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    Subject Index

    Æon, meaning of the term, 316

    Æon, the twelfth, the sufferings of

    not to be deduced from Scripture, 387

    not typified by the woman with the issue of blood, 392


    English equivalents of the Greek names, 316

    further inquiry into and refutation of the speculations respecting; the theory of, further exposed, 380

    how the thirty are indicated in Scripture, 319

    the production of, 373, 379

    the thirty, not typified by the baptism of Jesus in His thirtieth year, 390

    the thirty, of Valentinus, 316

    the twelve apostles not types of the twelve, 389

    Æschylus, on the unity of God, 290

    Aaron and Miriam, their sin against Moses, and its punishment, 573

    Abel, 6, 55, 89

    Abel and Cain, the offerings of, 485

    Abominations, the, practiced by the Valentinians, 324

    Abraham, 7, 9, 13, 142

    both covenants prefigured in, 495

    had faith identical with ours, 492

    saw the day of Christ, 467, 469

    vain attempt of Marcion to exclude him from Christ’s salvation, 470

    waited for the promises of God, 561

    Abraxas, Basilides’ doctrine of, 350

    Acceptable year of the Lord, the, 390


    an account of, 320

    asserted to be be referred to in the Scripture, 326

    origin of the visible world from, 321

    shall at last enter the Pleroma, 325

    Adam and Eve, the story of, according to the Ophites, 356

    Adam, the first

    analogy with the second, 454

    death of, 551

    his repentance signified by the girdle which he made, 457

    in paradise, 531

    made a partaker of salvation, 455

    sinned on the sixth day of creation, 551

    why driven out of paradise, 457

    Adrian, Emperor, his Epistle in behalf of the Christians, 186

    Adultery, 35, 108, 143

    Advents of Christ, 210, 221, 253, 254

    Afflictions of Christ, 139

    Agape, 396


    how her passion is said to be indicated in Scripture, 319

    of Ptolomy, 333

    revealed by Tetrad, 337

    the Æon so called, 317

    the numerical value of, does not square with Valentinianism, 396

    Alms-giving, 16, 148

    Amen, 186

    Analogies, heathen

    to Christ’s doctrine, 169

    to Christ’s history, 170

    to the Sonship of Christ, 170

    Anaxagoras, 376

    Anaximander, 376

    Anaximander and Anaximenes, 274

    Angels, 68, 68, 88, 118, 148

    could not be ignorant of the Supreme God, 365

    how they transgressed, 190, 238

    of the devil, 524

    the world not made by, 361

    their freedom, 190, 250, 269

    who taught them, 164

    Anger, 17, 35, 54, 54

    Animal men, the, of the Valentinians, 323, 327


    cloven-footed, 144

    forbidden or allowed as food to Israel, spritual significance of, 143

    ruminant, 143

    Animals, clean and unclean, 534

    Anthropos and Ecclesia, the Æons so named, 316, 333, 355

    Antichrist, 34, 138

    concentrates in himself the apostasy, 557

    the fraud, pride, and tyranny of the kingdom of, 553

    the number of the name of, 558

    Antioch, church at, 48, 85, 85, 91, 91, 96, 96, 100, 129, 129

    Antiochians, supposed Epistle of Ignatius to them, wherein he speaks of his bonds, of the true doctrine concerning Christ against the views of the early heretics, and exhorts them to certain duties, 110

    Antiphanes, the theogony of, 376

    Antoninus, Emperor, Epistle in behalf of the Christians, 186

    Apator, 322

    Apostates, 68, 68, 71, 71, 82, 83

    Apostles, 175, 179

    the twelve, not types of the twelve Æons, 389

    the, did not begin to preach till endued with the Holy Spirit, 414

    the, preached one God, 414

    the, the doctrine of, 429

    the, the labours of, lessened by their predecessors, 494

    Apostles, ordinances as to the ministry, 16, 17, 18, 66, 67

    Aquila and Theodotian, their interpretation of Isa. vii. 14 referred to, 451

    Archelaus, the Athenian, 274

    Argument, the, of Justin’s Apology stated, 170

    Aristotle, opinions of, 275

    Ark of the covenant, 394, 570

    Atheism, 164

    Aurelius, 187

    Autogenes, 353

    Axe, the

    laid at the root, 573

    made to float by means of wood, 572

    Balaam, 571

    forbidden to curse Israel, 572

    his ass a type, 572

    slain, 572

    Baptism of Jesus in His thirtieth year not a type of the thirty Æons, 390

    Baptism prefigured in the Old Testament, 144

    Baptism, Christian, 183, 201, 216

    its imitation by demons, 183

    Barbeliotes or Borborians, the, 353


    his Epistle, wherein he warns his readers against Judaism, and seeks to explain some Jewish customs, 137

    who he was, 133


    absurd notion of, as to the death of Jesus, 349

    the doctrines of, 349

    Beast, the, 557

    Bel and the Dragon, 467


    a spritual temple, 147

    what Christ is to them, 11, 14, 15, 18, 33

    Benediction, forms of, 15, 21, 30, 43, 44, 58, 58, 72, 72, 85, 85, 92, 92, 96, 96

    Birds, not allowed as food to Israel, 143

    Birds, the two, in Lev. xiv, 301


    duties of, 69, 85, 89, 90, 94, 95

    subjection to him, 17, 50, 50

    though youthful, to be obeyed, 60, 60

    to be consulted in all things, 50, 51, 62, 62, 79, 89, 90

    to be honoured, 90, 90, 95, 95


    a succession of, in various churches, 415

    first, of Rome, 416

    Blandina, the martyr, 570

    Blessings, divine

    how obtained, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 21, 29

    to be sought, 29, 149


    the Christians accused of eating, 570

    the, of Christ, redeems, 527

    Blood, the, of Christ, redeems, 528

    Bodies, the, of men

    from the earth, 544

    temples of the Holy Ghost, 532

    Body and soul, the views of heretics respecting the future destiny of, refuted, 402

    Brazen serpent, 145

    Bread and wine in the Eucharist, 528

    Breath of life, the, 537

    Burrhus of Ephesus, 50, 50

    Bythus, 316, 333

    absurdity of, 362, 363

    Cain, 6, 456

    and Abel, the respective offerings of, 485

    Cainites, the doctrines of the, 358

    Carnal and spiritual, 536


    his followers branded with external marks, and have images of Jesus, 351

    his views of the devil, 351

    immorality of the system of, 351, 351

    the doctrines of, 350

    the followers of, practised magic and incantations, 350

    Catholic, 39, 40, 42, 90

    Centurion, the, of the Gospels, asserted by the Valentinians to be the Demiurge, 326

    Cerdo, the doctrines of, 352

    Cerinthus, the doctrines of, 351

    Chariton, examination of, by the Prefect Rusticus, 305

    Chastity, 34, 148, 167

    Children exposed, 172


    His kingdom eternal, 555

    His person, 9, 52, 52, 57, 57, 61, 61, 62, 62, 64, 69, 70, 70, 76, 81, 84, 86, 86, 87, 87, 89, 94, 145

    His resurrection, 11, 33, 33, 70, 70, 70, 87, 87, 87

    His resurrection a proof of ours, 532

    His second coming, 11, 33, 64, 87

    His sufferings, 9, 63, 64, 66, 67, 70, 70, 70, 70, 83, 84, 84, 84, 86, 86, 87, 87, 89, 89, 139, 140, 142, 144

    His victory over Satan, 549

    Valentinus’s views of, 319, 325, 332, 333

    alone able to redeem us, 526

    and Jesus of Nazareth proved from the writings of Paul to be one and the same, 445

    and Jesus, the same, and only begotten Son of God, 440

    assumed actual flesh, conceived and born of the Virgin, 454

    came for the sake of men in all ages, 494

    conferred on our flesh the capacity of salvation, 528

    descended into regions beneath the earth, 499

    did not abolish the law, 475

    did not abrogate the natural precepts of the law, but removed the bondage, 477

    did not flee away from Jesus at the cross, 447

    did not suffer in appearance merely, 447

    fitting that He should take human nature, and be tempted by the devil, 548

    foreseen and foretold by the prophets, 509

    how prefigured, 571

    is the end of the law, 476

    is the treasure hid in the field, 496

    not, but the Holy Spirit, descended upon Jesus, 444

    temptation of, 549

    testimony of the sacred books to, 576, 577, 577

    the advent of, foreknown and desired by righteous men, 474

    the advent of, foretold, 473

    the apostles of, their preaching, 417

    the dead raised by, a proof of the resurrection, 539

    the descent of, upon Jesus, according to the Ophites, 357

    the origin of, according to the Ophites, 354

    the prophets referred all their predictions to, 511

    the resurrection of, 560

    the source of blessings, 14, 84, 84

    took flesh, not seemingly, but really, 527

    Christ Jesus, 170, 177, 190, 219, 236, 236, 237, 237, 253, 265, 301

    His advent foretold, 173, 175, 260

    His appearances before His coming in the flesh, 263

    His cross, symbols of, 181, 242, 244, 247

    His early history, 237, 250

    His first and second coming, 209, 210, 221, 253, 254

    His humanity, 170, 174, 179, 193, 216, 219, 228, 231, 241, 301

    His reign and majesty, 176, 178, 180, 209, 236, 267

    His rejection by the Jews, 175, 179, 253, 267

    His resurrection, 252, 252, 253, 298

    His teaching, 167, 168, 168, 246

    His titles in Scripture, 190, 262

    His work, 178

    blood of, 173, 200, 222, 228

    called Jacob, Israel, and Son of man, 248, 262

    called the Lord of Hosts, 212, 241

    called the Word, 164, 166, 170, 173, 174, 190, 191, 263, 264

    compared to Socrates, 191

    crucified, 166, 173, 174, 175, 179, 222, 247, 247, 248, 248, 248, 249, 251, 251

    distinguished from the Father, 264

    figures of: Joshua, 255, 256, 257, 264, 265

    figures of: Mosaic law, 214, 215, 215, 216

    figures of: Noah, 268, 268

    not a magician, 172

    of faith in, 191, 199, 257, 260

    salvation alone in, 207, 216

    shown to be God, from His appearances to Abraham, 223

    shown to be God, from His interviews with Moses, 226

    shown to be God, from the testimony of Proverbs, 228

    shown to be God, from visions to Jacob, 225

    shown to be God, objections met, that He ate, 225

    testimony of Scripture regarding Him: of David, 175, 176, 176, 211, 211, 212, 213, 213, 229, 229, 235, 235, 240, 241, 248, 248, 248, 249, 249, 250, 251, 251, 252

    testimony of Scripture regarding Him: of Isaiah, 174, 174, 179, 179, 200, 236, 237, 241

    testimony of Scripture regarding Him: of Micah, 174

    testimony of Scripture regarding Him: of Moses, 173, 221, 223, 236

    testimony of Scripture regarding Him: of Zechariah, 175, 221

    the Holy Spirit received by Him, 243

    the Son of God, 164, 166, 170, 178, 182, 190, 216, 219, 250, 253, 256, 256, 257, 258, 262

    the curse He endured, 246, 247, 247


    Apologies for, by Justin Martyr, 163, 188

    accused of atheism, 164

    are the sons of God, 261

    are the true Israel, 261, 267

    blamed for not observing the law, 199, 203

    blamed for not submitting to be circumcised, 206, 208, 256

    called children, 153

    charges refuted: shown they do not worship idols, 165

    charges refuted; shown they do not worship idols, 171

    have the true righteousness, 209

    heirs of the covenant, 145

    inquiry into the charges against them, 163

    manners of, 26

    promised as seed to the patriarchs, 259

    shown to be called like Abraham, 259

    testimonies of Roman emperors as to, 186

    their moral life, 165, 172, 189, 192

    their relation to the world, 27

    their treatment at the hand of the Jews, 203, 214, 246, 247, 256

    their treatment at the hands of the heathen world, 170, 182, 188, 191, 253, 254

    their worship, 185, 185, 185

    true and false, 55, 55, 61, 61

    worship God, 164, 165

    Christians, calumnies against, 570


    order in the, 16, 16, 17, 90, 90

    order of ministers in, 16

    the regard Moses had for order in, 16

    the regard the apostles had for order in, 17

    this order disturbed by the wicked, 17

    Church, Jacob’s marriage a figure of, 266

    Church, the

    her gifts, 409

    of Rome, founded by Peter and Paul, 415

    performs nothing by incantations or curious arts, 409

    the catholic, the depository of truth, 416

    Circumcision, 202, 203, 206, 206, 208, 245, 256

    Circumcision, spiritual meaning of, 142

    Clean and unclean, 534


    his first Epistle, 5

    introductory notice of, 1

    Colorbasus, the doctrines of, 333

    Commandment, the first and greatest, 476

    Commandments, of God, 33, 148

    Communion with God, 556


    of Christ, 41, 55, 56, 83, 129

    of sin, 19

    Conformity to Christ, 50

    Continence of Christians, 172

    Corinthians, Epistle of Clement to

    exhorts them to Church order, 16, 16, 17

    exhorts them to brotherly love, 18

    exhorts them to good works, 14

    exhorts them to humility, 8, 9, 9, 11, 15, 15

    exhorts them to peace, 16

    exhorts them to repentance, 7, 7

    exhorts to Church order, 16

    he commends them, 5

    shows the effects of envy among them, 5, 6, 18

    Corruption, 301

    Cosmocrator, the, 323

    Covenant, the

    lost by the Jews, 139

    who are heirs of, 145

    Covenant, the new, 511


    one author and one end to both, 472

    the oneness of both proved by Jesusreproof of customs repugnant to the former, 475

    Covetousness, 35

    Created things

    made after the image of invisible things, according to the Marcosians, 342

    not a shadow of the Pleroma, 368

    not images of Æons within the Pleroma, 366

    Creation, the, of all things out of nothing by God, 369


    but one, of the world, 369

    is the Word of God, 546

    the, could not be ignorant of the Supreme God, 365

    the, made all things, spiritual and material, 405

    Crescens, his prejudices, 189

    Crocus of Ephesus, 50, 50

    Cross, symbols of the, 181, 242, 244, 247

    Cross, the, of Christ

    prefigured in the Old Testament, 144, 144

    the glory of, 56, 57

    Curse, the, 246, 247, 247, 248

    Damas, bishop of Magnesia, 59, 59

    Danaids, martyrdom of, 6

    Daniel, 60, 61

    Darkness, the way of, 149

    David, his humility, 10

    Day of retribution, the, 390

    Day, the, does not square with the theory of Valentinus, 395

    Deacons, 34, 61, 61, 69, 72, 85, 85, 89, 90, 95, 95

    Dead, the, raised by Christ, a proof of the resurrection, 539

    Death, 166, 192

    Death and life, 537

    Decalogue, the

    at first inscribed on the hearts of men, 479

    not cancelled by Christ, 481

    Deeds, evil

    their detection, 166

    their punishment, 165

    Demiurge, the

    declared by the heretics to be animal, 403

    if animal, how could he make things spiritual?, 405

    ignorant of the offspring of his mother Achamoth, 323

    ignorant of what he created, 322

    instructed by the Saviour, 326

    is the centurion of the Gospels, 326

    passes into the intermediate habitation, 325

    the creator of all things outside the Pleroma, 322

    the formation of, according to Valentinus, 322

    views of the heretics respecting, exposed and confuted, 385

    Demons, 167, 190, 192

    cause persecution, 182

    their imitation of divine things, 181, 182, 182, 183

    Deuteronomy, 571


    as a roaring lion against Christ, 251

    his lie in regard to the government of the world, 552

    practised in falsehoods, he tempted man, 551

    the sons of the, 525

    views of the Carpocratians respecting, 351

    why plots against us, 300

    Devil, snares of the, 30, 55, 55, 69, 69, 82, 83, 117, 149

    Devils, 181, 182, 182, 182, 238

    distort the truth, 233, 233

    Dialogue of Justin Martyr with Trypho the Jew, 194

    Diatheses, the, of Ptolomy, 333

    Diognetes, Epistle to

    the blessings Christ brings, 29

    the importance of divine knowledge, 29

    the manifestation of Christ, 27

    the state of the world before Christ came, 28

    the superstitions of the Jews, 26

    the vanity of idols, 25

    the writer shows why he wrote it, 25

    why Christ came so late, 28

    Dircæ, martyrdom of, 6

    Disciples, the true spiritual, 506

    Discriminating faculty, the, in man, 522

    Disobedient, the

    are the angels of the devil, 524

    Divinations, 169


    false, 34, 53, 53, 56, 56, 62, 62, 68, 68, 71, 71, 82, 83, 88, 88

    profound, 68, 68

    Doctrines, false, 146

    Dream-senders, 169

    Duodecad, the, of Valentinus, how said to be indicated in Scripture, 319


    Christian, 9, 20, 53, 54, 54, 54, 62, 62, 81, 81, 95, 95, 148

    of deacons, etc., 34, 81

    of husbands and wives, 34, 81, 95, 95

    of presbyters, etc., 34, 90

    of the Christian flock, 35, 95, 95

    relative, 81, 90, 90

    Dyad, the, of Valentinus, 332

    Earthly things, types of heavenly, 486

    Ebionite, 83

    Ebionites, the, 352

    refutation of, who disparaged the writings of Paul, 439

    strictures on, 527

    Ecclesia, the

    of Ptolomy, 333

    of the Valentinians, 323

    Egyptians, the Israelites commanded to spoil the goods of, an exposition and vindication, 502

    Elements, the twenty-four, of Marcus, 339

    Elijah, 219, 530

    Elisha, 545

    Elucidation, by the American editor, end of book iii, 460

    Emanations the, of Valentinus and others

    an account of, 316, 332, 333, 339

    ridicule poured on, 332, 333

    Emperors, Roman, testimony to Christians, 186

    Encratites, the, 353

    Enmity, the, put between Eve and the serpent, 457

    Ennœa, 316, 333, 353, 354

    Enoch, 7

    Enoch, the translation of, 530

    Enthymesis, the, of Sopia or Achamoth, 318, 322

    the absurdity of, 383

    the treachery of Judas not a type of, 388

    Envy, 67

    its effect on Corinthian Church, 6, 17, 18

    its effect on the Church in all ages, 6, 17

    Ephesians, Epistle of Ignatius to, 49, 49

    Syriac version of Epistle, 101

    he commends them, 49, 49, 52, 53

    he exhorts them to unity, 50, 50

    he exhorts them to various duties, 53, 54, 58

    he warns them about false teachers and doctrines, 52, 52

    Epicurus, opinions of, 192, 193, 274

    Error, how often set off, 315

    Esther, her example, 20

    Eucharist, 16, 17, 77, 77, 81, 81, 89, 90, 185

    Eucharist, the, 486, 528


    on false gods, 292, 293

    on future judgment, 291

    Evanthas, 559

    Eve and the Virgin Mary compared, 547

    Eve, the story of, according to the Ophites, 356


    deeds, 6

    desires, 35

    speaking, 17

    Example of Christ, 9, 35, 35, 54, 54

    Examples of love, 19

    Fables, heathen, 233

    Faith, 8, 13, 14, 29, 53, 53, 55, 55, 64, 65, 66, 66, 84, 84, 86, 86, 88, 89

    Faith in Christ, 191, 199, 257, 260

    Faith of Abraham, the, the same as ours, 492

    Faith, the unity of the, in the universal Church, 330

    Falsehood, 56

    Fasting, 34, 202

    a type of Christ, 141

    the acceptable, 138

    Fate, 177, 177

    Father, the

    how no one knows, but the Son, 467

    reveals the Son, 468

    the world made by, through the Word, 361

    Fathers exhorted, 81

    Fear of God, 54, 54, 69

    Fear, produces (according to Valentinus) animal substances, 323

    Fish, Israel may not eat, spiritual significance of, 143

    Five, the number, the frequent use of, in Scripture, 394

    Flesh, the

    and blood, 534

    as nourished by the body of the Lord, incorruptible, 486

    made capable of salvation, 528

    quickened, 538

    saved by the Word taking flesh, 541

    the saints having suffered in, shall received their rewards in, 561

    the works of, 536

    Florinus, 568

    Foreknowledge of God, 178

    Forerunner of Christ, 220

    Forgiveness of sin, 200, 217

    Free will, man endowed with, 518

    Free-will in man and angels, 190, 250, 269

    Fruit of the belly and of the loins, 453

    Gentiles, 180

    conversion of, 253, 260, 264, 265

    Gentiles, the conversion of, more difficult than that of the Jews, 495

    Gideon, a type, 445

    Gifts, the, of the Holy Spirit, 533

    Gnostics, the hypocrisy and pride of, 439

    Goat, the, sent away, 141

    Goats, 301

    God, 164, 165, 166, 166, 167, 172, 177, 190, 197, 198, 199, 200, 300

    His care for men, 172

    His character, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 16, 80

    His infinitude, 569

    His namelessness, 281

    His power and glory will shine forth in the resurrection, 529

    His providential rule over the world, 459

    His righteousness, 245, 246

    His unity and sole government, treatise by Justin Martyr on, 290

    alone knows all things, 399

    always true and faithful, 572

    and the Word, formed all things by their own power, 546

    attributes of, 521

    but one announced by the law and the prophets, whom Christ confesses as His Father, 466

    but one, proved against Marcion and others, 359

    but one, who is the Father, 463

    communion with, 556

    created all things out of nothing, 370

    declared by the Son, 489

    declared by the law and manifested in Christ, 550

    different names of, in the Hebrew Scriptures, 412

    does not give His glory to another, 230

    formed all things by the Word and Spirit, 487

    has placed man under laws for man’s own benefit, 478

    how He appeared to Moses, 184

    how known, 196

    how to draw near and serve Him, 12, 14, 14, 20, 34

    imitators of, 13

    immutable and eternal, 465

    just to punish and good to save, 459

    many things, the knowledge of which must be left in His hands, 399

    needs nothing from man, 482

    not the author of sin, 502

    not to be sought after by means of syllables and letters, 396

    objection from Matt. vi. 24 answered, 421

    objection to the doctrine of one, deduced from 2 Cor. iv. 4, answered, 420

    of faith in, 35

    one and the same, inflicts punishments and bestows rewards, 523

    one, proclaimed by Christ and the apostles, 417

    opinions of Greek philosophers as to, 274

    pardons our sins, 544

    proved to be one and the same the Creator from the Gospel of Matthew, 422

    proved to be one and the same the Creator, from the Gospel of John, 426

    proved to be one and the same the Creator, from the Gospels of Mark and Luke, 423

    rejected by the Jews, 262, 267

    seen by men, yet invisible, 490

    showed Himself to be merciful and mighty to save after the fall of man, 449

    testimonies to unity from Greek poets: Æschylus, 290

    testimonies to unity from Greek poets: Orpheus, 290

    testimonies to unity from Greek poets: Philemon, 290

    testimonies to unity from Greek poets: Sophocles, 290

    the Holy Ghost throughout the Old Testament mentions but one, 418

    the author of both testaments, 505

    the destruction of Jerusalem derogates nothing from His majesty, 465

    the image of, in which man was made, 544

    the misery of departure from, 523

    the unity of proved from Moses, the prophets and Christ, 463

    the world made by, 361

    those deceived who feign another, 530

    unity of, reaffirmed, 544

    what He decreed concerning Christ, 249

    God of this world, the, 420

    Gods, false, 171, 181, 233

    Gods, the so-called, in the Old Testament, 419

    Good deeds, 13, 95, 95

    Good works, not necessary for Valentinian heretics, 324

    Gospel superior to law, 63, 63, 146, 146

    Gospels, the four

    respective characteristics of, 428

    symbolized by the four living creatures, 428

    there can be neither more nor fewer, 428

    those who destroy the form of, vain and unlearned, 429

    Government, civil, of God, and to be obeyed, 552

    Grace, 63, 63, 92, 92

    Graces, Christian, 35, 81

    Grain of mustard seed, the, 573

    Greater and less, application of the phrase, 472


    opinions of their philosophers, as Thales, 274

    opinions of their philosophers, of Plato and Aristotle, 275

    opinions of their philosophers, of Pythagoras and Epicurus, 274

    what their philosophers and poets learnt from Moses’ writings, 276, 277, 277, 278, 278

    Greeks, Justin’s Discourse to, 271

    calls upon them to study the divine word, 272

    exposes the Greek theogony, 271

    follies of Greek mythology, 272

    the shameless practices of the Greeks, 272

    wherein he justifies his departure from Greek customs, 271

    Greeks, Justin’s Hortatory Address to, 273

    wherein he shows that their poets are unfit to be religious teachers, 273

    Grief, 35

    Grief, evil spirits said by Valentinus to derive their origin from, 323

    Happiness, 20, 196


    in the Church, 61

    in the universe, 10

    Heaven, the, of Valentinus, 322

    Heavens, the new, different abodes in, 567

    Helena and Simon Magus, 348

    Hell, 169

    Henotes, 332

    Heraclitus and Hippasus, 274

    Hercules, 192

    Heresies, of recent origin, 417

    Heretics, the

    blasphemous doctrines of, further exposed, 408

    borrow their systems from the heathen, 376

    deviation of, from the truth, 347

    follow neither Scripture nor tradition, 415

    have fallen into an abyss of error, 370

    miracles claimed to be wrought by, 407

    modes of initiation practised by, 346

    refutation of, from the orderly succession of bishops in the churches, 415

    resort to Scripture to support their opinions, 319, 343, 344

    the first order of productions maintained by (viz. Æons), indefensible, 373

    their perverse interpretations of Scripture, 369

    to be avoided, 547

    tossed about by every wind of doctrine, 418

    unlearned, ignorant, and divided in opinion, 547

    Heretics, views of early, 34, 56, 56, 62, 62, 63, 63, 68, 68, 71, 71, 80, 80, 81, 81, 82, 83, 88, 88, 89, 89, 89, 89, 138, 149

    Hero, deacon of Antioch, Epistle of Ignatius to him, wherein he is exhorted to earnestness and moderation, cautioned against false teachers, instructed as to certain duties, and pointed out as the future bishop of Antioch, 113

    Holiness, 13, 42, 42, 53, 53, 54, 67, 67, 108

    Holy Spirit, 5, 17, 43, 53, 53, 53, 56, 57, 57, 83, 83, 84, 85, 92, 92, 101, 140, 146

    Holy Spirit, gifts of the, 533

    Holy Spirit, the, descended on Jesus at His baptism, not Christ nor the Saviour, 444


    his knowledge of man’s origin, 286

    his obligations to the sacred writer, 282

    his testimony to monotheism, 280

    passages from, showing his views as to his gods, 273

    Homer, laid under contribution by the Valentinians, curious instances of, 330

    Hope, 399, 476

    Horos and Stauros, 318, 319

    Human doctrine, 182, 219


    enjoined, 8, 9, 9, 11, 15, 15, 54

    of Christ, 9

    of saints, 9, 10, 20

    Humility enjoined, 54

    Husbands, duty of, 26, 34, 95, 95, 111, 148

    Hyssop, 142

    Hystaspes, 169

    I am that I am, 419

    Ialdaboth, 355

    Iao, 321

    Idols, 165, 171

    Idols, vanity of, 25, 56, 129


    Epistle to Polycarp, 93, 93

    Epistle to the Ephesians, 49, 49

    Epistle to the Magnesians, 59, 59

    Epistle to the Philadelphians, 79, 79

    Epistle to the Romans, 73, 73

    Epistle to the Smyrnæans, 86, 86

    Epistle to the Trallians, 66, 66

    Syriac versions of his Epistles to Polycarp, Ephesians, Romans, 97

    account of his martyrdom, 129

    appears in vision after death, 131

    condemned by Trajan, 48

    his desire for martyrdom, 49, 49, 74, 74, 74, 75, 75, 75, 75, 76, 76, 76, 76, 77, 96

    introductory note to his Epistles, 45

    is brought to Rome, 130

    is desire for martyrdom, 96

    is devoured by wild beasts at Rome, 130

    mentioned by Polycarp, 35, 36

    sails to Smyrna, 130

    seeks the prayers of the Churches, 54, 54, 77, 77

    speaks of his bonds, 50, 50, 58, 58, 59, 59, 70, 70, 72, 72, 75, 76, 91, 91

    speaks of his knowledge, 64, 64, 68, 68

    speaks of his need of humility, 67, 67

    spurious Epistle from Maria the Proselyte, 120

    spurious Epistle to Hero, a deacon of Antioch, 113

    spurious Epistle to Mary at Neapolis, 122

    spurious Epistle to the Antiochians, 110

    spurious Epistle to the Philippians, 116

    spurious Epistle to the Tarsians, 107

    spurious Epistle to the Virgin Mary, 126

    spurious Epistles to John the Apostle, 124, 125

    spurious Epistles, introductory note, 105

    writes to the churches, 130

    Ignorance, human, of divine things, 399

    Image of God, the, in which man was created, 544

    Images, 287


    of Christ, 50, 68, 76, 76

    of the Creator, 10, 28

    Immorality of the heathen, 171, 272

    Immorality, the, of the Valentinian heretics, 324

    Impure thoughts, 111, 149

    Initiation, modes of, practised by the heretics, 346

    Intermediate state, the, 560

    Isaac, 13

    the blessing of, 562

    the history of symbolical, 492

    Isaiah, his prophecy respecting the virgin conceiving, vindicated against Theodotion, Aquila, and the Ebionites, 451


    Christ is King of, 267

    applied to Christ, 262

    Israel applied to Chirst, 265

    Jacob, 12, 13

    Jacob, Leah and Rachel figures of the Church, 266

    Jacob, the actions of, typical, 493

    James the Just, 69, 155

    Jerusalem, the destruction of, derogates nothing from the majesty of God, 465


    His baptism when thirty years old, not a type of the thirty Æons, 390

    His birth foretold by Isaiah, 452

    His reply to the Sadducees, 466

    His teaching, 408

    according to Basilides, was not crucified, but Simon of Cyrene in His stead, 349

    and Christ, proved from the writings of Paul to be one and the same, 445

    became man so as to be capable of being tempted and crucified, 449

    descent of the Christ upon, according to the Ophites, 357

    how certain Æons are said to be indicated by the name of, 319

    lived at least till near fifty years old, 392

    meaning of the letters of the name of, 339

    neither Christ nor Saviour, but the Holy Spirit descended upon Him at His baptism, 444

    not a mere man, but very God, 448

    passed through every stage of life, to sanctify all, 391

    significance of the letters of the name, 339

    the baptism of, 423

    the generation of according to Marcus, 339

    the ministry of, extended over ten years, 391

    the same with Christ, the only begotten Son of God, perfect God and perfect man, 440

    the significance of the letters of the name, 393

    with Him nothing incomplete—His time, 443

    Jewish sacrifices abolished, 137


    blame the Christians for not observing the law, 199

    exhorted to repent and be converted, 258, 268

    how they treat Scriptures, 232

    how they treat the Scriptures, 175

    in disputations, 256

    not heirs to the covenant, 145

    observances of, 62, 62, 82

    rejecting Christ, they reject God, 267

    salvation for them only in Christ, 207, 216

    superstitions of, 26

    the Sabbaths instituted, and sacrifices and oblations, 204

    the injury to God from their opinion of the law, 206

    their circumcision differs from the Christian, 256

    their hard-heartedness, 266

    their interpretations, 261

    their treatment of Christ, 175, 179, 253

    their treatment of Christians, 175, 203, 214

    they boast in vain that they are the true sons of Abraham, 206, 269

    they violate the eternal law, and interpret ill that of Moses, 200

    treatment of Christians, 247

    why circumcision was given, 202

    why the choice of meats, 204

    why the law was given them, 203

    John the Apostle, Epistles of Ignatius to him, 124, 125

    John the Baptist, 220, 221

    John, and Cerinthus, a curious story relating to, 416

    Jonah, 7, 70

    Jonah, the sign of, 252

    Joshua, 571

    Joshua, a figure of Christ, 255, 256, 257, 264, 265

    Josiah, 60

    Judæa, its desolations foretold, 178

    Judaizing teachers, 63, 63, 82

    Judas, 40, 117, 153, 154

    Judas not an emblem of the twelfth Æon, 388

    Judge, the, 180

    Judged in the flesh, 85, 85, 108

    Judgement, the future, by Jesus Christ, 523, 556

    Judgment, future, testimonies of Greek writers to, 291

    Judith, 20

    Jupiter, 164, 170, 170, 192

    Justice demanded for Christians, 163

    Justification, 13, 63, 63, 64

    Justin Martyr

    fragments from his lost writings, 300

    he is examined and condemned by the Prefect Rusticus, 305

    he studies philosophy, 195

    his Dialogue with Trypho a Jew, 194

    his Discourse to the Greeks, 271

    his First Apology for Christians, 163

    his Hortatory Address to the Greeks, 273

    his Hortatory Address to the Greeks, spurious, 289

    his Second Apology for Christians, 188

    his arguments in favour of Christianity as against Judaism, 194

    his conversion, 195

    introductory notice of, 159

    on the Resurrection, 294

    on the Sole Government of God, 290

    Justin quoted against Marcion, 468

    Keltæ, the, 316


    the earthly, of the saints after their resurrection, 563

    the prophecies respecting, not allegorical, 565

    the, of Christ, eternal, 556

    Kingdom of God looked for, 43, 76, 76, 154

    Kingdom, Christians look for, 166

    Knee, bending the, a symbol of the resurrection, 569

    Knowledge, 29, 64, 64, 68, 68, 137, 196

    perfect, not attainable in this life, 399

    puffs up, 397

    the true, 574

    Lamb, 214

    Lateinos, 559


    Christ did not abrogate the natural precepts of, but removed the bondage of, 477

    man was placed under, for his own benefit, 478

    originally inscribed on the hearts of men, but afterwards, as the Mosaic, made by God to bridle the desires of the Jews, 479

    perfect righteousness not obtained by, 480

    the old and the new, has but one author, 472

    Law of Christ, 138

    Law, the, 199, 199, 200, 203, 214, 215, 215, 216

    Letters and syllables

    God not to be sought after by means of, 396

    absurdity of arguments derived from, 393

    the absurd theories of Marcus respecting, 336, 339

    Levitical dispensation, the, not appointed by God for His own sake, 482

    Life, 29, 76, 76, 89, 89, 198

    Life and death, 537

    Light, way of, 148

    Linus, bishop of Rome, 416

    Living creatures, the symbolic import of the four, 428


    absurdity of the Valentinian account of the generation of, 381

    the Æon so called and Sige, 372

    Lord’s Day, 186

    Lord’s day, 62, 62

    Lord, the

    is one God, the Father, 463

    testimony of Moses to, 463


    and his daughters, the typical import of the story of, 504

    the wife of, turned into a pillar of salt, 504

    Lot, his example, 8


    Moses an example of, 19

    brotherly, 18, 55, 55

    commended, 19, 55, 55

    other examples of, 19

    to God, 18, 89, 137

    Lucius, the philosopher, 163


    and Paul, 437

    refutation of the Ebionites who tried to disparage the authority of Paul from the writings of, 439

    Luxury abjured, 13, 27, 62, 83

    Magi, 237, 237

    Magic, our Lord’s miracles not performed by, 409

    Magical practises, the, of Marcus, 334

    Magnesians, Epistle of Ignatius to, 59, 59

    he shows the honour and submission due by them to their bishop, 60, 60

    warns against Judaism, 63, 63

    warns against false doctrine, 62, 62

    Magus, Simon, 83


    God’s mercy to, after the fall, 449

    all things created for the service of, 558

    corruption of, 301

    endowed with the faculty of distinguishing good and evil, 522

    every, either empty or full, 572

    his creation, 165, 228, 250

    needs a greater than man to save, 450

    origin of Homer’s opinion of, 286

    the first, according to the Ophites, 354

    the object of God’s long-suffering, 450

    the respective destinations of the threefold kind of, 325, 326

    the threefold kind, feigned by the heretics, 323

    the whole nature of, has salvation conferred upon it, 531

    unfruitful, without the Holy Spirit, 536

    why not at first made perfect, 521

    Mansions, the many, 567

    Marcion, 171, 182

    mutilates the Gospels, 352

    the doctrines of, 352

    vain attempt of, to exclude Abraham from Christ’s salvation, 470

    Marcionites, the, refuted in relation to prophecy, 511

    Marcosians, the

    absurd interpretations of, 341

    absurd theories of, respecting things created, 342

    appeal of, to Moses, 343

    cite Scripture to prove that the Father was unknown before the coming of Christ, 344

    departure of, from the truth, 347

    pervert the Gospels, 345

    the apocryphal Scriptures of, 344

    views of, respecting redemption, 345


    corrupts women, 334

    hypothesis of, respecting letters and syllables, 336

    pretended revelations of Sige to, 339

    pretends to confer the gift of prophecy, 334

    the deceitful arts and nefarious practises of, 334

    Marcus Aurelius, the emperor, his testimony of the Christians, 187

    Maria the Proselyte, her spurious letter to Ignatius, 120

    Maries, the, in the gospels, 155

    Marriage, 26, 81, 95, 95

    Marriages, impure, 167


    of Ignatius, 129

    of Polycarp, 37

    Martyrdom of holy martyrs at Rome, 305

    Martyrs, 6, 6, 39, 74


    and Eve, compared, 547

    would hasten on Jesus, but is checked by Him, 443

    Mary at Neapolis, spurious Epistle, 122

    Mary, the Virgin, spurious letter of Ignatius, and her reply, 126

    Mathetes, his Epistle to Diognetus, 23

    Matter, 573

    Matthew’s and Mark’s gospels, according to Papias, 154, 155

    Meats, choice of, why prescribed to Israel, 204


    not true that some are by nature good, and some are bad, 519

    possessed of free will, 518

    spiritual, 506, 533

    the three kinds of, feigned by the heretics, 323

    Menander, 171

    his views of God, 292

    Menander, successor to Simon Magus, 348

    Mercy, not to be exaggerated at the expense of justice, 501


    of Magnesian Church, 59, 59

    to be sent to Antioch, 96, 96

    Metropator, 322

    Millenium, questionable traditions of, 153

    Millennium, 239, 239

    Ministers, order of, in Church, 16, 17, 61, 65


    claimed to be performed by heretics, 407

    performed by Christ and His disciples, 409

    Mithras, mysteries of, 233

    Monogenes, the

    of Ptolemy, 333

    of Valentinus, 317

    Monotes, 332

    Monotheism, testimonies to

    of Homer, 280, 282

    of Orpheus, 279

    of Plato, 281, 282, 282, 282, 283

    of Pythagoras, 280

    of Sophocles, 280

    of the Sibyl, 280

    Months, the, do not fall in with the Valentinian theories of Æons, 395

    Moral faculty, the, in man, 522

    Mosaic laws, figures of things which pertain to Christ, 214, 215, 215, 216

    Moses, 6, 10, 144, 146, 573

    Aaron and Miriam sin against, 573

    God appears to, 184, 223

    Homer indebted to, 284

    Plato indebted to, 182, 283, 283, 286

    foretells Christ’s cross, 242

    heathen oracles testify to, 278

    his antiquity proved by Greek writers, 277, 277, 278

    his love for Israel, 19

    predicts Christ’s coming, 173

    quelling strife, 16

    training and inspiration of, 277

    Mother, the, of the Valentinian heresy, 386

    Mysteries, three, hid from Satan, 57, 57, 102

    Mystery of circumcision, 142


    Greek, the follies of, 272

    heathen, its origin, 181

    Naaman, cleansed of his leprosy, 574


    of God, different in the Hebrew Scriptures, 412

    of our Lord, 393, 393

    Names of God and Christ, 190, 262

    Necromancy, 169

    New covenant, the, 511

    Nicolaitanes, the, 352

    Nicolaitans, 71, 83

    Noah, 7

    Noah, a figure of Christ, 268, 268

    Nous, or Monogenes, 317, 333, 355

    Number of the beast, the, 558

    Numbers and letters, the folly of deriving arguments from, 393


    to Christ, 15, 51

    to God, 8, 11, 12, 50, 50, 61

    Obedience, civil, 168

    Oblation, the new, instituted by Christ, 484

    Oblations and sacrifices, 484

    Office-bearers of Church

    at Ephesus, 50

    at Magnesia, 59, 59

    at Philadelphia, 85, 85


    John asserted to have set forth, 328

    the first of Valentinus, 322

    the first, of Valentinus, 316

    Old Testament, the, everywhere mentions and predicts the advent of Christ, 473

    Olive, the wild, the symbolical significance of, 536

    Onesimus, bishop of Ephesus, 49, 49

    Ophites, the, 354


    heathen, 169

    Oracles, heathen

    testify of Moses, 278

    Order in the Church, 16, 16, 17, 90, 90

    Orpheus, his testimony to Monotheism, 279, 290

    Papias, fragments of, 151

    Papias, quoted, 563

    Parables, 517

    the proper mode of interpreting, 398

    Paschal solemnities, differences in the observance of, 568

    Passion of the twelfth Æon

    how said to be indicated in Scripture, 319

    not to be proved from Scripture, 387

    Passions, animal, produce, according to Valentinus, material substances, 323

    Pastors, the, to whom the apostles committed the churches, to be heard, 548

    Patience, 35, 168

    Patriarchs and prophets foretold the advent of Christ, 494


    and Peter, founders of the Church of Rome, 415

    caught up into the third heaven, 405

    knew no mysteries unrevealed to the other apostles, 437

    refutation of the Ebionites who disparage the writings of, 439

    sometimes uses words not in their grammatical sequence, 420

    Peace, 10

    of Church, 19

    of the universe, 10

    Perfect, why man was not made, 521

    Peripatetics, 195

    Persecution foretold, 509

    Peter and Paul, martyrdom of, 6

    Phœnix, the, 12

    Pharaoh’s heart hardened, how, 502

    Philadelphians, Epistle of Ignatius to them, consisting chiefly of exhortations to unity, 79, 79


    shows how God is appeased, 291

    testifies to a future judgment, 291


    Epistle of Polycarp to them, consisting of commendations of them, and exhortations to Christian duties, 33

    spurious Epistle of Ignatius to them, wherein he declares the unity of the Godhead, also facts in the history of the Godhead, also facts in the history of Christ; shows the malignity, folly, inconsistency, and ignorance of Satan, and concludes with exhortations, 116

    Philosophers, 165, 177

    Greek, their opinions of God, 274, 274, 275

    have not true knowledge, 288

    opinions as to the resurrection, 296

    their indebted to Moses, 278, 278, 279

    their indebtedness to Moses, 182, 286, 287, 287

    Philosophy, 195

    Phylactery, 218

    Plato, 165, 169, 177, 183, 275, 275, 276, 281

    ambiguity of, 282

    his agreement with Homer, 282

    his doctrine of form, 285

    his doctrine of the beginning of time, 287

    his doctrine of the heavenly gift, 286

    his knowledge of God’s eternity, 283

    his knowledge of judgment, 284

    indebted to Moses, 182, 183, 283, 285

    indebted to the prophets, 283

    of the universe, 296

    self-contradictory, 282

    Plato, quoted, 459

    Platonists, 195

    Pleroma, the

    of Valentinus, 316, 320

    shown to be absurd, 362, 379, 379

    Polybius, bishop of Tralles, 66, 66


    Epistle of Ignatius to him, consisting of counsels as to his work, 93

    Epistle of Ignatius to him, consisting of counsels as to his work , 93

    Irenæus’ testimony respecting, 416

    Syriac version of Epistle of Ignatius to him, 99

    confesses Christ, 41

    conversed with the apostles, 416

    he is betrayed, 40

    he refuses to revile Christ, 41

    his Epistle, 33

    his body burned, 43

    his humility, 33

    his last prayer, 42

    his praise of Paul, 35

    his reply to Marcion, 416

    in the fire, 42

    introductory notice, 31

    mentioned by Ignatius, 58, 58, 92

    the epistle of, 416

    Polytheism, 181, 290, 292

    Prayer, 34, 53, 54, 82, 82

    Prayers, 186, 257

    Prayers requested, 58, 58, 65, 65, 82, 82

    Predictions of the prophets, the, 509

    all uttered under the same inspiration, 513

    Presbyters, duties of, 17, 34, 72, 72

    Presbyters, the

    faithful, 497

    false, 497

    ought to be obeyed, 497


    its function, 69

    submission to, 50, 50, 51, 66, 67, 89, 90

    Priestly office, contention regarding, 16, 17, 18

    Proarche, the, of Valentinus, 333

    Production, the first order of, maintained by heretics

    proved to be absurd, 379

    proved to be indefensible, 373

    Propator, the

    of Ptolomy, 333

    of Valentinus, 316


    certainly fulfilled, 180

    concerning Christ, 173, 174, 174, 174, 210, 211, 211, 212, 213, 213, 214, 215, 215, 216, 220, 220, 221, 221, 222, 223, 235, 235, 236, 236, 237, 237, 240, 241, 241, 242, 242

    different modes of, 175

    Prophets, Hebrew, 173

    truth learned from them, 198

    use the past tense, 176

    Prophets, the

    referred all their predictions to Christ, 509

    refutation of the notion that they uttered their predictions under the inspiration of different gods, 412, 513

    sent by the same Father who sent the Son, 514

    speak of Christ, 140

    their predictions, 509

    to be esteemed, 82, 82

    Protarchontes, 354

    Providence of God, the world ruled by, 459

    Prunicus, 354, 356

    Psalms that speak of Christ, 176, 176, 211, 211, 212, 213, 213, 229, 235, 235, 240, 241, 248, 248, 248, 249, 249, 250, 251, 251, 252

    Ptolomy the heresiarch, the doctrines of, 333

    Ptolomy, the son of Lagus, procures a translation of the Jewish Scriptures, 451

    Punishment, everlasting, 165, 166, 169, 172, 191, 300

    Purification, 139, 142


    of conduct, 95, 95

    of heart, 12

    Pythagoras, opinions of, 274, 280

    Pythagoras, the heretics borrow from, 377

    Pythagoreans, 195

    Quintus the apostate, 40

    Red heifer, 142

    Redemption, the views of, entertained by heretics, 345

    Rehab, her example, 8

    Repentance, 7, 53, 147, 167, 258

    Reprobate men, various classes of, 149

    Responsibility, human, 177, 190


    Christ’s, 11, 33, 33, 70, 70, 70, 87, 87, 178, 298

    arguments for; Christ has risen, 298

    not impossible, 295

    objections to, 294, 295, 295

    our, 11, 12, 34

    treatise of Justin on, 294

    Resurrection, the

    an actual, 566

    illustrated, 570

    of the body, 530

    of the dead, asserted by Jesus against the Sadducees, 466

    of the flesh asserted, 529

    proofs of, from Isaiah and Ezekiel, 542

    proved by the resurrection of Christ, 532

    various proofs of, from the Old Testament, 530

    Retribution, the day of, 390

    Revelation, inspiration of the, 155

    Ridicule, poured upon the emanations and nomenclature of Valentinus, 332

    Righteous, the

    their sufferings, 17

    Righteous, the, and the wicked, 556

    Righteousness, 201, 208, 209, 217, 245, 246

    Righteousness, perfect, not conferred by the law, 480

    Rod, the, of Moses, 453

    Roman Empire, the dissolution of the, predicted, 554

    Romans, Epistle of Ignatius to

    Syriac version of Epistle, 103

    he expresses his desire for martyrdom and his reasons for the same, 73, 73

    Rome, the Church of

    founded and organized by Peter and Paul, 415

    the first bishops of, 416

    Rusticus, the prefect, examines Christians, 305

    Sabaoth, 412, 412


    how to be kept, 62, 62

    the true, 146

    Sabbath, why instituted, 204, 207, 301

    Sabbath-day, the law did not prohibit the hungry eating food ready to hand on the, 471

    Sacraments, the, 185


    further remarks on, 484

    not required by God for their own sake, 482

    Sacrifices, Jewish, abolished, 137

    Sacrifices, why instituted, 205

    Sadducees, the reply of Jesus to the question asked by the, 466

    Sadness, 20


    examples of, 7, 9, 10

    their reward, 8, 14

    Salutations to Churches, etc., 5, 33, 39, 65, 65, 72, 72, 73, 74, 77, 77, 85, 85, 91, 92, 96, 96, 104, 109, 112, 114, 119, 123, 137, 149

    Salvation, 14, 28, 55, 55, 59, 59, 82, 139, 207, 216, 217, 217


    and the boy who guided him, types, 572

    further reference to, 575

    Samuel, 60, 60, 60, 121

    Satan, 172, 549

    blasphemes, 300

    blasphemes God, 555

    Satan, his malignity, folly, inconsistency, ignorance, 57, 102, 117, 117, 117, 117, 118, 118, 119, 138, 148

    Saturn, 192

    Saturninus, the doctrines of, 348

    Saviour, the

    asserted by the Valentinians to be derived from all the Æons, 321, 323

    various opinions of, among the heretics, 333

    Schismatics, how to be dealt with, 20, 80, 80

    Scriptures, 198, 199, 231, 232, 234, 234, 235, 245

    searched, 231, 232

    Scriptures, the

    appealed to by the heretics, 319

    how perverted by the heretics, 326

    interpreted with fidelity by the LXX. translators, 452

    perverse interpretations of the heretics, 369

    perverted by the Marcosians to support their absurdities, 343

    proper method of interpreting the obscure passages of, 398

    refutation of false interpretations of, 329

    translation of the Hebrew into Greek, 451


    in the Church of Corinth, 5, 8, 20

    to be avoided, 11

    Seed, Valentinian absurdities respecting, exposed, 385

    Seeing God, 489

    Self-conceit condemned, 15

    Self-restraint enjoined, 94

    Self-restraint, enjoined, 94

    Semo, the inscription, 171, 187

    Separatists to be shunned, 497


    history of, 278

    treatment of, by the Jews, 234

    Septuagint, the story of the origin of, 451

    Serpent, the

    cursed, 456

    speculations respecting, 570

    Sethians, the doctrines of the, 354

    Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, in the fiery furnace, 531

    Sheep and shepherd, 6, 79, 80, 84, 110, 114, 120, 140, 147

    Sibyl, the, 169, 280, 288

    Sige, 316, 316, 317

    and Logos, mutually repugnant, 372

    pretended revelation made by, to Marcus, 339

    Silence (Sige), 62

    Simeon and Jesus, 441

    Simon Magus, 347

    and Helena, 348

    honoured with a statue, 347

    succeeded by Menander, 348

    the pretensions of, 347

    the priests of, 348

    Simon of Cyrene

    curious opinion of Basilides respecting, 349

    Simon, the Samaritan, 171, 182, 193


    God, not the author of, refutation of the Marcionites, 502

    the pardon of, 544

    Sinners, 148

    Sins confessed, 19, 148

    Sins of former times, recorded in Scripture for a warning to us, 498

    Sins, forgiven, 200

    Six, the number, 301

    Slaves, duty of, 94, 95, 99

    Smynraeans, Epistle of Ignatius to, 86, 86

    enjoins submission to their bishop, 89, 90

    gives views of early heretics, 88, 88

    he states incidents in the history of Christ, 87, 87

    Socrates, 191


    meaning of the term, 524

    of God the, everywhere set forth in the Old Testament, 473

    of God the, not made man in appearance only, 447

    the, revealed by the Father, 468

    the, reveals the Father, 468

    Sons of the devil, 525


    another name of Achamoth, 320

    could have produced nothing apart from her consort, 371

    exposure of the absurdity of the whole Valentinian theory respecting, 383

    her passion, 317

    the Æon, so called, 317


    on future judgment, 291

    on unity of God, 290

    Soter, 393

    Soul and body, the views of the heretics relating to the future destruction of, refuted, 402

    Souls, 196

    Spirit, Holy, 164, 166, 177, 243

    Spiritual men, 506, 533

    Spiritual, the absurdity of heretics claiming to be, while they declare the Demiurge to be animal, 403

    Spoiling the Egyptians, the act examined and vindicated, 502

    Stauros and Horos, 318, 319

    Stesichorus, the story of, 348

    Stoics, the, 169, 190, 191, 192

    Stone, the, cut without hands, 453

    Strife, its effects, 6, 17


    of authors of sedition, 11

    to Christ, 90

    to one another, 15

    Sufferings of men, 6, 39, 129

    Sunday, 185

    Superstitions, of Jews, 26

    Swearing, 168

    Swine not allowed as food to Israel, 143

    Tarsians, spurious Epistle of Ignatius to, wherein he speaks of his sufferings, the true doctrine converning Christ as against prevailing errors, and exhorts to duties, 107


    refuted in his denial of the salvation of Adam, 457

    the doctrines of, 353

    Teachers, Christian, their antiquity, inspiration, and harmony, 276

    Teachers, false, 11, 52, 52, 53, 53, 89, 89

    fate of such, 56, 56

    Teaching of Christ, 164, 167, 168, 168

    Teaching the, of Jesus, opposed to the opinions of heretics, 408

    Teitan, 559


    Jewish view of, 147

    the true, 147

    Temptation, 34, 55, 55

    Temptation, the, of Christ, 549

    Testament given to Moses and to us, 84, 84, 146

    Testaments, the two, God the author of both, 505


    of Marcus reveals Aletheia, 337

    the first, 316

    Thales, his view as to God, 274

    Thamar, her labour typical, 496

    Thelesis, 333

    Theodotian and Aquila, their interpretation of Isa. vii. 14 refuted, 451

    Theogony, Greek, exposed, 271

    Thoughts, silent, 55, 56

    Titus the Emperor, 163

    Tower, Jewish church compared to, 147

    Traditional opinions, 163

    Trallians, Epistle of Ignatius to, 66, 66

    commends them and exhorts them to be subject to their spiritual rulers, 66, 66

    shows the reality of the history given to us of Christ, 69, 70

    warns them against heretics, 68, 68

    Translation, the, of Enoch and Elijah, 530

    Transmigration of souls, the, the absurdity of the doctrine of, 409

    Treasure hid in a field, the, 496

    Trees, the similitude of, 29, 144

    Triacontad, the, of the heretics, 371

    Tribulation, patience in, 35

    Trinity, the, 164, 185

    Truth, the, 166

    its power, 272, 294

    known from the prophets, 198, 289

    misrepresented, 183, 184

    Truth, the, to be found in the catholic church, 416

    Types of Christ, 214, 215, 215, 255, 265, 268

    Types, earthly, of heavenly things, 486

    Unbelievers, 88, 89

    Unity of God, 290

    Unity of the Godhead, 116

    Unity, exhortations to, 50, 50, 51, 51, 58, 62, 62, 64, 65, 72, 72, 80, 80, 89, 90

    Unity, the

    of God, 418, 544, 550

    of the faith of the universal Church, 330

    Urbicus condemns the Christians to death, 188

    Utter emptiness, the of Valentinus, 332

    Vacuum, the absurdity of the, of the heretics, 362

    Valens the presbyter, 35

    Valentinian views of Jesus refuted from the apostolic writings, 440

    Valentinians, the

    how they pervert the Scripture to support their own opinions, 326

    quote Homer to support their views, 330

    refutation of their false interpretations of Scripture, 329

    the inconsistent and contradictory opinions of, 332

    their immoral opinions and practices, 324


    his system derived from the heathen, with only a change of terms, 376

    recapitulation of arguments against the views of, 406

    the absurd ideas held by, 316

    Verissimus, the philosopher, 163

    Vice and virtue, 192

    Vice forsaken and virtue followed, 34, 35, 148

    Vine, 153


    Jesus born of a, 446, 454, 455

    prophecy of Isaiah relating to, 451

    Virgin Mary, 57, 57, 70

    reply to spurious letter of Ignatius, 126

    spurious letter of Ignatius to her, 126

    Virgin Mary, the, and Eve, a comparison between, 547

    Virgins exhorted, 34, 81

    Vision seen by Polycarp, 40

    Visions of God, 489

    Water of baptism prefigured in Old Testament, 144

    Way, the

    of darkness, 149

    of light, 148

    Wicked, their punishment, 165, 166, 168

    Widows, 34, 81, 94, 95

    Will, the freedom of the, in man, 518


    and bread, in the Eucharist, 528

    and water, the mixture of, 527

    Wine, in the Eucharist, unchanged but not common, 185

    Wisdom, Christ, the, 227

    Wives, duties of, 34, 81, 95, 95, 100

    Woman, the, with the issue of blood, not a type of the suffering Æon, 392

    Word, the

    all things created by, 487

    always with the Father, 487

    declares God, 489

    reveals the Father, 467

    takes flesh to save the flesh, 541

    the creator, 546

    the image of God, 544

    the world made through, 361

    Word, the, is Christ, 164, 166, 170, 178, 190, 191, 191, 193, 263, 272


    evil, 149

    good, 13, 14, 95, 95

    Works of the flesh, 536


    its state before Christ’s coming, 28

    relations of Christians to, 27

    World preserved for the sake of Christians, 190

    World, the

    not formed by any other beings within the territory contained by the Father, 364

    not made by angels, but by God through the Word, 361

    ruled by the providence of God, 459

    the Creator of, one, 369

    to be annihilated, 566


    heathen, 171

    weekly, of Christians, 185

    who is worthy, 232

    Worship of God, 55, 62, 62, 81, 81

    Xenophon, 192

    Year of the Lord, the acceptable, 390

    Year, the divisions of, do not really suit the Valentinian theory of Æons, 395

    Youthful piety, 60, 60

    Zoe, 316


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