb. But one and the same householder produced both covenants, the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who spake with both Abraham and Moses, and who has restored us anew to liberty, and has multiplied that grace which is from Himself.

Anf-01 viii.iv.xi Pg 4
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

). If, therefore, God proclaimed a new covenant which was to be instituted, and this for a light of the nations, we see and are persuaded that men approach God, leaving their idols and other unrighteousness, through the name of Him who was crucified, Jesus Christ, and abide by their confession even unto death, and maintain piety. Moreover, by the works and by the attendant miracles, it is possible for all to understand that He is the new law, and the new covenant, and the expectation of those who out of every people wait for the good things of God. For the true spiritual Israel, and descendants of Judah, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham (who in uncircumcision was approved of and blessed by God on account of his faith, and called the father of many nations), are we who have been led to God through this crucified Christ, as shall be demonstrated while we proceed.

Anf-01 Pg 97
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

with men, not such as that which He made with the fathers at Mount Horeb, and would give to men a new heart and a new spirit;4335


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 13
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32 (in LXX. ibid. xxxviii. 31, 32); comp. Heb. viii. 8–13.

Whence we understand that the coming cessation of the former circumcision then given, and the coming procession of a new law (not such as He had already given to the fathers), are announced: just as Isaiah foretold, saying that in the last days the mount of the Lord and the house of God were to be manifest above the tops of the mounts: “And it shall be exalted,” he says, “above the hills; and there shall come over it all nations; and many shall walk, and say, Come, ascend we unto the mount of the Lord, and unto the house of the God of Jacob,”1173


Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 28
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32, with slight change.

He thus shows that the ancient covenant is temporary only, when He indicates its change; also when He promises that it shall be followed by an eternal one. For by Isaiah He says: “Hear me, and ye shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you,” adding “the sure mercies of David,”3503


Anf-02 vi.ii.xi Pg 15.2

Anf-03 Pg 13
Wisdom ii. 12. This apocryphal book is thus quoted as Scripture, and intertwined with it.

And Moses also says to them,1505

1505 Cod. Sin. reads, “What says the other prophet Moses unto them?”

“Behold these things, saith the Lord God: Enter into the good land which the Lord swore [to give] to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and inherit ye it, a land flowing with milk and honey.”1506


Anf-03 iv.ix.i Pg 11
See Gen. xxii. 18; and comp. Gal. iii. 16, and the reference in both places.

and that1130


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxx Pg 4
Gen. xlix. 10.

And it is plain that this was spoken not of Judah, but of Christ. For all we out of all nations do expect not Judah, but Jesus, who led your fathers out of Egypt. For the prophecy referred even to the advent of Christ: ‘Till He come for whom this is laid up, and He shall be the expectation of nations.’ Jesus came, therefore, as we have shown at length, and is expected again to appear above the clouds; whose name you profane, and labour hard to get it profaned over all the earth. It were possible for me, sirs,” I continued, “to contend against you about the reading which you so interpret, saying it is written, ‘Till the things laid up for Him come;’ though the Seventy have not so explained it, but thus, ‘Till He comes for whom this is laid up.’ But since what follows indicates that the reference is to Christ (for it is, ‘and He shall be the expectation of nations’), I do not proceed to have a mere verbal controversy with you, as I have not attempted to establish proof about Christ from the passages of Scripture which are not admitted by you2409

2409 [Note this important point. He forbears to cite the New Testament.]

which I quoted from the words of Jeremiah the prophet, and Esdras, and David; but from those which are even now admitted by you, which had your teachers comprehended, be well assured they would have deleted them, as they did those about the death of Isaiah, whom you sawed asunder with a wooden saw. And this was a mysterious type of Christ being about to cut your nation in two, and to raise those worthy of the honour to the everlasting kingdom along with the holy patriarchs and prophets; but He has said that He will send others to the condemnation of the unquenchable fire along with similar disobedient and impenitent men from all the nations. ‘For they shall come,’ He said, ‘from the west and from the east, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness.’2410


Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

It is yours to make accurate inquiry, and ascertain up to whose time the Jews had a lawgiver and king of their own. Up to the time of Jesus Christ, who taught us, and interpreted the prophecies which were not yet understood, [they had a lawgiver] as was foretold by the holy and divine Spirit of prophecy through Moses, “that a ruler would not fail the Jews until He should come for whom the kingdom was reserved” (for Judah was the forefather of the Jews, from whom also they have their name of Jews); and after He (i.e., Christ) appeared, you began to rule the Jews, and gained possession of all their territory. And the prophecy, “He shall be the expectation of the nations,” signified that there would be some of all nations who should look for Him to come again. And this indeed you can see for yourselves, and be convinced of by fact. For of all races of men there are some who look for Him who was crucified in Judæa, and after whose crucifixion the land was straightway surrendered to you as spoil of war. And the prophecy, “binding His foal to the vine, and washing His robe in the blood of the grape,” was a significant symbol of the things that were to happen to Christ, and of what He was to do. For the foal of an ass stood bound to a vine at the entrance of a village, and He ordered His acquaintances to bring it to Him then; and when it was brought, He mounted and sat upon it, and entered Jerusalem, where was the vast temple of the Jews which was afterwards destroyed by you. And after this He was crucified, that the rest of the prophecy might be fulfilled. For this “washing His robe in the blood of the grape” was predictive of the passion He was to endure, cleansing by His blood those who believe on Him. For what is called by the Divine Spirit through the prophet “His robe,” are those men who believe in Him in whom abideth the seed1828

1828 Grabe would here read, not σπέρμα, but πνεῦμα, the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Trollope all think that no change should be made.

of God, the Word. And what is spoken of as “the blood of the grape,” signifies that He who should appear would have blood, though not of the seed of man, but of the power of God. And the first power after God the Father and Lord of all is the Word, who is also the Son; and of Him we will, in what follows, relate how He took flesh and became man. For as man did not make the blood of the vine, but God, so it was hereby intimated that the blood should not be of human seed, but of divine power, as we have said above. And Isaiah, another prophet, foretelling the same things in other words, spoke thus: “A star shall rise out of Jacob, and a flower shall spring from the root of Jesse; and His arm shall the nations trust.1829


Anf-01 Pg 12
Gen. xlix. 10.

have been fulfilled in the Gospel, [our Lord saying,] “Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”964


Anf-01 viii.ii.liv Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

The devils, accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of Jupiter, and gave out that he was the discoverer of the vine, and they number wine1883

1883 In the ms. the reading is οἶνον (wine); but as Justin’s argument seems to require ὄνον (an ass), Sylburg inserted this latter word in his edition; and this reading is approved by Grabe and Thirlby, and adopted by Otto and Trollope. It may be added, that ἀναγράφουσι is much more suitable to ὄνον than to οἶνον.

[or, the ass] among his mysteries; and they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into heaven. And because in the prophecy of Moses it had not been expressly intimated whether He who was to come was the Son of God, and whether He would, riding on the foal, remain on earth or ascend into heaven, and because the name of “foal” could mean either the foal of an ass or the foal of a horse, they, not knowing whether He who was foretold would bring the foal of an ass or of a horse as the sign of His coming, nor whether He was the Son of God, as we said above, or of man, gave out that Bellerophon, a man born of man, himself ascended to heaven on his horse Pegasus. And when they heard it said by the other prophet Isaiah, that He should be born of a virgin, and by His own means ascend into heaven, they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the prophecies written aforetime, “Strong as a giant to run his course,”1884


Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2
[Bible:Gen.49.11 Bible:Gen.49.18 Bible:Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]

that there would be two advents of Christ, and that in the first He would suffer, and that after He came there would be neither prophet nor king in your nation (I proceeded), and that the nations who believed in the suffering Christ would look for His future appearance. And for this reason the Holy Spirit had uttered these truths in a parable, and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘Judah, thy brethren have praised thee: thy hands [shall be] on the neck of thine enemies; the sons of thy father shall worship thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a lion, and like [a lion’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A ruler shall not depart from Judah, or a leader from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of nations, binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the vine. He shall wash his garments in wine, and his vesture in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be bright with2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.”

wine, and his teeth white like milk.’2114


Anf-01 Pg 11
Gen. xlix. 10–12, LXX.

For, let those who have the reputation of investigating everything, inquire at what time a prince and leader failed out of Judah, and who is the hope of the nations, who also is the vine, what was the ass’s colt [referred to as] His, what the clothing, and what the eyes, what the teeth, and what the wine, and thus let them investigate every one of the points mentioned; and they shall find that there was none other announced than our Lord, Christ Jesus. Wherefore Moses, when chiding the ingratitude of the people, said, “Ye infatuated people, and unwise, do ye thus requite the Lord?”3925


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 6
Jer. xxiii. 6, 7.

Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 31.

in Mount Horeb. But one and the same householder produced both covenants, the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who spake with both Abraham and Moses, and who has restored us anew to liberty, and has multiplied that grace which is from Himself.

Anf-01 viii.iv.xi Pg 4
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

). If, therefore, God proclaimed a new covenant which was to be instituted, and this for a light of the nations, we see and are persuaded that men approach God, leaving their idols and other unrighteousness, through the name of Him who was crucified, Jesus Christ, and abide by their confession even unto death, and maintain piety. Moreover, by the works and by the attendant miracles, it is possible for all to understand that He is the new law, and the new covenant, and the expectation of those who out of every people wait for the good things of God. For the true spiritual Israel, and descendants of Judah, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham (who in uncircumcision was approved of and blessed by God on account of his faith, and called the father of many nations), are we who have been led to God through this crucified Christ, as shall be demonstrated while we proceed.

Anf-01 Pg 97
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

with men, not such as that which He made with the fathers at Mount Horeb, and would give to men a new heart and a new spirit;4335


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 13
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32 (in LXX. ibid. xxxviii. 31, 32); comp. Heb. viii. 8–13.

Whence we understand that the coming cessation of the former circumcision then given, and the coming procession of a new law (not such as He had already given to the fathers), are announced: just as Isaiah foretold, saying that in the last days the mount of the Lord and the house of God were to be manifest above the tops of the mounts: “And it shall be exalted,” he says, “above the hills; and there shall come over it all nations; and many shall walk, and say, Come, ascend we unto the mount of the Lord, and unto the house of the God of Jacob,”1173


Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 28
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32, with slight change.

He thus shows that the ancient covenant is temporary only, when He indicates its change; also when He promises that it shall be followed by an eternal one. For by Isaiah He says: “Hear me, and ye shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you,” adding “the sure mercies of David,”3503


Anf-02 vi.ii.xi Pg 15.2

Anf-03 Pg 13
Wisdom ii. 12. This apocryphal book is thus quoted as Scripture, and intertwined with it.

And Moses also says to them,1505

1505 Cod. Sin. reads, “What says the other prophet Moses unto them?”

“Behold these things, saith the Lord God: Enter into the good land which the Lord swore [to give] to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and inherit ye it, a land flowing with milk and honey.”1506


Anf-03 iv.ix.i Pg 11
See Gen. xxii. 18; and comp. Gal. iii. 16, and the reference in both places.

and that1130


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxx Pg 4
Gen. xlix. 10.

And it is plain that this was spoken not of Judah, but of Christ. For all we out of all nations do expect not Judah, but Jesus, who led your fathers out of Egypt. For the prophecy referred even to the advent of Christ: ‘Till He come for whom this is laid up, and He shall be the expectation of nations.’ Jesus came, therefore, as we have shown at length, and is expected again to appear above the clouds; whose name you profane, and labour hard to get it profaned over all the earth. It were possible for me, sirs,” I continued, “to contend against you about the reading which you so interpret, saying it is written, ‘Till the things laid up for Him come;’ though the Seventy have not so explained it, but thus, ‘Till He comes for whom this is laid up.’ But since what follows indicates that the reference is to Christ (for it is, ‘and He shall be the expectation of nations’), I do not proceed to have a mere verbal controversy with you, as I have not attempted to establish proof about Christ from the passages of Scripture which are not admitted by you2409

2409 [Note this important point. He forbears to cite the New Testament.]

which I quoted from the words of Jeremiah the prophet, and Esdras, and David; but from those which are even now admitted by you, which had your teachers comprehended, be well assured they would have deleted them, as they did those about the death of Isaiah, whom you sawed asunder with a wooden saw. And this was a mysterious type of Christ being about to cut your nation in two, and to raise those worthy of the honour to the everlasting kingdom along with the holy patriarchs and prophets; but He has said that He will send others to the condemnation of the unquenchable fire along with similar disobedient and impenitent men from all the nations. ‘For they shall come,’ He said, ‘from the west and from the east, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness.’2410


Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

It is yours to make accurate inquiry, and ascertain up to whose time the Jews had a lawgiver and king of their own. Up to the time of Jesus Christ, who taught us, and interpreted the prophecies which were not yet understood, [they had a lawgiver] as was foretold by the holy and divine Spirit of prophecy through Moses, “that a ruler would not fail the Jews until He should come for whom the kingdom was reserved” (for Judah was the forefather of the Jews, from whom also they have their name of Jews); and after He (i.e., Christ) appeared, you began to rule the Jews, and gained possession of all their territory. And the prophecy, “He shall be the expectation of the nations,” signified that there would be some of all nations who should look for Him to come again. And this indeed you can see for yourselves, and be convinced of by fact. For of all races of men there are some who look for Him who was crucified in Judæa, and after whose crucifixion the land was straightway surrendered to you as spoil of war. And the prophecy, “binding His foal to the vine, and washing His robe in the blood of the grape,” was a significant symbol of the things that were to happen to Christ, and of what He was to do. For the foal of an ass stood bound to a vine at the entrance of a village, and He ordered His acquaintances to bring it to Him then; and when it was brought, He mounted and sat upon it, and entered Jerusalem, where was the vast temple of the Jews which was afterwards destroyed by you. And after this He was crucified, that the rest of the prophecy might be fulfilled. For this “washing His robe in the blood of the grape” was predictive of the passion He was to endure, cleansing by His blood those who believe on Him. For what is called by the Divine Spirit through the prophet “His robe,” are those men who believe in Him in whom abideth the seed1828

1828 Grabe would here read, not σπέρμα, but πνεῦμα, the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Trollope all think that no change should be made.

of God, the Word. And what is spoken of as “the blood of the grape,” signifies that He who should appear would have blood, though not of the seed of man, but of the power of God. And the first power after God the Father and Lord of all is the Word, who is also the Son; and of Him we will, in what follows, relate how He took flesh and became man. For as man did not make the blood of the vine, but God, so it was hereby intimated that the blood should not be of human seed, but of divine power, as we have said above. And Isaiah, another prophet, foretelling the same things in other words, spoke thus: “A star shall rise out of Jacob, and a flower shall spring from the root of Jesse; and His arm shall the nations trust.1829


Anf-01 Pg 12
Gen. xlix. 10.

have been fulfilled in the Gospel, [our Lord saying,] “Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”964


Anf-01 viii.ii.liv Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

The devils, accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of Jupiter, and gave out that he was the discoverer of the vine, and they number wine1883

1883 In the ms. the reading is οἶνον (wine); but as Justin’s argument seems to require ὄνον (an ass), Sylburg inserted this latter word in his edition; and this reading is approved by Grabe and Thirlby, and adopted by Otto and Trollope. It may be added, that ἀναγράφουσι is much more suitable to ὄνον than to οἶνον.

[or, the ass] among his mysteries; and they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into heaven. And because in the prophecy of Moses it had not been expressly intimated whether He who was to come was the Son of God, and whether He would, riding on the foal, remain on earth or ascend into heaven, and because the name of “foal” could mean either the foal of an ass or the foal of a horse, they, not knowing whether He who was foretold would bring the foal of an ass or of a horse as the sign of His coming, nor whether He was the Son of God, as we said above, or of man, gave out that Bellerophon, a man born of man, himself ascended to heaven on his horse Pegasus. And when they heard it said by the other prophet Isaiah, that He should be born of a virgin, and by His own means ascend into heaven, they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the prophecies written aforetime, “Strong as a giant to run his course,”1884


Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2
[Bible:Gen.49.11 Bible:Gen.49.18 Bible:Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]

that there would be two advents of Christ, and that in the first He would suffer, and that after He came there would be neither prophet nor king in your nation (I proceeded), and that the nations who believed in the suffering Christ would look for His future appearance. And for this reason the Holy Spirit had uttered these truths in a parable, and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘Judah, thy brethren have praised thee: thy hands [shall be] on the neck of thine enemies; the sons of thy father shall worship thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a lion, and like [a lion’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A ruler shall not depart from Judah, or a leader from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of nations, binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the vine. He shall wash his garments in wine, and his vesture in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be bright with2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.”

wine, and his teeth white like milk.’2114


Anf-01 Pg 11
Gen. xlix. 10–12, LXX.

For, let those who have the reputation of investigating everything, inquire at what time a prince and leader failed out of Judah, and who is the hope of the nations, who also is the vine, what was the ass’s colt [referred to as] His, what the clothing, and what the eyes, what the teeth, and what the wine, and thus let them investigate every one of the points mentioned; and they shall find that there was none other announced than our Lord, Christ Jesus. Wherefore Moses, when chiding the ingratitude of the people, said, “Ye infatuated people, and unwise, do ye thus requite the Lord?”3925


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 6
Jer. xxiii. 6, 7.

Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxiii Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 27.

And by Isaiah He speaks thus concerning another Israel: ‘In that day shall there be a third Israel among the Assyrians and the Egyptians, blessed in the land which the Lord of Sabaoth hath blessed, saying, blessed shall my people in Egypt and in Assyria be, and Israel mine inheritance.’2428


Anf-03 iv.ix.ii Pg 5
Comp. Jer. xxxi. 27 (in LXX. it is xxxviii. 27); Hos. ii. 23; Zech. x. 9; Matt. xiii. 31–43.

of universal nations be believed to have given a law through Moses to one people, and not be said to have assigned it to all nations? For unless He had given it to all by no means would He have habitually permitted even proselytes out of the nations to have access to it. But—as is congruous with the goodness of God, and with His equity, as the Fashioner of mankind—He gave to all nations the selfsame law, which at definite and stated times He enjoined should be observed, when He willed, and through whom He willed, and as He willed. For in the beginning of the world He gave to Adam himself and Eve a law, that they were not to eat of the fruit of the tree planted in the midst of paradise; but that, if they did contrariwise, by death they were to die.1141


Anf-01 Pg 6
Jer. xxxi. 31.

in Mount Horeb. But one and the same householder produced both covenants, the Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, who spake with both Abraham and Moses, and who has restored us anew to liberty, and has multiplied that grace which is from Himself.

Anf-01 viii.iv.xi Pg 4
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

). If, therefore, God proclaimed a new covenant which was to be instituted, and this for a light of the nations, we see and are persuaded that men approach God, leaving their idols and other unrighteousness, through the name of Him who was crucified, Jesus Christ, and abide by their confession even unto death, and maintain piety. Moreover, by the works and by the attendant miracles, it is possible for all to understand that He is the new law, and the new covenant, and the expectation of those who out of every people wait for the good things of God. For the true spiritual Israel, and descendants of Judah, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham (who in uncircumcision was approved of and blessed by God on account of his faith, and called the father of many nations), are we who have been led to God through this crucified Christ, as shall be demonstrated while we proceed.

Anf-01 Pg 97
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32.

with men, not such as that which He made with the fathers at Mount Horeb, and would give to men a new heart and a new spirit;4335


Anf-02 Pg 9.1

Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 13
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32 (in LXX. ibid. xxxviii. 31, 32); comp. Heb. viii. 8–13.

Whence we understand that the coming cessation of the former circumcision then given, and the coming procession of a new law (not such as He had already given to the fathers), are announced: just as Isaiah foretold, saying that in the last days the mount of the Lord and the house of God were to be manifest above the tops of the mounts: “And it shall be exalted,” he says, “above the hills; and there shall come over it all nations; and many shall walk, and say, Come, ascend we unto the mount of the Lord, and unto the house of the God of Jacob,”1173


Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 28
Jer. xxxi. 31, 32, with slight change.

He thus shows that the ancient covenant is temporary only, when He indicates its change; also when He promises that it shall be followed by an eternal one. For by Isaiah He says: “Hear me, and ye shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you,” adding “the sure mercies of David,”3503


Anf-02 vi.ii.xi Pg 15.2

Anf-03 Pg 13
Wisdom ii. 12. This apocryphal book is thus quoted as Scripture, and intertwined with it.

And Moses also says to them,1505

1505 Cod. Sin. reads, “What says the other prophet Moses unto them?”

“Behold these things, saith the Lord God: Enter into the good land which the Lord swore [to give] to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and inherit ye it, a land flowing with milk and honey.”1506


Anf-03 iv.ix.i Pg 11
See Gen. xxii. 18; and comp. Gal. iii. 16, and the reference in both places.

and that1130


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxx Pg 4
Gen. xlix. 10.

And it is plain that this was spoken not of Judah, but of Christ. For all we out of all nations do expect not Judah, but Jesus, who led your fathers out of Egypt. For the prophecy referred even to the advent of Christ: ‘Till He come for whom this is laid up, and He shall be the expectation of nations.’ Jesus came, therefore, as we have shown at length, and is expected again to appear above the clouds; whose name you profane, and labour hard to get it profaned over all the earth. It were possible for me, sirs,” I continued, “to contend against you about the reading which you so interpret, saying it is written, ‘Till the things laid up for Him come;’ though the Seventy have not so explained it, but thus, ‘Till He comes for whom this is laid up.’ But since what follows indicates that the reference is to Christ (for it is, ‘and He shall be the expectation of nations’), I do not proceed to have a mere verbal controversy with you, as I have not attempted to establish proof about Christ from the passages of Scripture which are not admitted by you2409

2409 [Note this important point. He forbears to cite the New Testament.]

which I quoted from the words of Jeremiah the prophet, and Esdras, and David; but from those which are even now admitted by you, which had your teachers comprehended, be well assured they would have deleted them, as they did those about the death of Isaiah, whom you sawed asunder with a wooden saw. And this was a mysterious type of Christ being about to cut your nation in two, and to raise those worthy of the honour to the everlasting kingdom along with the holy patriarchs and prophets; but He has said that He will send others to the condemnation of the unquenchable fire along with similar disobedient and impenitent men from all the nations. ‘For they shall come,’ He said, ‘from the west and from the east, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness.’2410


Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

It is yours to make accurate inquiry, and ascertain up to whose time the Jews had a lawgiver and king of their own. Up to the time of Jesus Christ, who taught us, and interpreted the prophecies which were not yet understood, [they had a lawgiver] as was foretold by the holy and divine Spirit of prophecy through Moses, “that a ruler would not fail the Jews until He should come for whom the kingdom was reserved” (for Judah was the forefather of the Jews, from whom also they have their name of Jews); and after He (i.e., Christ) appeared, you began to rule the Jews, and gained possession of all their territory. And the prophecy, “He shall be the expectation of the nations,” signified that there would be some of all nations who should look for Him to come again. And this indeed you can see for yourselves, and be convinced of by fact. For of all races of men there are some who look for Him who was crucified in Judæa, and after whose crucifixion the land was straightway surrendered to you as spoil of war. And the prophecy, “binding His foal to the vine, and washing His robe in the blood of the grape,” was a significant symbol of the things that were to happen to Christ, and of what He was to do. For the foal of an ass stood bound to a vine at the entrance of a village, and He ordered His acquaintances to bring it to Him then; and when it was brought, He mounted and sat upon it, and entered Jerusalem, where was the vast temple of the Jews which was afterwards destroyed by you. And after this He was crucified, that the rest of the prophecy might be fulfilled. For this “washing His robe in the blood of the grape” was predictive of the passion He was to endure, cleansing by His blood those who believe on Him. For what is called by the Divine Spirit through the prophet “His robe,” are those men who believe in Him in whom abideth the seed1828

1828 Grabe would here read, not σπέρμα, but πνεῦμα, the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Trollope all think that no change should be made.

of God, the Word. And what is spoken of as “the blood of the grape,” signifies that He who should appear would have blood, though not of the seed of man, but of the power of God. And the first power after God the Father and Lord of all is the Word, who is also the Son; and of Him we will, in what follows, relate how He took flesh and became man. For as man did not make the blood of the vine, but God, so it was hereby intimated that the blood should not be of human seed, but of divine power, as we have said above. And Isaiah, another prophet, foretelling the same things in other words, spoke thus: “A star shall rise out of Jacob, and a flower shall spring from the root of Jesse; and His arm shall the nations trust.1829


Anf-01 Pg 12
Gen. xlix. 10.

have been fulfilled in the Gospel, [our Lord saying,] “Go ye and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”964


Anf-01 viii.ii.liv Pg 2
Gen. xlix. 10.

The devils, accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of Jupiter, and gave out that he was the discoverer of the vine, and they number wine1883

1883 In the ms. the reading is οἶνον (wine); but as Justin’s argument seems to require ὄνον (an ass), Sylburg inserted this latter word in his edition; and this reading is approved by Grabe and Thirlby, and adopted by Otto and Trollope. It may be added, that ἀναγράφουσι is much more suitable to ὄνον than to οἶνον.

[or, the ass] among his mysteries; and they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into heaven. And because in the prophecy of Moses it had not been expressly intimated whether He who was to come was the Son of God, and whether He would, riding on the foal, remain on earth or ascend into heaven, and because the name of “foal” could mean either the foal of an ass or the foal of a horse, they, not knowing whether He who was foretold would bring the foal of an ass or of a horse as the sign of His coming, nor whether He was the Son of God, as we said above, or of man, gave out that Bellerophon, a man born of man, himself ascended to heaven on his horse Pegasus. And when they heard it said by the other prophet Isaiah, that He should be born of a virgin, and by His own means ascend into heaven, they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the prophecies written aforetime, “Strong as a giant to run his course,”1884


Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2 [. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]
Bible:Gen.49.11 :Gen.49.18 :Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24BibleBible

that there would be two advents of , and that in the first He would , and that after He came there would be neither nor king in your (I proceeded), and that the who believed in the suffering would look for His future . And for this reason the had uttered these truths in a , and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘, thy have thee: thy [shall be] on the neck of thine ; the sons of thy shall thee. is a ’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a , and like [a ’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A shall not depart from , or a from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of , binding his foal to the , and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the . He shall his in wine, and his vesture in the of the . His eyes shall be bright with

ChristsufferprophetnationnationsChristappearanceHoly SpiritparableJudahbrethrenpraisedhandsenemiesfatherworshipJudahlionlionlionrulerJudahleadernationsvinevinewashgarmentsbloodgrape2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.” wine, and his teeth white like milk.’ 2114


Anf-01 Pg 11 , LXX.
Gen. xlix. 10–12
For, let those who have the of investigating everything, inquire at what time a and out of , and who is the of the , who also is the , what was the ass’s [referred to as] His, what the clothing, and what the eyes, what the teeth, and what the wine, and thus let them investigate every one of the points mentioned; and they shall find that there was none other than our , . Wherefore Moses, when chiding the of the people, said, “Ye infatuated people, and , do ye thus requite the ?” reputationprinceleaderfailedJudahhopenationsvinecoltannouncedLordChristJesusingratitudeunwiseLord3925



Anf-01 ix.viii.x Pg 2
Ps. cxxx. 7 but what is that which, in a certain way, has been grasped by hand

So Mr. Dodgson; and La Cerda, as quoted by Oehler. See in LXX., where it is

Anf-03 vi.vii.iii Pg 3
Ps. cxxxi. 1Ps. cxxx.9027

but what is that which, in a certain way, has been grasped by hand

So Mr. Dodgson; and La Cerda, as quoted by Oehler. See in LXX., where it is

Anf-03 vi.vii.iii Pg 3
Ps. cxxxi. 1Ps. cxxx.9027

But as bringing , thus: “ hath made known His () in the sight of the .”


Anf-01 ix.iv.xi Pg 20
Isa. xii. 2


saying, “Ye shall be ejected from the land into which ye shall enter; and in those ye shall not be able to :  and there shall be instability of the print


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 6
Jer. xxiii. 6, 7

Or rather in Deuteronomy. See sqq.

Anf-03 iv.ix.xi Pg 13
xxviii. 65nationsrest1375

1375 Or, “sole.” of thy foot: and shall give thee a wearying heart, and a pining , and failing eyes, that they see not: and thy life shall hang on the tree Godsoul1376

Inasmuch as then, “wheresoever the is, there shall also the be gathered together,”


Anf-01 Pg 5
Isa. xliii. 5



In ; , compared with vii. 14 in the Eng. ver. and the LXX., and also Lowth, introductory remarks on ch. viii.

Isa. viii. 8 10—in order that you may regard not the sound only of the name, but the sense too. For the Hebrew sound, which is , has an interpretation, which is, with us. Inquire, then, whether this , “ with us” (which is ), be commonly applied to ever since ’s light has dawned, and I think you will not deny it. For they who out of Judaism believe in , ever since their believing on Him, do, whenever they shall wish to say

Npnf-201 iii.ix.xv Pg 33

Npnf-201 iii.ix.xv Pg 33

Anf-03 iv.ix.ix Pg 11EmmanuelGodspeechGodEmmanuelChristChristChrist1257

1257 Or, “to call him.” , signify that is with us:  and thus it is agreed that He who was ever predicted as is already come, because that which signifies is come—that is, “ with us.” Equally are they led by the sound of the name when they so understand “the power of ,” and “the of ,” and “the of the Assyrians,” as if they portended as a warrior; not observing that Scripture premises, “since, ere the child to call or mother, he shall receive the power of and the of , in opposition to the king of the Assyrians.” For the first step is to look at the demonstration of His , to see whether the age there indicated can possibly exhibit the as already a , not to say a . Forsooth, by His babyish the would summon men to arms, and would give the signal of not with clarion, but with rattle, and point out the foe, not from His charger’s back or from a rampart, but from the back or neck of His suckler and , and thus and in place of the breast. (It is another matter if, among you, infants out into ,—oiled first, I suppose, to dry in the sun, and then armed with satchels and rationed on butter,—who are to know how to lance sooner than how to lacerate the !) EmmanuelGodEmmanuelEmmanuelGodDamascusspoilsSamariakingdomChristlearnfatherDamascusspoilsSamariaageChristmangeneralcryinfantwarnursesubdueDamascusSamariarushbattlebosom1258

1258 See . l. iii. c. xiii., which, with the preceding chapter, should be compared throughout with the chapter before us.adv. Marc Certainly, if nature nowhere allows this,—(namely,) to serve as a before developing into manhood, to take “the power of ” before knowing your ,—it follows that the pronouncement is visibly figurative.  “But again,” say they, “nature not a ‘’ to be a ; and yet the must be believed.”  And deservedly so; for he bespoke credit for a thing incredible, by saying that it was to be . “Therefore,” he says, “shall be given you. Behold, a shall conceive in , and bear a son.” But a sign from , unless it had consisted in some portentous novelty, would not have appeared a sign. In a word, if, when you are anxious to cast any down from (a belief in) this prediction, or to whoever are simple, you have the audacity to , as if the Scripture contained (the announcement), that not “a ,” but “a young ,” was to conceive and bring forth; you are refuted even by this fact, that a daily occurrence—the pregnancy and parturition of a young , namely—cannot possibly seem anything of . And the setting before us, then, of a virgin-mother is deservedly believed to be ; but not equally so a warrior-infant.  For there would not in this case again be involved the of a ; but, the of a novel having been awarded, the next step after the is, that there is enunciated a different ensuing ordering soldierDamascusfathersuffersvirginparentpropheta signa signvirginwombGoddivineconvertlievirginfemalefemalea signa signquestionsignsignbirthsign1259



Isa. xliii. 5 Inasmuch as then, “wheresoever the is, there shall also the be gathered together,”

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 65.1

Anf-01 Pg 5




Isa. xliii. 5 Inasmuch as then, “wheresoever the is, there shall also the be gathered together,”

Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 134

Anf-01 Pg 5



In ; , compared with vii. 14 in the Eng. ver. and the LXX., and also Lowth, introductory remarks on ch. viii.

Isa. viii. 8 10—in order that you may regard not the sound only of the name, but the sense too. For the Hebrew sound, which is , has an interpretation, which is, with us. Inquire, then, whether this , “ with us” (which is ), be commonly applied to ever since ’s light has dawned, and I think you will not deny it. For they who out of Judaism believe in , ever since their believing on Him, do, whenever they shall wish to say

Npnf-201 iii.ix.xv Pg 33

Npnf-201 iii.ix.xv Pg 33

Anf-03 iv.ix.ix Pg 11EmmanuelGodspeechGodEmmanuelChristChristChrist1257

1257 Or, “to call him.” , signify that is with us:  and thus it is agreed that He who was ever predicted as is already come, because that which signifies is come—that is, “ with us.” Equally are they led by the sound of the name when they so understand “the power of ,” and “the of ,” and “the of the Assyrians,” as if they portended as a warrior; not observing that Scripture premises, “since, ere the child to call or mother, he shall receive the power of and the of , in opposition to the king of the Assyrians.” For the first step is to look at the demonstration of His , to see whether the age there indicated can possibly exhibit the as already a , not to say a . Forsooth, by His babyish the would summon men to arms, and would give the signal of not with clarion, but with rattle, and point out the foe, not from His charger’s back or from a rampart, but from the back or neck of His suckler and , and thus and in place of the breast. (It is another matter if, among you, infants out into ,—oiled first, I suppose, to dry in the sun, and then armed with satchels and rationed on butter,—who are to know how to lance sooner than how to lacerate the !) EmmanuelGodEmmanuelEmmanuelGodDamascusspoilsSamariakingdomChristlearnfatherDamascusspoilsSamariaageChristmangeneralcryinfantwarnursesubdueDamascusSamariarushbattlebosom1258

1258 See . l. iii. c. xiii., which, with the preceding chapter, should be compared throughout with the chapter before us.adv. Marc Certainly, if nature nowhere allows this,—(namely,) to serve as a before developing into manhood, to take “the power of ” before knowing your ,—it follows that the pronouncement is visibly figurative.  “But again,” say they, “nature not a ‘’ to be a ; and yet the must be believed.”  And deservedly so; for he bespoke credit for a thing incredible, by saying that it was to be . “Therefore,” he says, “shall be given you. Behold, a shall conceive in , and bear a son.” But a sign from , unless it had consisted in some portentous novelty, would not have appeared a sign. In a word, if, when you are anxious to cast any down from (a belief in) this prediction, or to whoever are simple, you have the audacity to , as if the Scripture contained (the announcement), that not “a ,” but “a young ,” was to conceive and bring forth; you are refuted even by this fact, that a daily occurrence—the pregnancy and parturition of a young , namely—cannot possibly seem anything of . And the setting before us, then, of a virgin-mother is deservedly believed to be ; but not equally so a warrior-infant.  For there would not in this case again be involved the of a ; but, the of a novel having been awarded, the next step after the is, that there is enunciated a different ensuing ordering soldierDamascusfathersuffersvirginparentpropheta signa signvirginwombGoddivineconvertlievirginfemalefemalea signa signquestionsignsignbirthsign1259



Isa. xliv. 6 concerning the of the universe, do also speak of our . “A Son,” they say, has been given to us, on whose shoulder the is from above; and His name is called the of great , Wonderful, , the and mighty .”

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 65.1

Anf-01 v.xv.iii Pg 3FatherLordJesusChristgovernmentAngelcounselCounsellorstrongGod1226


Anf-01 Pg 2 .
Isa. xliv. 6
On this account, then, as I before said, did not, when He sent Moses to the Hebrews, mention any name, but by a participle He mystically them that He is the one and only . “For,” says He; “I am the Being;” manifestly contrasting Himself, “the Being,” with those who are not, GodteachesGod2549

2549 Literally, “with the not-beings.” that those who had hitherto been might see that they were attaching themselves, not to beings, but to those who had no being. Since, therefore, knew that the first men remembered the old delusion of their forefathers, whereby the misanthropic contrived to them when he said to them, “If ye obey me in transgressing the of , ye shall be as gods,” calling those gods which had no being, in order that men, supposing that there were other gods in existence, might believe that they themselves could become gods. On this account He said to Moses, “I am the Being,” that by the participle “being” He might the difference between who is and those who are not.


2550 Literally, “between the being and not-beings.” God Men, therefore, having been duped by the deceiving , and having to disobey , were cast out of , remembering the name of gods, but no longer being taught by that there are no other gods. For it was not just that they who did not keep the first , which it was easy to keep, should any longer be taught, but should rather be driven to just . Being therefore banished from , and thinking that they were expelled on account of their only, not knowing that it was also because they had believed in the existence of gods which did not exist, they gave the name of gods even to the men who were afterwards of themselves. This first false fancy, therefore, concerning gods, had its origin with the of . , therefore, knowing that the false opinion about the plurality of gods was burdening the of man like some , and wishing to remove and eradicate it, appeared first to Moses, and said to him, “I am He who is.” For it was necessary, I think, that he who was to be the ruler and leader of the Hebrew people should first of all know the living God. Wherefore, having appeared to him first, as it was possible for God to appear to a man, He said to him, “I am He who is;” then, being about to send him to the Hebrews, He further orders him to say, “He who is hath sent me to you.” demondaredGodParadiseGodcommandmentpunishmentParadisedisobediencebornfatherliesGodsouldisease
Him I , who for us: Him I desire, who rose again for our sake. This is the which is laid up for me. Pardon me, : do not me from living, do not wish to keep me in a state of ;

Anf-02 v.ii.ix Pg 4.1

. Some omit this quotation.

Anf-03 Pg 4
Matt. xvi. 26seekdiedgainbrethrenhinderdeath863

863 Literally, “to .” die and while I desire to to , do not ye give me over to the . me to obtain pure light: when I have gone thither, I shall indeed be a man of . belongGodworldSufferGodPermit me to be an imitator of the passion of my God. If any one has Him within himself, let him consider what I desire, and let him have sympathy with me, as knowing how I am straitened. who shows us that He is the only God, but in company with His Son, with whom “He stretcheth out the heavens alone.”


Anf-03 v.ix.xviii Pg 5
Isa. xlv. 5, 18; xliv. 67988


Anf-03 Pg 6
All the ends of the world, and all the kingdoms of this earth, 864

864 Literally, “this age.” shall me nothing.

profitIt is better for me to die for the sake of Jesus Christ, than to reign over all the ends of the earth. “For what is a man , if he the whole , but lose his own ?” profitedgainworldsoulI long after the Lord, the Son of the true God and Father, even Jesus Christ. Him I , who for us and rose again. Pardon me, : do not me in attaining to life; for is the life of . Do not wish to keep me in a state of , seekdiedbrethrenhinderJesusbelieversdeath865

865 Literally, “to .” die for life without is . While I desire to to , do not ye give me over to the . Suffer me to obtain pure light: when I have gone thither, I shall indeed be a man of God. ChristdeathbelongGodworldPermit me to be an imitator of the passion of Christ, my God. If any one has Him within himself, let him consider what I desire, and let him have sympathy with me, as knowing how I am straitened.
fire in me desiring to be fed; 867

867 Literally, “desiring material.” but there is within me a water that liveth and speaketh, 868


Anf-03 v.ix.xviii Pg 6 .
Isa. xliv. 24

because were the heavens established.


Anf-03 v.ix.xix Pg 13
Isa. xliv. 24by the Word8000

—that is, ever since we Gentiles, with our breast doubly enlightened through ’s , cast forth (let the see it) our ,—what follows has likewise been fulfilled. For “the of , among the from ,” among the other things named, “the architect” too,

See .

Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 56
Isa. ii. 20ChristtruthJewsidolsLordSabaothhath taken awayJewsJerusalemwise1433


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxiii Pg 3 .
Isa. ii. 20
in other words, from the time when he threw away his after the had been made clear by . Consider whether what follows in the has not received its fulfilment: “The of hath taken away from and from , amongst other things, both the and the artificer;” idolstruthChristprophetLordhostsJudahJerusalemprophetwise3417

and Peter says in his : “Whom, not seeing, ye ; in whom, though now ye see Him not, ye have believed, ye shall with unspeakable;”


Anf-01 Pg 12
Isa. xxv. 9


Him I , who for us: Him I desire, who rose again for our sake. This is the which is laid up for me. Pardon me, : do not me from living, do not wish to keep me in a state of ;

Anf-02 v.ii.ix Pg 3.1

. Some omit this quotation.

Anf-03 Pg 4
Matt. xvi. 26seekdiedgainbrethrenhinderdeath863

863 Literally, “to .” die and while I desire to to , do not ye give me over to the . me to obtain pure light: when I have gone thither, I shall indeed be a man of . belongGodworldSufferGodPermit me to be an imitator of the passion of my God. If any one has Him within himself, let him consider what I desire, and let him have sympathy with me, as knowing how I am straitened. The Word, no doubt, was before all things. “In the beginning was the Word;”


Anf-03 v.ix.xix Pg 15
Isa. xli. 48002

Now to be changed is to fall from that primitive state which they lose whilst undergoing the change. “And the too shall fall from , even as a fig-tree casteth her green


Anf-03 v.v.xxxiv Pg 8
Ps. cii. 25, 26starsheavenfigs6495

6495 Acerba sua “grossos suos” (Rigalt.). So our marginal reading. when she is shaken of a mighty wind.” 6496


to end.

Isa. lxv. 17 Now we have understood that the expression used among these words, ‘According to the days of the tree [of life

Npnf-201 iii.xii.xxiv Pg 7

Anf-01 viii.iv.lxxxi Pg 62270

2270 These words are not found in the mss.] shall be the days of my people; the works of their toil shall abound’ obscurely predicts a years. For as was told that in the day he ate of the tree he would , we know that he did not complete a years. We have perceived, moreover, that the expression, ‘The day of the is as a years,’ thousandAdamdiethousandLordthousand2271


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxvi Pg 17 .
Isa. lxv. 17, 18
Now this is what has been said by the : “For the fashion of this passeth away.” apostleworld4780


Anf-03 Pg 5 Comp. .
Isa. xliii. 18, 19, and lxv. 17, with 2 Cor. v. 17
to be superseded by a new course of things which should arise, whilst marks the period of the separation when He says, “The law and the were until John” Christprophets5239


Anf-03 Pg 40 .
Isa. xliii. 18, 19, and lxv. 17; 2 Cor. v. 17
commanded men “to break up fresh ground for themselves,” 6095

And having said this, I added: “The Seventy have translated it, ‘He set the bounds of the according to the number of the of .’ But because my argument is again in nowise weakened by this, I have your exposition. And you yourselves, if you will confess the , must acknowledge that we, who have been called by through the and shameful of the cross (for the confession of which, and obedience to which, and for our , punishments even to have been on us by , and by the of the , through the aid to them by you), and all rather than deny even by word, through whom we are called to the prepared beforehand by the , are more to than you, who were from Egypt with a high hand and a visitation of great , when the was parted for you, and a passage left dry, in which [] slew those who pursued you with a very great equipment, and splendid , bringing back upon them the which had been made a way for your sakes; on whom also a pillar of light shone, in order that you, more than any other in the , might possess a light, never-failing and never-setting; for whom He rained as nourishment, fit for the heavenly , in order that you might have no need to prepare your food; and the water at Marah was made sweet; and a sign of Him that was to be crucified was made, both in the matter of the which bit you, as I already mentioned ( anticipating before the proper times these , in order to confer upon you, to whom you are always of being thankless), as well as in the type of the extending of the of Moses, and of


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxxxi Pg 2
Deut. xxxii. 7nationsangelsGodadoptedtruthGoddespisedmysterypietydeathinflicteddemonshostdevilministeredenduretormentsChristsalvationFatherfaithfulGodredeemedgloryseaGodchariotsseanationworldpeculiarmannaangelsserpentsGodmysteriesgraceconvictedhandsOshea being named Jesus (Joshua); when you fought against Amalek: concerning which God enjoined that the incident be recorded, and the name of laid up in your understandings; saying that this is He who would out the of from under . JesusblotmemorialAmalekheavenNow it is clear that the memorial of Amalek remained after the son of Nave (Nun): but He makes it manifest through Jesus, who was crucified, of whom also those symbols were fore-announcements of all that would happen to Him, the demons would be , and would dread His name, and that all and would Him; and that they who believe in Him out of all would be shown as God-fearing and men; and the facts already quoted by me, Trypho, indicate this. Again, when you desired , so vast a quantity of quails was given you, that they could not be told; for whom also water gushed from the rock; and a followed you for a shade from heat, and covering from cold, declaring the manner and signification of another and new ; the latchets of your shoes did not break, and your shoes waxed not old, and your garments wore not away, but even those of the children grew along with them. destroyedprincipalitieskingdomsfearnationspeacefulfleshcloudheaven

, Sept.; but the text is here altered by Clement. The LXX. have “I will give thy rulers in peace, and thy overseers in righteousness.”

Anf-01 ii.ii.xlii Pg 9
Isa. lx. 17

Of whom also did the declare, “Who then shall be a (), good and , whom the sets over His household, to give them their meat in due ? is that whom his , when He cometh, shall find so doing.”


Anf-01 Pg 27
Isa. lx. 17LordfaithfulstewardactorwiseLordseasonBlessedservantLord4171

And all the of the are , who do here neither nor , but serve and the continually. Of whom Moses also says in Deuteronomy, when , “Who said unto his and to his mother, I have not known thee; neither did he acknowledge his , and he disinherited his own sons: he kept Thy , and observed Thy .”

This clause is differently quoted by Antonius Melissa and John Damascenus, thus: , i.e., . Comp. ; . [And with St. Peter’s to the of the laity, compare the same under the law. . The Western has recognised the “Episcopate ” of sovereigns; while, in the East, it has grown into .]

Anf-01 Pg 11
Πᾶς βασιλεὺς δίκαιος ἱερατικὴν ἔχει τάξινEvery king possesses a priestly orderrighteous1 Pet. ii. 5 9testimonypriesthoodEx. xix. 6Churchab extraCæsaropapismapostlesLordpriestsinheritlandshousesGodaltarblessingLevifatherbrethrencommandmentscovenant3889

but they, repenting of their , propitiated God by prayer, and obtained salvation, although they were aliens [to the covenant] of God.

Anf-01 ii.ii.vii Pg 4
Jon. iii.sins
And all the of the are , who do here neither nor , but serve and the continually. Of whom Moses also says in Deuteronomy, when , “Who said unto his and to his mother, I have not known thee; neither did he acknowledge his , and he disinherited his own sons: he kept Thy , and observed Thy .”

This clause is differently quoted by Antonius Melissa and John Damascenus, thus: , i.e., . Comp. ; . [And with St. Peter’s to the of the laity, compare the same under the law. . The Western has recognised the “Episcopate ” of sovereigns; while, in the East, it has grown into .]

Anf-01 Pg 11
Πᾶς βασιλεὺς δίκαιος ἱερατικὴν ἔχει τάξινEvery king possesses a priestly orderrighteous1 Pet. ii. 5 9testimonypriesthoodEx. xix. 6Churchab extraCæsaropapismapostlesLordpriestsinheritlandshousesGodaltarblessingLevifatherbrethrencommandmentscovenant3889

but not as if one might expect “” from the , or its decoction from the ; and also hear of “a land flowing with milk and honey,”


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.v Pg 8
Joel iii. 18muststonesrocks3149

And at the close of this Psalm which I have quoted, it is written, ‘The of the son of are ended.’

Anf-01 viii.iv.xxxiv Pg 0

Anf-01 viii.iv.xxxiv Pg 2
Ps. lxxii.


2034 [A striking passage in De Maistre (, vol. vi. p. 275) is worthy of comparison.] Œuvres Moreover, that was a renowned and great king, by whom the called that at was built, I know; but that none of those things mentioned in the Psalm happened to him, is evident. For neither did all kings him; nor did he to the ends of the ; nor did his , falling before him, lick the dust. Nay, also, I venture to repeat what is written in the book of Kings as by him, how through a ’s influence he worshipped the of , which those of the Gentiles who know , the of all things through the crucified, do not venture to do, but every and even to the extremity of , rather than worship idols, or eat meat offered to idols.” SolomontempleJerusalemworshipreignearthenemiescommittedwomanidolsSidonGodMakerJesusabidetorturevengeancedeath

And at the close of this Psalm which I have quoted, it is written, ‘The of the son of are ended.’

Npnf-201 iv.viii.xvii Pg 11

Anf-01 viii.iv.xxxiv Pg 0

Anf-01 viii.iv.xxxiv Pg 2
Ps. lxxii.


2034 [A striking passage in De Maistre (, vol. vi. p. 275) is worthy of comparison.] Œuvres Moreover, that was a renowned and great king, by whom the called that at was built, I know; but that none of those things mentioned in the Psalm happened to him, is evident. For neither did all kings him; nor did he to the ends of the ; nor did his , falling before him, lick the dust. Nay, also, I venture to repeat what is written in the book of Kings as by him, how through a ’s influence he worshipped the of , which those of the Gentiles who know , the of all things through the crucified, do not venture to do, but every and even to the extremity of , rather than worship idols, or eat meat offered to idols.” SolomontempleJerusalemworshipreignearthenemiescommittedwomanidolsSidonGodMakerJesusabidetorturevengeancedeath


Ezek. xxxvii. 1–14

Npnf-201 iv.viii.xvii Pg 11

Anf-03 v.viii.xxix Pg 3
and remembered His own dead ones who had formerly fallen ,


Anf-01 Pg 9
Isa. xi. 12asleep4261

4261 Comp. book iii. 20, 4. and came down to them that He might them: but the second in which He will come on the ,


—even the same “who createth and maketh ;”

Anf-02 vi.ii.viii Pg 13.1

Anf-02 vi.iv.v.xiv Pg 146.1


Anf-03 v.iv.v.i Pg 34
Deut. xxxii. 39evilpeace3509


Anf-03 Pg 19 .
Deut. xxxii. 39
We have already made good the Creator’s claim to this twofold character of and judgmentgoodness5696

5696 See above in book ii. [cap. xi. p. 306.]—“killing in the letter” through the law, and “quickening in the Spirit” through the . Now these attributes, however different they be, cannot possibly make two gods; for they have already (in the prevenient dispensation of the Old Testament) been found to meet in One. Gospel5697

5697 Apud unum recenseri prævenerunt. He alludes to Moses’ , covered with which “his face could not be stedfastly seen by the of .” veilchildrenIsrael5698


Anf-03 v.viii.ix Pg 10 .
Deut. xxxii. 39
Why the with those conditions which wait for , which in , which receive honour from , which He succours? I venture to declare, that if such casualties as these had never befallen the , the , the , the mercy, (and indeed) all the beneficent power of God, would have had no opportunity to work. reproachfleshGodhopeGodGodfleshbountygrace7351

7351 Vacuisset.
Certainly His making alive is to take place after He has . As, therefore, it is by that He , it is by the resurrection that He will make alive. Now it is the which is by ; the , therefore, will be by the resurrection. Surely if killing means taking away life from the , and its opposite, reviving, amounts to restoring life to the flesh, it must needs be that the flesh rise again, to which the life, which has been taken away by killing, has to be restored by vivification.

; . The very words, however, occur not in Isaiah, but in ; .

Anf-03 v.viii.xxviii Pg 10
Isa. xxxviii. 12, 13 161 Sam. ii. 6 Deut. xxxii. 39killeddeathkillsfleshkilleddeathfleshrevivedflesh
Now “the of the stroke” means that at the beginning upon man in , that is, ; which [stroke] the will when He raises us from the dead, and restores the inheritance of the fathers, as Isaiah again says: “And thou shall be confident in the , and He will cause thee to pass over the whole , and feed thee with the inheritance of thy .”


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 8
Isa. xxx. 25, 26paininflicteddisobedientAdamdeathLordhealLordearthJacobfather4753

where he has no thought of cloaks or stuff gowns, but means the rising of the , which he declared the resurrection of, after its fall in . Thus we are furnished even with an allegorical defence of the resurrection of the body. When, then, we read, “Go, my people, enter into your closets for a little , until my pass away,”

Anf-02 ii.iv.v Pg 10.1


Anf-03 v.viii.xxvii Pg 8
Isa. lviii. 8fleshdeathseasonanger7479

—which is His glorious resurrection—He received back into the heavens (whence withal the Spirit Himself had come to the

Oehler refers to ; add 2 (.).

Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 53
Hos. vi. 1ad initVirgin1430


Anf-03 v.iv.v.xliii Pg 5 ; .
Hos. v. 15 and vi. 1 2
For who can refuse to believe that these words often revolved 5168

5168 Volutata. in the thought of those women between the of that desertion with which at present they seemed to themselves to have been smitten by the , and the of the resurrection itself, by which they rightly supposed that all would be restored to them? But when “they found not the body (of the ),” sorrowLordhopeLordJesus5169

just as we do, who, drawn out from the calamities of the heathendom

See .

Anf-03 iv.ix.xiii Pg 26
Ex. xv. 22–261405

1405 Sæculi. in which we were tarrying perishing with (that is, deprived of the word), drinking, “by the which is on Him,” thirstdivinefaith1406

For when advising us to for ourselves the help of in affairs, after the example of that who, when removed from his office,

What in the Punic is called , says Rigaltius, the Latins call , “ or .” See Augustine, . xxxv. . I would add Jerome, VI. where he says: “In the Syriac tongue, are called .” And Augustine, in another passage, book ii., , says: “ in Hebrew are said to be called .  This is evidently a Punic word, for in that the synonyme for () is .” Compare the same on (Oehler).

Anf-03 v.iv.v.xxxiii Pg 6
languageMammonlucrumgainlucreSermde Verbo dominiOn theof MatthewrichesmammonOn the ’s Sermon on the MountLordRichesmammonlanguagegainlucrummammonauthorPs. ciii.providefriendsworldlysteward4776

4776 Ab actu. relieves his ’s by lessening their with a view to their recompensing him with their help, He said, “And I say unto you, Make to yourselves of the of ,” that is to say, of money, even as the had done. Now we are all of us aware that money is the instigator lorddebtorsdebtsfriendsmammonunrighteousnesssteward4777

4777 Auctorem. of , and the of the whole . Therefore, when he saw the of the doing servile unrighteousnesslordworldcovetousnessPhariseesworship4778

4778 Famulatam. to it, He hurled 4779

4779 Ammentavit. this sentence against them, “Ye cannot serve and .” Godmammon4780

Now “the of the stroke” means that at the beginning upon man in , that is, ; which [stroke] the will when He raises us from the dead, and restores the inheritance of the fathers, as Isaiah again says: “And thou shall be confident in the , and He will cause thee to pass over the whole , and feed thee with the inheritance of thy .”


Anf-01 ix.vii.xxxv Pg 8
Isa. xxx. 25, 26paininflicteddisobedientAdamdeathLordhealLordearthJacobfather4753

And at the close of this Psalm which I have quoted, it is written, ‘The of the son of are ended.’

Anf-01 viii.iv.xxxiv Pg 0

Anf-01 viii.iv.xxxiv Pg 2
Ps. lxxii.


2034 [A striking passage in De Maistre (, vol. vi. p. 275) is worthy of comparison.] Œuvres Moreover, that was a renowned and great king, by whom the called that at was built, I know; but that none of those things mentioned in the Psalm happened to him, is evident. For neither did all kings him; nor did he to the ends of the ; nor did his , falling before him, lick the dust. Nay, also, I venture to repeat what is written in the book of Kings as by him, how through a ’s influence he worshipped the of , which those of the Gentiles who know , the of all things through the crucified, do not venture to do, but every and even to the extremity of , rather than worship idols, or eat meat offered to idols.” SolomontempleJerusalemworshipreignearthenemiescommittedwomanidolsSidonGodMakerJesusabidetorturevengeancedeath


Isa. xlii. 15 and “they shall water, and they shall find none.”

Npnf-201 iv.viii.xvii Pg 11

Anf-03 v.v.xxxiv Pg 13seek6500

For the according to the , which is from , was given for a sign; that you may be separated from other , and from us; and that you alone may that which you now justly ; and that your land may be , and your cities with fire; and that may eat your fruit in your presence, and not one of you may go up to .’


Anf-01 viii.iv.xvi Pg 3
Lev. xxvi. 40, 41circumcisionfleshAbrahamnationssuffersufferdesolateburnedstrangersJerusalem1984

1984 See , i. 47. The [By Hadrian’s recent edict] were prohibited by law from entering on of . And so Justin sees in their own . Apol.JewsJerusalempaindeathcircumcisionpunishment For you are not recognised among the of men by any other mark than your fleshly . For none of you, I suppose, will venture to say that neither did nor does the events, which are future, nor his for each one. Accordingly, these things have happened to you in and , for you have slain the Just One, and His before Him; and now you those who in Him, and in Him who sent Him— the and of all things —cursing in your synagogues those that believe on . For you have not the power to lay upon us, on account of those who now have the mastery. But as often as you could, you did so. Wherefore , by Isaiah, calls to you, saying, ‘Behold how the man , and no one regards it. For the man is taken away from before . His shall be in , he is taken away from the midst. Draw near hither, ye , of the adulterers, and children of the whore. Against whom have you sported yourselves, and against whom have you opened the mouth, and against whom have you loosened the tongue?’ restcircumcisionGodforeseeforeordaineddesertsfairnessjusticeprophetsrejecthopeGodAlmightyMakerChristhandsGodrighteousperishedrighteousiniquitygravepeacelawlesschildrenseed1985

For the , too, were four-faced, and their faces were images of the dispensation of the Son of .


Anf-01 ix.iv.xii Pg 31
Ps. lxxx. 1cherubimGodFor, [as the Scripture] says, “The first living creature was like a lion,” 3452

Well, there is nothing until after the resurrection. “And and sighing,” continues he, “shall away.”


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 3
Isa. xxxv. 10eternalsorrowflee7729


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 4 .
Ver. 10
The echoes the same to John: “And shall wipe away all from their eyes;” angelGodtears7730

This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a of , it would never part company with the ; and that the twigs, if made by , never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [ twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] , which had in herself borne the yoke of (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to when was reigning, and being , became a fit subject for ), when the fruit of had come, and reached maturity, and been and stored in the , and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from ], and scattered throughout all the . Even as Esaias saith, “The of shall strike root, and shall flourish, and the whole shall be filled with his fruit.”

[. One of the most arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it an inveterate of the human heart. Comp. , and the message to , .]

Anf-01 Pg 3
Jer. vii. 4powerfulrebukessuperstitionRev. ii. 5RomeRom. xi. 21creationGodwheatvineGodvineJerusalembondageGoddeathsubduedlibertylibertyreapedbarnJerusalemworldchildrenJacobIsraelworld3835

And it so happened as the had spoken.

Comp. , ; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Isa. v.Jer. xxv.LordLet us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of shall be built in in the name of the .” GodgloryLord1678

And it is plain that this was spoken not of , but of . For all we out of all do expect not , but , who led your fathers out of Egypt. For the referred even to the of : ‘Till He come for whom this is laid up, and He shall be the expectation of .’ came, therefore, as we have shown at length, and is expected again to appear above the ; whose name you , and labour hard to get it over all the . It were possible for me, sirs,” I continued, “to against you about the reading which you so , saying it is written, ‘Till the things laid up for Him come;’ though the Seventy have not so explained it, but thus, ‘Till He comes for whom this is laid up.’ But since what follows indicates that the reference is to (for it is, ‘and He shall be the expectation of ’), I do not proceed to have a mere verbal with you, as I have not attempted to establish about from the passages of Scripture which are not admitted by you


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxx Pg 4
Gen. xlix. 10JudahChristnationsJudahJesusprophecyadventChristnationsJesuscloudsprofaneprofanedearthcontendinterpretChristnationscontroversyproofChrist2409

2409 [Note this important point. He forbears to cite the New Testament.] which I quoted from the words of Jeremiah the , and Esdras, and ; but from those which are even now admitted by you, which had your comprehended, be well assured they would have deleted them, as they did those about the of Isaiah, whom you sawed asunder with a wooden saw. And this was a mysterious type of being about to your in two, and to raise those worthy of the honour to the along with the holy patriarchs and ; but He has said that He will send others to the condemnation of the fire along with similar and men from all the . ‘For they shall come,’ He said, ‘from the west and from the east, and shall sit down with , and , and in the of ; but the of the shall be cast out into outer .’ prophetDavidteachersdeathChristcutnationeverlastingkingdomprophetsunquenchabledisobedientimpenitentnationsAbrahamIsaacJacobkingdomheavenchildrenkingdomdarkness2410


Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 2 .
Gen. xlix. 10
It is yours to make accurate inquiry, and ascertain up to whose time the had a and king of their own. Up to the time of , who taught us, and the which were not yet understood, [they had a ] as was foretold by the holy and Spirit of through Moses, “that a would not the until He should come for whom the was reserved” (for was the of the , from whom also they have their name of ); and after He (i.e., ) appeared, you began to rule the , and possession of all their territory. And the , “He shall be the expectation of the ,” signified that there would be some of all who should look for Him to come again. And this indeed you can see for yourselves, and be convinced of by fact. For of all races of men there are some who look for Him who was crucified in Judæa, and after whose the land was straightway surrendered to you as of . And the , “binding His foal to the , and washing His robe in the of the ,” was a significant symbol of the things that were to happen to , and of what He was to do. For the foal of an ass stood bound to a at the of a , and He ordered His acquaintances to bring it to Him then; and when it was brought, He mounted and sat upon it, and entered , where was the vast of the which was afterwards by you. And after this He was crucified, that the of the might be fulfilled. JewslawgiverJesusChristinterpretedprophecieslawgiverdivineprophecyrulerfailJewskingdomJudahforefatherJewsJewsChristJewsgainedprophecynationsnationscrucifixionspoilwarprophecyvinebloodgrapeChristvineentrancevillageJerusalemtempleJewsdestroyedrestprophecyFor this “washing His robe in the blood of the grape” was predictive of the passion He was to endure, cleansing by His blood those who believe on Him. For what is called by the Spirit through the “His robe,” are those men who believe in Him in whom abideth the Divineprophetseed1828

1828 Grabe would here read, not , but , the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Trollope all think that no change should be made. σπέρμαπνεῦμα of , the Word. And what is spoken of as “the of the ,” signifies that He who should appear would have , though not of the of man, but of the power of . GodbloodgrapebloodseedGodAnd the first power after God the Father and Lord of all is the Word, who is also the Son; and of Him we will, in what follows, relate how He took flesh and became man. For as man did not make the of the , but , so it was hereby intimated that the should not be of human , but of power, as we have said above. And Isaiah, another , foretelling the same things in other words, spoke thus: “A shall rise out of , and a shall spring from the root of ; and His shall the . bloodvineGodbloodseeddivineprophetstarJacobflowerJessearmnationstrust1829


Anf-01 Pg 12 .
Gen. xlix. 10
have been fulfilled in the , [our saying,] “Go ye and all , them in the name of the , and of the Son, and of the Holy .” GospelLordteachnationsbaptizingFatherGhost964


Anf-01 viii.ii.liv Pg 2 .
Gen. xlix. 10
The , accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of , and gave out that he was the discoverer of the , and they number wine devilsJupitervine1883

1883 In the the reading is (wine); but as Justin’s argument seems to require (an ass), Sylburg inserted this latter word in his edition; and this reading is approved by Grabe and Thirlby, and by Otto and Trollope. It may be added, that is much more suitable to than to . ms.οἶνονὄνονadoptedἀναγράφουσιὄνονοἶνον [or, the ass] among his ; and they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into . And because in the of Moses it had not been expressly intimated whether He who was to come was the Son of , and whether He would, riding on the foal, remain on or ascend into , and because the name of “foal” could mean either the foal of an ass or the foal of a horse, they, not knowing whether He who was foretold would bring the foal of an ass or of a horse as the sign of His coming, nor whether He was the Son of , as we said above, or of man, gave out that Bellerophon, a man of man, himself ascended to on his horse Pegasus. And when they heard it said by the other Isaiah, that He should be of a , and by His own means ascend into , they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the written aforetime, “ as a to his course,” mysteriesheavenprophecyGodearthheavenGodbornheavenprophetbornvirginheavenpropheciesStronggiantrun1884


Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2 [. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]
Bible:Gen.49.11 :Gen.49.18 :Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24BibleBible
that there would be two advents of , and that in the first He would , and that after He came there would be neither nor king in your (I proceeded), and that the who believed in the suffering would look for His future . And for this reason the had uttered these truths in a , and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘, thy have thee: thy [shall be] on the neck of thine ; the sons of thy shall thee. is a ’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a , and like [a ’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A shall not depart from , or a from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of , binding his foal to the , and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the . He shall his in wine, and his vesture in the of the . His eyes shall be bright with

ChristsufferprophetnationnationsChristappearanceHoly SpiritparableJudahbrethrenpraisedhandsenemiesfatherworshipJudahlionlionlionrulerJudahleadernationsvinevinewashgarmentsbloodgrape2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.” wine, and his teeth white like milk.’ 2114


Anf-01 Pg 11 , LXX.
Gen. xlix. 10–12
For, let those who have the of investigating everything, inquire at what time a and out of , and who is the of the , who also is the , what was the ass’s [referred to as] His, what the clothing, and what the eyes, what the teeth, and what the wine, and thus let them investigate every one of the points mentioned; and they shall find that there was none other than our , . Wherefore Moses, when chiding the of the people, said, “Ye infatuated people, and , do ye thus requite the ?” reputationprinceleaderfailedJudahhopenationsvinecoltannouncedLordChristJesusingratitudeunwiseLord3925

This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a of , it would never part company with the ; and that the twigs, if made by , never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [ twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] , which had in herself borne the yoke of (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to when was reigning, and being , became a fit subject for ), when the fruit of had come, and reached maturity, and been and stored in the , and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from ], and scattered throughout all the . Even as Esaias saith, “The of shall strike root, and shall flourish, and the whole shall be filled with his fruit.”

[. One of the most arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it an inveterate of the human heart. Comp. , and the message to , .]

Anf-01 Pg 3
Jer. vii. 4powerfulrebukessuperstitionRev. ii. 5RomeRom. xi. 21creationGodwheatvineGodvineJerusalembondageGoddeathsubduedlibertylibertyreapedbarnJerusalemworldchildrenJacobIsraelworld3835

And it so happened as the had spoken.

Comp. , ; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Isa. v.Jer. xxv.LordLet us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of shall be built in in the name of the .” GodgloryLord1678

Inasmuch as then, “wheresoever the is, there shall also the be gathered together,”


Anf-01 Pg 5
Isa. xliii. 5


The will be this “way,” of the new law and the new word in , no longer in Moses.  “And He shall among the ,” even concerning their error. “And these shall a large ,” that of the themselves and their proselytes.  “And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxi Pg 8
Isa. ii. 2, 3gospelChristjudgenationsrebukenationJewsspears3396

3396 Sibynas, . Hesychius, “ appellant Illyrii telum venabuli simile.” Paulus, , p. 336, Müll. (Oehler.)Σιβύνη· ὅπλον δόρατι παραπλήσιονSibynamex Festo into pruning-hooks;” in other words, they shall change into pursuits of and the dispositions of injurious minds, and hostile , and all kinds of , and blasphemy.  “ shall not lift up against ,” shall not stir up discord. “Neither shall they any more,” moderationpeacetonguesevilNationswordnationlearnwar3397


Anf-03 Pg 12 (Sept).
Isa. ii. 2
“and I will pour out of my Spirit upon all ” in the last daysflesh5332


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 14 .
Isa. ii. 2, 3
—not of , the former son, but of , the second; that is, of “people,” whose “mount” is , “præcised without concisors’ , EsauJacobourChristhands1174



Mic. iv. 1

Anf-02 vi.iv.i.iv Pg 4.1

Anf-01 viii.iv.cix Pg 4
The will be this “way,” of the new law and the new word in , no longer in Moses.  “And He shall among the ,” even concerning their error. “And these shall a large ,” that of the themselves and their proselytes.  “And they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their


Anf-03 v.iv.iv.xxi Pg 8
Isa. ii. 2, 3gospelChristjudgenationsrebukenationJewsspears3396

3396 Sibynas, . Hesychius, “ appellant Illyrii telum venabuli simile.” Paulus, , p. 336, Müll. (Oehler.)Σιβύνη· ὅπλον δόρατι παραπλήσιονSibynamex Festo into pruning-hooks;” in other words, they shall change into pursuits of and the dispositions of injurious minds, and hostile , and all kinds of , and blasphemy.  “ shall not lift up against ,” shall not stir up discord. “Neither shall they any more,” moderationpeacetonguesevilNationswordnationlearnwar3397


Anf-03 Pg 12 (Sept).
Isa. ii. 2
“and I will pour out of my Spirit upon all ” in the last daysflesh5332


Anf-03 iv.ix.iii Pg 14 .
Isa. ii. 2, 3
—not of , the former son, but of , the second; that is, of “people,” whose “mount” is , “præcised without concisors’ , EsauJacobourChristhands1174



Mic. iv. 1

Anf-02 vi.iv.i.iv Pg 4.1

Anf-01 viii.iv.cix Pg 4
This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a of , it would never part company with the ; and that the twigs, if made by , never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [ twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] , which had in herself borne the yoke of (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to when was reigning, and being , became a fit subject for ), when the fruit of had come, and reached maturity, and been and stored in the , and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from ], and scattered throughout all the . Even as Esaias saith, “The of shall strike root, and shall flourish, and the whole shall be filled with his fruit.”

[. One of the most arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it an inveterate of the human heart. Comp. , and the message to , .]

Anf-01 Pg 3
Jer. vii. 4powerfulrebukessuperstitionRev. ii. 5RomeRom. xi. 21creationGodwheatvineGodvineJerusalembondageGoddeathsubduedlibertylibertyreapedbarnJerusalemworldchildrenJacobIsraelworld3835

And it so happened as the had spoken.

Comp. , ; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Isa. v.Jer. xxv.LordLet us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of shall be built in in the name of the .” GodgloryLord1678

And it is plain that this was spoken not of , but of . For all we out of all do expect not , but , who led your fathers out of Egypt. For the referred even to the of : ‘Till He come for whom this is laid up, and He shall be the expectation of .’ came, therefore, as we have shown at length, and is expected again to appear above the ; whose name you , and labour hard to get it over all the . It were possible for me, sirs,” I continued, “to against you about the reading which you so , saying it is written, ‘Till the things laid up for Him come;’ though the Seventy have not so explained it, but thus, ‘Till He comes for whom this is laid up.’ But since what follows indicates that the reference is to (for it is, ‘and He shall be the expectation of ’), I do not proceed to have a mere verbal with you, as I have not attempted to establish about from the passages of Scripture which are not admitted by you


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxx Pg 4
Gen. xlix. 10JudahChristnationsJudahJesusprophecyadventChristnationsJesuscloudsprofaneprofanedearthcontendinterpretChristnationscontroversyproofChrist2409

2409 [Note this important point. He forbears to cite the New Testament.] which I quoted from the words of Jeremiah the , and Esdras, and ; but from those which are even now admitted by you, which had your comprehended, be well assured they would have deleted them, as they did those about the of Isaiah, whom you sawed asunder with a wooden saw. And this was a mysterious type of being about to your in two, and to raise those worthy of the honour to the along with the holy patriarchs and ; but He has said that He will send others to the condemnation of the fire along with similar and men from all the . ‘For they shall come,’ He said, ‘from the west and from the east, and shall sit down with , and , and in the of ; but the of the shall be cast out into outer .’ prophetDavidteachersdeathChristcutnationeverlastingkingdomprophetsunquenchabledisobedientimpenitentnationsAbrahamIsaacJacobkingdomheavenchildrenkingdomdarkness2410


Anf-01 viii.ii.xxxii Pg 2 .
Gen. xlix. 10
It is yours to make accurate inquiry, and ascertain up to whose time the had a and king of their own. Up to the time of , who taught us, and the which were not yet understood, [they had a ] as was foretold by the holy and Spirit of through Moses, “that a would not the until He should come for whom the was reserved” (for was the of the , from whom also they have their name of ); and after He (i.e., ) appeared, you began to rule the , and possession of all their territory. And the , “He shall be the expectation of the ,” signified that there would be some of all who should look for Him to come again. And this indeed you can see for yourselves, and be convinced of by fact. For of all races of men there are some who look for Him who was crucified in Judæa, and after whose the land was straightway surrendered to you as of . And the , “binding His foal to the , and washing His robe in the of the ,” was a significant symbol of the things that were to happen to , and of what He was to do. For the foal of an ass stood bound to a at the of a , and He ordered His acquaintances to bring it to Him then; and when it was brought, He mounted and sat upon it, and entered , where was the vast of the which was afterwards by you. And after this He was crucified, that the of the might be fulfilled. JewslawgiverJesusChristinterpretedprophecieslawgiverdivineprophecyrulerfailJewskingdomJudahforefatherJewsJewsChristJewsgainedprophecynationsnationscrucifixionspoilwarprophecyvinebloodgrapeChristvineentrancevillageJerusalemtempleJewsdestroyedrestprophecyFor this “washing His robe in the blood of the grape” was predictive of the passion He was to endure, cleansing by His blood those who believe on Him. For what is called by the Spirit through the “His robe,” are those men who believe in Him in whom abideth the Divineprophetseed1828

1828 Grabe would here read, not , but , the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Trollope all think that no change should be made. σπέρμαπνεῦμα of , the Word. And what is spoken of as “the of the ,” signifies that He who should appear would have , though not of the of man, but of the power of . GodbloodgrapebloodseedGodAnd the first power after God the Father and Lord of all is the Word, who is also the Son; and of Him we will, in what follows, relate how He took flesh and became man. For as man did not make the of the , but , so it was hereby intimated that the should not be of human , but of power, as we have said above. And Isaiah, another , foretelling the same things in other words, spoke thus: “A shall rise out of , and a shall spring from the root of ; and His shall the . bloodvineGodbloodseeddivineprophetstarJacobflowerJessearmnationstrust1829


Anf-01 Pg 12 .
Gen. xlix. 10
have been fulfilled in the , [our saying,] “Go ye and all , them in the name of the , and of the Son, and of the Holy .” GospelLordteachnationsbaptizingFatherGhost964


Anf-01 viii.ii.liv Pg 2 .
Gen. xlix. 10
The , accordingly, when they heard these prophetic words, said that Bacchus was the son of , and gave out that he was the discoverer of the , and they number wine devilsJupitervine1883

1883 In the the reading is (wine); but as Justin’s argument seems to require (an ass), Sylburg inserted this latter word in his edition; and this reading is approved by Grabe and Thirlby, and by Otto and Trollope. It may be added, that is much more suitable to than to . ms.οἶνονὄνονadoptedἀναγράφουσιὄνονοἶνον [or, the ass] among his ; and they taught that, having been torn in pieces, he ascended into . And because in the of Moses it had not been expressly intimated whether He who was to come was the Son of , and whether He would, riding on the foal, remain on or ascend into , and because the name of “foal” could mean either the foal of an ass or the foal of a horse, they, not knowing whether He who was foretold would bring the foal of an ass or of a horse as the sign of His coming, nor whether He was the Son of , as we said above, or of man, gave out that Bellerophon, a man of man, himself ascended to on his horse Pegasus. And when they heard it said by the other Isaiah, that He should be of a , and by His own means ascend into , they pretended that Perseus was spoken of. And when they knew what was said, as has been cited above, in the written aforetime, “ as a to his course,” mysteriesheavenprophecyGodearthheavenGodbornheavenprophetbornvirginheavenpropheciesStronggiantrun1884


Anf-01 viii.iv.lii Pg 2 [. These texts are frequently referred to by Justin.]
Bible:Gen.49.11 :Gen.49.18 :Gen.49.24">Gen. xlix. 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 24BibleBible
that there would be two advents of , and that in the first He would , and that after He came there would be neither nor king in your (I proceeded), and that the who believed in the suffering would look for His future . And for this reason the had uttered these truths in a , and obscurely: for,” I added, “it is said, ‘, thy have thee: thy [shall be] on the neck of thine ; the sons of thy shall thee. is a ’s whelp; from the germ, my son, thou art sprung up. Reclining, he lay down like a , and like [a ’s] whelp: who shall raise him up? A shall not depart from , or a from his thighs, until that which is laid up in store for him shall come; and he shall be the desire of , binding his foal to the , and the foal of his ass to the tendril of the . He shall his in wine, and his vesture in the of the . His eyes shall be bright with

ChristsufferprophetnationnationsChristappearanceHoly SpiritparableJudahbrethrenpraisedhandsenemiesfatherworshipJudahlionlionlionrulerJudahleadernationsvinevinewashgarmentsbloodgrape2113

2113 Or, “in comparison of.” wine, and his teeth white like milk.’ 2114


Anf-01 Pg 11 , LXX.
Gen. xlix. 10–12
For, let those who have the of investigating everything, inquire at what time a and out of , and who is the of the , who also is the , what was the ass’s [referred to as] His, what the clothing, and what the eyes, what the teeth, and what the wine, and thus let them investigate every one of the points mentioned; and they shall find that there was none other than our , . Wherefore Moses, when chiding the of the people, said, “Ye infatuated people, and , do ye thus requite the ?” reputationprinceleaderfailedJudahhopenationsvinecoltannouncedLordChristJesusingratitudeunwiseLord3925

This was first fulfilled in Syria; for “the were called at ,”

; .

Anf-01 v.iii.x Pg 7
Isa. lxii. 2 12disciplesChristiansAntioch700


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxix Pg 6 .
Isa. lxii. 12
Therefore we are not a people to be , nor a barbarous race, nor such as the Carian and Phrygian ; but has even chosen us and He has become manifest to those who asked not after Him. ‘Behold, I am ,’ He says, ‘to the which called not on My name.’


This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a of , it would never part company with the ; and that the twigs, if made by , never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [ twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] , which had in herself borne the yoke of (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to when was reigning, and being , became a fit subject for ), when the fruit of had come, and reached maturity, and been and stored in the , and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from ], and scattered throughout all the . Even as Esaias saith, “The of shall strike root, and shall flourish, and the whole shall be filled with his fruit.”

[. One of the most arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it an inveterate of the human heart. Comp. , and the message to , .]

Anf-01 Pg 3
Jer. vii. 4powerfulrebukessuperstitionRev. ii. 5RomeRom. xi. 21creationGodwheatvineGodvineJerusalembondageGoddeathsubduedlibertylibertyreapedbarnJerusalemworldchildrenJacobIsraelworld3835

And it so happened as the had spoken.

Comp. , ; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Isa. v.Jer. xxv.LordLet us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of shall be built in in the name of the .” GodgloryLord1678

Well, there is nothing until after the resurrection. “And and sighing,” continues he, “shall away.”


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 3
Isa. xxxv. 10eternalsorrowflee7729


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 4 .
Ver. 10
The echoes the same to John: “And shall wipe away all from their eyes;” angelGodtears7730


[. One of the most arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it an inveterate of the human heart. Comp. , and the message to , .]

Jer. vii. 4powerfulrebukessuperstitionRev. ii. 5RomeRom. xi. 21 This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a of , it would never part company with the ; and that the twigs, if made by , never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [ twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] , which had in herself borne the yoke of (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to when was reigning, and being , became a fit subject for ), when the fruit of had come, and reached maturity, and been and stored in the , and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from ], and scattered throughout all the . Even as Esaias saith, “The of shall strike root, and shall flourish, and the whole shall be filled with his fruit.”

Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 39.2

Anf-02 vi.iii.iii.xii Pg 39.2
Anf-01 Pg 3creationGodwheatvineGodvineJerusalembondageGoddeathsubduedlibertylibertyreapedbarnJerusalemworldchildrenJacobIsraelworld3835

And it so happened as the had spoken.

Comp. , ; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Isa. v.Jer. xxv.LordLet us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of shall be built in in the name of the .” GodgloryLord1678



Isa. lii. 6 For it was He who used to speak in the —the Word, the Creator’s Son. “I am present, while it is the hour, upon the , as one that bringeth tidings of , as one that publisheth good tidings of good.”

Anf-02 vi.iii.i.ix Pg 43.1

Npnf-201 iii.xvi.iv Pg 139
Anf-03 v.iv.v.xiii Pg 8prophetsmountainsgladpeace3910

—to Him will the gift, that is, the , who proclaimed the word which is to be accomplished in the .  And to none other God does he tell us that “thanks” are due, for having enabled us to achieve “the victory” even over death, than to Him from whom he received the very expression


Anf-03 Pg 54
Isa. xxv. 8 and (especially) Hos. xiii. 14belongkingdomkingdom5678

This was first fulfilled in Syria; for “the were called at ,”

; .

Anf-01 v.iii.x Pg 7
Isa. lxii. 2 12disciplesChristiansAntioch700


Anf-01 viii.iv.cxix Pg 6 .
Isa. lxii. 12
Therefore we are not a people to be , nor a barbarous race, nor such as the Carian and Phrygian ; but has even chosen us and He has become manifest to those who asked not after Him. ‘Behold, I am ,’ He says, ‘to the which called not on My name.’


This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a of , it would never part company with the ; and that the twigs, if made by , never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [ twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] , which had in herself borne the yoke of (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to when was reigning, and being , became a fit subject for ), when the fruit of had come, and reached maturity, and been and stored in the , and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from ], and scattered throughout all the . Even as Esaias saith, “The of shall strike root, and shall flourish, and the whole shall be filled with his fruit.”

[. One of the most arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it an inveterate of the human heart. Comp. , and the message to , .]

Anf-01 Pg 3
Jer. vii. 4powerfulrebukessuperstitionRev. ii. 5RomeRom. xi. 21creationGodwheatvineGodvineJerusalembondageGoddeathsubduedlibertylibertyreapedbarnJerusalemworldchildrenJacobIsraelworld3835

And it so happened as the had spoken.

Comp. , ; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Isa. v.Jer. xxv.LordLet us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of shall be built in in the name of the .” GodgloryLord1678

Well, there is nothing until after the resurrection. “And and sighing,” continues he, “shall away.”


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 3
Isa. xxxv. 10eternalsorrowflee7729


Anf-03 v.viii.lviii Pg 4 .
Ver. 10
The echoes the same to John: “And shall wipe away all from their eyes;” angelGodtears7730

This is just as if any one should say, that if straw were a of , it would never part company with the ; and that the twigs, if made by , never would be lopped away and deprived of the clusters. But as these [ twigs] have not been originally made for their own sake, but for that of the fruit growing upon them, which being come to maturity and taken away, they are left behind, and those which do not conduce to fructification are lopped off altogether; so also [was it with] , which had in herself borne the yoke of (under which man was reduced, who in former times was not subject to when was reigning, and being , became a fit subject for ), when the fruit of had come, and reached maturity, and been and stored in the , and when those which had the power to produce fruit had been carried away from her [i.e., from ], and scattered throughout all the . Even as Esaias saith, “The of shall strike root, and shall flourish, and the whole shall be filled with his fruit.”

[. One of the most arguments in all Scripture is contained in the first twelve verses of this chapter, and it an inveterate of the human heart. Comp. , and the message to , .]

Anf-01 Pg 3
Jer. vii. 4powerfulrebukessuperstitionRev. ii. 5RomeRom. xi. 21creationGodwheatvineGodvineJerusalembondageGoddeathsubduedlibertylibertyreapedbarnJerusalemworldchildrenJacobIsraelworld3835

And it so happened as the had spoken.

Comp. , ; but the words do not occur in Scripture.

Anf-01 vi.ii.xvi Pg 7
Isa. v.Jer. xxv.LordLet us inquire, then, if there still is a temple of God. There is—where He himself declared He would make and finish it. For it is written, “And it shall come to pass, when the week is completed, the temple of shall be built in in the name of the .” GodgloryLord1678


Edersheim Bible History Lifetimes xi.xiii Pg 8.4

Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, Chapter 12Isa 2:11
VERSE 	(1) - 11:10,11,1614:326:127:1-3,12,1335:10Zec 14:9,20

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